04 January 2024 2:24
Beaucoup de personnes qui squatent les places à manger sans rien consommer, c'est fatiguant.
Très déçu qu'ils laissent des gens squatter sans consommer
12 October 2023 10:36
J’ai toujours bien aimé ce Metro Plus, mais depuis l’arrivée du programme Moi (avec un Jean-Coutu juste à côté pour obtenir ou dépenser plus de points!) et la fin des rénovations de 2023, c’est un coup de cœur!
Personnel sympathique, patient et toujours prêt à aider. Caisses libre-service au top. Produits cuisinés sur place ainsi que cuisine Adonis et Première Moisson avec bien plus de choix et pour tous les goûts. Comptoir poissonnerie et boucherie toujours aussi agréables. Un large choix de marques d’ici et d’ailleurs dans tous les rayons. Une très grande et bien accessible section froide pour les boissons alcoolisées (enfin des vins sympathiques, des bières différentes et des cidres de qualité!). Section surgelée repensée. Que dire de plus?
Il manque parfois certains produits spécifiques qui semblent être populaires dans le quartier (étagères vidées rapidement) mais j’imagine que le gérant s’adaptera à la demande.

Merci Metro de faire une différence avec vos marques et magasins.

Et merci au personnel du Metro Plus ETS de votre patience, que les gens peuvent être cruels absolument pour rien ou pour un 30 secondes de délai avec les employé!
Courage à tous!
03 September 2023 8:45
I've gotten food poisoning twice this month from the adonis pre-cooked shredded chicken they sell under their prepared food counter. I shop here exclusively, and both times I got sick after purchasing that product.

Otherwise, great store. I hope they remove that product or figure out why it is spoiling repeatedly.
20 August 2023 11:30
Une épicerie toute rénovée! Merci à l'initiative du gérant. Une épicerie bien rangée et bien organisée.tellement heureux enfin. Des beaux et bons produits partout.bien étalés et présentés. Le coin boulangerie est impressionnant.de superbes grandes armoires à pains.
N'oubliez pas de mettre une grosse pancarte sur votre panier de produits à 30% de rabais.on le rate. Abat le gaspillage!

