29 September 2023 20:41
Amazing Canadian experience! I’ve visited a lot of countries around the world and an experience like this is very unique. It’s like a Canadian Safari. Highly recommend for family activities. I used to go when I was younger and now that I have my own family, it’s just as fun! These are core memories I’ve built with my parents and now my children with me. DON’T FEED THE BUFFALOS! Most animals are harmless but might scratch your car.
19 September 2023 1:23
Je suis choquée je pensais que c’était un e réserve c’est le cas juste pour les biche et les sangliers lés loups ours & renard sont dans de tout petit parc pour qu’on puisse bien les voir et les prendre en photo c’est à briser le coeur, ils tournent en rond … et la personne qui les nourri pour nous divertir et les prendre en photo nous répond que de toute façon île ke vive pas dans plus grand! Mais quelle blague pour soulager sa conscience …
S’il vous plaît agissez c’est terrible de les voir ainsi, ils n’ont rien demander!
Bref le parc oméga c’est juste une grosse machine à fric pour amuser la galerie (pour moi)
Je vous laisse en juger …
Je souhaite aux humains de se réveiller
Avec beaucoup d’amour!
01 September 2023 12:22
Great place to explore and see wildlife, special bears, and wolves. It was a great experience, and I am looking to go back again in winter. I will recommend a staying at the park it was an extraordinary experience you can have.
29 July 2023 17:15
Super endroit avec une immersion. Pensez à prendre des carottes avant de venir car vous allez avoir des amateurs à quatre pattes.
12 January 2022 18:10
Exceptionnel et chaleureux. Beaucoup d’animaux, des Wapitis vous accueillent en grand nombre et ils Attendent vos carottes. Un sac de carottes se vend 3$ sur place. Je conseille un sac par personne. Nous y sommes allés avec notre voiture de luxe, honnêtement nous ne le ferons plus. Rien n’est arrivé, mais nous avons dû éviter quelques wapitis mâles en rutes. Apportez-vous des 0,25$ pour nourrir les truites, ça vaut le 0,25$. Les entiers des loups est à voir absolument et prenez le temps de savourer la musique, les lumières, un sentier enchanté incontournable. Plusieurs sentiers pédestres, prévoir la journée pour une visite complètes. Plusieurs endroits pour le pique-nique, profitez-en pour vous approvisionner à la fromagerie Montebello avant votre arrivée au Parc Oméga.
10 January 2022 20:49
A fantastic time with the kids. We lucked out with a gorgeous, sunny Fall day. Feeding the Elk was a hoot. The kids were laughing and excited the whole time. You can't buy enough carrots before going. You'll go through them. The conservation are is beautiful. Aside from the car path, there are hiking trails and a great spot to stop for lunch or snacks, with chalets, outdoor fireplaces, picnic tables, a great kids' climbing structure and gift shop. It is well worth a day trip from Ottawa or Montreal. We'll be back again.
08 January 2022 20:03
Les toilettes sont vraiment propre, il y a même un petit tabouré pour que mon pti puisse se laver les mains!
Sinon les animaux sont très sympa.
Un endroit excellent pour se ressourcer.
08 January 2022 6:15
Lots of animals to see, places to walk around once you enter the park, a nice couple gift shops. The farm is lovely if you can walk there as well
02 January 2022 5:09
Sympathique surtout pour les enfants. Cependant, les animaux ont de très petits enclos en longueur pour permettre aux visiteurs de mieux les voir. Donc sympa pour les invités. Vraiment moins cool pour les animaux. Je ne pense pas y retourner. Pour info: 25$ l'heure de voiturette.
01 January 2022 1:40
Its cool to see the variety of animals. You can be much closer (while in your vehicle) than you often are at other zoo facilities.
31 December 2021 5:28
Website doesn't state anything about covid 19 measures. Since everything is outside and nothing is stated on their website or on the tickets I purchased I assumed a vaccine passport wasn't required. After driving an hour we were denied entry and refused a refund. Staff were super rude and aggressive. The older gentleman was banging on our windows yelling when we refused to leave without the refund. I've probably come here 10+ times in the past and have always loved it - will never support them again.
25 December 2021 23:46
Terrific experiences at Parc Omega! Lots of fun & excited moments! Our family enjoyed the road trip & this new adventure very much! Will definitely recommend to friends & family. Don’t forget to buy a big bag of carrots to feed your favourite deers & moose.
19 December 2021 20:29
Amazing experience. Staying for the night is highly recommended. We slept in the wi tente and woke up in the middle of the night with the wolves Howling! It was truly Magic! Helpful and nice staff as well.
