25 September 2023 0:04
Ma mère est en résidence et a été transférée par ambulance à l'urgence la semaine dernière. La médecin m'a appelée pour avoir son historique médical et me dire qu'ils avaient fait un scan et qu'elle me rappellerait après avoir parlé à l'orthopédiste. Ceci c'était mercredi soir passé. Le lendemain, qu'elle ne fut pas ma surprise en me rendant à l'hôpital de me faire dire qu'ils l'avaient renvoyée en transport adapté à sa résidence. Sa résidence et moi-même sommes étions très surpris de ne pas avoir été avisé, de ne pas avoir de papier de sortie d'hôpital avec diagnostic et prescription. J'ai rappelé à l'urgence vendredi matin pour savoir si le médecin pouvait me rappeler, ils lui ont laissé un message mais elle ne m'a jamais rappelée. Franchement mauvais comme service, je ne recommanderais pas cet hôpital. Suis allée au CHUM avec elle par le passé, beaucoup meilleur.je voulais qu'elle soit envoyée là-bas mais il n'y avait pas assez de place.
21 September 2023 15:50
BE CAREFUL! SCUM BAG THIEF! My mother was waiting at the emergency room for over 20 hrs and during that time, a thief stole her purse. What kind of person would do such a thing. The security was of zero help! Can't even show us the picture of the person. My mom's life was in that purse, most importantly pictures of her grandchildren. Side note, the police was useless as well. Why in this society the criminals have more rights than the good citizens. All I want is a picture of the person so social media can help. I really can't rely on the police and hospital security.
31 August 2023 15:04
I like going here for emergencies because of the way you're treated when you come in. You're registered within 5-10min and see a triage nurse about the same time. My most memorable experience was when they had a 18hrs wait and had put in place someone to schedule appointments at local clinics for those with less serious illnesses. That was wonderful! But it takes forever to see an ER doctor or to get your tests results. It's very important to know that they are missing many specialists at this location so you could be waiting 10hrs to see a Doctor just to get a referral for a specialist! That is really not a good thing and keeps the waiting rooms filled for no reason! I would suggest that they implement a system where those needing to see a specialist that isn't available, should be seen, provided with the referral and sent home.then you can focus on those who really needs help! Amazing work but you can make it better.
20 July 2023 20:35
I would like to express my gratitude to the entire emergency team. To all doctors. Especially Dr. Dana, lung doctors: Dr. Joshua Taylor. Dr. Bryan (unfortunately I don't remember his last name). They are real professionals who made a quick decision and prescribed therapy. Oncology radiation Dr. Lisa Gagnon is professional, caring and made a quick decision about therapy. To the team of nurses they are ALL the best professional and caring doing an excellent job. Special thanks to Tamara (triage) oncology radiologi team especially Roman. Thank you all
05 July 2023 12:59
It's a bit concerning when a hospital can't be bothered to clean the seating area!
04 July 2023 7:18
It was my first time going to this hospital, and I was really appalled. I was checked in at 12: 45 p.m. And saw a doctor 8: 50 a.m. The next day. Then waited another 8 hours to get results. My family doctor and the nurse at the Clsc believed that it was a blood clot because my leg was swollen and, I had difficulty walking. My doctor printed all the information and asked me to give it at the emergency. The nurse at the emergency, (not so nice lady) I believe she has curly blonde hair. She was extremely rude and said to me "who does your doctor think she is to tell us what to do? She can't just decide that you have a blood clot. " Later on, a lady arrived 10 hours after I did, she complained that she felt faint, and they immediately took her in. I went to complain to the receptionist, and I asked her if she can give me some idea of the wait time. I was in a lot of pain, and I couldn't feel my leg at this point. I was told that the nurse who checked me in had placed me "as not priority", which is why I waited this long and it can't be changed. My results the next day showed that there was indeed a blood clot in my leg. I understand that hospital staff is under stress, as I have family who works as nurses, but this is far from ridiculous. The nurse who checked me in I saw her leave to go home, and I saw her start her shift the next day. I also noticed that several patients left to go home. They complained that they were frustrated. It was sad that several people walked away without being treated. Their situation could have worsen but they would rather go home. I have always gone to the Jewish General Hospital, however, I decided to try this hospital since I was in the area. At the Jewish the wait time is tolerable and the staff is very pleasant even under stress. They even provided me with a blankets and came to check in on me whenever they had a minute. I felt appreciated and safe at the Jewish Hospital, because this is not part of their responsibilities.
20 June 2023 22:32
Worst service EVER this place made me wait 12 hours on emergency and didn’t attended me at the end. Horrible service and staff very disorganized! Please avoid for your own health!
19 June 2023 6:01
14 hours of waiting and no one called my name i just left went to Jewish hospital within 3 hours I got the care I needed. MUHC this is totally unacceptable doesn’t matter how critical the circumstance is but 14 hours? Not even in USA you wait this long
14 June 2023 8:20
Waited 18 horrible hours to be told by the resident doctor sorry my team and i can not help u its not a text book problem no future investigation or future testing no pain medication nothing a complete waste of time and tax's payers money these doctors have no repercussions for anything they do there doctor s there free to do and say what ever they want and on top of that the hospital sent me a letter asking me to help them and donate money but they couldn't t help me avoid this place at all costs
20 February 2023 16:51
Y a un médecin qui ne parlait pas français, il était obligé de prendre une traductrice. Il m’a fait 0 tests même pas regarder mon coeur. Il m’a dit que c’était dans ma tête. Et je suis partie de sa salle et ils rigolaient. Je suis allé dans une autre hôpital en civière, ils m’ont fait passer plein de test et je fais de l’athsme sévère
04 February 2023 9:03
Glen center 5 stars everyone is helpful I adore them
Recovery Room nurses the best very compension fast and knowledgeable
Room service nurses 2 stars as they don't come when u call them, some of them are rude, the rest look burned out
01 February 2023 22:01
Terrible staff! They didn’t change my mothers bandages once. Sat in the emergency hallway for 3 days! Ignoring by nurses when she was in pain, told they can’t help her and she was discharged with no help, no antibiotics, nothing! Was told to take Tylenol if in pain. I had to change her bandages myself.
29 January 2023 22:57
My mom was there for surgery. It would take forever for a nurse to come to her room once she pressed the button. Her Catheter came out and they barely helped her get cleaned up and left the room with urine still on the floor. Just terrible. Both times her meals were cold.
26 January 2023 18:53
Notre frère Alain a été hospitalisé suite à un trauma crânien (accident avec vélo électrique) et malgré son décès.il a eu des soins d'une qualité impeccable. Entouré d'une équipe extraordinaire " de vrai petites abeilles " peu importe que vous soyez âgé ou jeune " les Soins sont les mêmes " et que dire de l'attention, des questions à toutes les réponses que vous avez.vous aurez l'heure juste! Merci au Dr Julie Marcoux neuro chirurgienne et toutes les gens qui ont été au chevet de notre frère!
11 January 2023 8:38
I'm really sorry for the healthcare services in Canada, every time I come to the hospital I have to spend the whole day waiting uninformed. 5 predetermined appointments costed me more than 30 hours waiting time.
I have experience as a certified professional in healthcare quality, I worked on the healthcare organizational development, and I'm experienced in key performance indicators and it's determinants.
I see you mentioned lots of items of a big construct that can be measured, compared and improved. I see that managerial, quality, and professional level still not at the same level of the infrastructure.
I can volunteer providing you lots of efficient solution if you are willing to change
10 January 2023 21:23
Shame on all the Montreal's hospitals, emergencies including this one.

