29 October 2023 20:20
I have had an amazing experience at the Passionimo Veterinary Hospital of Montreal on my visit with my bunny. The vets and nurses have been super informing and very attentive to any concerns or questions you may have. It’s definetly a vet to go visit for bunnies, as there aren’t many that take exotic pets. My bunny had gotten surgery from here and the pricing, medications and surgery itself have gone super smoothly. They even called back to ask about how she is doing, which I found very nice. One comment I do have to make is about the front desk staff, they seemed very unjoyful and not welcoming at all, didn’t seem like they wanted to be there at neither 8am or 7pm. Could have had a bad day for them. Other than that, great place and I really appreciate the help I have received!
20 June 2023 9:27
The doctors and staff working here are amazing and your pet will get very good care. I would love to thank Dr. Banon, Dr. Cukierman and all the vet technicians here for the dedication, care, patience and gentleness they put in during the check-ups for my sick cat. My cat has always been given the best care and check-ups. They were friendly, sweet, and took their time to explain what was being done. However, the management is unfair and greedy. I had made an appointment for an ultrasound for my cat here but the appointment date was in 2.5 weeks time. But he was worsening and we couldn't wait that long, so after discussing with my doctor, I was given a referral to the DMV for the US. The sudden decision to take him to the DMV was made, after we passed the 2 week period of free cancellation for the Ultrasound appointment and there was nothing I could do to change that, other than time travelling! Afterwards, when I requested a refund for deposit of $150 for the ultrasound appointment I had originally made here, it was refused saying there was nothing they can do! So I am charged $150 for an ultrasound that is not needed or going to be done anymore. Extremely unfair, greedy and uncaring management that only seeks to make money. Very disappointing because the people who work here are wonderful.
17 May 2023 22:57
This a great place. Everyone on the team is very warm and compassionate. Dr. Banon is a great listener. My little one felt very relaxed with her.
09 May 2023 4:05
A vet clinic dedicated to animal welfare.
In the last few years, I had two emergencies that I could not get an appointment from any v t clinic. This vet clinic adjusted their schedule to treat the emergency. Service like this is rare. This vet now treats all my animals. Very helpful and professional front desk. There is a culture of service that I really appreciate. I recommend this Veterinarian without reservation.
15 April 2023 21:32
The staff and techs are knowledgeable and super friendly. However, the cost is extremely high compared to other clinics I’ve been to, even for the same exact services.
30 January 2023 19:58
Pour 14 années d’excellents soins, de compassion et d’affection pour notre chienne Nala.
25 December 2022 15:25
Despite that they charge you double compared to other places like $140 only for visiting or $25 for preparing meds they did no even a simlpe exam. Just telling us very abviose staff
24 December 2022 15:24
Equipe dévouée. Ils sont toujours là pour nous. Ils nous connaissent personnellement. Je viens de très loin juste pour eux.
21 December 2022 22:11
A great center, with supportive staff and vet. My cat had an emergency and although it was at the middle of Christmas holidays I could quickly get reservation. The same day I tried more than other 8 vets and I could not get any appointments. The service was accurate and on-time. I appreciate their service.
20 December 2022 1:33
I took my dog there for three times in a month, to cure his coughing problem. I was charged for more than 1500 and my dog is still coughing. Moreover, whenever I call them, they put me on hold forever. So, take your time and find another vet.
17 December 2022 12:51
They vers at this clinic have always taken exceptional care of my pups. They are available practically on call and I know my dog is in good hands with them.
10 December 2022 19:49
Des gens passionnés par leurs pratiques professionnelles et attentionnées.
Je recommande sans hésitation.
25 October 2022 18:59
Their medication price is x2~x5 of pharmacy so I recommend just getting the prescription and buy the med somewhere else. I paid $200 for something worth $80. I paid $97.46 for ‘surolan gouttes topique’ which I found to be only $49.5 in pharmacy. ‘Maxidex’ was $49.92. I could’ve got this for $12 in a pet pharmacy. I blame myself for not giving a careful thought. I also wonder why they didn’t give me the option of getting the prescription and buying the med somewhere else. It was very disappointing.
14 October 2022 18:31
1.unreasonable charging,consultation for nothing and get paid for100+
2.unmanaged meeting schedule, call us to come to pick up later we arrived and then told us to come 3 hours later saying it needs rest during workdays. I had to delay my work.
3.asked them to send the receipt via email.and they are either forgot or not want to because of the High charging fees?
4.overall unpleasant experience.you can go somewhere else to save 100+ for each visiting and receive better treating experiences.
09 October 2022 14:34
Went there with short notice, I got lucky to be there while other clinic do not accept new customer. The service is so great.
14 August 2022 15:06
They dont see your animal, they see dollar signs.if you go, do not be manipulated by them, oay attention and do back up research on what they advise you.they are full of tricks
11 August 2022 22:29
Vétérinaires ne se parlent pas et à chaque visite on nous racontent des histoires différentes. Mauvaise organisation. On nous dit que il reste un seul rendez-vous pour l'année mais à chaque fois on nous fait revenir quand même aux deux semaines pour un nouveau vaccin ou un nouveau traitement et nous faisant payer presque 90$ de frais de consultation à chaque reprise. La dernière fois j'ai mis mon pied à terre et j'ai dis que j'allais changer de vétérinaire. On vient de nous appeller ENCORE pour un rendez-vous après la scène qu'on a pourtant fait la dernière fois. Dossier jamais à jour. On est loin d'être séraphin ou pauvre, au contraire on prend ce qu'il y a de mieux pour notre chien ne. Mais la confiance n'est plus.

