07 October 2023 14:28
Hello, good afternoon, excuse me, in this branch they speak Spanish, please, thank you, good day.
25 September 2023 2:19
They are very rude and not private. The decuss your information around other clients as your standing in line
The manager had threatened to close my account for not wanting to talk as I was in line
18 August 2023 1:06
Il n'y a aucun sentiment d'urgence ici! Tous les employés sont très zen et très calme.qu'il y ait une personne en file ou 10, aucun stress! Haha
27 July 2023 14:53
If this bank’s survival depended on its customer service, it would be closed. It’s not that the employees are not nice, it’s you have a line of 10 people waiting with only one cashier but 4 other employees uselessly running around like headless chickens asking what they can do for you. You can help me by opening more registers and actually doing what I need. Stop telling me to use the atm, if I could I would, but unfortunately for me, I need the teller.
19 May 2023 18:23
Ne répondent jamais au téléphone! C’est quoi ça? Peut on avoir un minimum de service

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