28 January 2024 13:40
After struggling with chronic pain in my neck and shoulder, and seeing a physiotherapist for 7 months, a friend referred me to Mario. I had marked improvement after the first appointment and after five I am back to working out regularly. I no longer have pain. I followed all of Marios protocols and suggestions and saw immediate improvement. He is very knowledgeable and was happy to answer any questions I had. If you are looking for someone to "fix you", I would recommend Mario at Neuro Health Performance 100%.
Thank you Mario!
14 January 2024 1:45
I had seen many specialists for my back. My day to day was very limited due to the pain. Reaching out to Neuro Health Performance was my last ditch effort and i'm extremely happy to report that i no longer feel pain in my back! Mario performed a thorough examination with utmost respect, care and professionalism. He was able to detect the cause to my pain right away (which no one else able to do) and created a treatment plan ever so effortlessly. Within 4 sessions i was pain free! If you are on the fence about his services, i strongly encourage anyone to book an appointment with him. Thank you so much Mario for helping me live a painfree life
06 November 2023 14:04
As a professional athlete Mario was a great help for getting me ready for my upcoming tournaments, as well as putting my mind at ease and helping me trust my body again. I am able to perform at my peak after his treatments, and am happy to use his services moving forward.
18 October 2023 14:33
I highly recommend Mario. I had lost feeling in my arm and within 3 sessions, I got the feeling back! He was patient, empathetic, and more importantly, highly effective. In addition, he would do follow ups to ensure I was ok and keeping up with my exercises. I will definitely be going back to fix some other issues I've been having that's for SURE! Thank you again Mario.
28 September 2023 18:21
Like a lot of people, going to any sort of medical appointment is stressful. Since you never want to hear bad news, you try to ignore it until these problems inevitably escalate. Luckily, this isn’t one of those times. I had been dealing with a lingering wrist injury that just wouldn’t go away, to the point where Neuro Health Performance was more of a necessity than anything. Mario is a dedicated professional whose extensive knowledge leaves nothing to be desired in terms of the provided treatment. It’s easy to ask questions about the process and the explanations are informative and interesting, especially in terms of how seemingly unrelated parts all connect. He doesn’t talk at you, but to you, which is a distinction that I think a lot of people can understand. For someone without any medical or therapeutic background, that’s a lot more helpful than other practitioners that I’ve seen. He’s also good at assuaging any fears by putting a practical plan in motion; it doesn’t feel like the beginning of an expensive and ongoing process of constant appointments, since a plan has been put in place to actually get better. I noticed a marked improvement in the weeks following my appointment, letting me get back to normal without constant worrying about aggravating the injury further. It’s easy to leave a positive review here, and I would definitely recommend Neuro Health Performance to others.
26 September 2023 6:02
Mario is extremely knowledgeable and professional. Within a couple of sessions, along with targeted exercises, he was able to help restore mobility and lessen the pain in my left shoulder. I highly recommend him!
28 August 2023 22:43
After years of neck/back pain, and countless professionals/experts, I was finally able to see major/speedy progress with Mario. I had almost come to accept that I’d be in pain forever. Mario is attentive, genuinely curious, listens, asks questions, and makes you feel comfortable. He will investigate thoroughly until he finds the root causes for your problem. You can tell that he’s extremely knowledgeable. A plus, our sessions are enjoyable as Mario is easy to be around and holds good conversation. I’m glad to say that I’m now pain free and still seeing weekly improvements in my mobility.
18 July 2023 14:05
Caring, professional, trustworthy, thorough and kind. This was my experience with Mario Starnino.
I was referred to Mario by my trainer to get help regarding my ankle dorsiflexion. As I am training for marathon, I was devastated that something could be wrong with my ankle. Mario's approach to get to know me and my history and understanding my fear was very helpful as our session proceeded. He provided numerous exercises as well as many tips and demonstrated them for me in their lovely large gym. I left there with an ease and comfort that I can still continue training for marathon and I can already see the progress I've achieved by the exercises he gave me as my pain has almost gone during my training.
Would recommend Mario to all my friends and anyone who reads this!
21 June 2023 23:37
My daughter suffered a tailbone and hamstring injury with made her miss her competitive sports. Mario was able to quickly help her heal and get back to her sports. He even allowed us to reach him on the weekend to properly tape her leg before returning to a game.
30 May 2023 23:30
Mario was so incredible with my 6 year old daughter who couldn’t straighten her leg after a ski injury. We were so worried but Mario was so patient, kind and helpful and it took only a few weeks for her to recover. Thank you Mario! We are very thankful
12 May 2023 6:49
We took our son to see Mario after he suffered a concussion and we absolutely could not have been happier with his services. His knowledge of current studies and methods and his sincerity were truly impressive. He never hesitated to answer any questions or concerns we had and quickly followed up on all our numerous emails.

