30 January 2024 10:13
I bought a new client package (2 classes) i only could go to 1 class as it’s very difficult to get into classes, always a waitlist. Was on a waiting list for a class then got accepted, then cancelled 1h before the class for a personal reason when I emailed to explain they were unreasonable and did not make an exception for new clients, their reason is to go back and look at their policy or waiver, it’s very unfortunate. I paid for 2 classes and only got 1.
27 January 2024 12:59
I love MTL Pilates Lab. I have never liked working out until I found Pilates. I tried several instructors and found a couple that I like and have stuck with them for over 6 months and it has been fantastic. Alexa and Lydia are awesome:) The studio is really beautiful and calming, and close to everything, the metro is 3 minutes away. I wish there was a better set up for storing your stuff during group classes though, because it can be a little difficult to get in and out the door when classes change over.
05 October 2023 2:01
I travel 1h20 mins by bus to come here weekly, that’s how great it is! I’ve done both private sessions as well as group reformer classes with different instructors, all of whom are wonderful and attentive. Highly recommend!
08 September 2023 18:33
I really enjoy the studio and the ambiance. The instructors are very knowledgeable and guide you within your limits. I always feel so zen and strong after my classes. I Would definitely recommend
07 September 2023 20:00
I’ve taken 70 group classes from this studio and I absolutely love them!

Veronique (the founder) is so good at what she does, she helps me to understand how each muscle should work while doing different moves, and she has so many new things to teach.

I haven't tried all the instructors yet but would also recommend Alexa, Emily, and Izabel. They are all amazing.

One thing I would say about taking group classes is to be patient in learning how to do moves on reformers correctly before taking higher-level classes, you can always add more strings to make it challenging, but the wrong position can lead to opposite results.
04 September 2023 1:05
Meilleur studio de pilates! Je vous confirme que 100 cours plus tard, les profs sont toujours autant merveilleuses! J’ai un penchant pour les cours de Nausicaa et Vero, mais elles sont toutes plus que qualifiées. J’apprend autant sur la science de mon corps que les positions de pilates
Le truc pour booker les cours: commencez par le package d’introduction (ou faire un privé) et ensuite prendre un package de 5cours ou plus pour les booker à l’avance (contrairement à d’autres studio on peut booker des mois à lavance!). Oui il a souvent des waitlists mais c’est parce qu’on aime tellement venir au studio et que ça vaut la peine et qu’on voit les résultats que c’est souvent plein. Faites moi confiance, vous ne regretterez pas votre investissement dans MTL lab car c’est réellement un investissement pour votre propre personne.
21 July 2023 21:07
J'ai commencé à venir au MTL Pilates Lab en Août dernier. Après plus de 75 cours, je peux vous confirmer pourquoi j'adore mes cours de pilates:
- Les professeurs s'y connaissent énormément. En plus de nous enseigner à avoir confiance en nous; on gagne en force et en flexibilité. Jamais deux cours sont pareils (chaque fois que je pense savoir ce qu'on va faire, finalement il a un twist et on fait quelque chose de nouveau).
- J'adore les différents types de cours. En séparant les niveaux des élèves, on permet de vraiment explorer des positions selon notre niveau d'avancement. Il est important de respecter son niveau, car sinon ça peut retarder le groupe et la personne risque de se blesser.
- En plus de l'entrainement, je ne quitte jamais un cours sans avoir souris et ris. Ça fait du bien autant physique que mental d'y aller.

Personnellement, je prends et préfère mes cours avec Véronique et Nausicaa mais toutes les professeurs sont magnifiques et très bien formées. Merci pour les entrainements et de continuellement m'éduquer:)
19 June 2023 8:36
Il n'y a aucun endroit semblable à Montréal, c'est de loin la référence pour le pilates ici! La qualité de l'enseignement est simplement incomparable. J'ai fait du ballet pendant 16 ans et je fais du pilates depuis des années. J'apprends toujours quelque chose de nouveau dans les cours, et les profs sont toujours alertes pour nous donner des corrections pertinentes et très personnalisées pour mieux faire les mouvements et nous améliorer. Les cours sont challengeants et on sent tout de suite l'impact bénéfique sur notre posture.
25 May 2023 19:25
The teachers are all amazing, they use careful wording and metaphors to have the proper form. The app is so good considering it’s one studio. Admin is quick and responsive. I referred about 10 people here! I just wish the classes were 10 minutee longer and due to its recent popularity, there were more classes! Merci <3
13 April 2023 11:53
First attend and the experience was excellent
after more than 15 years of Pilates I also learned a new exercise!
Veronique is amazing
highly recommended (as long as I'm able to find open spots)
26 March 2023 2:50
Please note that this place, more specifically their paying system, only accepts credit cards. Unfortunately If you don’t have one, they are not making much effort to accommodate you. (They asked you to verify your address and name 1 thousand times and then they became impatient) I guess they had too many customers so they didn’t care about whether there were new customers anymore.

