24 December 2023 18:52
I had a good time there, a lot of the recent reviews say the staff was bad but they were very good with me and my friend. I even gave the coat check lady too much money and she gave me back the extra coins and just took what she needed. The vibe was nice with the sort of EDM music I like (hardstyle drops, there was some special dj playing this time). There are also places you can sit if you want, which I really enjoy at clubs. The bad and why I put 4 stars is simply the venue is not designed well for sound acoustics, it's not the largest and shaped as a rectangle and the low ceiling also hurts the sound. If you are big on sound and have the ear for it you might not want to come here, but if you are looking to have a good time and dance it's fun.
16 November 2023 14:59
Présent pour le spectacle de Nodly et Prince Amine. Salle de taille sympathique mais une sono terrible qui n'a pas rendu justice à ces jeunes artistes très talentueux.
31 October 2023 16:59
Accueil épouvantable qui ne donne pas envie d’y retourner. Les agents de sécurité étaient agressifs sans justification, ils criaient et ils géraient mal la ligne. Longue attente pour le vestiaire où on nous obligeait de mettre même les vestes légères.
Service au bar très bon et établissement très bien conçu sinon.
07 June 2023 2:00
Everyone is underage! There is only 1 line for ticket holders and non-ticket holders, so be ready to wait at least 30 minutes even if you have a ticket. They force you to do a mandatory coat check as well.
22 April 2023 11:06
Good music! Drinks (well, beer and seltzers) were very overpriced and they had quite possibly the worst IPA ever. Would’ve been much better if I had known to do all my drinking beforehand and not gotten one there
22 April 2023 2:00
Je fréquente depuis longtemps la scène techno montréalaise et cet endroit a été une immense déception. J'y suis allée pour la première pour une soirée DJ sporadique. Déjà dans la file il semblait y avoir une mauvaise gestion des gens avec billet et ceux qui n'en avait pas. Les bouncers laissaient attendre les gens dehors alors qu'il y avait encore de la place dans les escaliers. Organisation complètement chaotique où il y avais plusieurs étapes qui ne fonctionnaient pas. D'une part, scan des billets en haut des escaliers. Après coatcheck défaillant complètement désorganisé. Clairement il semblait manquer de staff même si somme toute les employées du vestiaire était agréables. Ensuite fouille par la sécurité, c'est là où c'était particulièrement problématique. Personnel arrogant et méprisant. Commentaires déplacés et ambiance générale vraiment lourde de leur part alors qu'il était encore tôt et que nous étions courtois et n'agissions pas comme des personnes intoxiquées. Il s'agissait d'une soirée où mes ami.e. S et moi ne nous sommes pas senti.e. S accueilli.e. S en raison des comportements intrusifs et désobligeants de la sécurité. Autrement, personnel au bar était agréables. Grosse déception même si l'endroit host de beaux événements à Montréal.
21 March 2023 18:21
We went to an event yesterday called disconio
(the party was amazing and the bartenders were absolutely friendly with us) but the securities were SUPER SUPER aggressive with us
With literally no reason!
hope they can change them as soon as possible
Because what they did to us was unacceptable at all!
12 November 2022 12:03
Good acts and the staff is as friendly as it should/can be in a place where people party hard. The sound system is trash though. Extremely muddy and almost makes build ups unbearable. At this kind of venue, sound systems should be fully overhauled every few years. It sounds like it’s been a while and you can see it in how the crowd responds.
05 November 2022 23:29
Font venir de bon dj et ont des soirées intéressantes. Or, la sécurité sont des brutes, arrogants, désagréables, aucun jugement. J'y suis allé deux fois et ce fut la même chose à chaque fois. Par principe, je suis juré de ne plus jamais encourager ces barbares donc j'ai passé droit pour plusieurs soirées que normalement je n'aurait pas manquées. Ils n'ont aucun respect pour leur pour leur clientèle. Endroit à éviter.
