06 November 2023 11:25
Unbelievable dishonest dentist. When I arrived, I clearly told the dental assistant that the pain was in the very back of my mouth on the upper left and that my it hurt between my jaw and my ear. The assistant told me that the visit was $50.00, and the X-rays were $36.00. I agreed and she proceeded. About 10 minutes later the dentist arrived, he was so disoriented that he walked into the door frame (missing an open door). Knowing I had witnessed this he told me that he had just woken up. Why was he sleeping that soundly in his dental practice at 1: 00 pm? He was so disoriented I assumed the worst, but I did not smell any substances on him, and he seemed lucid (after he found the entrance). He played around in my mouth while calling me sweetie (I have not been sweetie since 1978). He then reviewed the X-rays and told me it was likely my wisdom tooth but due to the location of the tooth to find out for sure it would cost me another $93.00 for the use of a bigger X-ray machine (I saw the X-rays he had enough information). Any third-week dental student could have deduced the problem was my wisdom tooth. It took me thirty seconds to find the diagnosis online when I got home. Additionally, it was possible to diagnose this long before new fancy expensive equipment existed, and this very mature dentist had certainly done that before without a big machine. I informed the office manager, the assistant, and the dentist that I would not consent to this unethical piecemeal billing practice as I had no idea what I was going to be charged if I stayed. If X-rays were $36.00 when the exam began they needed to stay at that rate. They did not bill me for the appointment, but that was only a response to my anger. Please avoid this dentist.
30 October 2023 17:42
I call and receptionist didn’t bother to ask what I need or what’s the problem.
I guess because It’s closing time and is lazy to work through it.

This is why avoid this place
17 May 2023 9:17
The staff is absolutely amazing! I was able to get an appointment very soon and everyone was super nice.
12 May 2023 22:18
Cet très important de partager mon désagréable expérience avec cette clinique, je me fais poser deux couronnes après quelque mois a commencé à déplacer j’été obligé d’aller autre dentiste et de payer autre monte de 2500 dol. De plus, ils utilisent des ustensiles archaïques, et le même problème arrivé à ma femme car le Dr. Comtois il s’avec trompé de dent il a magané la bonne dent et jamais assumé aucune responsabilité, ont appelée plusieurs fois pour discuter notre situation ils se lave les mains d’une manière irresponsable. Je suggère de magasiner autres dentistes plus professionnels et ne pas avoir de problèmes avec des MENTEUR.
15 March 2023 6:02
Went to have a extraction fro the dental assistant that cleaned my teeth to the dentist and her assistant I never felt so comfortable even though I was very anxious they were very empathetic and professional
11 March 2023 17:12
L'équipe était extrêmement accueillante et souriante. Je me suis immédiatement sentie à l'aise. Les soins donnés par l'hygiéniste ainsi que par la dentiste étaient exceptionnels!
06 March 2023 2:01
I am new to Montreal and called several dentist offices. I am very pleased with Mon dentiste cost and services offered. Also very female led which I appreciate.
17 December 2022 20:06
Great place.
Took me in for an emergency. Very professional and competent.
I'll be going back for more work.
I definitely recommend.
Thx team.
15 December 2022 3:29
Les employés sont très accueillants et professionnels avec un grand sens de l'humour. La clinique est très propre et l'assistante dentiste (Lina) est tellement bien informée, attentionnée et connaît parfaitement son travail. J'ai vécu une expérience incroyable - bravo à l'équipe et continuez à faire du bon travail.
08 June 2022 2:38
I and my family have been patients for over 10 years back when they used to be at Carrefour Angrignon and I love the quality of service I get every time. I am well pleased and even after I moved away I always make the 39 minutes trip there. The staff is stellar. I definitely recommend Dr Comtois and his entire team. Mon Dentiste LaSalle
11 March 2022 20:05
Excellent service, very friendly staff and professional work. The cleaning was beyond my expectations. The wait time wasn't long and everything went well with no problems. Definitely recommend this place and will be using it as my dentist from now on.
11 December 2021 19:45
The dentist and nurses payed special attention to my needs and answered all the questions I had.
Very friendly and welcoming staff aswell. They made the whole process a wonderful first time experience for me.
31 May 2021 8:09
I'm so happy with my experience at this dentist! I saw the dentist Darich La for my wisdom teeth extraction and I would absolutely recommend him to anyone. He's super friendly, funny and reassuring, the extraction was very quick, easy and pain free. The other staff there were fantastic as well. I left my appointment feeling so content and surprised at how easy my wisdom teeth removal was. It was also much less expensive than I was expecting.