Nom de mon chien: Bella
Maîtres: Lucas Ribeiro De Campos et Jasmin Morin
09 August 2022 3:01
We always get a very good service at this clinic. They are very caring and professional. It's the best place to bring your beloved furry ones.
02 August 2022 4:15
Je suis très déçu, cela fait pratiquement 1 an que j'emmène mon chien là-bas.
Ce sont des voleurs, bouffeurs de frics.
Prix justes abusés!
À chaques occasions qu'ils peuvent vous faire payer ils n'hésitent pas et le font.
Quand mon chien s'est fait opérer je l'ai récupéré avec une collerette 2 x trop grande par rapport à sa tête. Comme par hasard la collerette tombe moins d'une semaine après, j'y retourne pour m'en faire remettre une, d'abord j'aurais pas dû la re payer (30$) car c'était à cause de la taille qui n'était pas correct et de plus ils ont voulu me faire payer une consultation, rappelons nous qui est estimé à 90$ mais quel culot!
Une autre fois j'ai voulu des renseignements pour m'approvisionner un vermifuges pour mon chien, j'appelle et on me dit que pour acheter un vermifuge le chien doit faire une consultation 90$ + une prise de sang estimé à plus de 200 $ pour être sûr que le chien régissent bien au vermifuges, mais où va-t-on? ! Du grand n'importe quoi, et la cerise sur le gâteau je tombe l'autre jour sur une grosse vétérinaire non-professionnelle qui m'a forcée à payer un document 70$ sous prétexte que j'en avais l'obligation pour mon chien concernant un voyage en avion. Quand je suis revenu le lendemain avec des preuves comme quoi le document m'était inutile et que je souhaitais un remboursement, la grosse vétérinaire me répond en pleine figure " je m'en fou".
Je n'ai jamais vu ça, aucun professionnalisme, aucun sens de l'humanité, arnaquer des jeunes de 20 ans, quel honte.
Je vous déconseille fortement cet établissement, ils vous prendrons tout votre argent pour n'importe quelle occasion.
Et pour finir, gros manque de communication dans l'établissement, avant l'opération j'avais précisé déjà à l'oral que je ne souhaitais pas faire la castration en même temps car je trouvais cela trop lourd pour mon chien en une fois, et à chaque appel différents les collègues n'avaient pas l'air au courant, j'ai du perdre du temps à envoyer des courriels et à me répéter plus d'une fois pour qu'ils y note et n'y oublie pas.
Bref très très déçu.
19 June 2022 6:33
Horrible is the first word that comes to mind when
I think of this place. They lack in empathy and professionalism. If you love your animals and don't want to be taken advantage, I strongly suggest you find another veterinary hospital as this one only cares about one thing;money. They charge you more money then what it was suppose to cost previously. What a shame. I do not recommend.
15 May 2022 14:36
We went to this vet clinic to have our kitty put down today. The reception was friendly, and the services were of excellent quality. Thank you so much for the care and attention! Highly recommended.
04 May 2022 15:01
This was the first vet clinic I had ever visited after the adoption of my first cat in 2012. For several years, I only went to this clinic. After a move across the island, I had to go elsewhere for the past 3 years. However, due to an emergency with my cat, I found my way back here to get her seen urgently.