Votre voisin Hugo, employé à l'ETS
07 August 2023 21:12
It has various locations around Montréal, you can find countless foods, cheeses, wines, beers, and certain Mexican products such as tortillas or hot sauces. It also has a recycling station for cans and electronics, if you need to send money around the world, Important, they have Western Union service.
08 July 2023 4:37
Beaucoup trop cher. Le patron François Germain a opté pour pour une politique d’augmentation des prix indécente. Le personnel change constamment et la politesse est inexistante. Les travaux récents confirment la hausse des prix sans limite. Faire de l’argent dans le commerce c’est compréhensible mais voler la clientèle est tout simplement répugnant. Metro plus profite à 200% de son emplacement et les riverains en subissent les conséquences.
25 August 2021 0:54
Poor treatment and terrible customer service experience. For years since they opened this Metro Plus ETS I was a regular client and spent thousands of dollars on groceries as it was conveniently located in the area. A constant issue I noticed with this metro was that often their price labels did not always match the price that rang up at the cash register. I reported this and complained every time I noticed it. For over a year I was regularly harassed by an employee every time I was at the checkout and paying for my groceries who was constantly watching me and would cause me problems at almost every opportunity. I had reduced my visits to this store and took my business to other grocery stores that opened up in the area a few streets away. I had zero issues with the new stores and experienced excellent customer service and better deals. On the rare occasions I went back to this metro for a few items I was short of and again this employee would take the opportunity to cause me problems. The last time I was simply looking for and found a free cardboard box as I had many heavy items. I didn't like using plastic bags and paying extra for them as they are still bad for the environment. After I paid for the groceries this same guy came up to me and took away the box. He said I can't have this one and they needed it. I said ok could you please find me another box then. He refused and said we sell plastic bags and you can buy them. I asked for a full refund and walked out of this store and decided never to go back. I had enough with these guys. I asked this guy for his name and position and he provided me with a wrong name and refused to tell me what his position or title was. I reported this guy to the management and owner and they did nothing about it and made me feel completely devalued as a customer. They said that there were no boxes available as they make sure they crush them all and throw them away. If they actually cared about the environment they would keep some available for customers to reuse and recycle since they are crushing and discarding them anyways. They seem to be more concerned with selling as many plastic bags as possible and have no regard for their customer service or the environment. I told them they can keep their boxes and I will keep my money and shop somewhere else.
15 August 2021 11:03
Plutôt bien comme endroit mais l'accueil n'est pas très chaleureux. Pas de bonjour, s'il vous plait, merci, au revoir. Vraiment impersonnel comme service. De plus les produits saisonniers du Québec (fraises, asperges, etc.) ne sont pas mis de l'avant.
14 August 2021 1:25
I went to get bread. They didn't have a big selection.
The store wasn't very clean. The service at the cash was quick but not very friendly.
09 August 2021 23:00
Bonne fraîcheur dans les fruits et légumes, mais il manque certains produits pourtant réclamés en 2021: les bio notamment - pas de crème bio ici: ; probablement la seule épicerie du quartier à ne pas en offrir, avec le résultat que je ressors toujours de là frustré parce que dois compléter mes courses en allant ailleurs. Et manifestement les patrons ne trippent pas fromage, vu la pauvreté du choix offert. Enfin, ce qui m’horripile par-dessus tout: l’imposition de leur système de caisse automatisé, qui vise à remplacer les caissières mais qui vous fait perdre plus de temps que d’en gagner. Pour toutes ces raisons, je préfère Adonis.
01 August 2021 4:19
It's one of my favourite grocery stores. Staff are always helpful ans curious towards the clientele. I also like the layout and how easy you can find your articles.
The place is nicely organized. + love the meat section alway freshly cut pieces available. Attention is paid to the displays and packaging of the items. 2 thumbs up!
29 July 2021 12:59
It's nothing to write home about. Very small and cramped. The store layout was strangely organized, the refrigerated counters were a mess and the staff wasn't very friendly. Definitely will not become my store of choice.
20 July 2021 21:29
I try to avoid shopping at Metro if I can. The produce usually has little taste and the meat has gotten very expensive.
20 June 2021 15:51
Pretty decent grocery store with a nice selection. I like to pick up nespresso pods here and other random items. They don't carry Fibre 1 cereal which is a shame so I'm giving it 4 stars.
28 May 2021 1:41
One security guy is really annoying. Surprised that he is still there even he had a fight with a customer and the police came last summer.
18 May 2021 4:29
I had a purchase of a package of cigarette at this branch, the cashier was a really rude guy. Apart from not answering back my greetings (no hello, no bye), he threw the package of cigarette “2 times”. I wish I was not in rush so could make him understand what is the meaning of throwing stuff to customers.
24 March 2021 3:16
We got out of work late today and was running to Metro to grab some food. We arrived at 7h25pm and the doorman was screaming in our face, refused to let us in, saying the store is closed due to curfew. This whole curfew rule is frustrating but what's worst is the attitude of this doorman (a white-skin skinny short guy working on Tuesday night!). Seriously, Metro should educate their employees better than that!
07 March 2021 4:45
It has happened twice now that my order simply does not arrive. The first time, lack of proper communication lead to my order being canceled without my knowledge. The second time the delivery man chose not to use my contact information when the buzzer clearly did not work. I cannot seem to understand how this could happen twice during a pandemic when some people simply can't go out to get their own groceries. Unbelievable! Customer service was no help either. One thing I know for sure is that there will not be a third time.
06 March 2021 21:44
The staff are friendly. However, on more than one occasion, the fresh produce we buy goes rotten quickly. I hope they bring in fresh fruits and veggies so it stays fresh when we buy it.
27 February 2021 16:07
Toujours vérifier votre facture que les rabais ont été bien appliqués. Employés aimables et courtois. J'ai lu qu'on a pas aimé la présence d'un chien, si c'est un chien guide, pas le choix, et il ne faut pas oublier, on flatte pas toutou, car vous risquez de le déranger dans sa tâche d'assistance.
24 January 2021 18:31
Attention le préposé a l'entrée qui fait la sécurité et préposé au désinfectant joue au docteur en posant des questions sur le Covide et il y a aucune formation dans ce domaine, ses quoi ce Power trip on joue a quoi la? Je vais porter plainte.
19 January 2021 17:10
J'étais aujourd'hui là-bas pour faire mon épicerie comme d'habitude, et J'ai profité de l'occasion pour changer un sac de riz qu'il faut le cuir au micro-ondes, alors que chez moi je l'utilise pas. J'ai acheté ce sac de riz ça fait presque 2 jours, la gérante m'a demandé la facture, que je l'ai pas gardé malheureusement, je lui dis que je suis membre du club Métro, alors vous pouvez retracer ma facture, elle m'a répondu NON.je lui ai laissé le sac et je suis parti. Alors garder vos factures pour une éventuelle échange, ATTENTION Métro c pas COSTCO. Merci.
14 January 2021 17:47
Love this place! Has great products, very clean and organized, but I would love if the store was more environmentally friendly, they use tons of plastic for everything and I can’t believe they don’t have paper bags.
05 January 2021 11:19
A person I know was falsely accused of stealing after she paid for her groceries. She then returned all the items and claimed a refund and never returned since. I don't blame her because everyone, the police and the staff at Metro was siding against her without any valid proof as well. Aside from this incident I was closely involved in, I've had nothing but good experience myself. I would not go to the self-serving cashes if I have a lot of items to pay for, it creates more problems, and takes more time from what I know. Since then I prefer to just go to the cashiers, way more simpler.
03 January 2021 2:53
Very nice shopping experience. Found everything I was looking for. Very friendly service the only reason I gave it 4 Stars instead of 5 because of the way they divide there ailes no possibility of distancing they go in every direction not just up and down but also sideways I have never seen it before.
02 January 2021 22:45
Fresh food. Lots of variety. You can find great deals. We live closer to Adonis but go to metro because of the options and the prices. Large enough aisles for social distancing.
30 December 2020 3:04
Les produits sont très bien toutefois, 2 irritants majeurs: 1) Vraiment trop long de se faire servir au comptoir des charcuteries! Les employés jasent ensemble à l'autre comptoir de repas préparés et c'est très long avant que quelqu'un daigne se déplacer pour nous répondre. 2) Le personnel n'est pas courtois (sauf a la boucherie où les monsieurs sont très gentils!). Pas de bonjour. Pas de sourire. On a souvent l'impression de déranger. C'est vraiment très irritant! Ça ne coûte rien de sourire alors.un p'tit effort!
17 December 2020 14:48
J'adore ce Supermarcher métro. JAMAIS il y a de manquement de spéciaux.même en pandémie. Vous avez vu un bon spécial dans la circulaire? C'est GUARANTIE que vous allez le trouver même les mercredis.la dernière journée des spéciaux. Magasin très propre et grand. Service impeccable!
09 December 2020 4:29
I understand it's covid time but all the other stores are taking in bottles and cans except at this store. No problem in charging the deposit but do not refund them? I use to think highly of this store.
18 November 2020 21:55
Souci environnement = 0. Je viens d´arriver avec quelques bouteilles PET vides. Selon le gardien à l´entrée: ´Metro ne récupère pas les bouteilles vides, on ne peut pas entrer avec les bouteilles vides au magasin mais on peut jeter les bouteilles dans la poubelle à l´entrée. Peut-être mieux que Metro jette sa politique officielle de gestion des emballages dans la poubelle.
15 November 2020 15:18
Several staff members don’t cover their nose with their mask when stocking shelves and produce.
14 November 2020 20:33
A very well organized groceries store, they have a little bit of everything and friendly staff
02 October 2020 21:26
Je suis entrer pas avec mon meilleur habits jogging bas depareillier et chandail de laine. J'ai attendu 20 min au comptoir du service a clientèle pour acheter des cigarette (je sais que en ce moment pas la meilleur affaire) la caissière ma regarder du coin de l'oeil mais ne jamais dit ;: ça sera pas long ou rien et ma ignoré. Après avoir attendu 20 min j'ai demander si je pouvais passer on ma répondu. Mais Mr vous devez faire la ligne. Une autre employé est venu me dire d'aller faire la ligne après 20+ d'attente.

