11 November 2023 12:39
We have been part of the Montessori Pointe Claire family for over 7 years and sent our 3 kids all the way through. Before we started, we toured many different daycares, and none compared to this beautiful outdoor setting and peaceful off-the-main-road location. It was important to us that our kids really had space to run all day and real grass and play structures to play in the fresh air.

Exposure to multiple languages has also been something that we looked for, and our kids got to practice English, French, Spanish and Mandarin (plus more) in a fun and educational way. The extracurricular activities offered are wonderful - so much music exposure, junior science, skating lessons, swimming lessons, yoga, ballet, karate.we have loved that the kids get to do it all during the day so that we can keep our evenings and weekends more free as a family.

Our children have formed so many special bonds with many different teachers, and words are not really enough when it comes to the gratitude we feel for the love that they have received in the time that they have spent at Montessori Pointe Claire. We will always carry this place in our hearts after our youngest moves on to elementary school next year.
29 October 2023 22:27
This is an amazing day care. Our children have been going for two years now, and we are amazed every day with how much they love it and how engaged & caring the teachers and staff are.

This is the second daycare we've been to with our kids and we are very happy to be here.

It's great to see the large play area, and all of the games and activities the kids have. They are exposed to five different languages this year with their teachers and it's great to hear a few words of each come out at home, like counting in Spanish just because they can! There is also no shortage of extracurricular activities such as music, art, plays, field trips (e.g, Biodome), karate, and that's just what I can think of from this month.

I did notice another reviewer discuss the snack issue (although lunch is provided, parents need to send a snack each day). I'd certainly appreciate a chance to get this on agenda at a future parent committee meeting so we can see if it's still what most parents want.
16 September 2023 6:40
We recently moved to the area and could not find child care for our child. This place came highly recommended and after one tour it was by far the best child care facility in the area. The staff are always so kind and welcoming and the administration is very accommodating.
13 September 2023 7:36
7 ans 1/2 de bonheur! Mes 2 cocos ont été à Montessori de février 2015 à aout 2023, et les éducatrices sont incroyables: gentilles, impliquées et compétentes (dans toutes les classes). La garderie était devenue leur 2eme chez eux, ils voulaient même aller jouer dans la grande cour de la garderie la fin de semaine, et c'était difficile de partir le soir! Les enfants sont maintenant bilingue (anglais/Français) et ont eu une belle ouverture sur le monde (initiation à l'espagnol, mandarin,). Nombreuses activité/ateliers offerts en supplément (karaté, danse, patin, piscine,) selon la saison. Un gros merci à toute l'équipe.
03 September 2023 4:00
You cannot make any mistakes sending your beloved to this daycare. They will be very well taken care of, with a lot of love, and they will learn and be taught in a good way.
25 July 2023 21:45
Wasn’t impressed with their staff.
Maybe because it was “summer camp” so quality was bad…. You can tell they just want money and the toys are old.
Nothing special, Would never send my kid here full time
11 October 2021 16:19
A disorganized and unstructured daycare. A waste of money and time, and a real threat for children's physical and mental safety.

Apparently when you register your child, they welcome you with an official tour and a heavy file full of information and regulations, that neither of them are applied at day care.

My child was frustrated, and had nightmares while attending the daycare. Some staffs are caring, but overall the day care lacks appropriate supervision and management. In my three months experience with this disorganized daycare I had enough terrible experiences to make the decision of changing the day care.

Starting over everything: I kept my child at home, took a long leave from my work to search for a day care from scratch: my child was lost for about 8minutes one afternoon when I went there to pick my child up. My child was bitten once, and two of new changing cloths (t-shirts) were lost and no one in staff had any idea what has happened. After reaching them, they put all blames on my 3-year-old child that the child is the only one that doesn't know that should not leave the building, or it's the problem with a possessive child that doesn't share toys with others, so the child is bitten for the first time in day care's history!

Officially, they say that they have fixed educators for each class, but practically multiple interns are playing the role of educators at day care, and they change periodically across different groups.

The day care doesn't care about COVID symptoms at all. Even when I informed them that my child had a fever and should stay at home, they didn't ask any further questions or followed up later.

