31 December 2023 5:34
Nesto are fantastic- great rates and an incredible amount of support and assistance. They also ensured that I knew exactly what the status was and clearly explained the process, the next immediate steps and then the timeline for the future steps.
29 November 2023 5:25
Grâce a Nesto on a pu avoir notre prêt hypothécaire pour l'achat de notre première maison a un taux et des avantages plus intéressants que la concurrence. Un Service très professionnel et rapide de notre courtier hypothécaire Jean-Pierre Magar qu'on remercie.
15 November 2023 5:05
L'équipe est fantastique! Je suis finalement resté avec mon ancien prêteur mais, du début à la fin ils ont été super sympathiques, très disponibles et très patients.
08 November 2023 3:49
I was shopping around and was not happy with my current bank rates. Just through a web search I found Nesto replied to the add and soon got a call from Louis a rep from Nesto. Very friendly and walked me through Mortgage rates and benefits of Nesto. Even without tell them my bank rate the rate I got was. 72 of percent less then bank and lot easier to do extra payments breaking the mortgage fee was less with them.
07 November 2023 0:13
Nesto offers all the benefits of getting your mortgage at a bank but at substantially lower rate. Banks will argue that they offer better and in-person customer service and advisors if you need them, but do you really want to pay a full percent more just to have someone look you in the eye while they take your money. Just go with Nesto and save yourself the trouble.
26 October 2023 9:59
I just wanted to say thanks to Alec and the team at Nesto. Great service and quick response made everything go smoothly overall.
08 May 2023 1:00
Excellent service de la part d’Alexandre R.et un très bon taux. Je recommande Nesto assurément.
05 May 2023 18:29
I switched mortgage lenders to Nesto from my previous mortgage company. I felt very comfortable with the process. I was able to do most of the work myself, which I was happy with. I contacted them through their website, and provided all documentation on my own, without a mortgage broker.

They offered me a rate that I was happy with and then before the funding date, the mortgage rate went down. I had been watching the markets, and called Nesto to let them know that I would like the new, lower rate. They re-sent all documentation, and they offered me the new, lower rate, no questions asked.

I believe this is the mortgage company for you, if you prefer self-service, and are willing to put the work in yourself, instead of using a mortgage broker. I am happy with the quality of service, and the rates that were offered were 1-2% lower than I was currently paying, which made the switch a smart move for me!
23 April 2023 12:46
Bien que nous n'avons pas pu aller de l'avant avec Nesto, il reste tout de même que le service et les conseils qui nous ont été donnés nous ont grandement aidé dans notre renouvelement hypothécaire. Un gros merci à Alexandre Rioux pour ses bons conseils et son excellent service!
09 April 2023 8:11
Our recent experience with Nesto has been amazing. Everyone on the team has been professional and knowledgeable, taking time to follow up and provide flawless customer service. Their portal is intuitive and easy to determine where we are at in the process. By far the easiest and best experience we have ever had. Keep up the great work!
30 March 2023 23:15
I had the pleasure of speaking with Justin Burgess today. I've talked to several people about mortgages in the past and it left me with more questions than answers. Justin was the first person to help point me in a direction to know where I need to be financially to find a home for my young family.

In short very helpful and customer service oriented, understood my position not pushy at all.
24 March 2023 13:10
Kelly from Nesto whined and complained it was too hard to complete the mortgage process in such a short period of time so I went to Simplii and had it done and processed in under a week. Just skip this company and the headaches.
20 March 2023 8:53
Awesome experience. Just to put thing in the perspective. I am the first time buyer in Canada and mortage process is completely different here from my home country. I discussed with banks and with one day I discovered Nesto as well. There were a couple of difference I noticed while working with Nesto.

1. Affordability: Banks associates talks about less affordability and when you ask for more affordability, they start asking for extra money (not all but I heard about from a couple) Nesto gave me a fair affordability value for the property that helped me in finding the right property in the challenging time.

2. Discounted rate: I understood that based on your profile and lot of other factors you get your discont rate on prime rate. I don't think there should be a grey area in this process. We have Bank of Canada deciding prime rate and your profile is same for Bank and same for Nesto too. All are giving you money and all expect to receive it back as well but why discount rate is hugely different.anyways Nesto from day 1 gave me a discount rate which was very competitive and required in such difficult times.