You guys failed helping my girlfriend with her pain in the right eye. She suffered for over 2 years and no one was curious to look into it and make a follow up. Many "specialists" and doctors called her crazy.we found her dead in the garage, hanging by a rope around her neck.all of this because no one wanted to help her.
22 December 2022 15:17
Great specialists but absolutely atrocious emergency department! Brought my 88 year old mother who had a blood clot. After 8 hours, we left. My mom said I’d rather die than wait any longer! DISGUSTING!
10 November 2022 20:57
Waste of my time, waited 8 hours for them to tell me to just keep being brave even though i was in so much pain.
21 October 2022 6:40
I just spent a week there after a large mass was found in my stomach. This place is AMAZING. EVERY single staff member was beyond polite, helpful, efficient and professional. And given how much the government has cut down on the ressources needed in our hospitals, it makes the Glen personnel’s performance that much more impressive. I understand no health care facility is perfect, and that some people can have legitimate grievances against our health system, But our healthcare workers have it real rough, doing ridiculously long shifts in the worse possible conditions, dealing with dozens of sick people at the same time and making sure everyone is being treated right. I don’t know how they do it. So I’m not going to lose it when I have to spend hours waiting to be seen by a doctor. Quebec, in my opinion, has the best healthcare system in the world. Look at the US, they think they are the greatest country in the world, but their healthcare is a mess. What makes our healthcare great is not the installations or the government, it’s the people working in those hospitals. Time for people to realize how lucky we are. My highest respect for The Glen and its amazing people.
08 October 2022 4:50
Worst hospital experience of my entire human lifetime.

