19 January 2024 22:45
Un incontournable pour bon nombres de salons ou d’expositions qui s’y tiennent. Je n’arriverai jamais à m’expliquer sa configuration en labyrinthe, mais en suivant les flèches lors de votre événement préféré, vous pouvez vous en sortir, en général.
15 January 2024 19:45
I was very disappointed by my last visit to the Palais de Congrès today for the Car Show. I brought my baby with me and found the centre was not at all baby friendly. We asked on arrival about a breastfeeding room and were told by the agent before buying tickets there were 3 floors with bf rooms. The ticket agent told us the same, and the person at the elevator told us the same. We pick one of the floors and the floor agent says he doesn’t know where it is despite the sign located around the corner from him. He calls on his radio to ask and is told they were all closed down due to the pandemic. We end up finding a woman’s washroom with some benches inside in the 4th floor ourselves. Upon leaving we want to feed baby again but can’t get back to the 4th floor washroom with the elevator. No one knew how to help us. We go to leave with our screaming and starving baby that go home and finally an agent approaches us and says we can get to the 4th floor from an elevator on the other side of the centre but by now we are all so upset we leave as it seems faster to just go home. We couldn’t find a bench or a chair which would have worked either. Really disappointed that in 2024 it is this hard to feed a baby in a big centre like this.: (
25 November 2023 3:38
The center is a nice place with access to the Metro.
However the logistics around
the “Salon du livre 2023” was poorly planned.
03 September 2023 11:01
Huge! Art all over the place, which adds a lot for a convention center- otherwise its just a building with a bunch of large rooms this one has hammocks!
27 August 2023 10:16
Easy access and location. I was at San Francisco Moscone center a few months ago and I feel quiet a bit of similarity.
13 February 2022 14:06
3rd booster here was a breeze plus free indoor parking! Also noticed help from Military. Thank you for your service!
10 February 2022 16:33
Pour l'expo Lego qui se termine le 7 janvier. Très belle exposition même si les tarifs restent, à mon avis, exagérés. À 3 personnes, en comptant les billets et le parking seulement, c'est 100$. Sinon, très beau travail de l'exposant
09 February 2022 9:10
Superbe exposition sur les animaux en Legos! Quoique un peu dispendieux ça reste une expérience originale. De plus le salon des métiers d'art qui prenait place au même moment est toujours très impressionnant!
01 February 2022 1:20
J'y étais pour le salon du livre. Très grand et permet à des centaines de personnes de s'y retrouver. Bien situer et plusieurs restaurants de disponible sur place.
29 January 2022 5:10
Un incontournable pour des foires, formation continues, congrès, assemblé d'actionnaires, expositions. Le site est placé stratégiquement près de plusieurs hôtels, bureaux d'organisation gouvernementales et municipales et le quartier des affaires.
22 January 2022 6:21
Bel endroit tres propre! Par contre, manque beaucoup d'information sur comment se rendre au stationnement! Pas très clair!
19 January 2022 11:29
Juste Parfait. Il est absolument magnifique et le salon du livre est une très bonne activité à essayer.