3. Experience - I didn't go out for anything in the entire process, everything was online, smooth, professional and relaxing. We anyways have lots of other things to take care while buying a house and if you can remove one of Mortage approval, you are lucky

Great service, great deal and great people @Nesto. I would love to recommend more people to Nesto.
16 March 2023 1:47
J'ai eu une très très belle expérience avec Nesto mortgages-hypothèques. Je recommande vivement et en particulier Claudine Sicard et Ahmad shamsedine. Ils ont pris le temps de répondre à mes questions pour tout ce qui concerne le prêt hypothécaire. Je les félicite pour leurs professionnalisme, prise en charge rapide de mon dossier et leurs courtoisie.
15 March 2023 0:55
J'aimerai remercie mon conseiller hypothécaire Jovik Vachon qui a effectué un travail exceptionnel pour que ma femme et moi puissions obtenir un financement pour l'achat de notre propriété avec le meilleur taux sur le marché, je vous le recommande fortement et vous serez pas déçu du tout.
Bon vent à Nesto et à son équipe, pleins succès!
04 March 2023 14:10
Service courtois et professionnel, excellent taux et simplicité!

Très simple de contracter une hypothèque avec Nesto!
11 February 2022 21:40
Très bon service de la part de Jean-François. Il a su nous accompagner le long des démarches.
Outre quelques erreurs administratives de la part de Nesto, c'était bien.
30 January 2022 7:11
Je tien vous remercier Ana Maria côté pour votre, professionnalisme, sympathie, rapidité et clarté des réponses sur mes questions
Je vous remercie et je vous recommanderai nesto fortement
26 January 2022 12:23
Un gros merci a l'équipe de Nesto! J'ai été servi par Jean-Francois et jai eu droit a un excellent service. L'équipe a été tres professionnelle, a l'écoute de mes besoins et disponible. Je referai le processus avec eu nimporte quand! Ils ont su me rassurer et m'offrir le meilleur arrangement et taux possible.
Merci encore a vous tous et un 5***** a J-F Tremblay!
23 January 2022 21:45
Un très bon expérience j'ai attrapé le taux pour 5 ans fixe le le plus bas de tout Québec. Merci Nesto est désolé de rédiger l'avis plus tard (just après s'assurer que c'est vrai)
23 January 2022 18:34
Jaime was extremely patient with me as we worked together through the details and handling of the refinancing for the purpose of my separation and all the hurdles it caused.
21 January 2022 1:20
Service absolument pourri, aucune nouvelle pendant des semaines, 14 jrs avant la date limite (il refuse pour je ne sais quelle raisons). J’ai fait affaire avec Josée Dion (anciennement de chez Desjardins), qui tout au long des 3 mois que ma demande a durée m’a demande une quantité phénomale de documents et questions complètement absurdes. Je ne recommande pas du tout.
20 January 2022 3:34
Service conseil impeccable du début à la fin, belle collaboration entre vos départements, réponses à mes interrogations rapides, plateforme Internet nesto simple et facile d'utilisation. Un merci tout particulier à Claudine
18 January 2022 23:37
Best client care service in the business. You dont wait 1 hour on the phone to have your questions answered. They are fast and professional. Joseph is the best. Thank you.
15 January 2022 23:08
Didn't end up going with them for a mortgage rate but they were super helpful in general. At the bare minimum, great customer service and kind employees. They seem like the "Good Samaritan" of mortgage companies.
12 January 2022 21:50
Excellent service à la clientèle reçu de la part de chacun des conseillers chez Nesto; notamment Donald Arseneault et Anna Feldman! Équipe professionnel, courtois et à l'écoute.
La seule raison pour 4 étoiles est malheureusement le groupe de notaires FCT qui est plus qu'ordinaire et service à la clientèle pourris!
Je n'hésiterai pas à recommander Nesto mais je garderai un bémol pour le groupe FCT.
11 January 2022 14:40
Très bon service, je suis étonnée de voir la facilité d'une plateforme en ligne! J'avais peur de ne pas avoir le côté du contact humain mais la personne qui prend en charge la demande est accessible et disponible! Le traitement se fait très rapidement! Il conseille très bien selon la situation et donne des solutions! Super wow et je recommande à tous! Merci à Jannie Brassard je vous la recommande!
06 January 2022 21:57
Tellement décevant, j'ai failli perdre l'achat de ma maison à cause d'eux. Ce qu’ils n’ont pas été capables de faire en 15 jours, Desjardins la fait en 5 heures. Oui 5 heures…. Des dizaines de demandes de documents avec aucune cohérence, j'ai dû les appeler à de nombreuse reprise pour avoir un suivi et des réponses. Ne faites pas affaire avec eux, car vous perdrez assurément votre précieux temps. Plus jamais je ne ferais une tel erreur.
03 January 2022 7:41
Mise à jour: Un superviseur et les dirigeants de Nesto ont pris notre dossier en main et les paiements ont été corrigés.