If you want to wait over 16 hours in the emergency, come to the Glen!

If you want to be brought into your doctors office after waiting 16 hours and then wait ANOTHER 3 hours for the doctor to come to you, come to the Glen!

Do you want a staff who is condescending towards you and makes it known that they despise you? Come to the Glen!

Stay away from this hospital. I only have experience with the emergency section, but if it’s like this here, I can only assume that the clown show continues throughout this entire establishment.

Complete joke. Close this hospital down, you’re embarrassing yourselves.
02 October 2022 8:18
Today I went to the eye clinic on de Maisonneuve to make an appointment. The receptionist, Tristan was upbeat and a delightful person helping me. I appreciate this kind approach as I’ve been told that workers dealing with the public can have a nasty attitude. This saddens me as all the receptionists are trying to do is accommodate the patients. Kudos to you all!
16 September 2022 11:25
In terms of service, it is really excellent and most like a five-star hotel. The building is well maintained and very clean. The staff is very friendly and accommodating. Everything is offered. I hope I do not have to go to the hospital and neither do the others, but if I do, this is the best place for it.
22 July 2022 6:43
Une vraie catastrophe, urgence pour les enfants et vous attendez 13h et je ne suis pas encore passé avec ma fille de 3 ans c une honte pour le Canada et le Québec en particulier
18 July 2022 13:22
Great experience while I was at the emergency on Saturday. Friendly and caring staff! Thank you
06 July 2022 14:49
Le niveau de prise en charge des urgences adultes est simplement pathétique - un désengagement evident des équipes de médecins dans le rythme, trop de paperasse peut être. On ne peut pas continuer a laisser des niveaux 3 attendre plus que 12 heures avec des fractures, des plaies ouvertes, et faire justifier par les infirmiers au triage l injustifiable: le services est public. Le service est supporté par des fonds publics qui paient aussi des prestataires privés qui sont en situation de monopole.
29 June 2022 18:15
Looks way better than the other hospitals in Montreal. You can get into the hospital from the underground passage from Vendôme metro station which is super convenient. One thing they need to do is improve the way the hospital is managed because that is a big problem.
21 April 2022 12:33
Il y a jamais de medecin dans cette hôpital. 3e fois que je vien et il y a genre un medecin.la derniere fois avec mon fils de 10 ans on a attendu un total de 27 heures pour un bras cassé car il y avais un medecin pour les 2 côté. Aujourd'hui ca fais deja 6 heures que j attend et meme pas vue de medecins.grosse hôpital qui sert a rien.vive le privé
11 April 2022 9:29
La pire urgence que j'ai jamais vu. Aujourd'hui ma femme a attendu plus que 11h et finalement elle est partie épuisé et plus malades qu'est arrivée sans attendre les résultats sanguins. Dommage qu'on se fait traiter de cette façon. Le personnel, où il manque ou il tourne le pouce? ! Demain on doit aller ailleurs si la situation s'empirera pas.
20 March 2022 21:19
I was waiting 12 hours yesterday to see a doctor at the end he told me he didn’t think I had something urgent when he didn’t even told me anything about my symptoms and that I should follow with my family doctor. Totally unacceptable! ! Not even a third world country have this horrible health care system. This is the worst health care system.
13 March 2022 10:04
Making people wait outside for an hour in the cold (-23) for a covid test is ridiculous. Even P2 parking lot was warmer. They choose the coldest place you need to stand to wait. It shows the hospital does not care for people and shows the utmost cruelty for sick people. People in charge need their head examined.
11 March 2022 12:55
Why isn’t there a no eating/drinking sign at C06-5218 because some of pregnant women have to fast and wait, then while waiting some women start eating/drinking while some can’t eat/drink?
28 February 2022 11:20
I was treated so well, the Staff are respectful and very nice. When you go there you are treated very well and you will be pleased and comfortable with the staff
21 February 2022 11:56
Personnels gentils, attentionnés, courtois, à l'écoute. On est si chanceux d'avoir accès à des soins gratuits. Se plaindre du temps d'attente, common' on est en temps de covid et il manque de personnel partout!
18 February 2022 6:19
Security is extremely rude. I was lost and no idea where I was. I was treated like a dog and yelled at repeatedly. Not a great experience for someone who does not know their way around the hospital.
13 February 2022 17:35
The worst. Unprofessional, rude
Don't go to the emergency. Got even misdiagnosed once, most doctors don't even care.
05 February 2022 15:35
Went there to accompany my relative who has to take a colonoscopy exam which took overall around 2 hours. Not crowded at all, mainly because we went there when the hospital put restrictions due of the rising covid cases. We haven't gone to the ER there but I assume it's as long as when we went to Montreal's General Hospital, which I can't really blame the doctors & staffs especially giving the covid situation.
11 January 2022 12:58
Grandement besoin de gestionnaires.
Heureusement, les médecins sont compétents.

