16 September 2023 8:13
When you hear the doctor who just saw yr father, complain to the clerk of having yet another "level of stupidity" day, it makes you question his level of professionalism. If he has that opinion of an elderly man, does
he actually want to help him or is he there to get rid of people the quicker the better just to get his paycheck? We went to Neurology yesterday had the rudest young girl clerk and a very condescending "specialist" saying we're dumb when he thought we couldn't hear. Is that a behavior we really need to endure again if we have to go back? Gives me the chills to think I'd have to get my dad back in that place.
13 September 2023 8:42
Best service for any hospital in Montreal that I have experienced, staff is extremely caring and helpful
08 September 2023 20:51
La planification des opérations et l’orientation ainsi que la disponibilité pour répondre aux questions. Très Très difficile de rejoindre les résidents
05 September 2023 10:43
The hospital itself is okay but the nursing staff in the Monitor Care unit need some better bed-side manner. Especially the head nurse.
28 August 2023 16:38
Don't come to this hospital this pathetic in the world please I request to don't go this hospital.
29 June 2023 8:03
Parking is always full, but They offer a parking valet. It's better arrive 30mins ealier than your appointment because of parking.
28 June 2023 21:42
Incroyable comme hôpital. La meilleure. Hôpital un peu vieux mais ca va. Personnel avec une gentillesse merveilleux. Merci Léa.
02 June 2023 20:24
The volunteer run cafeteria pumps out such great food for a cafeteria.
The hospital is good. I've been here for many different things and never had issues other than the occasional long waits
01 June 2023 5:12
Arrivée à l'urgence samedi 6 mai 23 à 11h30. J'ai été vue dans un premier temps par un interne unilingue anglais. Il ne pouvait pas comprendre le français. Par contre, le médecin responsable de cette personne en formation était francophone. Est-ce normal? Laissez moi douter fortement qu'il apprendra le français dans un avenir proche. Merci pour la considération des francophones au Québec.
30 May 2023 17:59
J'ai fait une colonoscopie et j'ai trouvé mon expérience très pénible: le personnel parlait mal le français et le médecin qui m'a reçue a refusé de me parler en français. J'ai dû lui expliquer mes problèmes de santé complexes sans en avoir tout le vocabulaire. Les deux médecins qui m'ont fait l'examen écoutaient à peine mes explications, ils m'ont fait mal malgré la sedation et n'ont pas fait de pause alors que je leur disais que je souffrais. C'est scandaleux à tous points de vue. Et je passe sur la mauvaise ambiance dans le personnel, avec des infirmières fatiguées qui se font presser par les médecins, les locaux vétustes: je ferai tout pour ne jamais devoir y remettre les pieds.
29 May 2023 9:22
INHUMANE and unsympathetic staff in this hospital! Totally lacking empathy and kindness in security staff and one female nurse. I would have put in zero or negative stars if there was such an option.

My 92 old mother in law was placed at a gurney at the entrance right under two brightly shining fluorescent lights from 9: 00 pm to 8: 00 am. She is immobile and need me to help to go to the bathroom every hour. My husband needs to be there to translate for her / that’s why we both need to be there.

When at around 11: 00 pm brought her to the bathroom, afterwards we tried to turn to her gurney. We were refused access back by the security guard. They had to check with the reception until the found that my mother in law’s gurney indeed is in that room that they allowed me to pass. That night, another gentleman on a gurney next to us needed help, I even offered to wheelchair him to the bathroom. We are being considerate to everyone in the emergency room.but we are human and need to sit down to rest a bit too.

In the morning, the security guard said either one of us must leave. All night, ambulances with gurneys come in next to our bed, we had no space to sit. We have been up all night and have been moving our chair to allow other gurneys to pass by. The security guards are non-sympathetic and totally inhumane. My mother in law is incapacitated and need me to help her to go to the bathroom. My husband has to translate for my mother in law - so we both need to stay. The security insists that one of us must leave! I explained to the security guard but they refused to accept and insisted one of us must leave. Later the nurse came in and when we explained to her the situation, she was totally unsympathetic. There is no empathy or kindness in this hospital. She said she would help my mother in law if she needs help and there is no reason for my husband to be there. Well, I am very short and weak and won't be able to support the weight of my mother in law. And when I needed her help, she is nowhere to be found!

