04 September 2023 23:05
Un incontournable au moins 1 à 2 fois par année. Le prix pour le buffet a beaucoup augmenté mais la bouffe est délectable. La bisque de homard et le canard n'en sont que quelque exemple.
14 July 2023 20:10
Génialissime! Tout est super! Pour y avoir manger plusieurs fois déjà, jamais déçu, un régal!
08 June 2023 11:17
Les différentes protéines disponibles étaient incroyablement variées, permettant ainsi à chacun de trouver son bonheur. Les chefs ont clairement mis l'accent sur la qualité des ingrédients et la préparation soignée des plats, ce qui a grandement contribué à mon appréciation globale. Les desserts étaient tout aussi remarquables, offrant une délicieuse sélection de choix. Les options étaient abondantes et il était difficile de résister à la tentation de goûter à tout. Chaque bouchée sucrée était un véritable délice pour les papilles, ajoutant une touche sucrée et gourmande à ce repas déjà mémorable.
04 June 2023 7:13
Je viens chaque fois pour manger au Pavillon 67 et à chaque fois, je suis traité aux petits oignons. En termes de nourriture, évidemment.
26 April 2023 14:18
J'ai beaucoup aimé la nourriture, le service était super et l'ambiance était festive. Mes amies ont le même avis que moi et ils souhaitent rééditer l'expérience.
25 April 2023 7:46
Brunch was not amazing. The breakfast items were good as they were being made fresh. The lunch items didn’t have much seasoning or taste at all. Desert was off. Nothing made fresh. All the deserts must have been in the freezer for ages to take on a funny taste. Overall it gave the same impression as a $10 buffet but at a high price.
22 April 2023 17:07
2 semaines de suite que je vais au casino de montreal le dimanche.
Prix est 44$ + plus un coke +tax et tips: 60$

En general, c’est correct. Mais je ne trouve pas que ca vaut la peine pour le prix

Voici les observations:

1) pour remplissage de nourriture: a la place de prendre le contentant de pate et remplir de son cote, jai pu observer que le cuisinier a mis une louche de sauce dans la pate directment et melanger avec la spatule que client s’en serve.dans un buffet de 44$, ca doit etre mieux soigne et les pates etaient penne.mais cetait indique: gnocchi dans la description.

2) vers 8hrs, yavais 3 sortes de pizza, et ils ont decide de couper les choix de pizza. Mais pourquoi mettre le restant des petits mcx de pizza qui avaient meme pas d’appetit par dessus les nouveaux?

3) cross contamination!: devant le station de pizza, yavait la planche rouge et le restant des mcx de pizza (cela signifie que. La planche est utilisee pour couper la pizza). La planche rouge devrait etre utiliser seulement pour les viandes rouges qui sont crus! - cest la base de cuisinier!

4) le serveur de la table a cote, elle remplissait l eau fréquemment, je voyais qu elle prenait soins de ses clients. Mon serveur manquait de service a la clientele: il a fallu que je garde mon assiette dans mes mains car l assiette n etait pas debarasser.
Aussi, pendant que je mangeais le dessert, le serveur passe a cote, mais pas d’offre des ustensiles pour le dessert, pas un cafe / the et que mon plat de plat principales etaient tjs sur la table.

5) il y avait des petits mcx de canard lors de mon arrive.mais asse pour 1.5 portions. Lorsque jai demande si il y avait des nouveaux mcx, le cuisinie a dit: ah.le canard est seulement vendredi et samedi.ce nest pas un staff cafeteria.alors ca ne doit pas avoir le restant ou un menu qui ne se doit pas avoir ce jour.

