29 August 2023 4:50
Je déconseille fortement.jamais rien de ranger très sale et une gérante très mal commode l’ancien étais mieux bref je regret
03 July 2023 6:52
Très mauvaise expérience avec cet endroit que je déconseille fortement.
Un endroit que mon époux m'a suggéré et où je me suis inscrite pour pouvoir profiter de ses conseils et sa motivation.cependant l'équipe de direction n'est pas de cet avis car il m'ont dis qu'il m'était interdis de me faire coacher par quelqu'un alors qu'il dispose de coach "qualifié". J'ai beau leur expliquer que ça ne m'intéressais nullement de prendre un coach et que je veux juste profiter d'une bonne séance de gym avec mon conjoint.mais je suppose que l'avidité prend le dessus.vu qu'on plus d'être le gym le plus cher (sans raison) il t'empêche de t'entraîner avec ton époux et t'exige de faire appel à leur coach même si tu en a pas besoin.
16 May 2023 10:55
The gym is definitely not worth the money they charge.
Old equipment, few advantages and left behind other gyms.
22 April 2023 21:45
I’m not really satisfied with the new manager and I’m quite I’m not really interested to continue with that group any more
15 July 2022 19:14
Amazing during the week-end. Most of the people are using the Cardio machine so all the weight and bench are free!
19 April 2022 17:36
Have to go back trainened the 5 years and love it.the staff are great.customers very friendly.top gym.love their dance class teacher Steven.best couch ever.the best gym 10 stars
06 April 2022 6:21
Appareil de musculation et de cardio obsolète
Aucune machine de musculation n'est doublée alors vous devez attendre qu'elle se libère, idem pour les haltères

Sinon bel endroit, bonne ambiance et les clients sont des gens normaux.
Le staff est très accueillant et souriant
08 February 2021 16:26
Never sign one year contract with them, they won’t give your money back even you have medical problems
05 February 2021 2:04
The Gym needs some maintenance the painting from the roof peeling off it seems nobody cares or takes care about this, the other day some of the painting was peeling off during my workout and any staff approached to clean it.also I do not know why but the machines are sooo dusty ALL the time! Poor cleaning dust everywhere and spider webs too. They need to do something ASAPPPPPP
17 April 2020 8:53
Vert very very rude staffs, amazingly unsanitary facility and outdated equipment possibly made by Shakespeare and most importantly the price is one of the most expensive in Montreal for no reasons
I definitely recommend people to avoid this gym.
04 March 2020 9:15
For my case, I only need a decent peloton bike. The ones that exist are in a pity state. Since I pay an annual package for the price of riding an old bike, it's really not worth it. In addition, I was planning to engage a personal trainer, but recently had an unpleasant experience with the attitude of one the staff members. Overall, if it weren't for the fact that I live near the gym, I would move to another organization
01 March 2020 6:39
Been going there for over a year now and I’m pretty satisfied with everything.
The only minor problems are weak WiFi (which I don’t use that often anyway) and a tendency for it to get overcrowded, it would be great if nautilus could come up with better ways to regulate the number of people using their facilities (e.g. Premiums for prime times, discounts for mornings and at night, etc).
03 January 2020 13:03
Big gym with lots of weight lifting options, however cardio machines are quite out dated! Some peloton bikes or threads would be great. In addition my biggest issue is the very poor cleanliness, at times the place is smelly and you can see the same garbage inside the cardio cup holders for weeks and weeks!

