04 September 2023 13:33
I have never experienced this level of AMAZING customer service before! We went to NAPA to order new parts for our 1977 Vandura RV. After a series of trial and error, we learned that our starter wasn't working. Having never replaced one before, Mark, offered to come out and help us after his shift (!) He ended up helping us diagnose the problem for hours (there was a few other things going on). We were stranded in the parking lot over night, and he even came back to check on us again the next day right before we fixed the problem. There is a lot more I could write, but the bottom line is that this store helped us in a very challenging time. We were stranded. We cannot say thank you enough for Mark, Darren and Martin for helping with the returns. You guys have made us lifetime NAPA customers and we will always tell people about this. It was unbelievably knowledgeable staff, mixed with concern and genuine human kindness. We'd give you guys 10 stars if we could! Thank you!
04 September 2023 13:02
Really bad service in that point (newman) the associates doesn't want to give a good service.
1st you've to disassemble all your car for show them the piece that you need.maybe they don't want to search in the system and expend time with the costumer (was only me, no more costumers) for resolving all the questions that we've. (we're not a technicians ppl). Otherwise the actitud vs the question really bad and i didn't see any performance or costumer service training with that person, his 360 review and rise salary have to be affected. I'm not going never never again to that place and my recommendation to everyone is 0,0%.
If the manager or director from that warehouse read this message, kindly send Hr to train those associates, and create a really OPL involving costumer service.
How one grand father 80 years old have to take out one light without any training and brung the bulbs inside because they do not know how to use the car reference in the system for find the substitution.
Maybe youtube is more important that one costumer.
01 July 2023 17:14
- J'ai commandé deux tuyaux sur leur site Web, j'ai été facturé et je ne les ai jamais reçus.

J'ai appelé pour savoir ce qui se passait et on m'a dit "désolé, il y avait un problème dans le système et certaines commandes n'ont jamais été traitées", sauf que j'ai reçu un e-mail de confirmation, que j'ai été débité de ma carte de crédit et que mon suivi de commande était me disant "en cours"

L'agent du service client a dit qu'ils y travaillaient, mais cela pourrait ne pas fonctionner avant la semaine prochaine. Quand j'ai demandé pourquoi ne pas simplement commander à nouveau maintenant, elle a dit qu'elle ne pouvait pas.
Ils ne m'ont jamais envoyé d'e-mail pour me le dire, alors j'ai attendu pendant que mon véhicule est inutilisable pendant tout ce temps pour rien.

Je viens de les commander sur Amazon pour le même prix que j'ai payé avec Napa, et je les recevrai dans quelques jours. Je ne commanderai plus jamais chez Napa.

- I ordered two hoses from their website, was charged, and never received them.

I called to find out what was going on, and was told "sorry, there was a glitch in the system and some orders never got processed", except I received an confirmation email, was charged to my credit card, and my order tracker was telling me "in process"

The customer service agent said they were working in it but it might not work until next week. When I asked why not just reorder right now, she said she can't.
They never sent an email out telling me, so I've been waiting while my vehicle is inoperable all this time for nothing.

I just ordered them from Amazon for the same as I paid with Napa, and will get them in a couple of days. I'll never order from Napa again.
09 March 2023 22:10
Je suis le propietaire de garage Diaz911 a Verdun le lundi 20 de mars, J'ai vécu pour la deuxième fois une expérience désagréable dans votre magasin

Staff de peinture et carrosserie, service pourri aucune éducation et aucun intérêt pour les clients, ils passent devant toi et t'ignorent complètement, 10 minutes après l'employé de la peinture d'un ton prépotent vous demande si vous avez besoin de quelque chose, Et si vous n'apportez pas le code de peinture, il ne vous donne pas plus de solutions, il se moque simplement de vous comme si vous étiez complètement stupide.

J'ai fini pour acheter ma peinture chez EUROTEK pour un total de 1 200$

Je ne retournerai certainement jamais dans votre magasin, aucun service client.
14 July 2022 16:23
Waited 15 minutes after I told the clerk which part I needed. He proceeded to answer calls instead of getting the part. Waste of time
11 May 2022 22:21
Worst service! Stand there for almos 10 minutes today and being ignored. He doesn’t care if you want to buy something or not
13 April 2022 13:57
Excellent service de la part de Sylvain! Il m’a aidé avec mon véhicule lors d’une grosse tempête hivernale. Je recommande ce magasin à tous!
29 November 2021 16:29
That's one of the worst experience in a parts place I have to wait around half with only one person was in front of me I don't know how you guys make money with that kind of service I'll of to go to some where else next time
10 May 2021 4:20
Sérieusement le meilleur service que vous pouvez recevoir chez un détaillant de pneus au Québec. Vous n'avez même pas à penser à votre rendez-vous et la remise vos pneus vous appelle et lors de votre arrivée c'est presque déjà fait. Je n'avais jamais vu un service aussi hors-pair de ma vie merci beaucoup et je vous invite à y aller très souvent!
12 June 2020 17:32
After buying the last 2 cans of a certain paint which was in stock, I asked when more might come in and was told ' We get it when we get it'. I then placed an online order for the paint to pick-up in store. That was 8 Months ago and still no replies after 3 separate online orders which were to be picked up at the location. More or less the same with some oil additives.
08 August 2019 14:36
Service professionnel courtois il sont à l'écoute de leur client et il répondront à vos questions et seront vous aider a faire le bon choix
14 July 2019 4:50
J'ai trouvé rapidement ce que je cherchais et le commis a vérifié et m'a confirmé que j'avais la bonne pièce.
22 May 2019 9:36
So clean so organized all you need for your car you can find it there in case they don’t have it they will order it, I can say best employee attitude they are soooooo helpful and they understand your need fast they tell you what’s best and good regarding your need they welcome you with a smile and they listen to you carefully love that location awesome employee awesome professional service I was checking the flyer this month they have the car dash camera for only $14.95 go guys get one for your car so cool that place love it
12 April 2019 13:55
Whoever is working right now at this moment is hanging up at every call.even though its advertised to be open until 6pm.
25 December 2018 8:49
Asked for top quality breaks and was asked if I'm racing my car on a daily basis.
Pretty much the fellow behind the counter was rude and gave me a price to discourage me to order or come back. I tried another location and was treated accordingly and bought my parts and completed my job.
My one star is for the poor service at the location and not Napa.

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