6) prenez soins votre fruits dans la section dessert svp.bcp de fruits ont lair comme vieux.sec.pas appetisant

7) quelqu’un peux m’expliquer: comment que un coca cola en fontaine coute plus cher que coca cola en cannette? Dans le casino, vous offrez les boissons gratuitement. (en passant, 2 semaines de suite que vous aviez pas de coca cola en cannettes)

Je comprend l inflation.et que le prix a monte.mais cela ne justifie pas le service.
Je suis alle les 2 fois pour voir comment c’est. Oui les fois les ribs etaient bonne, le rosbif etaient bonne aussi.
Mais c est tout…
20 April 2023 10:52
Nous sommes allés souper samedi le 28 février 2023… nous avons été agréablement surpris, le service impeccable et attentionné, la nourriture excellent, tout était bon de l’entrée au repas principal.
Je vous recommande a 200% de réserver un bon souper à ce buffet du casino.
19 April 2023 19:25
Horrible expérience.
Ce qui m'a réellement perturbée c'est que du à la covid et à l'augmentation des coûts il ne servent même pas de jus d'orange. Si j'en voulais 1 je devais le payé. Un verre de jus d'orange NON INCLUS pour un brunch pour moi ça ne passe pas. Même si c'est ultra cher à la production n'en demeure pas moins qu'on charge 40$ par personne donc il y aurait façon d'offrir au moins un verre de jus par personne.

Ensuite pour ce qui est de la qualité de la nourriture c'est assez ordinaire surtout la section déjeuner où tu entre en file indienne dans la cuisine et tu est tasser comme des sardines. Les crêpes/ gauffre sont froide. En terme de fruit ils ont servi que framboise mûre bleuet.

Dans la salle à manger les tables sont réellement trop coller les une sur les autres je suis de petite taille et j'avais une difficulté à circuler.

Je ne vous le conseil aucunement ça ne vaut absolument pas la peine du moins pas pour le brunch.
25 March 2023 20:37
Food choice was generous and the service was outstanding. This brunch is somewhat costly (which I knew in advance). Better have a reservation handy, as there is a line up. I came an hour before my reservation and was not allowed in. I stepped aside and modified my reservation time; I was in, in less than 5 minutes.

There is a breakfast section which is very busy, which a significant line if you come relatively early. This is also where the food is prepared in front of your eyes. The other section (mostly for the lunch and deserts portions of the brunch) is relatively calm

I do recommend Pavilion 67 for occasions etc, as the price might be a blocker to visit it more often.
07 March 2023 17:31
If I could give negative stars I would. One of the worst places I have eaten in Montreal and would recommend anyone to steer clear of this place. 55$ for buffet, and it was cold, dry, tasteless. In a city known for gastronomy, this really was disappointing.

I can honestly say the buffet at the typical Mexican All Inclusive hotel was much nicer than this.

The servers (of water and drinks) were rude and seemed like they didn't care.

I would not go back, in fact, it overshadowed what would otherwise have been a fun Friday evening.

Stay clear!
03 March 2023 2:14
Beaucoup de bruit
Quand tu mange pas de fruit de mer il n'y a pas beaucoup de choix
Serveuse qui fait des commentaires DÉPLACÉ pcq ont lui a dit que nous étions pas satisfait.a 55$ par personne + taxe et d'autres commentaires TRÈS DÉPLACÉ sur le pourboire que nous avons laissé
Tu ai chanceuse la grande que se sois ma conjointe qui t'ai entendu pcq si je t'aurais entendu tu aurais eu ZÉRO pourboire 25$ de pourboire pour verser 2 verre d'eau et enlevé 2 assiette je crois que c'est assez bon, il y a beaucoup de gens qui gagnent même pas ça pour travailler 1h
26 December 2022 9:49
Brunch le dimanche de 10h à 14h, bon rapport qualité prix et un choix impressionnant autant salé que sucré. Petite curiosité, la partie brunch est servi dans la cuisine. Tout est frais, mon oeuf bénédictine était bien coulant à l'intérieur et ma crêpe réalisée à ma demande devant moi. Bref un des meilleurs brunch sur Montréal, tout est à volonté pour 39$ taxes et service en sus, café compris (les autres breuvages comme le jus d'orange est en supplément)
19 November 2022 9:39
Première fois pour le buffet Pavillon 67.
Très très bien manger.
Très bon service aussi.
Un beau décor.
On y retournera certainement.
30 September 2022 0:02
Excellent service de la part de nos serveurs. J’ai été avec mon ami, et la nourriture était vraiment bonne. J’ai du demander des conseils à mon serveur à cause de diabète et il a su me recommander de très bonnes choses. A refaire et merci bcp
23 September 2022 17:58
Nourritures très ordinaires et peu variées, pas de crabe, homard pour le prix 55$ par personne! Soupe tomate très salée comme du jus V8? Ne recommande pas de manger ici.
23 September 2022 13:45
If you’re going to raise the price (and by %30 no less) at least offer the same quality level as before if not better.
Variety is less than before (pre pandemic), shrimps were tasteless, salmon was dry, there wasn’t even rice or pasta offered as a side.
Desserts were very simple as if made by an apprentice chef.
Seems like they lost their desserts chef from before (it use to be the highlight of dinner back then)
Very dissatisfied of the changes for the worst!
21 September 2022 0:33
Expérience ultra-positive. Super service de Marcel note globale
Et sachez que je suis difficile en resto. À renouveler assurément
15 September 2022 0:08
Il y a moins de trois ans (fin 2019, pré pandémie) nous y étions allé en famille. Voici ce que nous avions écrit alors: Très bon ratio qualité-prix. Impossible de ne pas trouver à sa faim. Excellent service de Hélène. Gentille et très sympathique. Merci.