He had a vested interest in our son’s health and his path to a quick and safe return to sport.

I was so impressed that I went back to see Mario myself for my tennis elbow and received the same genuine, personal care.

We would not hesitate to recommend Mario to be your new favorite Athletic Therapist.
05 January 2023 15:51
Mario has been treating my soccer and hockey injuries for many years, he has a very flexible schedule and always fits me in when needed. I love the fact that he wants to help me get back to my sport as quickly as possible.
Mario also did pre-season concussion protocol for my hockey team. I would highly recommend Mario, he's very knowledgeable and professional and takes the time needed, you never feel rushed and he always follow ups to make sure you are doing well.
24 December 2022 15:59
Amazing service! I had given up complete hope of feeling better and getting some relief from the pain in my back and neck …. Till I called Le Fitness Loft and got an appointment with Mario he is truly amazing, he listens to what pains and issues I have, what I’ve been through and it taking slow, started from the beginning on helping my body heal literally from the ground up lol

I just had my third visit with
Him and I am thrilled to say I have seen more improvement in 3 visits with Mario than I have in the last 3 years with everyone else I have gone to.if you suffer from chronic pain call him and book an appointment you won’t regret it!
14 December 2022 14:13
Mario is a devoted professional. He'll assist you and tailor your treatment plan according to your needs. He cares about his patients and does email follow-ups. Keep up the excellent work, Mario!
16 October 2022 11:07
I learned alot from Mario during my visits. He has alot of information and is very knowledgeable and professional. Would like to go back to see him soon
14 October 2022 17:12
If you are in pain and need a miracle, visit Mario Starnino, B. Sc, CAT (C), CSCS, a Certified Athletic Therapist.
22 September 2022 4:27
I was experiencing a lot of pain and uncomfortableness in my shoulder for unknown reasons and within two sessions Mario was able to help me! His neuromuscular approach to athletic therapy is unique and very effective! Highly recommend.
12 January 2022 16:06
Was referred to Neuro Health Performance for my daughter's concussion. They dealt with all our needs quickly, efficiently and professionally including back to school/back to sport reports, appropriate treatment and follow up. What we were most impressed by was the constant communication and response time.
25 December 2021 5:01
J’ai reçu un très bon service. Mario a une très belle écoute, beaucoup d’empathies et un grand respect dénué de jugements. De plus il est vraiment facile d’entrer en contact avec lui que ce soit par téléphone ou courriel il répond rapidement et prends le temps de bien nous expliquer les choses.
23 December 2021 5:45
Excellent experience! Mario is extremely professional and beyond efficient with all reports/therapy necessary. I would highly recommend his services!
16 December 2021 0:10
I pulled my groin playing hockey and at first I thought it was very minor but a few days later when the large bruise appeared and the pain did not subside I did not hesitate in turning to Mario for treatment.

He gave me clear and simple instructions with respect to an at home treatment routine I should follow. I was also assigned exercises that I should do to help the recovery, with an emphasis on maintaining a range of motion that is not painful while doing those exercises. He also provided a clear timeline by which if I did not see progress we should have a follow up session.

