29 November 2023 3:40
Wanted to buy nail polish here but the pricing was very misleading. Each row of nail polish for the brand I wanted (Essie) indicated that the products were $9.99, originally $14.99. I get to the cashier and pay and realize it was $14.99 after the payment already went through on my debit card. I complain and the cashier refuses to give me the price that’s indicated on the sale price tag, which was placed on each row of Essie nail polish. She showed how the very small fine print on the price tags indicates only specific colors were on sale.
I had mentioned that consumers are protected against misleading prices like that — since the sale price tag was on each row of Essie products, so I should pay the price on the tag. I even mentioned how a Pharmaprix on Wellington gave me a product free when they did something similar. She said she worked at that franchise too but refused to make any adjustments. Instead I wasted my time and just got a full refund and returned the item. There is no consistency with other Pharmaprix stores and there was no accountability for their mistake. Check the photos.
22 November 2023 3:28
Well located but post office only had one person. Otherwise great place with friendly staff.
18 August 2023 7:29
Pire pharmacie, j'y vais depuis plusieurs années, il me manque toujours des médicaments et les pharmaciennes ce prennent pour d'autre et décident à la place du doc pour vous. Je considère une plainte sérieusement.
08 August 2023 11:17
This pharmacy has a bit of everything which is very convenient. The actual pharmacy at the back offers excellent service and includes written information about your medicine. The stock people and cashiers are helpful and efficient.
They have recently added a Canada Post Counter.
05 July 2023 16:47
This has been my preferred pharmacy for over 20yrs, but some of the staff behind the pharmacy counter this past year, have left such a bad taste in my mouth, that I am transferring my file elsewhere. I will not tolerate being spoken to with a condescending attitude. Especially not when it comes to matters of my health.
01 June 2023 3:56
The cosmetics person doesn’t exactly know what she’s doing. I found her to be stupid and lazy. She was ignorant and rude serving me. She doesn’t have the experience required to operate her counter. She should be fired immediately.
30 March 2023 8:48
25 Jan 2023, fin d'après-midi

Excellent service reçu au département des cosmétiques.
L'employée (anglophone, je crois) m'a accueillie et voulait vraiment m'aider.
Ça se voyait qu'elle était très travaillante et consciencieuse.
Un bon service comme ça ne se trouve plus aussi facilement qu'avant.
Merci pour tout!
03 December 2022 8:34
Iove this pharmacy for convenience groceries and cosmetics however I tried getting help at the prescription counter today and the experience was awful. The pharmacist working the evening shift clearly doesn't care about her patients. She barely said hello, showed no empathy towards my situation, and did not at all create a safe space to talk. She even gave me attitude when I suggested a product (ear drops for a swollen ear) and told me it was the wrong product. When I asked if there's anything else she suggested she said no a just walked away. She still let the cashier ring me up for 30$ drops instead of helping me properly. All this without one kind word.
30 October 2022 15:45
Le grand garçon anglophone aux lunettes qui travaille au laboratoire est un ange. Toujours souriant, sympathique, bienveillant, il respecte tout le monde, ne juge personne, travaille fort et ne mérite que le meilleur. Je me rappelle de lui du temps qu'il assurait le service de livraison des médicaments. C'est une personne merveilleuse et un employé. Merci mille fois pour ton bon service. Ma mère l'adore et nous fait la remarque chaque fois qu'elle revient à la maison et qu'elle a eu "la chance" d'avoir été servie par lui.
19 October 2022 18:21
Si je devais résumer cette pharmacie: "Racistes". Je suis venu récupérer mes tests antigéniques, la personne qui m'a servi était complètement raciste. Je voulais lui demander pourquoi, pourquoi êtes vous raciste madame? Mais elle tellement vite reparti en me donnant mes tests que je n'ai même pas pu. Suite de ma mésaventure, avec ma conjointe on passe au caisse automatique et on se fait littéralement flicer par l'hôtesse qui se positionne juste derrière nous. Petite question au personnel de ce pharmaprix: Qu'est-ce que les Français vous ont fait? Ça m'intrigue, vraiment.
16 September 2022 14:26
Je suis allé 2 fois là-bas et les 2 fois ils ont fermés le magasin plus tôt avant que j'arrive (30m-1h avant la fermeture) update 23 juin je revenais du travail et jai vu les employés sortir et fermer à 21h55 et le close est supposé commencer à 22h
26 October 2021 3:57
I forgot my mask. They charged me $1 for a throw away mask and then charged my full price on a sale item.
08 September 2021 8:31
The store itself is generally pretty good, although they are replacing cashiers with self-check out which is never great. The pharmacy is pretty terrible though - they will never call you or communicate with you, which can be a pretty big problem. I recently had a prescription filled that had to be prepared by an external lab and delivered to the pharmacy, so after dropping it off I had to wait for them to let me know when it was ready. After a week of waiting I called and and it turned-out that the prescription had been ready for a week. The kicker? The product only has a 4 week shelf life, so they wasted a week of the product and still charged me full price. If you're going to deal with them be prepared to have to micromanage them.
