09 January 2024 12:13
Très bon service, merci à Abdelhak pour son accompagnement et ses conseils! Mon téléphone a été réparé en un temps record!
13 December 2023 5:55
Do not go there! They will break your stuff then cuss you out!

They cracked my screen while changing my battery then refused to fix it. The guy started arguing that I needed to pay for the screen change! My phone was always in a heavy duty case and nothing was wrong other than my battery was at the end of its life!
After a few minutes the man became aggressive and cussed at me for asking them to fix their mistake. I left because I didn't feel safe.
11 December 2023 8:57
Clerk pretended that the protective film they were selling for iPhone screen had a lifetime guarantee. Turns out my lifetime was 30 days, that’s a shame. Best Buy, while marginally more expensive initially, does reapply the protective film for phones right in their shop in the long run, making their offer a clear winner.
05 October 2023 7:50
I bought a use phone there and it had heat issues and the battery wasn't holding its charge so I returned it and got a full refund with no hassles. They sold me another one which was lighter and thiner and had no heating issues. I do feel however that the phone is not keeping the charge like a new phone would but in the end I'm happy with what I got. The staff is often gone on breaks buy overall they were helpful and polite.
01 September 2023 4:38
Aucun retour d'appel, délais non respecté, bris qui ne passe pas sur la garantie. Employé qui jasé avec des amis au lieu de servir les clients
13 August 2023 18:27
Service clientèle très médiocre.

Le jeune a même pas pris la peine de lever les yeux pour répondre à nos questions.
12 August 2023 8:40
Update 2 weeks later: screen cracked when my phone fell on the floor on its back, obviously because a screen that is lifting on the edges is weak. Decided to just repair it myself now that iFixit offers kits for the Pixel 7a. Found a piece of the old glass under the screen replacement they did, which explained the raised edges. Also found that when they "corrected" the initial issue I had with the gap, what they actually did was colour the top edge of my phone with sharpie so I couldn't see the blue of the metal bezel. I can't believe I paid almost $300 for this garbage. The repair I did myself today is perfect, the screen is flat with no gaps. How did "professionals" get this so wrong?
I brought my phone for a repair today and I left pretty disappointed. I booked an appointment online but they seemed to not be aware of the appointment booking system. The lady who worked on my phone was very nice but seemingly not very knowledgeable. She quoted me the price for the wrong phone despite me correcting her, she said it would be ip67 water resistant again, she implied the phone was still under Google warranty and that's why I must be there (due to the price). When I returned after the hour, she was gone on lunch so a different person returned my phone. The glass was not matching up with the bezel along the top edge. There was a gap of approximately 0.5mm (besides the speaker cut-out) and there were spots where I could see the glass was lofter and if I pressed it down it would stay for a few moments but then lift again. I asked him about the gaps and if it could be fixed. I was very apologetic, non-confrontational, polite. He agreed but said it would take more time. I left him to it, when I returned it was a bit better but not much. He brought my to an older man I can only assume is a manager who told me that the repair would not make it water-resistant and because I damaged the phone when the glass cracked, the Google warranty is void anyway, and that if I was unhappy with the screen he could take off the replacement screen and not charge me. Obviously I couldn't leave without the screen after waiting two hours so I agreed to accept it and paid. Needless to say, I felt pretty dismissed and belittled and pressured to accept a very poor result for $270.
04 August 2023 15:34
Écran qui ne dure pas! Mon écran a juste arrêté d’être tactile 2 fois! Au début tout est beau et après d’un coup le téléphone fonctionne pu. Je ne recommande surtout pas! L’écran a arrêter de fonctionner 2 fois et j’ai du me rendre là-bas les 2 fois! Grosse perdre de temps! Surtout que mon écran ces casser même pas 1 mois après ce qui a enlevé ma garantie alors j’ai du m’achète un nouveau téléphone vu qu’il ne fonctionnais pu complètement! J’étais venu pour une craque sur mon écran et j’ai fini avec un téléphone qui ne fonctionne pas du tout!
05 May 2023 14:35
Wow! Merci Stella, du Mobile Klinik du Carrefour Laval! Sans hésiter, je dis que j'ai eu un service hors pair 5 étoiles+ Tu as été très professionnelle et empathique face à mon désarrois de ne pas avoir accès au contenu de mon téléphone pendant mes vacances. Grâce à toi, je repars l'esprit tranquille.et en plus j'ai économisé pleins de sous Merciiiiiii!
17 April 2023 16:05
Des jeunes très professionnels, à l'écoute et surtout de bons conseils. Merci Les gars! Je conseil fortement!
08 April 2023 18:39
One of the worst experience i have ever had as customer, i brough my phone for repairs, du to some problem with installation process the screen broke they offered me 2 choices they can put back the now dead screen that i had or i can pay full price for a broken phone repair and wait until they get a replacement plus one of the worst ever interaction i have ever had with sales rep disrespectful and strait up shouted at me save your money go to ana actual professional shop they guys are amateurs
24 February 2023 9:33
J'ai vraiment ADORÉ/AIMÉ le service que j'ai reçu. Je venais d'acheter un appareil reconditionné d'un fournisseur douteux et l'équipe a pu évaluer son état et le nettoyer impeccablement. Ils ont ajouté un écran protecteur et la cliente que je suis est maintenant superbement joyeuse, heureuse et j'espère faire une longue vie avec mon appareil. Ils m'ont même donné des trucs pour en prolonger sa durée de vie (chargement adéquat de la batterie). MERCI MERCI MERCI!