Fortunately I was feeling significantly better after a few days and I made it back on the ice in 2 weeks. Thank you Mario!
24 November 2021 14:58
Excellent, thorough and professional service, with fantastic follow up care. Mario is very knowledgeable and good at what he does. Additionally, he goes above and beyond to make sure his patients are doing well, even after treatment has been completed. My daughter suffered a concussion from sports and Mario was pivotal to her recovery - throughout the multi-week treatment plan, she always felt comfortable and secure, reassured by the regular progress she was making thanks to Mario's methods and protocols, as well as his regular communication and support. We highly recommend Mario and his service!
17 November 2021 23:51
I have been struggling with concussion syndrome for over 6 months in and out of ER because of the symptoms. Unfortunately no body could help me. I was told: take rest and take Tylenol to manage the symptoms. Believe me, this did not help at all.
I was referred to Mario. He was the first person who made me feel understood. Mario is very knowledgeable, professional and cares for his patients. He helped me make great progress. I highly recommend him.
So if you feel alone in your sickness, misunderstood and that no body could help you, GO SEE Mario.
06 November 2021 16:42
After a few sessions with Mario, his work has really made a difference on my quality of life and pain management.
His practice is like a mix of physiotherapy, osteopathy, massage, acupressure, etc. It's extremely interesting to be a part of, and it's really helped me to understand what is going on within my body.
Would absolutely recommend!
17 October 2021 4:28
When I first went to see Mario Stannino I was in a bad place. I had been diagnosed with arthritis in my back, spine and foot. The pain was awful. After seeing him for a reasonably short time I started seeing an improvement. I had stretching exercises to do in a daily basis, which I did religiously, and slowly but surely started to see a lessening of my pain. He is just a godsend for me. I can’t recommend him enough. If you’re ready to do the work and see him for the amount time necessary, he can help you.
15 October 2021 16:02
I have been seeing Mario for years now with all my injuries. I am a very active 17 year old boy that has had many injuries ranging from 2 broken arms, 3 broken collar bones, broken toes and everytime I have gone to see Mario. After my injuries have healed I have always had issues getting back to 100% health and everytime I go to see Mario he heals me almost immediately. He is very nice and knowledgeable I highly recommend him!
03 September 2021 4:49
First time I met Mario was at my climbing gym when I won an athletic therapy visit to his place. Before that I have never visited a professional, because I never thought that I really needed to until I did see Mario. He helped me relief the pain from my hips and bring back my flexibility through a special treatment he does at his clinic. This guy can do miracles. After that I was lucky to be trained as an athlete climber through a specific designed programs by Mario which changed my whole climbing ability tremendously. I would highly advice you visiting him and letting him do his miracles on you.
31 August 2021 2:19
I have been dealing with Mario for close to 10 years now and have yet to be disappointed. His hollistic approach to injuries has helped me heal, and get back on my feet faster than any of the other dozen therapists I have consulted with over the years. I highly recommend his services as his professionalism and skills are unmatched!
30 August 2021 3:58
Mario was amazing! I was having jaw pain and discomfort! He provided me with exercises to help and after just 2 sessions of therapy and at home exercises the pain was gone! Really knows what he’s doing, and very professional!
Would definitely recommend Mario!
30 August 2021 2:32
Had a pulled hamstring and couldn’t run for a while. After seeing Mario, he found where the problems were in my legs, then gave me strengthening exercises to rebuild the hamstring, and the other weak muscles around it. Got back to playing sports much quicker than expected.
28 August 2021 13:07
Cela fait 2ans que je consulte Mario pour divers soucis (traumatisme suite à une fracture de l'épaule, diverses blessures liées à la pratique de mon sport: l'escalade) et je dois dire que les soins de Mario sont des excellents compléments à mes guérisons. Aprés de nombreuses années avec des limitations à l'épaule, Mario a su mettre le doigt sur le probléme et encore mieux le résoudre. Il en est de même pour toutes les autres blessures ou encore maux que peut subir mon corps.
Mario m'a également préparé un programme d'entrainement sportif entiérement adapté à mes objectifs et surtout en prenant en consideration mon corps, ses blessures et ses limitations.
Je ne ferais que recommander Mario pour son professionnalisme, sa patience, son écoute, son suivi auprés de ses clients. Là ou vous pensez avoir échoué, il y a toujours la lumière au bout du tunnel!
27 August 2021 20:38
Testimonial for Mario G Starnino – Neuro Health Performance
I suffer from a damaged right shoulder. Of the 4 muscle/tendons attached to the rotator cuff, 2 are torn and the other 2 have tendonitis. Movement on my right side has been severely limited, and this has had a major impact on movement from shoulder and arm. In my retirement, I have taken up Art/Painting. The proper use of my right arm is essential.
Mario came to me, extremely well recommended.
Mario carefully studied my MRI and began to work to improve the possible movement in the shoulder and arm. Under Mario’s care, my movement has improved significantly as we have progressed through treatment.
Mario is extremely knowledgeable about how the body works and how different areas are connected. Mario provided excellent treatment to the affected areas and outlined exercises to reinforce the progress made.
Mario cares about his patients and wants to do everything possible to improve their situation. I have been to many Physiotherapists over the years. The vast majority have been very good, at what they do.
However, Mario’s care and treatment is above and beyond, what I have previously experienced. Mario applies Neuro Health Performance, to achieve innovative movement therapy. While Mario has graduated from Concordia with a Bachelor of Science degree in Exercise Science, he continued to study in numerous areas, including Neuro Performance. His use of Micro Point Stimulation has helped me quite a bit, as part of his global approach to treatment. Mario is number one in my book.
16 August 2021 10:10
Mario est un professionnel débordant de connaissances pour accompagner un rétablissement post-commotion. Il est en mesure d'effectuer une évaluation globale et bien détaillée, de proposer des exercices adéquats pour s'assurer que les gains lors de chaque séance soient renforcés. Je le recommande sans hésitation.