Les temps d'attentes sont inacceptables. Des rendez-vous sont donnés, mais il y a des délais de plusieurs heures et nous n'en sommes pas informés. Ce qui fait en sorte que les salles d'attentes sont bondées de monde. Le personnel n'est pas compréhensif, pas empathique et bête.ne sont pas fait pour de la gestion.
Grand manque de support à la clientèle et de gestionnaire de l'expérience.
08 January 2022 4:58
You should really correct the process of creating hospital cards. It's 2021 and you call me, Mr. (My ex wife's name). When I tell the registration clerk, I get told, " that's how we do them. " I'm not my ex wife. At least have the decency to address me by my correct name when you call me on the phone for registration.
06 January 2022 3:40
I just want to take the time to thank the nurses and doctors at Glen hospital for their work and dedication. Not all hospital have at the core the wellness of the patient but Glen hospital really re-establish my faith in Healthcare in Montreal. We can see that they are over worked and understaffed but they do the most to help eachother and others.

Thank you for helping my mom fight the pneumonia because of covid. She's getting better everyday and I thank God that she's under good care at the Glen.
05 January 2022 2:54
The McGill University Health Centre is a wonderfully integrated complex of clinics, which span from biomedical research to paediatric haematology. There are a city of people employed to run this massive machine. If Quebec agreed to better fund Sante Quebec, many facilities at MUHC would be virtually obselete thanks to improved PREVENTATIVE health care. That said, MUHC is a confluence of a motley assortment of teaching hospitals.

People work hard here but it is the unseen workers, for example the buildings and maintainence staff, who probably work the hardest for the least reward.
31 December 2021 23:14
The worst experience ever!
Après 8 heure d'attente, je vois un médecin qui m'a parlée 5 minutes. Il m'a envoyée à la maison. En sortant de L'Hopital j'ai perdu connaissance et mon époux m'a amenée ailleurs. Je souffre d'une anémie sévère, des douleurs insupportables et manque d'oxygène. J'avais très mal et j"tait très faible.
09 December 2021 11:49
I walked in the ER Friday afternoon with a minor arm injury that required medical attention. The patient ahead of me, who was sitting in the chair at pre-triage, complained of severe fatigue, shortness of breath, and chest pressure (covid probable) and was swiftly sent to sit in the waiting room with the other 30 helpless people. My turn came at pre-triage and I was instructed to sit in the chair, to which I refused due to covid concerns, and was slightly mocked for being a germaphobe, which I'm not. I ride the Metro everyday without worry and my wife is a full-time nurse at Lakeshore hospital for the last 8years. I make my way to the extremely full waiting room that is full capacity, patients in beds right in the lobby and up and down the hallways as far as the eye can see, no social distancing, no separating the sick from injured, the intercom is barely audible forcing nurses to run through the ER calling patient names, security telling me to sit in the one available seat between two clearly sick patients, etc. I stood their watching the ER fill up for 1 hour making social distancing completely impossible forcing me to leave and seek treatment elsewhere. I've spent time in many different hospitals ERs in Montreal, and a couple in the US, and have never seen such a poorly managed ER, it was chaos. Our brand new 1.3 billion dollar hospital's ER, that should have learned from the problems of our older hospitals in the city, resembles a overcrowded public clinic offering 3rd world healthcare. I hate to say it, god forbid, but if their is another serious wave of covid, this hospital will collapse under even the slightest pressure. Absolutely disgraceful and truly Quebec!
03 December 2021 19:43
By far the worst ER I have ever been to in my entire life. They can say all they want that there is a priority list, however, while waiting there hasn't even been a rush of walk-ins that came in. I was number 93 when I came in at 3: 30pm and they are currently at 115 and it's 11pm. Clearly you can see that the rate of people walking into the ER is going at a slow and steady pace. I've been waiting for 6 hours for a doctor. How is this even possible?

