13 May 2023 22:58
Service à la clientèle attentionné et digne de la qualité des projets. Particulièrement pour madame Andréanne C.
21 December 2022 2:12
Many condo owners at Charlotte project were sold the condo based on false information and thereafter when we asked them to honour what the representatives have promised us, the leaders said they never promised that, we didn't have proof in writing but we had their marketting material with pictures in it of the false advertisement. The representative who sold us our unit has also admitted to sharing the misinformation but the leadership team sticks their ground to denying it (we are many owners who experienced the same thing). We sent them a legal notice and even forwarded our request to the owner of the McGill Immobilier by email but never got a response from him. They just denied and then ignored us and refused to take ownership of the false information they shared and make things right. A lot of false promises/representation, beware.
UPDATE: They claim the promotor asked for a permit from the city but I have an email from the city denying such request, we offered a reasonable solution to install planters instead which requires no permit (confirmed by the city) but Mcgill Immobilier and promotor refused to pay for it. If they truly had interest to make this right they would have put planters as we suggested. Their marketting material which I already sent to them had false representation of railing and separators ON THE GROUND FLOOR which they deny, but pictures can't be denied. Furtheremore their own representative is very aware and has previously admitted to sharing wrong information as he thought himself railing would be installed, he even gave us the exact measures of the height of railing and said it would be black metal (possibly based on their incorrect marketting material). I have shared all this information and proof but they have no interest in seaking the actual truth and making this right and instead call the many owners of the ground floor liars.
09 December 2022 21:04
An outstanding team of professional brokers and advisors to serve local and international Buyers and Sellers across the globe. Unbeatable visibility and sales service. BRAVO!
06 November 2022 10:04
Amber Hellyer was a great pleasure to work with! She helped us find our home:) thank you to the McGill team!
28 June 2022 20:59
Suite à une visite d'un condo du projet Royalton, très satisfait du professionnalisme et de la courtoisie de l'agent sur place, Mr Godgout.
24 June 2022 17:03
Nous avons eu le plaisir de rencontrer Mme Laury qui nous a présenté le projet Vertica. Elle nous a expliqué avec enthousiasme la vocation verte du projet immobilier qui nous a beaucoup séduit ainsi que son architecture à l’aide d’une animation 3D. Elle ne comptait pas son temps pour répondre à nos questions et nous aider à faire un choix éclairé. Je recommande vivement cette équipe diligente, attentionnée et respectueuse du client.
12 December 2020 1:07
In May, my girlfriend and I decided that we wanted to start looking for homes. Right from the start I can tell you that we were not ready nor did we expect the amount of stress and discouragement the real estate market was going to cause us. All of this was very new to us and as if it was not already overwhelming enough, the market was putting us in situations we did not want to be in. It was a constant battle of trying to be one step ahead just to find out we were two steps behind every time. We were running around in circles completely confused about our options. It brought us to the point of practically just wanting to give up and accept the fact that this was just not going to happen for us anytime soon.

Now this may sound like it’s going to be a bad review but I can assure you it is the complete opposite, otherwise I would not have given a five star rating. As a first time home buyer I would just like to take a moment to express my gratitude about the amazing service McGill Immobilier provided my girlfriend and I during these hard times. I can only imagine the amount of great employees behind this company but today I am writing this review in regards to one particular broker.

I can not express just how important this broker was to the both of us during this purchasing process. The amount of time she put into her work for us was beyond what anyone can ask for. I do not regret a single decision made regardless of the restless nights. She makes her clients a priority and does not quit. There were days where we felt we stood no chance against this market but she never gave up. She supported us throughout everything and turned this market around for us.

To McGill Immobilier, you have done a fantastic job recruiting this candidate to represent you. Hold on to her and do not let go. For others out there looking for value in your service, you now know where to find it.

Thank you Stephanie Scalera for guiding us the whole way through, as we are now home owners thanks to you!
14 May 2019 21:03
Une agence et une équipe exceptionnelle! McGill Immobillier a su réinventer et faire évoluer le courtage immobilier au Québec et au Canada. Très rafraîchissant de voir des gens intelligents appliquer de nouveaux concepts novateurs à une industries qui était empêtré dans de vieille façon de faire. Maintenant, grâce à eux l’experience Client est au centre des priorités, tout en maximisant le retour sur investissement du promoteur! En 2019 chaque industrie qui comprennent ce que veux dire une relation gagnant gagnant (win win) vont utilement gagner et durer dans le temps! Longue vie McGill Immobillier, Engel & Volker! Bravo beau succès!
12 May 2019 17:16
Bravo à Micheline et Iftekar pour leurs travail exceptionnel au projet Gare du Canal à Lachine.
En tant que courtier je trouves important de souligner leur expertise et professionnalisme. Ce fut un plaisir de faire les deux transactions avec vous!
14 April 2019 1:26
Équipe très professionnel avec qui j’ai eu la chance de collaborer en tant que courtier.
Indispensable et incontournable si vous cherchez du neuf!
Bonne continuation!
20 March 2019 10:31
The service level of this company is terrible, had a very bad experience with them. I recommend if your looking for a agent look elsewhere

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