16 February 2023 6:00
Nous recommandons FORTEMENT Mobile klinik de Laval. En plus d'être compétent et professionnel, le personnel est d'une gentillesse remarquable. Nous avons été impressionnés. Ils méritent même plus de 5 étoiles. JP Robinat
28 January 2023 21:22
Superbe expérience avec Klinik Mobile et Faysal qui a pu réparer mon téléphone qui était en piteux état. Je recommande fortement à tout le monde souhaitant réparer leurs différents appareils électroniques
20 January 2023 22:54
Excellent service! Le patron est compétent et très serviable. Il a trouvé très rapidement la solution à mon problème et n' a pas voulu me faire payer.
04 January 2023 18:00
AMAZING service. Very professional and knowledgeable. I will definitely recommend this store to family and friends. I needed my speaker replaced on my Samsung Galaxy S22 and they did an amazing job. They're also a Samsung certified and only used genuine Samsung parts. Thanks again for the amazing service.
18 December 2022 20:01
Une équipe formidable, d’une gentillesse et d’une patience extraordinaire. Et bien entendu, d’une compétence exemplaire.
Ils ont résolu un problème pointu en peu de temps tout en continuant à converser et à me rassurer. Impeccable!
08 September 2022 17:33
Gave in my Pixel 6 for a screen repair. Saw reviews and they advertise an normal repair time on-site of about 2 hours, so I expected a call the next day or the day after. Never got a call for a week, so I called. They said they ordered a new screen because the one in store didn't work, said maybe 2-3 days to recieve it. A week later they called to know my password to see if the phone works (I guess?) But I was busy, so I left a voicemail.
They didn't listen to the voicemail. They didn't call for another week and then asked for my password again, gave it to them and then radio silence for another week. So I decided to call, the guy said the exact same thing as the first; screen on-site doesn't work, 2-3 days to order a new screen. Another week later (now), I call during open hours and get sent to voicemail, where I know they won't even attempt to listen to it so I didn't leave anything.

I'm stressed out for my phone and after 3 total weeks and more without any initiative from them, I'm starting to get worried.
Plus, when I called after 2 weeks they said I didn't have a service ticket with them; I had to sternly tell the guy to check again and he found it. The peak of incompetence for a place that's advertised as quick, efficient, and good quality.
I haven't recieved my phone yet but I doubt it'll be in good condition when I do. Deplorable that this is one of the only 2 certified repair shops for Pixel phones in montreal.
03 September 2022 4:27
Excellent Excellent service à Laval Carrefour Beaucoup de connaissance et professionalisme. Ils ont reglé un problème de transfert de donnees que personne ne pouvait reglé merci tellement
17 August 2022 15:33
Excellent service et hautes compétences techniques.malgré le rush et le bruit insupportable des restaurants en face ils arrivent quand même a se concentrer pour donner le meilleur service, mille merci a toute l'équipe de MKlinik Laval
13 August 2022 18:11
Beaucoup de perte de temps pour faire changer ma batterie sous garantie.j'ai du y aller 2 fois et ils n'ont jamais pu faire la réparation
23 May 2022 12:36
Terrible service. Employees made unprofessional jokes based on my phone plan. Told me it would take 5 weeks to order the piece to repair my phone. 2 months of radio silence and when I called to ask what was going on they told me they won't repair my phone. No real explanation given as to why.
16 May 2022 21:43
M Leo a été très dynamique et professionnel. Il maîtrise très bien sa matière
Impressionnant bravo.
15 May 2022 19:33
Bon accueil, bon service, très patient j'espère pas de problème avec mon cellulaire je vous le recommande.
09 May 2022 12:33
Satisfait, je paie moins et j ai de nouveaus écouteurs.je benefie d'un forfait qui correspond à mes attentes et qui rentre surtout dans mes budgets.
13 April 2022 6:47
Super service problème réglé en 5 minutes.une mention spéciale à la technicienne en informatique, dont je n'ai pas le pas le nom mais qui a réglé mon problème. Un gros merci
27 March 2022 21:23
On m'a expliqué le processus de réparation du début a la fin. J'ai apprécié l'effort déployé pour m'offrir un service de qualité.
24 February 2022 22:55
Rapide et efficace
Merci à Léo qui répondu à mes questions et a trouvé la solution, merci Stèle pour reparation
23 February 2022 20:39
J ai fait le tour et personne ne m a ecoute, Merci leon du temps et d avoir resolu mon problème.je sauve beaucoup d argent grace a toi
06 January 2022 8:15
Thanks for the support leo and team
I was was taken care of with professionalism
Good service
05 January 2022 19:52
Merci pour ta patience Léo, grâce à ton aide et ta bonne humeur j ai pu récupéré des années de souvenirs
08 December 2021 4:39
Très bon service… j’ai beaucoup apprécié la patience dont le personnel au complet a déployé à mon endroit (un technophobe) … ils m’ont fidélisé à vie donc un gros merci à eux, très bonne continuation et mes meilleurs vœux pour la suite!