02 November 2022 9:10
Des rappeurs que j'adore y ont fait un show. Durant tout la durée du spectacle il y a eu des problemes de sons. Il y avait deux personne a la console qui avait l'air a se contrefoutre du probleme même si les artistes eux même leurs en fesait part. L'homme avait une attitude vraiment hautaine et la jeune fille regardait constamment son cellulaire. Aucun des deux n'avait l'air a savoir comment regler les problemes de son. J'ajouterais que les artistes ont donner une perfo incroyable ce qui rendait la situation d'autant plus frustrante. La chaleur y est extreme. Je dirais même dangereuse. Les salles de bains sont sales. L'éclairage par contre est vraiment bien et le service au bar était courtois et rapide.
31 October 2022 3:17
Cool small club that hosts a lot of trance and techno DJs. It's a bit more outdated and has a bit of a "warehouse" feel to it but the atmosphere is great and the drinks and tickets are reasonably priced. They pull in some great trance acts, which are the acts I usually come here for. Keep bringing in those great trance acts!
25 October 2022 5:52
Great selection of techno and dj's. Recommend getting your ticket online to avoid long waits.
14 October 2022 22:45
Très satisfaite de ce night club. Hier à été ma première expérience et je compte bien y retourner. La sécurité est a leurs affaires. Service au bar, juste du positif, de beaux sourires. Merci au propriétaire
10 October 2022 1:49
Salle sympathique car plutôt petite avec une scène proche du public et des artistes à proximité.

Le son n'est pas parfait par contre (pour le rap du moins) avec beaucoup de problèmes de larsen.

Le prix des consommations est un peu onéreux. Honnêtement un petit verre de Coca-Cola à la fontaine qui coûte 4$. C'est un peu exagéré.

Mais ça reste un endroit sympathique.
09 October 2022 20:38
HIGHLY recommend if you're a horse like myself looking to have a good time.they should however change the venue name to "BOILER ROOM"
21 September 2022 20:56
The event I went to was great, but I'm not here to rate the DJ, but rather the place itself. I am giving one star for 1 reason - THEY DONT GIVE YOU TAP WATER! Seriously, they will not give you a glass of tap water and will instead ask you to buy a 500ml bottle for 3$. This is outrageous and dangerous in the environment where people drink lots of alcohol and spend all night dancing. This is the first time I've seen this kind of behavior in any venue in Montreal and it's just disgusting.
17 September 2022 17:30
This venue is horrible, absolutely awful. The staff is extremely disorganized and I got dragged into a fight between some female staff member and the bouncer because my bracelet was on the wrong way. We spent 15 minutes getting our bags checked, it was ridiculous, felt like a criminal for trying to see a show. The chick checking my bag looked at my bottle of Gravol like she’d never seen it in her life, I honestly think she was high. Then they force you to check bags for 3$ each. I don’t understand why you have to throw out my food if you’re forcing me to check my bag anyway. You’re not allowed any water in and they won’t give you any tap water, they force you to buy water. I ended up getting a glass of ice cubes, because water is in its solid form is free but in its liquid form it’s not. Audio was awful, the mixing was so bad that the performers were trying to fix the audio between each song. Left early because it was so awful.
29 May 2022 22:56
J'aime l'intimité que la salle donne avec l'artiste puisque c'est petit et sur le même niveau. On est tout près du stage et on voit bien. Le son est excellent et j'ai un coup de coeur pour les nouvelles lumières d'ambiance au plafond. J'aime que le bar est facile d'accès. Le seul truc qui me dérange c'est que les doorman ne parlent pas très bien français et ça m'est arrivé d'avoir besoin de leur parler et ça n'a pas été possible pour eux de me comprendre et d'aider.
07 May 2022 15:38
Good underground like atmosphere. Friendly stuff. Sound might've been better but after an hour you forget about it.
04 February 2022 1:54
DJ, venue, and audience were great. I had a blast. The only bad vibe was the security team. The bouncer at the door insulted my intelligence. He asked me for ID and to remove my mask so he can validate my identity. When I removed my mask he said "I don't want to see your face" and proceeded to tell me that "there wasn't much going on up there". I can totally empathize with bouncers because the nature of their job can be difficult but I literally did nothing wrong. There was no reason to be treated rudely. Thankfully I let it go, I didn't wanna ruin my friends' and my night, but I was utterly insulted. DJ and dancing made up for it but it's something I won't forget.
28 January 2022 19:57
Robert is the best door man I’ve haven meet! Love him! Kevin is not that bad! Keep going! Love u
27 January 2022 15:33
Tried several times to inquire about refunds to postponed events.no answer. Do you guys even check your messages?