Nous venons d'y retourner ce dimanche 7 août 2022. Toujours aussi bon. Légèrement moins de choix car fin des vacances de la construction dont moins achanlandé, mais quand même abondamment pour satisfaire pleinement. Par hasard nous avons été à nouveau servi par Hélène. Une perle cette dame. C'est donc avec enthousiasme que nous anticipons notre prochaine visite mais cette fois bien avant 2/12 années!
08 September 2022 21:31
Nous venions régulièrement avant la pandémie. La nourriture était excellente et il y avait une belle variété. Malheureusement, c'est plus du tout ce que c'était. Beaucoup moins de choix et ce n'etait pas bon, autant le repas que les desserts. De plus, le coût à considérablement augmenté malgré la baisse de qualité du repas. Avant le buffet était vraiment supérieur. Par contre, le service est toujours aussi excellent.
05 September 2022 12:57
Un excellent buffet, beaucoup de choix de repas et de desserts avec un service très attentionné.
02 September 2022 1:18
We had a dinner buffet at this place. I like the delicate foods here.

There are many kinds of salads, cheeses, appetizers as a starter and a wide variety of desserts.
For main courses, there are three kinds of beef (which I love most), salmon, pork rib, fried chicken and seafood of shrimps and mussels to choose from.

They totally meet my expectations and the price is worth it.
18 October 2020 15:08
I constantly come getting some food in here. I enjoy the prompt customer service and well made food. They never disappoint.
25 May 2020 15:35
Je suis allé avec un groupe de 14 personnes en provenance de partout au Canada. Tous ont été emballés par la qualité et la variété de la nourriture et du service.
10 May 2020 14:51
Super disappointing. Very overpriced and overrated, this is just glorified cafeteria food with a premium price tag.
Used to be much better. My advice, take a pass and spend an equal amount of money on fresh, creative cuisine found all over this wonderful city.
28 April 2020 16:32
I really like the food here. It was a seafood buffet. The main serving plates were constantly refilled. The only recommendation I have for them is to increase the variety of food selection. There were 3 very small rows of food items to choose from. The food tasted great! The dessert was good too. The service was friendly and professional. This place has a nice ambiance to it.
26 April 2020 13:29
The food was good, however I think what really kills this place is the lack of variety. I honestly was expecting it to be a much bigger dining area with a big area for the buffet, I guess they have to work with the space they have. But knowing they have little space why dedicate a whole counter for 4 plates of fruits! They could've easily put dishes there, they aren't using the space they have very wisely. The food however was of excellent quality, but if you are very selective with your food choices you might have a hard time finding things you like. (FYI, the food in the images are from Saturday at 11: 30am).
23 April 2020 19:28
Started with the apple beignets and freshly made crepes topped with coulis de fruits. Then the eggs station to order cheese omelette, then grab some smoked salmon. In betweens, there are the soup and salad bar, seafood, chicken, roast beef et cie, it's hard afterwards to have space for the desserts Sunday brunch at Pavillon 67 never disappoints!
20 April 2020 15:04
Très bonne qualité, service exceptionnel. Souvent on vient pour le restaurant et on joue en repartant. Très bonne adresse qu'on aime faire découvrir aux amis
11 April 2020 12:34
Easily the best buffet in montreal. Has many options depending on the days that you come. Weekend is mostly seafood thursday is asian cuisine etc. Very clean and food is extremely tasty.
08 April 2020 20:44
Really Good! But we wait 1 hour while we are reserved. Just 5 minute before we can sit on hte table, a waitress says to us: ' If it's not ready in ten minute, it's free for you ' Of course I don't trust him adn I found his joke not really approriate after we asked a lot of time, when our table will be ready. We talked to the manager but he doing nothing (no discount for the wait.) So this is a really good buffet, coocker and waitress are really effective but I really disapointed by the organisation. It's not really respectful. I went this summer and evertything was perfect, but now I think I would go in a other place.
07 April 2020 1:08