While I appreciate the availability and excellent care my cat received at the end of her life, the aftercare provided by the clinic leaves me with a lasting impression that doesn't meet the level of service I once had received from the clinic.

Previously, the clinic had been very prompt and thorough with follow ups on any of my cats' illnesses or any of my questions. For this case, I had hoped that the same standard of care and follow up would have happened now. Unfortunately, after my cat was put to rest and the bill was paid, I feel as though the clinic put me at the bottom of the priority list.

A clay paw print was ordered and expected to arrive between 4-6 weeks. After two months of waiting, I finally had to call the clinic to question where it was. I then learned that it had arrived, but no one ever called me to let me know. I had hoped that after paying $150 for this clay impression, proper care and attention would have been given to its delivery to me.

It is also regrettable to see that a common practice of sending a condolence card was either forgotten or just not done. This would have been particularly meaningful as my cat lived at the clinic several months before her adoption 7 years ago. Another clinic that had seen her just two times had sent a card within a few weeks of being informed of her passing.

Lastly, the day after euthanasia, I had sent an email detailing the request for urn type/pawprint keepsake. In this same email, I had asked for a plain ink pawprint to be taken on a piece of paper. I never received a response that they could/could not do it. Now, it is much too late to have this.
21 April 2022 13:32
Nothing is more important to me than my dog, Tango. He was recently sick and I brought him to this vet. I was greeted by friendly and knowledgeable staff and the doctor (Dre Krivak) was amazing! She truly cared for my dog. This will now become my full time vet.
19 April 2022 3:48
We were so lucky to be taken in short notice, even though they aren't our usual vet. The staff was incredibly patient and nice, gave us options as to not have us overpay fees, and gave us recommendations. The prices were reasonable even though I'd pay anything for our cat! They are also very attentive on the phone. Overall, an amazing team of receptionists, techs, and vets!
16 April 2022 14:41
Great overall staff.
My cat Winnie was in her end of life, fighting cancer for the last year. Winnie was not peeing and wasn't eating, her current vet wasn't available. Passionimo took her in urgently and treated her infection successfully.
A month later took a turn for the worst. I needed to confirm that it was time. Her vet was again not available. Passionimo was able to make time for her even valling a customer to trade places with me so I can get her in faster.
They showed me compassion that made the whole process of putting her down much much easier.
We put Winnie down at home peacefully.
Thank you Passionimo for all your kindness
04 March 2022 9:10
Compassion, amour des animaux, personnel compétent, trouve toujours une place pour nous recevoir, même quand on est pas encore clients chez eux.
03 March 2022 4:35
I brought my cat about a year ago, but as I now look for a new vet and considered going back, I see so many posts about how they are not up front about costs so I will share my experience.

I was a new pet owner at the time and my cat was panting on occasion (after exercise and when he is nervous). They considered my cat’s condition to be an emergency so I rushed him to the vet, they performed X-rays and an ultrasound for his lungs, said he probably has a heart problem and less than a year to live, and also said that they have to send the X-rays to a heart specialist to further interpret. This was all pushed on me while I was visibly emotional that my new kitten was potentially very sick or dying. Keep in mind I had also never been to a vet before which they were duly aware of. Everything came back inconclusive. They gave me some antibiotics and worm medication. Then I get a call with a bill of $800. Luckily this is within my means but being my first vet visit ever with a new pet, I was shocked that none of the prices were given up front or during any point of the process.

Extremely disappointed with this unprofessional service. I would gladly pay this price every time for my cat’s continued health but they did not even inform me of any of the test’s efficacy or if the conditions they were looking for were even treatable (after some research half of the conditions they wanted to rule out by more blood tests that I held off were not even treatable).

