03 September 2023 3:13
L'employé m'a vendu un harnais trop grand, qui était en vente, et après que j'ai payé il m'a dit que non il n'y a pas moyen de l'échanger c'était une vente finale trop tard… bravo, j’ai 3 chiens et ils viennent de me perdre
23 June 2023 3:13
Handy pet supply place. Was able to buy some nice nylon collars. They seem to be well stocked. The person serving me was friendly and helpful.
20 June 2023 16:24
I have mixed reviews on this pet store. While they do have competitive prices, good selection all around for pets there are some things they can do better.

I visited around 2 weeks ago to get some cat food and stopped in to see their fish section. The aisle was a disaster that made me sad to see. The equipment for the tanks was mostly broken. Lights turned off led to the aquarium plants dying and there was visibly no maintenance done for the tanks water. A couple of dead moulded over fish still left in the tanks and plants so melted that they disintegrated with nothing left but the ceramic rings.

I would highly suggest to have a dedicated employee that is knowledgeable in fish before starting a fish aisle as it looked abandoned.

While I do love their prices for cat food, I think they would be better off not having a fish section as the maintenance can be daunting to upkeep.
21 April 2023 2:54
Personnel toujours serviable et prix compétitifs dans le secteur. Inventaire un peu irrégulier par contre.
07 March 2023 6:09
I don't often shop here since I have to buy my dog's food from the vet, but today I went because the person who normally trims my dogs claws has been unavailable for a few months. I asked if I could make a reservation and they told me I could get his claws trimmed right away. I was directed to Elli who was AMAZING with my dog. My dog is difficult and squirms a lot, he is a rescue dog who has never been really able to get comfortable with strangers.but Elli was so good and patient with him, and able to do the work without me holding my dog or helping and did a super job! They also helped me purchase a muzzle to use occasionally for taking my dog on the metro. They showed me how to put it on him and gave me a lot of really good advice on how to get my dog used to it. The service from Elli was so friendly and wonderful, it is several hours since I was at the shop and I'm still smiling. If you're reading this, a BIG thank you for all your help today!
23 February 2023 17:17
This store sells birds and other small animals. They come from mass producing mills that mistreat and neglect animals. Not sure how this is still allowed in a pet shop, it is no better than when pet shops were allowed to sell cats and dogs. I am so thoroughly disgusted with what I saw that I will never visit a pattes et griffes again. The least that could be done is to treat them with dignity and change their freaking water. I feel sickened and disappointed that people give their money to a company that benefits from the mistreatment of the very animals they are supposed to care for.
13 November 2022 11:22
Toujours très agréable d'y aller acheter la nourriture pour minou. Les perroquets sans cage dans le magasin - c'est génial!
10 October 2022 3:58
They post opening hours 9-8 however my wife was standing outside in the rain till 10: 30 in the morning and nobody would open. They seem not organized with staff schedule. The least they could have done after we complaint to the manager Sabrina about o wasting 2 hours of our time is simply say im sorry or offer a compensation.
She really couldn't careless
07 October 2022 11:44
This store sells birds and other small animals. They come from mass producing mills that mistreat and neglect animals. Not sure how this is still allowed in a pet shop it is no better than when pet shops were allowed to sell cats and dogs. I am so thoroughly disgusted with what I saw that I will never visit a pattes et griffis again. The least that could be done is to treat them with dignity and change their freaking water. I feel sickened and disappointed that people give their money to a company that benefits from the mistreatment of the very animals they are supposed to care for.
28 September 2022 14:19
Good luck! There store hours are a mess, staff opens the door or answers the phone when and how they want too. Manager or owner doesnt care to call back customers. WONT GO BACK
14 September 2022 22:36
Mon magasin favoris. Je vais que là pour mes animaux, le service est bien et ils ont toujours des petits animaux libres comme leur perruche qui se tient sur la caisse! J’adore.
04 August 2022 12:59
This is an amazing decent sized pet shop with lots of fresh options. I’ve been coming to Pattes et Griffes for about 6 years, just waking into the shop is calming.everyone’s chill if you need help they give full details and will ask you questions at the same time showing you there not just trying to push a sale. They do want the best for their customers. If they don’t know they will call someone over who does, Very clean location.
22 July 2022 16:04
Produits: Toujours bien servi, belle variété de nourriture et produits connexes. J’aime qu’il y a presque toutes les marques sur le marché. Belle offre de nourriture crue.
Toilettage: très bon prix, Eli est excellent et connait bien les chiens.
04 November 2021 5:10
Nice store! Multiple products for cats and dogs and other animals! You can get your dog's nails done too! First time is free!
06 May 2021 2:24
Je suis satisfait du service à chaque fois que j'y vais. Le toilettage et la coupe de mon chiot ont été exemplaires. La personne en charge du toilettage m'a donné un service personnalisé, il a pris le temps de me demander ce que je voulais pour mon chiot et a fait un travail précis. Les gens y sont passionnés et veulent que les clients s'y sentent bien. Je recommande définitivement.
28 April 2021 2:46
Great pet store and wonderful staff! Removing a star because now we pay at the cash with no Plexiglas protection. Please fix this.
24 April 2021 14:56
Thank you Eli for the excellent service! I brought in our pet rabbit to have his nails trimmed. We had a very bad experience at a different place previously and therefore we waited way too long to get his nails cut again. Eli did the job swiftly, and with great care, putting both the pet and me at ease. We will not go to another groomer in the future! 10 out of 10.
14 January 2021 8:09
Really good people, care for our pets. If our pets does not like the food we buy we get refund if the bad is not less then half of it. Gentle and polite its a teue and honest 5 stars
31 December 2020 21:35
Tomas nous a bien instruits moi et ma soeur sur la qualité des produits dans son magasin et nous a bienvenue. Je suis content de l'excellent services par son equipe