28 July 2021 11:48
Je suis outrée du fait que maintenant, on n'a pas accès aux caisses si l'on ne paie pas en espèces! Si on paie par carte on doit passer par le selfcheck, et je désapprouve cette mesure au niveau social! Ça enlève des jobs à du monde et ensuite on me fait travailler gratuitement. Je n'y retournerai plus à moins que la politique ne change et j'encourage les gens à faire de même.
20 July 2021 8:25
It's bad enough that Pharmaprix makes customers scan and pack there own items (without a compensatory reduction in cost), but now they have kids running this store! I bought a couple of items from the makeup area, refusing assistance since I knew what I wanted and where it was, then the kid at the counter said I had to pay at her cash, so she could get her commission. I had other items to purchase and I told her I'd go to the cash near the exit. She pages her little friend at that cash to tell her not to serve me. She did as schemed at the same time checking out another customer, and didn't seem to care if the store lost a customer/business. I left my purchases there! I'm a senior who uses a cane, TENS machine and pain medication to walk, and these little Nazis wanted me to walk the distance of the store three times just so the clerk who provided no service, but a lot of lip, could get her little commission. Never going back! I noticed Jean Coutu doesn't make their customers do the work of clerks!
29 June 2021 2:55
The last time I was there, the employee offered to walk an elderly customer back home right before curfew, and it was impeccable and beyond great service. It put a smile on my face. I forgot what I needed.
21 March 2021 11:46
A shout out to the girls at the makeup counter who are always friendly and ready to help. I've been getting my meds here for years and haven't had any cause to complain.
14 March 2021 18:11
Je suis passé à la pharmacie pour ramasser la prescription de mon frère qui avait appelé plus que deux heures avant pour la faire préparer (23 janvier 2021). Quand je suis arrivé, la prescription était pas prête et on m'a demandé d'attendre 10-15 minutes. 20 minutes plus tard je poireautais encore devant le comptoir pendant qu'il n'y avait aucun autre client. J'ai demandé directement à la pharmacienne si je pouvais avoir ma prescription et elle m'a regardé sans me répondre et a continué de compter ses pilules. Ça a pris un autre dix minutes. C'est une place de fou, je vais dire à mon frère de se faire livrer, j'va plus là!
25 October 2019 12:19
I bought 4 Saputo brand mozzarella cheese in July from this Pharmaprix. All 4 brinks of cheese had mold all over them, lots of mold. I filed a complaint over two months ago. This morning, I followed up with the complaint I made in July and it was never even recorded at the complaint center, I was subjected to filing another complaint. I spent over 45 minutes calling around and being transferred to other numbers (waiting more time on the phone). Really bad customer service. I paid (I believe 4.99 or 5.99 by 4 for the 4 bricks of cheese). I am not happy and will no longer purchase anything from said Pharmaprix. It is not a question of 20$, it is a question of poor customer service / satisfaction. The only reason why I gave Pharmaprix 2 stars in this review is because the entire group of cashiers are always very polite and friendly along with the personnel at the cosmetics counter who never fail to greet me when I enter the establishment.
20 September 2019 7:18
Croyez-moi je ne suis pas du genre à me plaindre mais j'ai rarement eu un service à la clientèle aussi mauvais. Au comptoir de la pharmacie en plus de rire d'un client au téléphone, on m'a fait sentir que je les dérangeait avec ma question. Ils manquent clairement de professionnalisme et d'un patron pour s'occuper des employés pour qui l'entreprise n'est visiblement pas importante à leurs yeux.
26 March 2019 18:00
Service épouvantable au comptoir. Charger 3 x 16,25$ (honoraires du pharmacien) pour un même traitement en vente libre (mais derrière le comptoir) qui s'applique à 3 personnes alors que non seulement les instructions ont été données une seule fois, mais en plus, après lecture du mode d'emploi, il s'avère que c'étaient les mauvaises instuctions. Ça, Madame Florea, ça s'appelle du vol.
16 December 2018 3:20
Personnel du comptoir pharmaceutique éparpillé et incompétent. Également, manque de courtoisie quand un problème survient et il en survient beaucoup trop! Je devrai me résoudre à changer de pharmacie (êtes- vous à l'écoute Monsieur Lugassy?) pour le mois prochain, j'en ai vraiment marre.
04 November 2018 15:35
Every month I renew my prescription and every month there is a problem. How can you be out of stock regularly? How can you misread prescription giving the wrong amount of pills regularly? What is wrong with these pharmacist? Could they be incompetent? The answer is yes. Even if this pharmacy is a few minutes walk from my home (which is why I keep coming back), I’m going to switch to another pharmacy next month. I’m done.
20 October 2018 16:59
If you put up the wrong price it's not fair to penalize the consumer. Not happy with your practices.
12 September 2018 14:36
It's good for a quick grocery run, but this place has really incompetent pharmacists. I've seen two there and both were bad, rude and uninformative.

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