I told both the security guard and the nurse that they might try to impose the rules, but empathy and kindness goes a long way. It’s amazing how you put a uniform on someone and now when they perceive they have “power” and how inhumane they can be towards the weak and sick.

I am totally disgusted and appalled by the unkind, thoughtless and mean attitude towards patients and their family members. If I could give negative stars, I certainly would.

I am still in the hospital. If the doctors came and they refuse to allow me to go back into my mother in law’s room, we would just pack our bags and leave. This is entirely infuriating!

The mindset of lower level staff reflect that of the higher administration level and the corporate culture.

A little more empathy and kindness goes a long way! Can’t believe that is not a priority.

This is our first experience and also a very negative experience.

Also it is extremely dirty - bathroom floors are full of urine, paper on the floor everywhere and the bathroom wreaks of urine smell. Simply put - disgusting!

An end note - the doctors are very kind, accommodating and sympathetic as a redeeming grace. But the wait is supremely long.
21 May 2023 13:51
Very kind and knowledgeable staff, emergency room waiting area had been temporarily located in a construction zone which is not a great idea, but I believe that was being changed that same night. Emergency room process does need an update and by process I mean diagnosis, prognosis, q&a, etc. After 14 hours there I left without a clear idea of what I had to do next (apart from filling out the prescriptions), what resources I could use to help accelerate the healing process and what to do in case of complications.
04 May 2023 6:34
It was awful. THEY MADE ME WAIT 5 hours only for them to tell me they weren't going to treat my problem, they told me to go to a clinic. Their health services are APPALLING AND USELESS.
16 April 2023 18:03
Une expérience tellement déplorable je j’imaginais pas que je suis don un pays qui fait partie du G7 mon fils a fait une chute don son travaille ramasser par les ambulances ver 22 h ver urgence après tout la nuit sur une civière le constat était une fracture au niveau du genou après une longue attente ont nous a dit désolé ont peux pas l’opérer sans d’autre explication manque de place il doit rentrer à la maison jusqu’à ont vous appelle une semaine après ont essayé de rejoindre le service pas de réponse juste une boîte vocale donc voilà le constat imagine un médecin dont ce service m’a après que je essaye de comprendre pourquoi c’est comme ça il m’a répond avec un petit sourire ci ça était au usa le cas de ton fils serait opéré sur le champ
10 April 2023 21:59
De BR vous dans cette clinique de la douleur? Après 1 an d attente, 7 ans de douleurs, je me suis demandé aujourd’hui si j étais bien à la clinique de la douleur. Cette visite a été surréaliste! J ai déjà été accueillie dans une autre clinique de la douleur (, la douleur devenant intolérable et ingérable), Jy ai rencontré des médecins brillants, qui avait clairement une excellente compréhension de la médecine et de la douleur. Je n ai pas pu y rester.pas par choix. J ai attendu a nouveau, Mes espoirs ont vite disparus avec le Dr B. R! En fait je me suis demandé si je parlais bien à un médecin ici pour m’aider. Pour résumer cette visite: Manque de professionnalisme, des commentaires corrosifs comme « Il y a beaucoup de gens bien pire que vous (- sur, ici et partout dans le monde, mais est-ce pour cette raison qu il ne faut pas comprendre ni aider un patiente dont on ne connaît même pas le dossier médical?) ou « on vous a accompagné à la clinique considérez vous comme chanceuse il y en a qui prennent le bus «  (oui, je vous crois bien mais je ne suis pas ici pour discuter de mon mode de transport!? !?), ….
22 March 2023 8:55
Horrible experience came 6pm was not attended or called even after I left by 1.15am. Don't go here its a death trap.be warned!
04 March 2023 10:50
Worst ER ever. The only thing the staff said is “wont be too long”. No one is even unplug the IV
23 February 2023 18:03
Absolutely horrible. Was there for 7 hours and no doctor saw me. Left out of disgust. An abomination to any hospital. Very understaffed, should hire more people or tell you you will be there for 10 hours
02 February 2023 9:22