Mario is a professional far above the average. Excellent to evaluate the situation, do corrections and propose suitable exercices to maintain and reinforce the progression. I recommand this ressourful professionnel without hesitation.
10 August 2021 3:49
Mario was very attentive to my condition, and was great with following up to see how I was getting along. I had strained my calf in a tennis match, and was having trouble putting any weight on my right leg. Mario provided targetted exercises to strengthen the area, and once that was feeling stronger, then went on to working on my back, which has always bothered me. I'm now well on my way to recovery, played some great tennis over the past couple of weeks, and am finally getting my lower back in order, which I've needed to do for over a decade now. Thanks for your continued support and guidance, Mario!
04 August 2021 13:22
Mario has been working with my son Ryan for the past two years, Ryan plays Sport Etude hockey and intercity soccer. We originally visited Mario for strength and neuro training but he has since treated Ryan for all kinds of injuries.   Mario is very knowledgeable, professional and always able to help Ryan.
Mario has also helped Ryan with his strength building, I’ve noticed a huge improvement in his conditioning and mobility. He knows how to motivate and push to get results.
I have recommended Mario to quite a few friends and they have all been very happy.
23 July 2021 12:15
I visited Mario after experiencing months of back/leg pain. I was struggling to walk, sleep, play with my grandkids etc due to this injury. After visiting Mario 4 times, I’m happy to say that the pain has significantly subsided and I have been able to return to all my regular activity. Mario was incredibly communicative throughout the process, following up post-session and sending detailed exercises via email.
19 July 2021 6:49
Je souffre d'une tendinite de Quervain depuis plus de 8 mois. Je suis allé voir dans un premier temps mon Physio habituel qui a pu émettre le diagnostic et à commencer mon suivi, 2 mois plus tard mon cas a empiré ce qui m'a obligé à me faire infiltrer, le mois suivant les douleurs ont commencé à revenir, je suis allé voir mon osteo pour avoir un second avis et une nouvelle approche. 2 mois plus tard ma situation n'aillant toujours pas évoluée j'ai décidé d'Aller voir Mario. À partir de là, ma situation à commencer à évoluer, aujourd'hui je vois enfin la lumière au bout du tunnel. De par ma profession mon premier outil de travail est mon corps, j'ai fait appelle à Mario à plusieurs reprises dans le passé, il a toujours su trouver une solution à mes problèmes.
17 July 2021 23:39
I’ve been working with Mario for a couple years now and he has helped me with a lot of things. I would say that I’m a lot more focus in my sport and with school after doing neuro tracker. For example, I’m the type of person who usually loses focus on what he does and with Mario’s help, I no longer lose focus while doing school work. Also, every time I have an injury or anything else, the pain goes away really fast. Mario is also an unbelievable person and I can talk to him about anything that I like or I dislike!
17 July 2021 9:00
Mario is an excellent therapist that I feel I can trust. He takes the time to do a very thorough check-in at each appointment to see how the body has responded to his treatment. I have dealt with chronic pain issues in my feet and low back for a long time and Mario was instrumental in helping me solve this. I am very glad to have been connected to Mario:)
05 December 2020 9:57
I was dealing with a back injury and a bad knee that was nagging for years. Mario really helped me get past the back injury and gave me plenty of at home work to do on my own to slowly rehab my knee. Over the years since we've trained at 2 different gyms at the same times and not only has Mario always come by to say hi and check in but any questions i had he was happy to answer! Highly suggest working with Mario!
30 November 2020 18:38
I was referred to Mario by my physio due to post concussions issues that I had been dealing with for years, including dizziness, and within 2 sessions with Mario, my situation has improved drastically! I went from 30% to 75% just over the course of only a few weeks. Mario has been very professional, and he really takes his time to discuss with his patients of their issues and always does follow ups to make sure to track the progress. I have seen many professionals for my issue, and this is the first time in years that I feel like I can trust the process and that I am in good hands.