Bref si ce ceci que vous traiter vos clients qui attendent pour le service à clientèle. Mieux voir vos façon de service à la clientèle!
03 April 2020 2:39
. Bon rapport qualité prix. Mais il manquait les préservatif et préservatif et lubrifiant. Le petit coin de restauration est idéal pour les voyageurs comme moi.
15 March 2020 5:52
I really like a lot of high class products they have. But i didn't like the fruit and veg section has mold growing on the racks. U wanna be a classy metro for the rich people. Clean the mold off the shelves in the produce section. Makes you think what else they dont clean?
20 January 2020 21:58
Went here with my girlfriend the service is nice the workers alweys treat with respect and the price of food is affordable. Want to cool something up for loved this is the place to go and the dessert snacks are delight.
18 December 2019 12:53
Racist. I was racially profiled when I went to this supermarket. I took out a shopping bag out of my handbag during checkout and was chocked to see an employee (male, pale skin, long-is red hair) rush over to check the content of my bag. Unfortunately for him, it was empty.
The women before and after me both took out their shopping bag but didn't arise the employee's interest. Surprise, surprise, they also both happen to be white when I'm not.

Dear Metro, did you know that black people aren't here to rob you? What is there to rob on these mostly empty shelves anyway?
You deserve 0 stars.
05 December 2019 0:37
I like the store. Fairly good prices and selection. I HATE their self serve machines. They are way too sensitive and almost impossible to use.
09 November 2019 18:00
It's not too expensive and it has a good selection of products. The roasted chicken meal they make is really good.

Too bad the service is really awful. Nobody at the deli counter ever.
13 October 2019 17:22
Great grocery store. I like the wide variety of products and prepared foods.
They also have lots of vegan products.
Staff here is very helpful and friendly
29 September 2019 7:18
Very busy metro may want to avoid lunch and evening rushes due to high volume. Great customer service, very clean establishment and produces are always fresh. Parking lot available underground.
29 September 2019 2:55
Open until midnight is a huge plus. I have nothing bad to say about this place. So clutch being able to go get groceries so late during the week.

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