We went there last night to celebrate my husband's birthday. The service was nice but nothing impressed us rather than that. (Hence the 1 star for service)
For the price they charged you would at least expect something out of the ordinary, but all the dishes are something you can get at any kind of regular Chinese buffet, on top of that, very few choices. We did not know what to eat at some point because we did not really like any of the dishes.
We decided to go there because on their website it says it's Asian Taste menu for Thursday, and there were Peking duck crepes. We were disappointed to see there was no Peking duck. Only some crepes filed with duck meat and some other veggies, which the crepes were heated under the lamp for too long they were all crispy and falling apart. As a Chinese, I can tell you that's NOT Peking duck crepes.
Some of the other hot dishes were barely warmed up enough.
In conclusion, big disappointment, especially for me as this was one of my favorite buffet place 2 3 years ago.
Also this morning both my husband and I experienced serious diarrhea, since we did not eat anything after the dinner last night, I would say it's because of something we had at Pavillon 67.
29 March 2020 4:17
A bit expensive, but worth it once in a while. The wait to get in is long on Saturday nights, so plan ahead. The Lobster bisque is to die for!
10 August 2019 1:17
The venue is very nice with the just right amount of lighting. Lunch wasn't too crowded on a Thursday and the staff are very nice. The food choices are limited. Only about 10 choices including fries and pizza. Real choices to me are only ham chicken pasta and a lamb dish.some dishes didn't have labels, which I had to guess. The selection of dessert is plentiful, very nice. Price is not high for what you get.
19 July 2019 11:44
Très bon ratio qualité-prix. Impossible de ne pas trouver à sa faim. Excellent service de Hélène. Gentille et très sympathique. Merci.
05 July 2019 9:33
Moi et ma fille on est allé dîner et on s’est dirigé au pavillon 67 pour le buffet.que dire aucun WoW! C’est le casino ça coute 20$. On se croyais visuellement au Vichy, à moindre choix! On est aller revoir la placiere et nous lui avons dit désolé ce n’etait Pas ce à quoi nous nous attendions et nous avons quitté
21 June 2019 3:52
La nourriture est bonne, le délai d'attente est raisonnable, même une soirée très occupée. Les prix sont plus que raisonnable et le vin du mois était très bon. Nous avons bien apprécié notre souper.
18 June 2019 8:33
Très belle expérience ce soir dans ce restaurant! Très larges choix d'entrées plats dessert, très bons! Le café et thé pour clôturer le tout était très apprécié. Le service fût excellent, merci Louise!
Un très bon rapport qualité / prix!
Nous reviendrons, c'est certain!
08 June 2019 4:03
The staff were really nice during the five times I have been here earlier. But today, they cited a rule of having all the people in the group to be present before seating us. So I had to wait hungry, as the only people in ‘queue’ for like 30 min for my friend to join in. The restaurant was almost empty! EMPTY! And I had booked the table several days ahead!
But they hung on to their rule and didn’t seat me. Imagine having to wait in queue at an empty restaurant. I would have understood if we were a large group or if the restaurant was full. But having to wait hungry for just another person to join me in an empty restaurant is a little absurd.
I do understand the need for rules, but there has to be a little leeway based on the situation. Especially in the hospitality industry. And especially for a tiny gang of 2-3 individuals.
Terrible experience dealing with Katia who was seating us.
I felt she was rude to me.
Also Maggi the manager couldn’t help either.
07 June 2019 18:17
Service, accueil et nourriture excellent! Le buffet du samedi offre une super belle variété de potages, salades, viandes froides, fromages, poissons, fruits de mer, viandes, pommes de terre, pizza, riz et pâtes une magnifique table à desserts et fontaine de chocolat.
Mes préférés: bisque de homard, les différentes sortes de crevettes, saumon fumé, les salades, la mousse et fondue au chocolat.
A améliorer: à part les pommes de terres peu ou pas de légumes chaud!
28 May 2019 0:24
Pour les groupes de 8 et plus ils ajoutent 15% de pourboire. Un buffet a 15% de pourboire c est trop.je crois que 10% c est suffisant pour un buffet.

