01 June 2023 14:31
Service exécrable! J'ai laissé de nombreux messages, jamais de réponse et aucun retour d'appel. Mal organisé. On m'a oublié pendant 8 mois! C'est le désordre un peu partout dans ce vieux bâtiment délabré! Aucun soutient ni suivis et encore moins d'accompagnement! Allez ailleurs!
23 May 2023 2:31
La tite cafet est un must? ️ même si cafet Ste justine >>>> Cafet neuro

N’empêche, les gens de la cafet sont
11 February 2023 9:06
I am Parkinson patient since 26 years and now I am treated in Mc
Gil neurology centre
I fond here top medical care very well handling of patient and precise follow up about everything belong patient.
This institute needs your help so what ever we can we should give our support.
09 June 2022 6:43
I've been on hold for an hour just to speak to reception and change an appointment I've never seen anything like this before.
I will update once I've seen a doctor but right now I am incredibly displeased with this hospital you should never have to wait this long just to modify an appointment.
02 May 2022 12:53
For all to know but im sure this wont be printed montreal neuro killed me if the royal vic didnt save my life i was admitted for transver mylites a condition that would never put my life at risk yet the dirty sepsis cathter they put in my neck ravished my body with sepsis only treating me with ice packs till i ended up in there icu dying and they put me in a coma and respirator shiped me to royal vic somehow i lived after 9 days came out with permanant lung damage and leison in my eye from sepsis thats not best part i was exposed to a intern dr who refused to enter my room on 3 occasions unless i covered myself up i am covered in cristian tatoos and wear a large cross funny how this dr never said a word when other dr were with her only alone and same dr while doing a spinal tap in front my witness had problems doing it and started talking arabic to other intern i turned asked pls speak french or english she continued in arabic i have been threw obsmons dr wexlar medical examiner and now review comitee they all managed to stall over a yr and refuse to give me 1 answer to the many complaints i made about religios discrimination from a dr refusal od medical attention unless i cover up refusal to speak french or english all reported to the above yet stall games and failure to give any answeres and best of all my medical records have been fraudulently missing the spinal tap and dr wexlar actually verbaly told me i dont no who she is i made him put it on paper and he did for courts media to witness my constituational rights were violated and there malpractice destroyed my chances recovery i spent over 3 months at royal vic fighting sepsis ty for destroying my life and shame on all above that u are covering up a great injustice ty dino c
16 April 2022 14:03
Mauvaise communication!
Ma fille est entrer après 1ans et demi d'attente, ont sait pas vraiment ce qui se passe, pas le droit de rien faire pas d'expliquation ou presque, pas sur de ci pas sûr de ça! Pour une personne qui fait beaucoup d'anxiété, pas très bon, elle a décidé de partir, je suis très déçu du personnel qui ne sont plus humains mais des robots robots
23 March 2022 12:02
The receptionist for Dr. Frauscher is very kind. However, other than her, everything else has been a disaster. I’ve been calling for months and have yet to get a call back. I took off work for a scheduled phone appointment and I never got a call. I’ve been stressed, lost so much time and money and have had horrible service with little to no feedback from anyone following my tests (EEG + MRI). I highly suggest going anywhere else.
16 March 2022 21:58
Dr. Sirhan is the best. He is kind and patient and answers all questions as well as being a fantastic surgeon.
You cannot go wrong with him.
I was so blessed to have him do my operation for Cushing's disease.
15 March 2022 19:07
Dr Feindel was my neurosugeon back in 1984. I had epilepsy and he performed “ The Montreal Procedure” on me. It was a miracle for me. I never had another seizure again. I returned to The Neuro in 2011 to participate in a research study that Dr Feindel was working on. It was an honor to meet him again. Shortly after his death in January 2014; I received a copy of the book he wrote: “ The Wounded Brain”. This facility is the best neurosurgery center in the world. I am from the United States. No doctors over here could diagnose me correctly of help me.
God Bless Dr Feindel, Dr Milner and all of the staff at this wonderful facility. Thank you All.
05 March 2022 19:10
I would like to use the opportunity to extent my thanks and gratitude to the staff at the Montreal Neurological Institute. My mother was accepted as a transfer on Jan 23rd, 2022 and sadly passed on Jan 24th, 2022. My mother was a young physically and mentally fit person and we were ins shock by what had occurred to her. Although her fate was already determined, the team at the MNI took the time to do more tests, provide explanations and treated our family extremely well. The teams from nursing, doctors, security, house-keeping worked together to accommodate our family needs. They all went above and beyond to help us through this difficult time. My many thanks to Dr. Vieira and Dr. Teitelbaum and their teams for all their work and support. Our city is truly blessed to have such a great hospital filled with truly amazing and compassionate professionals.
15 January 2022 14:18
Was there on October 20,2012 for a grade 4 brain aneurysm and was also in a coma for 40 days. They saved my life and thank God they were there when I needed them. I was rushed there after Valleyfield Regional Hospital we’re unable to do anything because it was a Saturday morning and they did not have the doctors or equipment to operate on me.
It will be 10 years this year in October.
Although I had to relearn how to walk, talk and drive my car again I am very grateful for what they did to me.