14 December 2021 6:19
Highly recommended. Very fun experience for family. Too bad that we can’t see some animals that are on the park map, and some people disregard the warnings and get off the car trying to get close to the animal for a photo op.
13 December 2021 6:41
I love visiting this place in the fall and winter seasons, kids enjoyed every minute of it. It can get a bit crowded in the summer, even with animals around gridlock is not fun lol. If you're going, I'd recommend bringing at least 3 bags of carrots, pre-cut into thirds. A note for the owners: maybe you consider putting a sign or something by the front gate encouraging people to move forward so everyone can get through? We were stuck there for like 20 minutes yesterday because people kept blocking the entrance, wanting to feed the very first deer they came across. Help people understand that there are kilometers and kilometers of hungry animals that can be fed, not just the first ones lol. But anyways, once we got in, it was a great time, thanks
06 December 2021 6:17
This place is so fun, the whole family really enjoyed our visit! We brought a ton of carrots from the store and we're glad we did as it was really fun feeding them, but to be honest it was a slow day and if it was busy I can't imagine the animals needing very much food by mid morning as everyone has carrots for them. If you go in the off season the farm is quite a walk so bring a stroller or a carrier if you have small children, it's worth the trek though, there's a play structure for smaller kids
29 November 2021 23:54
Nous étions un groupe d'amis à notre première expérience du Parc Oméga et avons adoré! Nous étions gâtés par une belle journée d'automne ce qui nous a permis d'explorer les zones piétonnes et de louer des carts de golf, on a bien rit. Les animaux viennent vraiment près des véhicules (parfois même un peu epeurant en période de rute). Ça fait plaisir d'observer des animaux en liberté (semi). Belle activité pour tous les âges ;)
29 November 2021 18:11
Sooo much fun! Ideal for kids but also for adults ;) Animals are super sweet and approach to get their carrots very slowly and gently. The lake is magic and the farm is big and has ponies! A day is not enough to enjoy it all.
28 November 2021 14:42
Un peu dispendieux pour l'expérience, mais je recommande tout de même. C'est intéressant de voir des animaux du Canada de si près. Il y a même un poste de radio pour en apprendre davantage sur ces espèces. La mini ferme est superbe, les toilettes chimiques sur place sont A1!
22 November 2021 5:54
I go to Parc Omega once a year and this year it was my first time going in the winter time. If you’re looking to do something fun during these Covid times, I highly suggest you visit this place.
13 November 2021 5:58
Excellent! Lots of animals in a nice open and clean environment. We go here every year. A must visit
05 November 2021 20:42
First time. The animals are gorgeous and the photo ops are fantastic. Don't get hustled by the first few deer! Keep your carrots for the whole trip. We had carrots apples, and celery. They ate it all.
03 May 2021 23:08
It is always amazing to spend some time outdoors and enjoy time with nature and beautiful animals safely. You spend most of your time in your car and if you decide to get out of your car, masks are mandatory, but they have lovely trails for snowshoeing. Everyone loved giving carrots to the animals and petting the buffaloes. Highly recommended family activity.
22 April 2021 20:35
Été, hiver, ça vaut la peine. Amenez deux sacs de carrotes, et assurez vous de rationner vos carrotes pour être sures d'en avoir assez pour tous les animaux sur le trajet!
24 March 2021 14:15
Bien mieux qu'un zoo, le parc Omega vous plonge au coeur de la nature det de la vie des animaux de l'Amérique du Nord! L'animal est respecté, les animaux sont en liberté ou dans des enclos vraiment trés grands. Un parc pour toute la famille, de très beaux souvenirs et moments inoubliables!
24 February 2019 5:41
Well, drove all the way to Parc Omega from Montreal. Rented a car for this trip alone. Got to the park and it was closed. Bad conditions, I get it. I don't want to run over some poor elk. But how about you post that your closed in a timely manner so people don't waste hundreds of miles and dollars to come to a closed park. But hey the gift shop was open. Eye role.
17 February 2019 16:46
Superbe journée d’hiver: neige et soleil au rendez-vous.des paysages somptueux.des animaux partout.
Peu de monde en ce premier janvier ce qui rajoute à la féerie du lieu.
Personnel partout accueillant, souriant et aimable!