Lors de ma visite le 26 mars 2019 les employes etaient un peu plus souriant qu en 2018 peut etre que leur syndicat de la csn leur a permis de sourire:). C est un bon buffet avec un prix cher.mais je le recommande
24 May 2019 12:10
Wow! I went yesterday for the 2 x 1.me and a friend, 31$ + tax, great place, great food, great service.tip: if they tell you they don’t have any table, ask to eat at the bar.
18 May 2019 22:07
I like good buffets and this one is not bad. First off I did not know there was a buffet at the casino but then thinking about it I should have known there was one. So this buffet is in the clean casino I mentioned in the other review I did. I got there near the end of lunch. It's not a huge buffet but they had enough to satisfy yourself. They did have some food items that are not in the US which is cool. The price is not great and you can't stay after there lunch time because they start taking food away. Overall not bad place to try once.
06 May 2019 21:42
The service was great for the couple of times I've been here. But this time, right from the start, we have these waitresses who greet you with so much attitude, no smile, & grumpy! The one who served us was in a hurry and kept snatching our plates and was polite in her speech but rude in her behavior, even though we told her specifically we don't speak french, she kept on talking in french with us. We did not like that. The lunch spread is very average. Very limited main course and most of the times it's cold by the time they replace the food. No improvements to the menu since the multiple times I've been there. The breakfast spread is still great and is the only reason I would probably come back. The bartender is a great guy and strikes a good conversation! Great for a large group, otherwise there are better brunch options with variety in their food and polite staff in Montreal!
02 May 2019 21:56
Choix et qualité exceptionnel, ambiance parfaite.
Juste dommage de plus avoir le homard dû au gaspillage des gens qui avait peur d'en manquer.
17 April 2019 0:04
Nourriture excellente! Je ne me suis jamais autant régalée dans un buffet! Et les employés sont tous super. Tous très souriants et serviable! Nous y retournerons c'est sur!
11 April 2019 17:04
You must try it once! Their underground parking makes the difference, also they’ve got a great selection for a decent price. Great service and a great way to spend the night with your loved one!
10 April 2019 8:19
On ne peut pas se tromper pour un buffet avec des plats de grande qualité, incluant des choix pour tous les goûts. Très dispendieux si vous ne mangez pas de fruits de mer, une aubaine si vous les adorez!
09 April 2019 15:08
Went at supper time not good. The buffet wasn't worth the experience.the service was very good but the food was a bit better than average buffet. The money you spend to eat use it on something else. The food lack of variety of options. Only one type of meat and the cook seafood did not taste fresh. The dessert section was bad overall super sweet and dried.the line up for the food was really bad wasted 15 minutes for my turn.don't take the coffee taste like bitter water.the best thing are the onion ring and the smoke salmon. A one time thing!
09 April 2019 2:37
38$ for the quality and variety of buffet is not enough. To get a table, you need to get a coupon or give your name to sit at the bar. (we got the call after 20 min after giving our name)
09 March 2019 4:57
Attente très longue pour le buffet, nous étions avec des personnes âgées qui ne peuvent attendre en ligne pendant 30 min debout, mauvaise organisation (buffet dejeuner) assiette sale, plancher sale bref, pas le brunch idéal pour le casino! Nos attentes sont nettement supérieur!
02 February 2019 22:53
Excellent souper pour le 31 décembre, cependant, les 20$ supplémentaires exigés pour le buffet ne sont pas justifiables par le simple ajout des pattes de crabe et du prociutto, étant donné qu' il n' y a pas si longtemps, les pattes de crabe étaient servies tous les samedis. En revanche, rien à redire sur la qualité et la variété des plats, c'est toujours excellent. Ma note de 3 étoiles concerne uniquement ce souper du 31 décembre, habituellement, je mets 5 étoiles.
21 January 2019 21:23
I've been for Sunday brunches and weekday lunch. The staff is inconsistently informed. I called 3 weeks before the desired lunch date and was told lunch time buffet was only first come first serve over the holidays. The reception staff, while lovely, seemed unsure so I called again the following day. I was given the same information: no reservations (group size never mentioned). My sister happened to be having supper with friends the following week and was given the schedule (c.f. Below) and advised there are no reservations for lunch and that supper reservations have been booked full until past new year. That's ok. Our larger group agreed to meet up earlier to line up before the lunch crowds. Imagine our surprise when they seated all these people who walked in WITH RESERVATIONS. One couple happened to be friends who told us they made reservations that week. When this issue was mentioned to the unsmiling hostess, she answered unapologetically, "We always have 20 spots open for reservations. You must've checked too late. " Um, no. I verified 3 times because the logistics between a bunch of young working professionals is complicated enough without the uncertainty of lineups (and two of the guys had a poker tournament at 1: 15 PM). Not cool. The food itself is adequate and the kitchen and wait staff are always helpful. The dessert buffet is varied and fun. Shame the reception is so inconsistent.