20 October 2022 2:33
The staff could be unpredictable by sending back to your residence a person who’s unable to walk by bragging before hand that he can perform with a walker, this is unacceptable and as a matter of fact dangerous for both parties.
09 October 2022 19:28
Je n'ai rien à dire, le plus mauvais hôpital que j ai vue dansa vie.
Je le recommande pas
27 September 2022 6:53
J etais a l urgence cela fait 2 semaines et j étais bien traité par l équipe merci beaucoup aux infirmiers qui m ont aidé
23 September 2022 8:50
Worst hospital I've ever been to. Staff is rude when they shouldn't be when dealing with sick people. I waited 14 hours in the emergency room to be told that since I had a referral I should have seen the specialist straight away but instead was sent to to emergency by mistake!
And it's dirty especially the bathrooms.
05 September 2022 18:29
Had hernia surgery with Dr Khwaja and Dr Bracco. Grateful to both. Wonder why the world is not ruled by someone like them.
Staff is professional and friendly. PACU nurses are top of the muffin.
Barbara, you're amazing. Maria, your efforts are much appreciated. Thank you.
03 September 2022 21:00
Waited at ER for over 12 hours, super long waiting time between each service and terrible environment.
30 August 2022 8:01
Unbelievable. Waiting here over 14 hours. Nurses very rude and cold. When I asked when I would be seen by a doctor, her reply was, "How should we know, go sit down. " They made me feel like I was bothering them. Apparently one doctor for two sections and er patients, guess what you are last on the list to be seen. 1 every 2 hours. When I was finally seen, the doctor gave me a new antibiotic and asked for my urine sample again to test the particular bacteria. Haven't heard from them yet after two days. I'm still not okay. Awful experience.
28 August 2022 2:39
Urgence affreuse.avons attendu 11 heures pour voir orthopediste sans le voir et avons du retourner le lendemain avons attendu 10 heures sommes finalement parti sans l avoir vu.
26 August 2022 16:33
Of course it has a horrible review. Indeed I'm surprised it is so high. Just look at all the government run entities, they all have bad reviews because their "customers" are forced to use them. "An offer you can't refuse". These jerks are very anti "unvaccinated" and do NOT follow any science about anything. They prescribe high carb diets to diabetics, mRNA vaccines to pregnant people and young males, and don't test for anything ever unless you beg. Wait times are also 8-24+ hours.
26 August 2022 12:12
Insufficient seriousness is put into ensuring that patients can be served in either languages as per their own policy. This issue appears to be systemic, across MUHC sites with the worse offenders being their short term or contractual hires such as security guards which put both staff and patients at risk if each of them do not speak both languages. How many more healthcare professionals need to be physically or verbally abused because of this? What corrective measures will taken to ensure that all staff are able to speak both languages? How will you hold the contracting companies accountable for providing staff that actually fulfill the requirements sent to them? I'm guessing nothing, because it was like this even when there wasn't a shortage of labour, so no excuses. Management shrugs their shoulders and just says they asked, never what follow-up they did, what measurable or demonstrable improvements they've made.
21 August 2022 6:31
I want to preface this review by saying that I was at the emergency room for nearly 24 hours when I went, but the staff were so helpful it made my stay more bearable. They gave me a bed when I asked to lie down and had to transfer me to another room to do so. While I did wait long, the entire surgical team came to see me eventually and were deeply apologetic for the wait, and they led me through the process of what was going to happen. I still need to go back for more evaluations, but as for an emergency room experience, I have to say that in spite of the wait, I was well taken care of.
16 August 2022 9:36
Absolument nul! Je suis allée pour une crise de calcul rénaux. Une souffrance incroyable. La réponse de la petite secrétaire est je cite ; » il faut attendre au moins 3 heures! Juste pour une piqûre pour me soulager. Personne n’a pris en compte ma douleur fulgurante. Système de santé absolument ahurissant! Cher compatriote Français ne tombez pas malade à Montréal ou n’y allez pas! La mort est certaine et le personnel nul et extrêmement désobligeant. Je suis choquée de tant de bêtises et le patient tout le monde sent fou! Absolument indigne d’un hôpital.