TL;DR They just want your money. Not a compassionate place. And my cat is completely fine.
15 February 2022 10:03
I can't express my gratitude with the way they have been able to accommodate my cat who
Is dealing with urinary issues. They've been very thorough and explain everything fully and help me feel more at ease. It's always hard when your furbaby is in pain and working with them trying to identify the cause of my cats bladder inflammation has been so helpful.
23 January 2022 22:44
Excellent customer service: everyone is always happy to help and they really treat every pet with great empathy and kindness.
23 January 2022 8:59
I absolutely loved the attention, the help and the information provided to keep my pet healthy. I'm coming back and I absolutely recommend it.be aware, prices are a bit high but 100% worth it
17 January 2022 7:42
They prescribed our cat medicine and asked us to come 3 times every few days for a checkup. I have no problem with that, but every checkup costs the same as the full consultation price. And then they prescribed another medicine that cost 50$ saying it's better than the old one they prescribed. So we spent 50$ on the previous medicine for nothing. Quite a scammy behavior imo.
27 December 2021 21:42
La clinique nous a fait de la place à la dernière minute pour voir mon chiot et nous avons également pu prendre un rendez-vous de suivi très rapidement. Merci de votre disponibilité!
22 December 2021 6:40
Friendly staff, I felt comfortable leaving my dog in their care for the consultation. Thank you!
09 November 2021 18:07
Je n'est pas de dossier chez eux mais ils m'ont faite une place 4 jours après. Ils sont très professionnels et attentifs à nos besoins.
02 November 2021 3:06
A great local veterinarian - we order Iskra’s food from their website and can pick it up or have it delivered, too!
26 May 2021 4:16
I've been a few times now for my guineapigs and I always feel comforted knowing that they're being taken care of there. Everytime I've left the staff always say good bye to the pig (s) which emphasized to me that they love what they do and my animals are always in good hands. Price wise this was equivalent to other vets I've been to but you definitely get what you pay for in expertise. I recommend this place to anyone that will listen.
22 May 2021 6:59
A really amazing team of veterinarians, technicians and assistant technicians. They are hard-working, determined, as well as dedicated, compassionate and loving to all the animals.
09 May 2021 17:04
Je tiens à remercier toute l'équipe qui a accueilli mon chat malheureusement très malade.
Il faut souligner l'accueil et la délicatesse de toute l'équipe. Mon chat a été entouré, l'équipe en a pris soin, notamment en nous appelant dès que son état a empiré, ils ont été attentifs et nous avons pu être avec lui pour son dernier moment. Merci à toutes.
08 May 2021 5:59
Toujours à l'écoute des besoins de l'animal. Les prix sont réalistes et leurs services sont hors pair.
06 May 2021 23:21
The friendliest staff you'll ever meet who ask all the right questions and have all the right answers. They were amazing with my usually aggressive rabbit and did everything quickly. I can't recommend them enough.
27 April 2021 4:32
Best vet we’ve had so far. Very professional and dedicated. They follow up and have other useful services available, like grooming and pet food store. I strongly recommend it.
20 April 2021 13:55
Took my cat in for the first time there today. Every single staff member I interacted with was kind and friendly. I wish I could remember the doctor's name but she was wonderful, and happily took the time to answer all of my questions (I had quite a few). Thank you!
20 April 2021 8:37
Brought my 13 year old boxer in for a huge lump on her side. It was not an easy lump to remove due to its size. The team at this hospital did an excellent job and we had our pup home that same afternoon with no complications. We deeply trust the professionals at this clinic and always know tila will be well taken care of when we bring her in! We appreciate the time and dedication of all the professionals at the clinic! Thank you for caring about our fur babies as though they were your own!
01 April 2021 6:39