15 January 2022 6:17
Went to the Annual artist and maker exposition. (Salon metier d'art) finished my Christmas shopping.
11 January 2022 15:30
Huge! Excellent for mass consumption or specific event like vaccine 3rd shot! Or no. 1 and 2 shots! New era we are living! Huge space necessary! Use it!
03 January 2022 19:54
Le Salon du livre 2021 a été une sortie fort sympathique. Les auteurs étaient heureux de nous retrouver. Malgré les grands espaces, il a été difficile de respecter le deux mètres de distanciation. Sommes tout, le palais reste un bel endroit pour ce type d'événement
27 December 2021 15:33
En sortant du métro tout est à ma portée.
Pas besoin de voitures.
Personnel très courtois.
26 December 2021 2:47
C'était super de pouvoir enfin retourner à un comiccon à Montréal. De plus le personnel étaient super à l'écoute et jovial. Une expérience vraiment positive depuis la pandémie. Les mesures sanitaires étaient appliquées et respectées et il y avait des distributeurs de purell un peu partout. Le vestiaire était vraiment très pratique aussi et le personnel qui s'en occupaient étaient tous très courtois. Que du bon à dire!
23 December 2021 3:31
Visitez pour le salon du livre et j'ai tout trouvé génial. Du parking intérieur jusqu'aux fabuleux travail des gardes et de ceux qui devait faire en sorte que tout se déroule bien.
20 December 2021 6:54
Au salon du livre, y a beaucoup de genres de livres, mais malheureusement j'ai pas trouvé des livres sur l'histoire.
Je pense que le salon est réservé pour les nouvelles éditions-parution.
19 December 2021 0:50
Employés sur place très efficaces et sympathique. Par contre je reproche l'éclairage qui était trop faible. Visite pour le salon du livre.
30 November 2021 19:30
Belle place, monde chaleureux et sympathique. L'extérieur est trop beau. La madame de la sécurité était gentille.
28 September 2021 19:39
The vaccination site was super well organized and the whole process took just 1 min + waiting time afterwards. My biggest thanks for all the professionals working there.
02 August 2021 9:46
Excellent service and organization here for Covid 19 vaccinations. Friendly patient staff. Plus the usual places to get food and drinks inside the conference center.
24 April 2021 19:36
Nous sommes allés pour la vaccination de ma mère ce matin. Vraiment bien organisé, beaucoup d'espace, les gens sont super sympathique, amplement de chaises roulantes et les lieux sont bien identifiés. Il devrait y avoir un peu plus d'espace débarquères mais sinon vraiment une expérience positive!
18 April 2021 13:31
Outstanding covid 19 vaccination experience today at the Montreal Convention centre.
Congratulations to the organizers and the Government of Québec.
31 March 2021 14:50
Been to a few conventions here. Nice architecture and good facilities. If you get access to the windows on the upper floors you can get some very nice views. Outside the convention area there are some shops and restaurants. Directly connected to Place-d'Armes metro.
25 March 2021 12:30
Accueil chaleureux
. Bien dirigée, heure du r.v. Respecte Distanciation appliquée. Vaccin reçu sans douleur Apres 15 minutes d'attente post in jection.rendez-vous donné pour 2ieme dose
Aucune attente personnel souriant
Grande grande dz.
Stationnememt gratuit