1. To MTL Pilates. Just let you know that debit cards can be used online a lot of the times.
2. The help was not helpful: They repeatedly asked you to verify info without thinking about the true reason behind. I had to take time to call my bank and realized that it might be caused by the credit card (They didn’t help, or ever tried to contact the payment platform). After I figured that out ON MY OWN and explained the issue to them, I was told within 5 mins that they couldn’t do anything about it.
3. Had the same issue with another sports studio, they addressed the issue very efficiently (within 1 hour) with amazing attitude.
4. The original response below was not sorry at all. “We’re sorry you feel our thousands attempts weren’t enough. ” —— I can feel that you are not sorry.
If your help was to repeatedly ask new customers to check their bank details, despite the fact that I kept telling you they were correct.yes, they weren’t enough.
If your help was really helpful, it shouldn’t have taken 1000 times.
25 March 2023 7:23
J’ai découvert le pilates l’été dernier. Ce sport à complètement transformé mon rapport à l’entraînement et au bien-être. 70 cours plus tard (il faut être patiente, s‘approprier la technique et pratiquer de façon constante), je peux dire que je ne me suis jamais senti aussi forte, même quand je m’entraînais de façon régulière dans le passé. Le studio est magnifique et les coach le sont tout autant. Les cours sont cohérents entre eux tout en étant constamment renouvelé. Merci Véronique et toute l’équipe!
31 January 2023 9:24
Love the private duo session with Isabelle. She is so patient, informative and knowledgeable. As beginners we were quite stressed out about how to use the reformer, Isabelle guided us patiently and corrected our posture.
10 October 2022 12:10
I was travelling through Montréal and really wanted to go to a reformer class. MTL Pilates was great! I was able to go just for one class, the class was in English and French, and it was exactly what I needed. The teacher was really clear and helpful and the studio was beautiful. Everything kept very clean and lots of space. Lovely place
27 September 2022 0:17
I've had both private and group lessons with a variety of instructors. The space is beautiful, the app for booking works very well, and the instructors are funny and kind. As a complete beginner I felt very welcomed!
20 March 2022 22:57
Veronique is amazing. She is so wise and patient. She truly tailors classical pilates to each individual student. She will enrich your life!
24 November 2021 0:40
Amazing Pilates studio! The instructors here are incredibly talented, intelligent, and dedicated to your progress. The classes are very well planned to challenge ALL experience levels from beginner to advanced. I highly recommend the studio and each instructor.
22 November 2021 16:02
Endroit super propre et très apaisant. Toutes les professeures sont attentionnées et vous donne toujours des supers trucs afin de vous améliorer! Ma posture ainsi que mon core ne fait que s’améliorer avec le temps! J’ai beaucoup avancé dans mes cours privés avec Gabrielle. Je recommande à tous!
23 March 2020 22:39
Best pilates studio in town. I have been going there for almost 2 years now and I love the teachers. The classes are small so they really spend time making sure you improve your posture and become stronger.
17 December 2019 22:49
I’m enjoying my classes very much! Plus I’ve seen an improvement in my weakness, balance. Great team of instructors, very clean studio with state of the art equipment, wishing them continued success.
28 October 2019 7:03
Ce studio est magnifique. Les machines sont top. Et les instructeurs sont toutes extrêmement compétentes.
15 October 2019 9:54
Prof exceptionnelle. Elle connaît son travail sur le bout des doigts. Allez-y vous ne serez pas déçu.

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