I had a scheduled and confirmed EMERGENCY appointment for my pet rabbit that was in a critical condition. The receptionist called briefly before my appointment to CANCEL it and did not even provide a solution or referral to a sister/partner clinic. This is morally reprehensible! I was sobbing on the telephone and all they could say was good luck in finding another appointment! I am utterly disgusted and my rabbit is now in critical care with an independant vet! I would give it a ZERO STAR rating if I could. 1 star means there is some hope but they left me with NONE
27 March 2021 19:11
Great service! They took wonderful care of my pet rats. The staff was very knowledgeable and it was apparent that they really care about their patients.
16 January 2021 10:09
They got us in the same day with my kitten. Very caring staff, I am happy to have chosen this clinic!
11 January 2021 11:01
WoW! Une équipe de feu! Ils prennent vraiment à coeur le bien-être de nos animaux mais aussi de leur propriétaire. Leurs employés sont compréhensifs et les vétérinaires prennent le temps pour nous parler et ne cachent rien, aucun tests effectués pour rien et les prix sont à la hauteur de leur services!
01 January 2021 12:30
When all other veterinarian would not see my Jasmine last minute with diaherrea problems, this place gave me an appointment within hours! I'm truly thankful and now they will be our new go to Vet.
Thanks again,
Wendy & Jasmine
29 December 2020 16:33
Fantastic vet, I can't say enough good things, this team is wonderful! Dr Bisson, Amanda and Ralitsa saved my dog Frank's life. They took him in an emergency and stayed way after hours operating on him. Throughout the surgery they sent me updates and pictures. They all went above and beyond, they are heroes! We can't thank you enough for saving our little furry Frank!
28 December 2020 14:08
Very friendly and professional. They are great with the pets and took us on short notice for an emergency, let's hope the little one improves.
01 December 2020 9:23
This is hands-down the very highest quality and most caring vet clinic in Montreal.

The Passionimo staff cared for our dog, Bunny, with the utmost compassion. We cannot express enough how highly we value their expertise, advice, and warm service.

Everyone on staff treats your animal as if it was their own. That sums it up.