Thank you Montreal Neurological Hospital for giving me a second chance.


Alfio Arciero
28 June 2021 20:05
Section (111) jeeez its soo long you have to wait months for them to get your results & thats if they do you have to call all the time and goodluck if they answer the phone, they keep changing the receptionist and who ever patient was before her they dont care about the follow up
28 June 2021 15:42
Parmi les grands hôpitaux montréalais.excellent personnel.
Immeuble ancien et bien entretenu!
22 April 2021 13:14
J'étais opéré à cette hôpital et je suis resté là pour deux semaines les infirmières sont très gentille bravo les filles.
27 March 2021 6:31
This hospital is extremely disorganized with patient care. The staff seem way overworked and their policies are beyond ridiculous and endanger their patients.
20 March 2021 1:37
Negligence and nobody seems to know what they are doing and are very disorganized. Terrible. Staff gossips about their patients very unprofessional. They dont care about people
12 March 2021 23:53
Ma mère a été choyé magnifiquement. Les docteurs, infirmiers et infirmière tous 5 étoiles. Un gros merci à tous le personnelle.
17 September 2020 16:52
I love the hospital they treat me well and they care and they are busy and have other patients and sometime i see it is not easy busy. Still they smile and answer my questions well. I am happy that i was treated in neuro hospital. Keep up with your good work and being proffessional. Thank you! Nakkumiik!
This photo was at camp happy and well after my surgery. Merci!
27 August 2020 15:02

Je suis aller passer un egg à votre hôpital quelle bon service à passer par le gardien de sécurité, secrétaire, plus infermiere
Service exceptioneĺle
Gros merci à votre équipe
27 March 2020 23:50
The nursing staff are great, attentive, and helpful. The staff always seem to be smiling knowing that their days can be demanding and stressful. And I couldn't ask for a better neurosurgeon. This is a place that cares and I am happy to be a patient here, even though I am ready to get home.
15 February 2020 1:47
So thankful for everyone at the Neuro <3
So grateful for the level of care provided by Dr Sinclair, Dr Cortes and nurses. Without them I may not be here right now.
16 October 2019 18:54
A virtuous institution trying to cure brain inpairments and age-related neurodegeneration. It serves as an hospital and a research center where the patient is at the center of newly-developed therapies as well as cutting-edge bedside practices.
09 July 2019 17:51
Grande competence des neurologues et rendez-vous donnés assez vite. Gentillesse du personnel. Pour l’épilepsie c’est +
06 May 2019 12:40
Mon père y à été hospitaliser suite a un avc pendant quelque semaines et je dois dire que j'ai été agréablement surprise de voir a quel point tout le personnel était gentil! Ils étaient tous très attentif au besoin de mon pere (et des autres patients) et étaient toujours a l'écoute, souriant et étaient bien disposer a répondre à nos questionnements etc etc etc. Je vous lève mon chapeau, la gang du 4e étage vous êtes vraiment génial merci pour votre merveilleux travail!
04 May 2019 0:41
La spécialiste très gentille et optimiste avant l’opération. Après l’opération, qui n’a pas fonctionné d’ailleurs, je me sens “persona none gratta” elle et sa secrétaire sont bêtes comme leurs pieds, ne répondent pas à mes questions, où si l’une d’elles daignent répondre elles le font d’une façon si dédaigneuse comme si ma question n’avait pas d’allure et que je suis idiote de la posée. Elle nous traite comme si ont lui fait perdre son temps, mais c’est elle qui nous donne des rendez-vous. Avec cet accueille (si chaleureux) en plus du voyagement (2h30) je m’en serais bien passé.
26 March 2019 4:38
Unsafe MRI Procedure: I had MRI before, but the one at Montreal Neurological Hospital was traumatic. One technicien for several patients. While she was preparing me for the MRI, there was a man left unattended in the machine. There was no one to get him out in case of emergence and since I regurgitate almost daily, I was terrified to be left there. To aggravate matter the girls was rude, unfriendly, impatient, and rough.
IRM Procédure Non Sécurisée: j'avais déjà eu un IRM, mais cell ci de l'Hôpital Neurologique de Montréal était traumatisante. Une technicienne pour plusieurs patients. Pendant qu'elle me préparait pour l'IRM, il y avait un homme laissé sans surveillance dans IRM. Il n'y avait personne pour le sortir en cas d'urgence. Je régurgite presque tous les jours. J'étais terrifié d'être laissé là étouffer dans mon vomit. Pour aggraver les choses, la technicienne étaient effronté, hostiles, impatiente et brusque.
02 March 2019 14:30
Hôpital exceptionnel pour suivi neurologique.l'Institut est reconnu comme un des plus grands centres de ce genre au Canada. Accueil humain, compétence absolue et professionnalisme. L'hôpital lui même est hélas très défraîchi et on aurait aimé ré l'Institut au soir Glen aussi. Également, il y a un gros goulot d'étranglement au niveau des IRM.
21 November 2018 20:25
Je vous remercie énormément! Tout les gens a l'institut neurologique, l'équipe aux soins intensifs, Doc Sinclair. MERCI! Vous avez sauvé mon papa! Vous êtes des héros!

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