21 January 2024 3:31
J'ai visité ce lieu en 2014 et j'ai apprécié l'atmosphère paisible présent et le paysage en haut du Mont Rigaud, qu'on peut visiter à partir de là.
24 September 2023 4:17
A good place for a quiet rest and cleansing the soul. The trail in the back mountain is a four-kilometer round trip and is also a good place for forest bathing.
18 September 2023 12:47
Nice place for a good walk around. If you are lucky there may be mass in various languages.
05 June 2023 13:12
Mass sunday french/english
Nice view of church open air
Some picnic table to use and washroom and lots of space parking in front of church
13 November 2022 6:16
An amazing experience for the entire family, from kids to elders. The trial is well-signalized a the view is spectacular! I highly recommend!
07 November 2022 23:50
Belle randonnée facile jusqu'à la croix. A ma grande surprise, j'ai été accueilli avec le Miserere de Mozart qui jouaitdans les haut parleur.la même toune qu'au début du show de Ghost la veille, drôle de coïncidence
01 October 2022 2:56
Beautiful place to find inner peace alone or with friends or family A place to meditate and reflect in different ways, chapel benches or just lighting up a votive candle. A beautiful forest with delightful paths. Love it!
29 August 2022 2:08
Beautiful sanctuary with lots of greenery. Always a calming and peaceful experience everytime I visit. The environment and community make this sanctuary a truly blessed feeling and experience. Truly worth it to come with family or just by yourself!
07 August 2022 9:27
Ce merveilleux site spirituel est à seulement 50kms de Montréal. Il y a une messe extérieure à 16h30. Il est aussi possible de faire une balade en forêt. Ce sanctuaire catholique dédié à Notre-Dame de Lourdes est surélevé par la montagne. Ce qui vous permet de voir les paysages aux alentours.
08 November 2020 17:28
Belle endroit pour se recueillir avec des sentiers de marche en montagne magnifique.
Jai fait la rencontre du prêtre Jean-Claude Secourt il est venue à moi on a parlé une bonne heure. Ils est disponible pour les gens il écoute il est drôle il a le don de nous apaiser il m'a apporté la paix il avait des larmes de compassion quand je lui parlais de ce que je vivais à ce moment là. La providence pas du hasard La providence. Il m'a fait grand bien Merci JC Secourt
02 October 2020 5:55
Main attraction is what you'd expect out of a religious site. But the surrounding forest made for a great hike with great landscape.
29 September 2020 13:23
A wonderful place for us, both physically and spiritually. What a pity the church already closed for the winter when we visited on Sunday before Thanksgiving day.
24 September 2020 2:28
We went hiking. Even though this place is relatively small, we would have liked some small signs with directions. Trail up and down was fun, will go back with the kids.
31 August 2020 15:19
Lovely sanctuary. It was fairly quite when we arrived. Very clean and peaceful place. Some interesting historical facts can be found around the place too.
29 August 2020 10:19
Faites attention si vous amenez vos chiens. Au sommet il y a de la vitre un peu partout et pas de poubelle. Résultat, 2 chiens avec des bandages aux pattes.
11 August 2020 8:15
Great way to enjoy the outdoors. Beautiful scenery, historical landmarks and friendly people. Visually stunning in autumn.
30 October 2019 7:54
A wonderful place to visit! Everytime I go i find it more and more beautiful. A place to discover and spend ur time there. There is a place with table and chairs to eat your lunch if you want!
19 September 2019 14:35
Peaceful and thoughtful. Lots of forest, trails, history and sights. Washrooms, gift shop and eating area. Beautiful church with outdoor seating. Can be enjoyed despite being religious or not.
05 September 2019 19:08
Je fréquente depuis 1995 ce beau sanctuaire, il est propice au recueillement, à l'intériorité et à l'émerveillement qu'offre un lieu naturel aussi beau selon les différentes saisons.
03 September 2019 18:49
La bas nous étions près du ciel.zone spirituelle.rien que du silence pour discuter avec seigneur
15 August 2019 6:15
Really nice hiking place, makes sure to bring bugs spray. We got bit by so many mosquitoes. I will definitely come back here to hike and visit this beautiful historical church when I’m in town.
11 August 2019 18:03
I recommend this because the place is nicely maintained and you will enjoy climbing the stairs to the top Chappelle and make sure to walk to the to the rocks place.
05 July 2019 6:17
Peaceful, pretty. It's FREE, nobody there asking you for money, you can leave donations.now that is what any religious institution should be based on "donations", not fixed prices. It's not a restaurant, of club. Oh well, my opinion.
08 June 2019 15:24
Jy vais pas pour Jésus, mais en générale c'est une belle place pour marcher avec une belle vue!
27 May 2019 3:36
It's your place for worship in open air. You feel closer to God, I love the open air mass, the trails around the Sanctuary are just fabulous for a short hike.
31 January 2019 17:29
Awesome place, beautiful trails. The devils rocks are pretty cool. The monastery is a great place to see as well.

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