Everything in this gym seems highly catered to French speakers not so English friendly
26 December 2019 4:15
Big infrastructure, clean and good service but, the most important part fails. The machines are old and many times won't work, an update is necessary and mandatory. Basically, without trying to be an A-hole, they sale a name (Nautilus) ; not comfort when working out. I cannot give opinion regarding trainers, since I fo it by myself.
25 September 2019 6:26
Great gym. Friendly staff, very spacious facility and quality equipment. So far I've seen like only 1 machine out of service. Very clean too. My only issue is the closing time. It's too early and I often cannot finish my workout. If the business could prolong that it would be amazziiing!
24 September 2019 15:42
Sub par for Nautilus Plus, I've been to 4 locations and this one is just 'okay'. It's comparable in size to other locations and parking is free, however some of the equipment is getting kind of old. The biggest downside for that gym is that it has no humidity control whatsoever. They do have air conditioning but I was soaking wet after just a few minutes on the treadmill. Then you go to do your workout and it's even worse, I feel like I was melting in a puddle of sweat. It's just insane and they seriously need to do something about it.
21 September 2019 14:49
The gym is good. But stay away from the programs - no one can loose 30 lbs in 3 months unless you are doing workout full time. Fun fact- after you enroll in a program then they will evaluate if you can achieve the goal.me and one of my friend fell for it, but were no where close to the target. So be careful and do research before signing up for a paid program.
07 July 2019 18:53
A pretty decent place to go train. The fact that the gym is not too crowded when I go is an added benefit, along with its proximity. The only downside is the price of private sessions which is, in my opinion, way too hight for how much they pay the trainers themselfs. Lowering the prices a lot would help attract more customers.
26 May 2019 23:43
Old equipment. Quite dirty most of the time.
They removed one of the cable stations to put in some monkey bars that no one is using.now there is a constant line up to the cables at the only station that is left.
Lastly the equipment is all over the place and the staff don’t care putting it back. If you come first thing in the morning you end up looking for different attachments for cable rack and moving benches that has been left all over from previous day.
It is also overcrouded during the day.
Finally fed up and found another gym half way through my paid annual membership. Needless to say they will still charge me for half a year.
This gym really not worth considering.

P. S.
My review is not an opinion those are facts based on my experience attending this gym for over two years. I could provide my opinion as well.
Two weeks later no one reached out by the way.shows you how much they care.
I am sure I will get a call and a letter when my membership is about to expire.
09 April 2019 19:07
Best gym I have been so far, nothing to complain except a little high price for personal trainer
09 March 2019 8:57
Je ne conseille pas. Prix très élevés. Manque d'honnêteté et de transparence totale. On nous annonce un tarif pour ma fille moins de 18ans puis le jour où elle débute on nous annonce un autre tarif. Soit presque plus de 100 $ par mois pour une adolescente. Forcing et mise devant le fait accompli. La personne qui se dit adjointe du gérant nous dit que ses 2 collaboratrices ne connaissent pas les tarifs et se sont trompées! D'ailleurs cet établissement n'affiche pas ses tarifs clairement. Bref à éviter. Heureusement qu'ils ne sont pas les seuls!
05 November 2018 10:12
Il y a deux ans, j’y ai eu une très mauvaise expérience. Les appareils ne sont pas propre, il n’y a rien pour les nettoyer (ou si loin de l’endroit où l’on est et si peu). Et la musique est trop forte, beaucoup trop forte. Pas d’aide. Il y a un monsieur qui s’entraînait sans avoir payé un entraîneur! Il utilisait mal un appareil et il allait se blesser à coup sûr. Je l’ai dit à une employée (entraîneur) qui mal carrément dit qu’elle ne s’en occupait pas puisqu’il n’avait pas payé pour un entraîneur. En fait, je crois que cet endroit est fait pour des personnes beaucoup plus jeunes que moi et qui adorent cette musique très forte très.anglophone américaine.
Et je suis certaine que tout le monde est heureux. J’ai hâte qu’un jour un centre sportif ouvre pour les gens calmes qui n’ont pas besoin de se faire hurler dans les oreilles pour se motiver!

Ah oui! Quand j’ai annulé, avec difficultés car on ne voulait pas me donner l’évaluation que l’on avait faite de ma condition physique et que j’avais payée, le gérant ou le proprio ou je ne sais pas qui s’en est pris à mon intégrité professionnelle après avoir vu mon site web. En me menaçant par exemple de me dénoncer parce que j’avais écrit que j’étais formatrice agréée par la Commission des partenaires du travail. C’était pourtant VRAI et j’avais la preuve de mes compétences et du paiement pour être agréée. Cela vole très très très bas.parfois dans ce monde.
12 February 2018 9:13
I've been subscribed to this gym since 2011 or 2010. I renew my subscription yearly. This year I went to renew and they told me they changed their software and now I owe them 250$ from 2011. How come this is the first time I hear about this? Maybe they want to pay off their new software. Either way, I won't pay this imaginary money nor will I register again. I've never liked this gym as it is one of the most expensive gyms and the quality is bad less than mediocre. Old and used equipment, unable to wear wifebeaters and worst of all they force you to register for classes you will never use anyway. I was registered as I was going with friends and it's just more fun. But I'd rather go elsewhere under such redicilous circumstances.

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