Bravo tout est en place pour notre sécurité
Merci pour votre disponibilité
13 March 2021 2:01
Une autre époque, un autre contexte, le PDC est occupé par la compagne de vaccination contre la Covid 19 (photos de février 2021)
29 December 2020 3:48
I did my exam here and I didn't do well so this place will not get 5 stars. The room I did the exam in wasn't very pretty either. Staff was friendly however so at least something positive came from this place.
17 February 2019 23:20
Belles installations pour congrès ou conférences. Station de métro Place d'Armes et plusieurs restaurants à proximité. Le Vieux Port de Montréal est à distance de marche.
05 February 2019 22:59
Les toilettes près des Tim Horton, Van Houtte et Burger King sont fermées depuis des mois pour rénovations (?) ; les autres du hall Viger on a bloquer l'accès. Il a fallu aller à l'attention bout du palais des congrès. Ça fait salle paroissiale
31 January 2019 1:09
Profitez des spectacles et expositions, pour les extras tel que la restauration visitez les alentours vous trouverez votre bonheur à bien meilleur prix
24 January 2019 21:11
Big place great for large conferences. We were six thousand strong and it didn't feel overcrowded. There are shops and stalls. There are escalators and lifts.
The lifts are secured so you can't get to just any floor, but with an escalator or stairs you can. Therefore, wheelchair users and people with pushchairs, who generally present high security risk, are tightly controlled. Also, just to make the wheelchair user feel a little bit more put off, the disabled toilets are just a larger cubicle at the end of the cubicle row in every toilet, with no water basin to hand. One cubicle even had the door opening inwards, to test your manoeuvring skills.
22 January 2019 15:20
Visited the Montreal Convention Centre for the NeurIPS conference. It was very well managed. The convention centre is huge and could easily accommodate 8000+ attendees, so it did not feel cramped at all. Good facilities including restrooms. Good location close to the Old Port It was a pleasure attending the 7 day conference at the convention centre.
19 January 2019 7:27
Toujours agréable d'y être. Endroit propre et il y a toujours une personne pour nous informer si necessaire.
05 January 2019 2:14
Hosting a 8000+ people conference with ease (it could actually host twice as many) for an entire week. Nice placement in the Old City and good access to shops.
31 December 2018 10:02
Nice modern convention center with easy subway access but they are so cheap they charge you $$$ to "rent" a plug to charge your phone. Seriously?
14 October 2018 15:28
Great place for large events. Lots of bathrooms. Easily wheelchair accessible. Good view of the area from the terrace on the 7th floor. Direct metro access from Station Place d'Armes. Parking will be a bit pricey since it is downtown.
27 September 2018 17:15
Huge crowds to pick up your coat during winter time. I just dont get why the center is built the way it is.you cannot see anything if you re in the back, you may just watch the person talking home on your own tv than buying the ticket. Why not have a center built stadium style.
26 September 2018 20:15
Great space for large events. Worked there a few times. A lot of bathroom access and wheelchair access. Direct metro access at place d'armes. Restaurants and cafes.
10 September 2018 21:36
It was fantastic to meet Amanda tapping, William b Davis and Doug Jones at comiccon Montreal.
It was a great experience.
05 September 2018 6:13
Often been here for big events such as Salon D'Auto (Auto show) and Montreal ComicCon. One of the artistic side of Montreal, Palais de Congres holds events regularly and always has staff there to inform you about what's new.
04 September 2018 8:55
The staff were all very nice. They are the best thing about this place.
How hard is it to have a change table in the bathroom?
How hard is it to put all of the water fountains out where people can get to them? People were standing in the bathroom line just to get a sip of water.
How hard would it be to install a phone charging station that makes sense. That stupid locker said $1/15 minutes, with the promise of 60% in 30 minutes. Lies. All lies. You lie like a rug, you liar. (I dont blame staff, because it isnt like they would know unless they used it.) I paid a total of $5 over two back to back charges. Used a different locker. 30min got me 38%. Then up to 82% on the longer session.
29 August 2018 16:17
I went there for the Montreal Comic-Con. It was great. Excellent service, a lot of space, lots of restrooms and everything well-indicated (they had an app too).

Theres access for people with reduced mobility.

Despite the intense crowd, I didn't even feel hot because the place has good AC.

Getting a parking space might be a little difficult. You might want to plan in advance.
14 August 2018 8:34
Comic-con 2018 was wonderful here. Sunday was less crowded than last year, but needs a bit more elbow room for the fans in costume getting stuck by mommies with giant baby carriages. (all those weapons being held high).
Food prices are NUTS! (Go outside for better prices, like Buffet Jade lunch $15) Parking was $24! Metro Place dArmes is connected, but latest construction has you going in by going out the opposite doors. I have been going here for years, enjoy the coloured windows, the food courts in the mall. Bathrooms and waterfountains are older. Has elevators! Pay WIFI, not right at this day and age. (traffic and road work is a mess)
10 August 2018 6:31
J'y étais pour la convention Otakuthon. J'ai trouvé l'endroit très propre, grand et facile d'accès. Mon seul bémol serait le prix du parking de 24$ pour la journée sans possibilité de payer à l'heure. Je ne sais pas si c'est toujours le cas mais j'aurais apprécié un tarif à l'heure également.

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