I would definitely recommend to anyone who is looking for a neurologist!
01 November 2020 8:33
I had a concussion for over 2 months and was frustrated as to why my symptoms were not improving as well as I originally thought. Mario's therapy helped speed up the recovery. His open communication helped temper expectations and set new goals for returning to play. He answered every one of my questions and provided me with exercises to help the symptoms.
11 October 2020 7:36
When my son took a hit during hockey, and later showed symptoms of a mild concussion, we contacted Mario for advice. Through a visit to the clinic and phone consultation, my son was guided through a series of protocols to monitor his symptoms and encouraged, with guidance from Mario, to resume activity at a prescribed pace. As a parent it was reassutng to know he was in good hands. Mario is extremely professional, knowledgable and personable. Thank you!
08 April 2020 22:15
After 9 months of pain, numbness and weakness in my right arm, after having been treated by other professionals, I felt blessed to be referred to Mario by a friend. Within two sessions, I was just about pain-free! He is truly a problem-solver, always trying to be as specific as possible in his treatment and not forbidding exercise or sports - rather, he suggests viable alternatives for his patients to stay active while rehabilitating an injury. He keeps in touch to check progress between appointments, and is genuinely interested in his patients' well-being. I highly recommend Mario Starnino!
02 April 2020 21:11
Mario has been great with my boys! Helpful on many levels, including noticing and working on self esteem! Mario is very professional, educated and thorough. Once you meet him, you’ll see what I mean. He comes highly recommend by me and my 2 boys, ages 10 and 12.
02 April 2020 5:40
J’ai eu une commotion cérébrale le 5 décembre 2019. J’avais des maux de tête, des étourdissements et des nausées. J’ai deux coéquipiers qui m’ont référé à Mario. J’ai été le voir et il m’a fait passé le « baseline », ce qui consiste à voir où sont mes problèmes pour pouvoir amélioré mes résultats. Par exemple, j’avais des problèmes de vision avec mon oeil droit. Ce problème ne me dérangeait pas vraiment puisque mon oeil gauche pouvait compenser. Mais, après avoir fait beaucoup d’exercices pendant 5 rendez-vous, j’ai fait un autre baseline et on a pu remarqué que je m’étais beaucoup amélioré. De plus, Mario m’a donné des exercices à faire pour mes yeux et ma concentration que je fais avant tous mes matchs de hockey. Depuis que j’ai été voir Mario et qu’on a réglé le problème avec mon oeil droit, je sens que j’ai beaucoup plus de temps à effectuer mes jeux sur la patinoire et cela me donne beaucoup de confiance. J’ai encore des problèmes de vision en profondeur, mais Mario et moi travaillons très fort sur ce petit problème à tous les rendez-vous. Mario travaille avec le Neurotracker, qui est mon exercice préféré. Cet exercice consiste à suivre 4 boules et d’essayer de ne pas les perdre de vue. On peut faire cet exercice en faisant du maniement de rondelle ou en simulant des enjambées de patin. Bref, j’ai seulement du positif à dire de Mario et je pense qu’il peut m’aider à m’amener au prochain niveau.
28 March 2020 3:44
I highly recommend Mario for his thoroughness, knowledge, generosity of time. I saw major improvement within a few sessions.

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