24 January 2022 15:32
Club is small and intimate. Good sound system and the volume is never obnoxiously loud. They always have the good DJs. This is one of my favorite venues
24 January 2021 22:18
Une de mes salles préféré à Montréal pour un spectacle de musique. L'abiance est génial, la bière pas trop cher. Il manque par contre un peu d'endroit où s'asseoir. Apart quelques banquettes qui se remplissent en 2min, il faut rester debout. Le système de son est très bon.
11 March 2020 8:01
Staff was extremely rude, most notably at the coat check after their credit card machine broke and the woman taking coats cursed at me and my friends for not having sufficient cash to give her an acceptable tip by her standards.
29 December 2019 3:23
Bonne salle mais attention à l'arnaque aux vestiaires et au comportement des bouncers.
Après une fouille digne d'une entrée en zone à très haute sécurité, vestiaire obligatoire: 3$ pour déposer un manteau, ok, politique très arbitraire mais on joue le jeu.
Mais pour prendre son manteau pour sortir et re rentrer, l'employée demande 1$, sous prétexte que c'est "de la charge de travail supplémentaire"! Du jamais vu, arnaque! Pratique de voleurs! C'est la première fois que j'entends un truc pareil à Montréal surtout quand il fait -15° dehors! Cette politique est à revoir au plus vite car c'est vraiment un manque de respect envers la clientèle.
13 November 2019 1:21
Super endroit pour découvrir des DJ's de la scène montréalaise.belle salle de bonne dimension excellente ambiance.
14 September 2019 10:37
Always a great time. Been multiple times. Doesn’t matter what artists are playing, your guaranteed a good time and a good vibe.
13 July 2019 8:22
We come here rather frequently as a DJ we work with plays often here. However, some of the staff are incompetent and very intrusive to our jackets. We left our jackets behind the dj booth to avoid collecting/bringing them back every 20-25 mins for a smoke outside and the bouncer has the audicity to touch our personal belongings and take them to the coat check? We paid coat check twice because he kept bringing them back. My vape was in there and when the bouncer took it to coat check it fell (he was clearly careless with them) but luckily I found it on the ground. This is really uncool — I don’t remember the bouncer/staff going to DJ booth to take customer’s belongings to coat check. Terrible vibe this was.
01 July 2019 8:08
The only nightclub I liked going to. They have good DJs, fair prices, the crowd has always been respectful during my visits and the owner is a very friendly guy. My only wish would be that they invest in a better soundsystem because there's a lot of room for improvement in that department.
14 June 2019 12:30
ABig & pretty space to Party
Respectful door guys, polite coat check girls
Gentle barman & cool ambient with DJs
14 June 2019 10:37
That was a great place until security started pushing their policy of not wearing a jacket.
They told us to pay or to go away, after we payed 20$. They've started pushing their policy, and told us that we are not welcome there.
Great place to lose your money.
I've been in night clubs all over Europe and Canada and that's the only place that showed that level of bigotry.
02 June 2019 22:30
Place is small and narrow, but they always have the good DJs. Definately not my favorite venue.
28 April 2019 12:40
Unbelievable sound, great deep house music, friendly staff and all is reasonably priced. Highly recommended.
19 April 2019 21:40
Too notch pure techno booking for the purist techno heads. It’s like going to a solid rave or after hours without the actual “after hours”. You can go home early and be a normal person the next day, knowing you had a not so ordinary right night or this can be your pre-party. Wtv the case may be. This place is tight.
07 April 2019 4:40
Excellente salle de spectacles, très bonne variétés d'événement, ambiance feutré voir underground. Recommandé!
10 August 2018 3:55
I went friday night to Newspeak to see my friends playing and Antigone (fan of his music <3).
Got kicked-out for nothing arround 2am and i went outside with the bouncer without resisting. When i told them i have my bag in the coat-check, i think they didn't believe me, they started being agressive towards me, they even threaten to call the police (go find out why) and literally told me to come back the day after to take back my bag.when i didn't want to leave the door without my bag, one bouncer started pushing me and end up smashing me on the floor while i was still telling him "i'm doing nothing, why are you hurting me? ". All this with zero excuse after they found out my bag was really in the coat-check.

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