My child had fall accidents almost every day, I didn't receive any accident report even with big bruises on my child's chin or chest. Their excuse was because the educators didn't hear anybody cry, they didn't notice anything. Of course, they didn't care even washing and sanitizing the bite site!
10 October 2021 1:02
My little one has been attending this daycare for a few months now. It’s taken me a while to write a review since I really wanted to observe how the school has helped my son’s development. Since attending the school, he has become more social and his speech, gross and fine motor skills have developed immensely. We love that the children spend time outdoors weather permitting. We love that they have different activities well planned out and fit for every level/class. The diversity and inclusion in the students and staff are visible. Being an immigrant family, the school has made us feel more than welcome. They do not have a “pure” Montessori approach but they do empower the parents and the child in most every day routines — something that resonates when we get home or on the weekends. The staff and teachers are just amazing and should pat themselves in the back for staying strong in these Covid times. Overall, we love this place and we can’t wait to see all the other milestones my son reaches with the help of this school.
24 June 2021 19:27
My daughter started at this daycare at 2.5 years old after we moved to the west island from downtown. She integrated very easily and quickly with the many experienced teachers and the many student teachers as well. There are tons of activities every week, and even more during non-covid times. The rooms are spacious with lots of windows and natural light, the playground is huge, and the kids spend lots of time outdoors. The staff is super friendly and helpful, but also open to difficult conversations. My daughter is happy there, loves her teachers and never wants to leave when I go to pick her up.
16 June 2021 10:56
My child has been attending Montessori Pointe Claire for the past few months and loves the school. She loves her teachers and her new friends. The teachers are always there to help her when she has big emotions and she feels like they listen to her. The teachers are always avaliable to provide us parents with an update on how my child is doing and this helps ease my mind. I was encouraged to call and check on my child as often as I wanted to when we were new. I can see how much my child has learned in just a few months and every day she can't wait to go back to school. I recommend this daycare and preschool to all parents!
14 June 2021 22:08
We have been with Montessori Pointe Claire since our two daughters were 18 month old (now 7 and 4 years old) and our children love it there. The teachers pour their heart and soul into making sure that each child thrives. The diversity of the activities that Montessori Pointe Claire offers, are fun and stimulating for the children. The teachers and the staff are very attentive and accommodating for the children as well as the parents. We have always felt that we were part of a big family, in a safe and nurturing environment. Our eldest daughter (who is now in grade 1) is always excited to go to their Summer Camp and see her previous daycare friends as well as her teachers. Thank you Montessori PC teachers and staff for your amazing work and dedication!
13 June 2021 7:53
We have trusted the staff and educators at Montessori Pointe-Claire since our son was 18 months (now 3yo). They have always been accommodating to us as parents and more importantly to the specific developmental requirements of our son. Excellent programming, always keep the little ones busy and interested in what’s going on! Would recommend to any parent looking for structure and an intellectual challenge (in a fun and interactive environment) to facilitate growth of their child.
09 June 2021 5:24
My 2 year old boy has been attending this daycare for the last 6 months and has loved every minute of it. His integration was seamless, he was welcomed with open arms, and the teachers have been great to him in all aspects of his development and play. Management has been very accommodating to factor in my personal circumstances and take my son full-time every other week, and he/teachers don't seem to miss a beat when he re-integrates the school. Kudos goes out to the entire team to continue prioritizing/navigating COVID requirements. Five star.keep it up team!
23 May 2021 1:23
Mes deux enfants sont très heureux de fréquenter la Montessori. Ils arrivent tous les matins joyeux d’y passer la journée. Nous sommes toujours bien accueillis! L’équipe est formée de personnes bienveillantes, disponibles, bilingues et expérimentées. Les activités sont stimulantes et très diversifiées. De plus, les enseignantes partagent régulièrement des photos du quotidien des enfants. Les lieux sont également très propres et l’équipe fait un travail extraordinaire pour maintenir un environnement sain. Je recommande fortement ce service de garde!
18 May 2021 7:16
We have been part of the Montessori Pointe-Claire family for the last 4 years. Our son will be leaving for kindergarten in September and we are sad to see his time at Montessori coming to an end! He has grown incredibly in the years he has been at the daycare and we love all the experiences he has had that we know he wouldn’t have had at other daycares. From the science, sports, dance, yoga, cooking, excursions (pre-covid) and more, there is always something new to experience. We were so excited to see our daughter start last summer so she can benefit from all that Montessori has to offer as well. The teachers and staff have become extended family for our kids and they are excited to go to daycare! We have had many calls from CPE’s over the years but every time we just couldn’t sleep at the thought of pulling them out of Montessori! Thank you everyone for having such a huge impact on these important years of our kids lives!
17 May 2021 16:07
My 3 year old son has been attending Montessori Pointe Claire for over 8 months, and he truly enjoys his time at this school. At the beginning my son would cry at times when it was time for me to leave him in the morning, but the teachers were always there to comfort and reassure him and to make him feel part of the group. After a few days he would only cry a few minutes and then he stopped crying very quickly and would enjoy the rest of the day with his friends. The teachers and staff are always very warm and welcoming, even considering the current situation with covid which can be alienating at times. They provide excellent educational activities for the children, and my son is always proud to show me what he has done at school when he comes home, whether it be cookies he made, crafts, academic work such as writing activities to develop fine motor skills, or even science experiments which teachers provide copies for us to try at home. All staff at Montessori are from my experience fully dedicated to making a happy, wholesome and fun experience for their kids. I am so happy to be sending my son here, and I strongly recommend this school to those interested. Thank you Montessori Pointe Claire:)!
11 May 2021 3:38
My 3 year old has been there for 6 months and he’s beyond happy. So are we, the team is fantastic and they are doing an amazing job with the kids. He’s learning everyday and it shows. I highly recommend this place.

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