13 October 2021 5:31
Je tiens à remercier le technicien Léo du Carrefour Laval de l'aide apporter pour mon cellulaire Samsung le 2 Septembre 2021. Son professionnalisme m'a convaincu du travail accompli. Merci énormément.
21 September 2021 6:24
Service très courtois et professionnel. Ils connaissent très bien les cellulaires et font un travail impeccable. Ils sont très bien équipés pour nettoyer, réparer ou vérifier votre appareil.
03 August 2021 16:33
Service courtois et professionnels, par contre, j'ai du laisser mon cellulaire plus de 20h pour la réparation. Ils ont bien respecter les délais. Le téléphone était près a l'heure convenue.
12 December 2019 3:25
Had to get my Huawei P20 pro back glass replaced and was sent here by Brightstar through Rogers' protection plan. The repair was done in less than 30 minutes and the technician took some additional steps to clean my camera lenses before applying the new glass which I appreciated. Very friendly staff. Patient. Took the time to answer all my questions. I would highly recommend them.
02 December 2019 2:00
Extremely friendly and helpful staff. They were able to fix a small problem I had with my pixel 2. I was in and out in under 5 mins. Highly recommend this place for any of your phone repair needs!
17 November 2019 15:56
Très mauvais service je suis déçu, je suis partie réparé l'écran de mon téléphone et je sort avec un cell qui s'allume plus.
26 October 2019 23:30
Service impeccable et rapide de Geoffrey. Je recommande. Ce commerce se démarque de ses compétiteurs.
14 October 2019 19:20
Je suis hyper satisfaite! J'avais un problème avec le système d'écouteur, je n'entendais pas bien quand les personnes m'appellaient. Le magasin Samsung m'a demandé 400$ pour réparer cela. J'ai décidé de venir chez Mobile Klinik, Mario et Hakim ont résolu mon problème en 2 mins en faisant un nettoyage spécial du systeme de son! Très courtois et professionnels, je recommande fortement!
07 October 2019 10:05
They made me make a good review i went in with my headphone loose they cleaned it and and turns out it made it worse only one side of headphone works
05 October 2019 13:44
Excellente equipe! Belle relation avec les clients. Ils ont un inventaire de telephone reconditionnes qui offre une alternative aux reparations qui peuvent depasser nos budgets. Le magasin est tres propre. Je recommande!
03 October 2019 10:09
Website is only in French, I will not spend my money where they do not respect their English clients. There are many other businesses that do care about my English money.
18 September 2019 21:36
Bravo pour le service efficace et courtois. Les deux réparateurs sur place on bien su répondre à mes demandes et m'ont soutenu lors du problème avec la compagnie d'assurance. Merci encore
05 September 2019 17:03
Très mauvais service.la personne m'a dit que mon téléphone n'était pas réparable et a tout de suite essayé de me vendre au autre téléphone à la place. Finalement, j'ai fait réparer ailleurs et tout fonctionne bien. Je ne recommande pas, ça ne semble pas très honnête comme endroit.
27 August 2019 13:00
Fantastic service from Mario, helped me get my data transfered from my old phone to my new one. Very professional, highly recommend.
24 August 2019 16:17
Wow merci beaucoup! Accueil chaleureux, service impeccable et courtois! Merci beaucoup Geoffrey pour ton excellent service! Je recommande vivement. Visité aujourd'hui le 7 août 2019 vers 10: 30.
06 August 2019 21:20
Amazing and fast service. Mario who took care of us, explained in details what needs to be done and the cost.
18 July 2019 0:59
Showed up because my charging port wasn't working, after further diagnostics he found a little bug, reset my phone, everything back to normal and saved me 150$
Great place, friendly and efficient
24 June 2019 11:07
I want to thank Mr. Jean Paul and the team on this location. My galaxy s9 plus screen and the battery were replaced professionally in a way you can't tell that the phone has been repaired. It realy looks like i just received it from Samsung new, it took less than an hour. Superb work guys thank's A+
13 June 2019 5:34
I used to like the store when it first opened up last year. Got my phone battery replaced, and it was wonderful service. HOWEVER, this week I went to get a screen protector replaced and had them install the new screen protector on my wife's phone. Less than 24 hours later, the screen cover came right off. Wife went back to the store to get it rectified, and was pretty much told "tough luck, we'll give you a discount on new purchases instead". She went to a different store and got a proper screen cover installed.even after my initial good experience, this was a complete failure.they did not stand by their product or service, after as little as 24hours after it was done. I WILL AVOID THEM IN THE FUTURE.
19 April 2019 13:40
Service rapide, efficace et courtois. Vous avez un problème avec votre téléphone, n'hésitez pas à recourir à leurs services.

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