As the other comments suggest, if you are not in a dying situation, GO TO ANOTHET HOSPITAL. Even it's one hour away, go anywhere else but here.
23 November 2021 23:24
The staff are truly doing the best they can however the emergency wait times (8 hrs) are ludicrous. The afternoon shift had but 2 nurses for the entire department. I was located in a room (20) with no assistance buzzer and was admonished for pressing the only visible buzzer after attempting for over 35 minutes to get assistance for my iv which was flowing blood outwards all the while the airbubble alarm was sounding. Presently awaiting the specialist I was told by overnight doctor would be right in. 8 hrs ago.
16 November 2021 5:36
UPDATE: The ER was so slow but I would like to commend the nurse and doctors who helped us. They were nice!

Worst Emergency Room I have been to! We’ve been here for 10 hours and waiting for the doctor. I do not know how many more hours we need to wait for. At least they tell us if we have to wait for another 24 hours! We are still waiting right now while I am typing this. No staff you can talk to, they are all hidden behind those rooms. Terrible! I will not come back to this hospital nor recommend to my family and friends.

Been reading comments about how terrible your ER is. And it’s been the same reply that this hospital is responding to comments. I am expecting I will be getting the same copy and paste response from the owner/hospital.
15 November 2021 9:54
Had my daughter in the ER for vomiting and bad cough. After 9 hours of waiting, during those hours, two more episodes of vomiting which I told the nurse as I asked for some sort of gravol for her, they said she needed to wait for a doctor. Once my little one was begging to go home (after 9 hours) the nurse said it would be another 8-9 hours to see a doctor for her. Insane. The hospital/ province needs to fix this issue.
25 October 2021 5:19
I needed two stitches only at urgent care but when I got there I waited 7 hours in the small waiting room with patients that were much more ill than I was. I knew that I was going to be at the bottom of the list but I didn’t think that it would be so long. When I asked if I could come in the next day for stitches the very rude administration girl had so much attitude and basically told me to leave so they could take my $800 for nothing. I was so mad that the nurses didn’t even care that I was in genuine pain when I didn’t even give any attitude back. If you saw how sad the patients were in the waiting room nobody would ever come to such a place. I know the people working are miserable but I was in genuine shock by the lack of compassion. Don’t go to this business and don’t waste your time.
15 September 2021 8:19
I understand some people complain about ER waiting time, but that is the case at any hospital you go to. From my family's personal experience, my wife gave birth there twice, and both times the hospital was fantastic. Clean nice rooms and nice staff. I did take my son a few years ago to the ER, it was Christmas and we did not wait long. The whole thing took maybe 2 hours. They had Santa there giving out toys to all the children.
10 September 2021 19:41
5 stars From the front door and back out to the garage everyone was lovely, friendly and helpful! I had blood tests and was in and out within 2 hours so parking was free! I was so nervous at first to find my way around, I had never been there before, and was immediately put at ease by every single person I came across. It was quick and efficient and literally everyone had a smile in their eyes (New masks are given at the door) Lovely experience and super fast as I booked through cliq sante!
17 August 2021 5:26
Not too clean. Bathrooms on the second floor - C03179 are disgusting. Several patients reported them late morning. 4: 18 pm and no one has cleaned them. Lower level br just as bad.
15 August 2021 23:30
For anyone considering going to the ER and is not in life threatening situation. GO ELSEWHERE.
I went from waiting 16 hours in the triage area followed by what’s now almost 3 hours waiting for a doctor. How is this acceptable?

I came in for being partially numb in my left foot/ankle and was assigned P3 by the triage nurse.

I am writing this review while STILL WAITING!


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