Thank you, Passionimo! <3
18 November 2020 13:00
Bonjour, un petit mot pour vous dire que vous avez une nouvelle assistante-technicienne, Cloé (animalière) qui a trouvé sa voie en travaillant chez vous. Elle est épanouie depuis qu'elle est à votre hôpital parce qu'on lui permet d'apprendre et de montrer ce qu'elle vaut. Elle parle souvent de l'esprit d'équipe positif qui règne au sein de votre équipe, ainsi que tout ce que votre hôpital offre comme services et bons soins aux animaux de compagnie. Je n'ai pas d'animaux de compagnie mais j'aspire en avoir un jour, quoi de mieux que de faire soigner son animal de compagnie avec une équipe aussi dynamique et professionnelle.
02 November 2020 18:02
Félicitation Cloé pour le travail que tu fais, poursuit ce projet, c'est cela que tu as toujours visé. Grand-papa est fier de toi.
24 October 2020 11:27
Pour le moment car ce n est wu un simple appelle pour posé des couvre griffe, réceptionniste chaleureuse et compréhensive et disponible
22 October 2020 18:17
Very happy with our experience. They saw us with our sick kitty right away. He is on the mend.hopefully!
18 October 2020 1:29
I am very proud to work with this incredible team. I trust the expertise of the doctors, technicians and assistants. My own fur baby, Penelope, had to come in recently and I was so happy to see the level of care and attention the team gave.
11 October 2020 16:43
Je ne retournerai JAMAIS chez vous!
Vous m'avez menti, fais payer pour des choses par erreur de votre part (meme essayer de me vendre des calmants pour mon chien en avion pour apprendre plus tard que le IATA les INTERDITS! Et quand jai demander pour une simple signature vous n'avez meme pas la courtoisie de le faire et me demander de tout repayer!
De plus, la secretaire me dit que si je ne suis pas contente je peux aller voir ailleurs (? !? !? !?) Are you guys serious? !? !? !?
I am an owner of a company here in Montreal and I would NEVER EVER treat customer like that!
It' s a shame!
17 August 2020 13:30
Superbe clinique! Les vétérinaires et technicien (ne) s ont démontré beaucoup d'empathie, de flexibilité et d'ouverture. Ils.elles ont répondu à toutes nos questions et se sont occupé. E.s de notre chat de manière dévouée. Je recommande fortement.
15 August 2020 10:48
Bonjour Madame Hénault
Je vous écris ce matin pour vous témoigner toute ma reconnaissance. Hier, ma belle Élina était complètement chamboulée en voyant son Antoinette ne rien vouloir avaler et complètement amorphe. Nous avions contacté un début de soirée notre hôpital vétérinaire qui nous avait donné un rendez -vous ce matin. Élina pleurait et disait Maman: je ne veux pas perdre Antoinette on doit faire quelque chose …On se questionnait si nous devions la faire voir en urgence ou pas…Désemparée les yeux dans l’eau Élina m’a dit: « Maman je vais écrire à Madame Hénault. » Je lui ai dit afin de gérer ses attentes: « Essaie toi mais tu sais Madame Hénault est très occupée. » Les mains tremblantes le cœur battant elle vous écris. Quelques secondes plus tard elle vous avait au bout de la ligne WOW quel soulagement, MERCI. Vos recommandations nous a permis de réagir rapidement et faire voir Antoinette en urgence… Une fois à la clinique on nous a dit que nous avions été très bien conseiller. Soyez assurez qu’on vous a fait des éloges. Le personnel soignant nous a confirmer que 12 h plus tard la situation aurait été plus critique. Notre belle Antoinette souffre d’une Stase digestive. Hier on lui a administrer un Fluide sous cutané, un anti-douleur et un antibiotique que l’on doit poursuivre pour 14 jours. De plus on nous a prescrit un produit de gavage.
Ce matin sa petite bouille va déjà mieux elle a manger un peu par elle-même. Élina est tellement heureuse elle vole pratiquement de bonheur.
Perdre Antoinette en ce moment aurait été dévastateur pour Élina.
Nous sommes tellement reconnaissant par vous conseils vous avez sans doute sauver Antoinette. Un grand Merci.
Je ne sais pas comment vous dire comme j’apprécie votre intervention avec Élina.un Maman soulagée fière d'avoir eu un ange (DR Hénault) pour nous aider:)
04 August 2020 19:24
My first appointment I waited for almost 45 minutes to see the vet. People walked by and saw me but no one came to tell me what was going on. They also kept my cat carrier when I dropped off my cat and the outside smelt of piss when I got it back. Then when I purchased a cone for my cat but they gave me a used one that was dirty. I was not impressed with the whole experience.
31 July 2020 10:40
Dr. Bisson is a true gem and encyclopedia of veterinary knowledge. She is gentle, compassionate, and patient with me and my animals. Always takes the time to fully explain everything and answers all of my questions to my satisfaction. She treats my dog as if it were her own. Thanks so much again — highly recommend!
31 July 2020 3:27
La disponibilité de l’équipe, le temps pris pour m’expliquer les soins requis et la joie de retrouver mon animal en forme! Merci.
16 July 2020 14:01
Dr V and the team are simply the best. Boundless love for animals, patient and helpful. I feel lucky to be able to bring my four-footed loved ones to this place.
11 July 2020 0:19
Super hôpital, vaut la peine, beau service, meilleur hôpital que j’ai jamais vue, ils aiment les animaux
01 July 2020 2:54
Vétérinaire passionné par le métier. Beaucoup d'empathie et professionalisme, très disponible et flexible. Équipe dévouée, excellent service! Merci!
22 June 2020 11:10
The team at Passionimo took great care of our cat, Nico. They were responsive and offered all of the information we needed to make our decision. We ultimately had to put him down, which was heartbreaking but the Vet and staff helped with the process and even sent us a card with their condolences after. Really nice touch, thank you again <3
18 June 2020 22:46
S'il était possible d'attribuer 10 étoiles on le ferait. Quelle merveilleuse équipe: professionnelle, attentionnée, gentille, toujours de bonne humeur. Notre Labrador a reçu les meilleurs soins jusqu'à son dernier jour. Un gros merci à toute l'équipe!
30 May 2020 1:50
Bad experience. They charge unnecessary fees such as 60 dollar to get your medication faxed to a nearby pharmacist.which virtually costs nothing to do. Given that COVID-19 situation, I thought they would understand since the pharmacist can do medication delivery and the vet appointment was over the phone anyway.
17 May 2020 7:22
I came here because my dog was pregnant, they didn't help me through the process at all, they gave me an article on what to do when the mom is giving birth but no help after that. They didn't inform me that i'd have to come back within 48 hours of the puppies being born to check on them and 2 of them passed away because they weren't getting enough milk. Something like that didn't have to happen, they knew I wasn't a breeder and it came unexpected to me that my dog was pregnant. They originally charged me 800$ for x rays and for deworming medication for the mother and father and then called me a day later and said they accidentally didnt charge me the full amount and wanted another 200$! Now i have to live with the pain of losing two puppies when all of this could have been avoided.

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