13 August 2023 9:50
It's utterly ridiculous and shameful that a cemetery can be closed to the public for so many months depriving people from visiting their loved ones. We're all held hostage with no recourse, and the city doesn't seem to care either.
03 August 2023 21:20
Still at 25% clean up.you're just playing with us.
It's all about you.where are my rights to visit my parents grave?
01 August 2023 13:22
My husband tried to go the third time for these months! Always locked! Really disrespectful for the families and the deceased!
01 August 2023 11:12
Sérieusement, quand allez-vous régler vos problématiques internes.
C'est un manque de respect total envers les défunts et les proches.
01 August 2023 7:05
Considering its historic prominence and its current state, this cemetery is becoming a disgrace to the city.
31 July 2023 6:08
Ya toujours des problématiques avec ce cimetière, jamais ouvert, on peut même pas allez voir nos défunts. Ça sert a quoi de payer des milliers de dollars si personne peut venir nous voir quand on meurt. Spirituellement c très dure pour plusieurs personnes. Ça va finir que les gens vont sauter les clôtures, je dis ça je dis rien.
23 July 2023 15:44
I had family from Ukraine who wanted to see family grounds and their ancestry. Area closed and could not get in because of a strike. Unheard off. Get rid of strikers. Many people need work. Disgusting situation.
22 July 2023 21:43
For the insane prices you pay it's never open the staff is rude and the hours are less than normal work hours, they're also closed on Sundays. Should've gotten a spot at the other one on Mont Royal. Paid 6500$ for a spot we haven't been able to visit my father in law since he got buried in November 2022 everytime we showed up either their hours changed, they're on strike, they got no one to clear branches from a storm from months ago. What's the point of paying an insane price if you don't get to see your loved ones. Since they're constantly closed we didn't even get to meet someone for the headstone yet either which is also some more fees to add to that. After the burial we asked when the dirt was gonna be settled they said a week we came back 2 weeks after and nothing was done we couldn't even find the spot between the graves and when we did there was some trash on top of it. Get more information before burying your loved ones there you won't get to see them and they won't be taking care of the spot either.
18 July 2023 17:14
Cut your damn grass, the neighborhood is full of insects because of your lack of maintenance!
16 July 2023 8:40
Shame on you you have been on strike for MONTHS. On the website it says open closes at 4pm. We arrive at noon and the guard says that we can’t enter due to maintenance and its going to last a month. Last time we came it was closed due to strike. Shame on the workers! Wonder why the authorities don’t intervene!
12 July 2023 18:14
BE PREPARED. Strike: over. Nonetheless see another one coming again in the future just like the past few years. Choose anywhere but this place because even before they used to do the minimum and now they do not care. Dirty benches and bathrooms, lack of staff, terribly maintained.
10 July 2023 21:14
Impossible de rendre visite aux défunts de notre famille. Les explications sont toutes sauf claires. Je me demandes si je peux changer les défunts de ma famille pour un autre cimetière avec des horaires plus réalistes et un respect d’autrui.
08 July 2023 0:13
The hours posted are incorrect - the cemetery is closed to all visitors until September. And the gall of management to have "updated" the hours two weeks ago indicating they're open. What an inept bunch running this place.
07 July 2023 18:48
I am disgusted at what the families and myself had to go through. There is mismanagement going on. Get the cemetery opened to all immediately! Employees and management should be ashamed!
06 July 2023 20:55
Not only is closed on Sundays, not water at the faucets, not lawnmowers.
. So neglected that every my weekly visit I feel pain not only for my lost one, also for the desolation of the place.the cemetery nextdoor Mont-Royal is pristine!
Update 09 April 2023-

This cemetery is getting from bad to worse if I could I’ll give -5 stars. After 3 months of strike, not even a week that reopened is closed again, today Easter Day we can’t go visiting our loved one, the excuse is the ice storm, already passed 5 days and the weather today is magnificent. The staff, mostly the management people, they must be ashamed of themselves, they have no coscienze. I lost my son 8 years ago, the only thing that helps me to feel close to him is visiting his grave. I do it weekly. Every time the Cimetière is closed only God knows how I feel, the stress and mental anguish I’m going through. On my son anniversary date I called and talked to someone, begging to let me visiting his grave, they refused. I spent weeks in depression.
I regret to have chosen this cemetery, I wish people are careful before they choose this cemetery.
Update 13/07/2023
04 July 2023 21:53
Wow c'est la fête a ma mère le 7 juillet et mon père et moi voulions allez lui rendre visite au cimetière (le deuil est récent) rendu au cimetière, c'est fermé à cause de leurs grève.c'est irrespectueux de fermé un lieux sacré pour cela, c'est n'importe quoi comme cimetière.mais bien sur, le cimetière nous prennent une somme d'argent astronomiques pour avoir un endroit où visiter ma mère, qui finalement ne me donne même pas accès à la voir lorsque j'en ressens le besoin
19 June 2023 20:31
Sickened by the state of the grounds, branched down grass not cut you pay to have you loved ones burried and you cannot even go visit thier graves. I get you have no contract, however not fair to us who want to visit our loves ones. Shame on you!
19 June 2023 18:32
Quand ce n est pas la grève c est le verglas et après ce sera quoi? Aucun respect pour les défunts et leurs familles le service est inexistant et pourri! J espère qu un jour vous vivrez ce que vous faites subir aux familles.

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