N. B. There are no reservations for Sunday brunch.
09 January 2019 20:50
Good place to eat on a casino day. Not sure it deserve the gastronomic appelation but good food. Love the cold section and desserts with great selection. Used to have lobsters on the AYCE menu but not available anymore. Quite expensive now for what you get.
06 January 2019 7:43
Does what it says in the tin. Nothing special, but a good affordable buffet during weekdays. I haven't been to Sunday brunch in ages, so I don't know what it's like.
05 January 2019 10:22
Less quantity means more quality unfortunately does not apply to this high end buffet.the choice of dishes is ridiculously poor as well as the quality and the taste of the food.the setup of the counters does not make any sense they need to be re-arranged.pricey and the cutlery weighs so much you feel awkward handling them.amateurs
31 December 2018 8:20
With millions of dollars they make I am surprised that choices of the food are really limited. I went there on a Monday. The rice was dry and the mashed potatoes looked like they were frozen and thawed. The chicken was dry, salmon was overcooked and tasteless. I think they should have created a sauce to go with it. Then the shrimps were also tasteless. Anyone can cook shrimp it is easy and I think they have really good equipment there but they don't know what to do with it. No pasta, no noodles, only three kinds of meat and vegetables are about the same. There were 8 persons to remove the plates which is way too much and I think 2-3 persons are enough. Waiters are wasting time and money in the booth and I guess they probably cost a lot to the casino. I suggest decreasing the staff on floor and focus on improving the quality of food instead. The cook who were there are friendly but I cannot say much about the waiters. They gave me a cake for my birthday and probably one of the waiters made the decor it looked completely wrong. It was funny to look at. The restaurant really looks nice and waiters dress up like they're serving high gastronomic food but it isn't the case. This is more like cafeteria level cooking. I need more than a chocolate fountain to impress me. If you need suggestions I charge 100,000$ a year.
13 December 2018 18:54
I had a lot of expectations for the supper, apparently Montreal rated here the highest for a buffet place, and it costs the most too, 38$. First off, the buffet area is very small and cramped. You're always about to bump in someone. The dining area is a bit better, but you're not going to get any views if you eat from the buffet (only people who eat from restaurant food gets the good view.

Second, there's not that much variety, and the food is very buffet quality, which is not fresh. The only good thing was the duck meat and rosbeef. But, there was just two kind of meat, everything else was mediocre at best, and the lobster soup was too salty. There was seafood, salmon tartare and seafood salad and crab legs, another thing I was looking forward to, but those were not fresh and tasted.bad.

The deserts were good and were varied. For 38$ and for a casino buffet, I expected a lot more, this was very disappointing, and please make a bigger area for the buffet, it's so cramped and looks cheap. I went on a Saturday night, so I mean this is as fresh as they can be, since it's changed often?

TL;DR Go to another buffet, this was not worth.

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