Un must!
16 February 2019 7:11
Had a simply amazing time. Opens at 10, closed at 5. We did about 4 hours. Get a groupon if you can. I brought 7 lbs of carrots and it was enough but I got stingy towards the end. Loved the wolf show at 1pm!
08 February 2019 19:39
Don't go when it is icy, we have a Sedona with winter tires and we almost didn't mKr it up a couple of the hills. The mix of sand and ice made things very tricky

Normally we really enjoy our visits, if management could put up warning signs that it is slippery that would have made a difference
04 February 2019 4:56
My second visit to Parc Omega was amazing like the first time I went. If you are thinking about going.just do it! All the deer come up to your car. Bring atleast 3 bags of carrots.
26 January 2019 16:28
I actually wasn't going to come with the rest of the family because I had a few other things to do, but I put them aside and dont regret it at all. This place is really fun and a really cool experience. It's similar to African Lion safari, but I actually enjoyed this more. The different types of deer and elk are everywhere and they love coming for carrots that are sold in the store (at a reasonable price) for $3. The price of entry is around $20/person, which may not seem cheap, but the size of the park is huge and we spent hours there, so definitly worth the money. The wolves are there too and can be seen at a viewing station. At times between 1-3 they all gather right at the glass and we even had a chance to feed them. It was really cool. The pigs and boars are also fond of carrots, and the white foxes are adorable. I really recommend coming, even if you're in the ottawa area, you can take the ferry in Orleans and it's only 35 minutes or so. A truly amazing place.
26 January 2019 1:24
Had never been but always heard about the place. My friends and I got a groupon earlier in the summer but we never got a chance to go until winter and it was an awesome time!

It was definitely worth the visit seeing all the animals up close. Some of these animals I've only seen on TV and to see them up close and so magnificent it was quite an experience.

The Bisons, Ibex and Mountain Goats as well as the Wolves Show were a highlight and I would highly recommend them.you can get bags of carrots at the location to feed the numerous four-legged animals double come to greet you in your car!

I hope to be back the summertime as I think the experience will be different compared to the winter experience. I think that this park needs to be visited at different times of the year to be able to see the animals in the different seasons. Looking forward to be back real soon!
24 January 2019 12:34
This is one of the places you never get bored of. I definitely recommend this place. The park is well maintained and they even got a radio station you can get on amd hear all about the park. Its soo beautiful to see the animals up close. You can aslo rent golf karts and there is a trail you follow insid3 the woods that takes you to a different part of the park and all you see is deer around you. The prices are reasonable for everything.
23 January 2019 16:02
Great family activity! The animals are well treated. There is a cabin where you can either buy food or bring your own. Staff is polite and joyful. Would go back anytime!
15 January 2019 5:58
Nous avons fait un sejour dans la cabane a loup Alpha le 20-21 decembre.
Les installations sont superbes
Lit tres confortables
La vue sur la meute des loups est a couper le souffle et il avait tout ce dont nous avons besoins dans le chalet.
Le parc est très bien organisé et j y retournerai n importe quand:)
Meilleur cadeau de fete au monde de ma copine!
07 January 2019 5:50
C'est le paradis sur terre, bien mieux que le parc safari ou le zoo de Granby, mais avec seulement des animaux pouvant vivre dans le froid. Les employés sont super chaleureux et accueillants. Si vous avez oublié la nourriture pour les animaux, il est possible d'en acheter sur place à un prix très abordable.
22 December 2018 13:34
Such a beutiful awe inspiring place
The abundance of animals laft me dumbfounded
And the fact that you can feed most if the animals was a brilliabt cherry on the top
18 December 2018 18:04
This place is amazing the animals are friendly and always hungry, the views alone to and from are beautiful and the activities and trails are also excellent!
14 December 2018 16:09
L'expérience est vraiment super!
Discutable en terme d'écologie mais mis ça de côté, c'était cool de voir les animaux se promener un peu plus librement
14 December 2018 9:24
Super parc a visiter. N'oubliez pas d'aller vous procurer des carottes a la boutique pour 3$ CA le sachet. Très amusant de nourrir tous ses animaux en semi liberté.
Petit bémol concernant les loups, renards, ours et autres animaux de petites tailles qui sont dans des enclos de petites tailles. J'aurais préféré qu'ils soit eux aussi semi libre que restreint dans des si petits lieu.
Veillez SVP a bien respecter les consignes pour le bien être des animaux!
27 November 2018 2:55
Surprenament très intéressant! La radio de commentaires du parc est très intéressante, même si un peu répétitive. De nombreux animaux qu'on peut voir de vraiment proche et qu'on n'a pas l'habitude de voir. Beaucoup de fun! Je recommande!
25 November 2018 12:48
This was a really unique experience. There were multiple species in the park, and all were eager to eat a carrot. Park entry was a little pricey but the experience was worth the cost of admittance. I've been to other drive through parks like this where you never see an animal. Here, however, you almost have to push them out of the way.
24 November 2018 12:29
Absolutely fantastic experience. Seeing the animals up close is amazing. Bring plenty of carrots with you for feeding the deer.
There is also a lovely picnic spot and playground as well as a hay ride and several shows where you get to learn more about the animals from park keepers.
Excellent enjoyable day out.

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