10 August 2022 7:13
So Disappointing, they can’t find my family doctor in their system. Always sounds like they don’t care about u
02 August 2022 14:28
Mon mari était très malade avec covid. On a appelé info santé avant y aller et ils ont recommandé d'aller a cette hopital. L'infermiere a la salle de reception était pas collaborative et ne pensait pas meme a nous ecouter.
29 July 2022 11:05
Good doctors, nice nurses and helpful staffs around. You can easily find the place with good indications
26 July 2022 11:00
Better to turn away an infant and let it die than even bother trying to its life. Shame on the staff, shame on the administration and anyone else at the hospital. Stop turning away children before they have even been triaged. If the responders thought they could have made it to the children's hospital they would have gone there.
22 July 2022 17:11
On m’a enlevé 1/3 du poumon droit…. Le lendemain on m’a demander de quitter ma chambre à 6 heure PM …pour la donner à un autre patient sans me donner rien pour la douleur, j’ai du m’habiller et marcher et descendre pour attendre que quelqu’un vienne me chercher…. On ne m’a donner aucune prescription pour la douleur et aucuns document d’arrêt de travail pour mon employeur…. J’essaie d’appeler pour avoir une prescription pour la douleur qui est intense et pour avoir un document pour mon employeur je laisse des messages car personne ne répond et on ne retourne pas mes appel…. Jamais je ne subirai une autre opération à cet hôpital…
03 July 2022 6:07
Learning on the news that my brother is between life and death, showing up at 6: 49am to see him in ICU, I am being told that visits is at 9am, asking to talk to someone and I being told that they are too busy. This is the service that you get in this miserable health system!
02 July 2022 19:03
Hats off to all the doctors, especially nurses & hospital staff very professional & kind people. They do their best to help you out despite many difficulties & challenges like in pandemic, short of beds. I was admitted there for few days in the beginning I was in stretcher care like many others but even there nurses did their best to help everyone and take good care then I was moved to 15th floor & nurses there provided best care they were all so polite & helpful. I heard before that it’s hard job & how many challenges they face in daily life but while I was admitted there I did see what healthcare workers experience. You guys are true heroes. I just don’t have words to describe how thankful I am. Can’t name one person. No doubt they need so many improvements which I guess everyone is already aware of.but staff works tirelessly, professionally & with true dedication.
14 June 2022 1:40
Worst place, bad nurses, nobody gives u an answer about what Is going on with the patiences. Do not come to this hospital
08 June 2022 23:04
The emergency dept at montreal General is horrible. The atmosphere is depressing the communication is worse.
Id avoid at all cost
07 June 2022 21:59
Ma belle-mère y est en ce moment pour une urgence ophtalmique. Elle a déboursé 1000$ avant même de voir quelqu’un. A été prise en charge par une personne qui se prétend ophtalmo, dans une pièce où les appareils ne sont pas branchés, où rien ne fonctionne et le “médecin” a diagnostiqué un glaucome avec son téléphone! Alors qu’elle l’aide puisqu’elle en est à sa 3eme uvéite. C’est un scandale! Cet hôpital ne mérite même pas une étoile!
30 May 2022 20:53
A good hospital. Everyone there is kind and friendly! Specifically, I want to thank doctor Lau for her kindness and patience. The only problem is the waiting time is long.
04 May 2022 22:17
2 jours à l'urgence pour un coude cassé. Très peu de sollicitude pour les gens, une femme qui ne pouvait s'assoir à cause de sa blessure est restée debout souffrante toute la journée pendant que des civières étaient inutilisées dans le corridor. Une infirmière lui a interdit de s'allonger en la traitant de pleurnicheuse. Inacceptable.
L'urgence est malpropre et ds un état lamentable.
25 April 2022 20:17
J'ai mis une étoile parce qu'il est malheureusement impossible d'en mettre 0. J'ai rencontré une médecin à la clinique de la douleur, sans aucune écoute, manque d'empathie en plus de faire de la grossophobie médicale. J'ai écrit à l'ombudsman de l'hôpital et j'ai bien hâte d'avoir un retour sur ma plainte.
20 March 2022 10:20
Professionnels très compétents empathie soins appropriés Diagnostiques précis et aide appropriée!

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