Avis initial: Notre expérience est exécrable! Je regarde tous les mauvais commentaires et on les a tous vécus (pas de service à la clientèle, aucun retour d’appel, non respect des taux promis, etc.). On se disait que les gens étaient débordés et qu’il était possible qu’ils se trompent de dossiers, mais on était prêt à passer outre pour obtenir le meilleur taux…

Alors, on s’est rendu jusqu’au bout et on se retrouve avec une hypothèque qui coûte 120$ de plus/2sem que les calculs qui nous avaient été expliqués et promis. Notre paiement est maintenant plus élevé que notre hypothèque initiale avec la Banque Nationale où notre taux était plus haut. Il n’y a rien à comprendre!

Malgré mes nombreux appels, aucun retour de la part de Nesto! L’AMF devrait rapidement se mettre le nez dans cette compagnie.
01 January 2022 12:21
C'est le pire d'expérience de ma vie, le courtier est arrogant, irrespectueux.j'ai fini la conversation téléphonique avec lui apres 3 minutes. Le courtier n'a pas voulu repondre de mes questions et il s, est fache vite. Quel service pourrie. Je prefere faire avec multi pret ou desd banques directement au lieu faire avec Nesto. TRES MAUVAIS SERVICE
30 December 2021 15:36
By far the best experience we have ever had getting a mortgage, so simple, quick and professional. Everyone we dealt with were so kind, no one ever made us feel like just another number in the system. Communication was constant. I never even had to ask about the process, all details were clear and to the point. Thank you so much
30 December 2021 14:07
We can't say enough about Nesto. Justin was very Professional which made everything run smooth. Thank you again.
25 December 2021 14:59
I had a seamless experience with nesto. I spoke with Juan, who was very informative and took the time to answer all my questions regarding mortgage rates. He was easily accessible for follow up questions as well. The system to upload documents and keep track of the overall progress worked really well.
22 December 2021 10:49
Highly recommend working with Nesto and team. Elischa and Erfan from Nesto helped me close a property in 30 days. They made the buying process extremely smooth. It was a tight deadline but they were able to meet my needs and go above and beyond.
20 December 2021 23:20
I had a very good experience, it was fast, profesionnal exactly what I'm looking for.
I definetely recommend it.
19 December 2021 7:44
As first time homes buyers my partner and I had no idea what to expect when obtaining a mortgage for a home purchase. We decided to go with Nesto after reading their great reviews, and seeing how easy and straightforward it was to upload all of our documents into their online docucenter. The mortgage advisor we were assigned, Jamie Pritchard, was incredibly knowledgeable, helpful, and prompt and he had a wonderful sense of humour which made him a delight to work with. From pre-approval, to signing our actual mortgage approval documents, Jamie was always happy to answer our questions and we are incredibly happy with both his service as well as the rate we received from Nesto!
18 December 2021 9:38
Un gros merci à Ahmad Chamseddine. J'ai été accompagné par un professionnel tout au long de ma démarche. Réponse rapide à mes questions et obtenu mon financement assez rapidement. Je recommande Nesto!
13 December 2021 13:29
Nous avons reçu un excellent service de la part de monsieur Donald Arsenault pour l’acquisition de notre première maison. Il a été très proactif dans notre dossier et a su répondre à toutes nos interrogations très rapidement!
07 December 2021 21:36
I filled out all the requested information online and received a call right away to schedule a call with an advisor. I scheduled the call for the next day at 9am and took time off work to be available, and I received a confirmation email that someone would be calling me.