Ma boutique préférée a partir de maintenant.

Cest vendredi fou aujourd'hui, allé il vous attends

Merci? ‍
06 December 2020 22:10
Excellent service chaque fois que j'y vais. Les employés sont sympathiques, connaissent très bien les produits et donnent de bons conseils, autant pour la nourriture que les jouets ou autres.

Je ne m'attendais d'ailleurs pas à ce qu'on puisse me conseiller sur l'achat de jouets pour chat. Et pourtant, j'ai obtenus des conseils constructifs pour orienter mon choix en fonction des traits de caractère de mon chat. En prime, un autre employé est venu me donner un sac de jouets variés afin de me permettre de tester et voir ce que mon chat préfère.

Ce commerce est vraiment un exemple à suivre en terme de service client!
16 November 2020 23:49
Beaucoup de variété de produits, plus que à un autre pas loin de atwater.les lieux semblent un peu petits pour la quantité de trucs quils ont, mais les gens à la caisse sont assez sympa pour aider.
10 August 2020 11:13
J'aimerais spécialement souligner l'excellent service qu'offrent leurs employés, notamment Julien Élie et Chloé. Leur professionnalisme, leur gentillesse, leurs grandes connaissances au sujet des produits offerts ainsi qu'un véritable souci de remplir les besoins spécifiques de chacun de leurs clients font d'eux des ressources inestimables quand il s'agit de nos animaux. Ne les laissez surtout pas partir car ce sont eux qui démarquent votre magasin de la compétion!

Mille mercis à toute cette équipe fabuleuse par laquelle nous sommes invariablement accueillis avec le sourire et la bonne humeur. Ils m'ont toujours offert des conseils éclairés pour mon chien, tant au niveau de l'éducation, de l'entretien et de l'alimentation que des items comme les laisses, colliers harnais, jouets, etc.

Passer les voir est un réel bonheur pour moi et Kipi, nous les apprécions énormément. Bravo!:)
19 April 2020 19:11
Les employés de cette boutique sont tout simplement extraordinaires. Ils sont à l'écoute, attentionnés et experts des animaux. Merci à toute l'équipe pour vos précieux conseils.
20 March 2020 6:01
Fantatic staff and manager and excellent attention to your situation with plenty of focus to details. They are innovative thinkers and help with advices. It is about what is best for the dog full stop! We changed from Royal Canine to Hurraw brand (dried). Not only is my dog crazy in love with the new MUCH better food but it is made local in Québec. Merci big à l'équipe P et G!
20 March 2020 5:23
They have everything you could ever need for your cats and dogs with a small selection of things for fish, birds, rodents and reptiles.
22 January 2020 5:45
This place is awesome, it's been my go-to store for pet food for 3 years now just for convenience cause I live nearby but it's gotten really great the last year or so. Super friendly staff, extremely helpful and knowledgable.

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