Overall, a fantastic experience! Thank you Mon Dentiste!
25 May 2021 7:04
Super ce Dr Comtois, il est vraiment à l'écoute de ses client (es), je recommande fortement si vous aussi vous aviez peur des dentistes! J'ai attendu de longues années avant d'y retourner, mais il a su rendre mon rendez-vous moins épeurant! Si vous chercher un bon dentiste c'est l'endroit ou prendre votre rendez-vous!
09 May 2021 15:55
Very welcoming, clean and the staff is on top if things, everytime I visit, I leave feeling better then when I went in.
07 October 2020 3:26
Très bon clinique, le docteur Comtois est très professionnel, il vous explique clairement le problème et la solution. L'accueil et la propreté excellente. Merci pour vôtre bon service.
14 August 2020 10:48
Merveilleuse équipe et surtout a l'écoute des patients!
Merci Dr. Comptois
Continuez votre beau travail!
25 March 2020 18:59
Le professionalisme de toute l'équipe ainsi que le sentiment de proximité et d'écoute et explications détaillées. Ainsi que les choix d'options flexibles offerts au patient!
05 March 2020 11:56
Le service est très courtois. Ambiance décontractée. Staff souriant. Dr. Mona Baaklini m’a prit en main dès le début et ce fût le début d’une relation de confiance et respect.
Elle doit être spectaculaire considérant ma phobie aigüe du dentiste. Merci pour les soins attentionnés et au delà de mes attentes.
Une super équipe en passant par la réception aux hygiénistes dentaires et assistants.
29 November 2019 5:02
Ça fait des années que je suis un client. J'ai eu mes broches, des plombages et, tout récemment, une greffe de gencives. La greffe a très bien guérie et ça m'a pas coûté trop cher. Le personnel est très gentil et professionnel, et j'ai eu droit à un rendez-vous rapide quand j'ai crût qu'un des points de suture avait lâché (ce qui n'était pas le cas).
10 October 2019 22:48
The fake doctor not bad nice friendly but the old man is in my opinion terrible he broke a middle in my gum and all he said oops not even an apology keeps reminding me to have a deep clean which almost costs a 1000 canadian and he does not want to offer anything for treatment before that expensive cleaning treatment which is most of the time unnecessary as usual dental industry in canada based on money how much they could get out of you.only good thing I can say is the female doctor is nice lady smiling and chatty during procedure
16 May 2019 21:30
Certaines critiques envers Dr Comtois me semblent inappropriées.car je suis avec lui depuis plus de 15 ans déjà et j’ai eu plusieurs traitements divers. À chaque fois, je reçois de bons conseils, toutes les infos au préalable: $, couverture assurance, complications et convalescence. Je n’ai rien à redire! Oui, il est direct.mais il est poli et ne nous ment pas! Je préfère un dentiste qui est honnête et compétant qu’un autre qui joue du violon, nous sourit et essaie de se rattraper en chargeant moins cher pour d’autres interventions.
26 January 2019 16:36
Dr Comtois est un excellent dentiste. Il m'a sauvé littéralement la vie en me détectant une parodontie avancé. Une équipe formidable. Une nouvelle réceptionniste accueillante qui connait son affaire.
21 January 2019 15:52
He's a know it all, doesn't explain anything really, he's all over the place like he has A. D. D.
Very expensive, I went in for 1 thing and "forced" me to do a bunch of other stuff or made me feel bad if I didn't, take everything he says with a grain of salt. Nice place, rest of staff very nice
03 September 2018 7:19
J’a Été bien reçu par le docteur Comtois, par contre la réceptionniste n’est pas du tout courtoise, ni accueillante! Elle se permet de parler sans respect au client et sous un air orgueilleux!
03 June 2018 8:31
I received the implantation of a new crown on my tooth and once it was done, the doctor tells me that I need a root canal in the same tooth

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