By 9: 30 no one had called, I sent an email and no one responded. When I called Nesto they said no one was available. Very disappointed.
07 December 2021 13:14
Elischa was very helpful, top-notch professionalism and always available, his Correspondence was needed throughout the entire process, I’ve never dealt with a broker who cared so much about their Client best interests. From this experience Elischa and the Nesto team will be and Intentional part of all my Mortgage needs in the future! Thanks again Nesto Team
04 December 2021 1:41
I got the mortgage advice from a very capable advisor names 'Samson'. He took time and gave satisfactory responses to all my questions, and believe me, i asked a lot of them. To add to that, he was very easy to deal with.good to come across a company which stands by their motto.
29 November 2021 7:22
Pire expérience hypothécaire de ma vie. Le courtier m'a fourni une pré-autorisation assez facilement. Bravo pour ça. Mais quand on a fait une offre qui a été acceptée, le courtier a juste arrêté de nous répondre. Après quelques relances de notre part, on a compris qu'on devait s'organiser autrement. Je me suis donc trouvé (très facilement d'ailleurs) un vrai courtier hypothécaire, compétent et fiable. Si vous voulez que votre transaction se fasse sans embuches, n'allez pas voir nesto.
26 November 2021 0:15
I went to nesto looking for the best mortgage rate I could find since my lender was unable to compete with widely posted rate. I was contacted by Samson Solomon within hours and started the process. Nesto was able to find me a rate that my previous lender couldn't come close to. This saved me $2650 in interest and will have paid off $11,000 more off my principal amount to be mortgage free sooner. Overall was a great experience. All questions were answered promptly and all communication was professional. I would highly recommend using this service when renewing your mortgage.
25 November 2021 12:52
Je recommande de faire affaire avec un vrai courtier hypothécaire plutôt qu’avec du monde qui ne savent même pas de quoi ils parlent. Une vraie perte de temps et d’énergie. J’ai le sentiment que ce modèle d’affaire ne fera pas long feu …
21 November 2021 11:58
My wife and I had an excellent experience with Nesto. Samson was our main point of contact and guided us through our first mortgage renewal. The whole process was very straightforward. Samson was very professional in answering our questions and we got an amazing rate. Would highly recommend.
18 November 2021 12:59
I was in a rush initially to come to Nesto for a re-financing mortgage rate comparison but kind of disappointed to the result the website offered; I even did not bother to finish the online application. But then Nesto quickly followed up within 24 hours, able to convince me to setup an appointment with one of their best financial advisers, Melissa Megan Belanger, in 48 hours. I felt so lucky to have this opportunity to meet with Melissa virtually, as she's so professional and thoughtful, very well organized, gave me so much valuable financial advices, and pointed me to the right direction even thought we might have very slim chance to make it through Nesto due to the tight time constraint I'm facing currently. WOW! I feel like having saved tens of thousands of dollars in just 30 minutes, trust me! Thank you so much, Melissa, I'm so grateful!
Looking forward to working with Melissa and Nesto whenever I have another chance going forward, and I definitely recommend Melissa Megan Belanger to anyone who is having the same situation as me, 5-star services and two thumbs up!
07 November 2021 9:51
Working with Nesto on my mortgage renewal was a great experience. Despite a quick turnaround time, Juan Arciniegas went over and above to ensure everything went through smoothly. Normally, I have found mortgage document collection and review a painful process, but Nesto's document repository aggregated everything into a simple, easy to use checklist. Thumbs up all around!
05 November 2021 18:50
Courteous and professional, without the sleaze of most mortgage brokers. Everything was written clearly and easy to understand, no hidden fees or confusing language. The rate was the best I could find of the five brokers I contacted. Thanks a million!
06 October 2021 3:49
I am in the process of applying for a mortgage and the Nesto team was most helpful in providing a pre-approval letter quickly that I can start my search in this fast moving condo market. Everybody I dealt with so far was very helpful, knowledgable and professional.

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