02 February 2024 19:02
Slowest, most useless & incompetent pharmacists who clearly hate people.

Machines would have more humanity
20 December 2023 12:57
Premièrement, je m ' ennui de cette période ou les commerces étaient ouverts tard, quand tu appelais Bell Canada même si la petite dame était over gentille mais aumoins tu avais un bon service. Revenons à Pharmaprix j' aime cette franchise car ils ont compris que toi aussi tu travails et que toi aussi tu as des besoins. Bref Samedi soir 20h oui 8h, les seuls ouvert merci. Ont trouvé de tout facilement et rapidement.
19 July 2023 2:38
Took passport photos at this Pharmaprix. The service was very rushed. Once I went to the passport office, they told me the photos were not taken respecting the passport guidelines for Canada (measurement of photos).
29 June 2023 0:36
We've been here to get our prescription. Called 1 hour beforehand to give a heads-up.
Arrived there, asked for it. Brown-haired white lady handled our request without saying hello. And after 15 minutes went out because her shift ended. 5 minutes later we ask at the counter the status or our request? The whole thing had been prepared, but that lady just didn't care and never called. Knowing that i was standing in front of the counter, looking at her very patiently, smiling even. I have no other explanation than she purposedly did not give a flying f.
I know we all have bad days, and it's the reason we have been so patiently waiting. But that's really not okay. If she doesn't care about people, she should do another job.
04 May 2023 9:39
Mauvaise expérience à cette pharmacie. La pharmacienne présente mercredi le 22 février 13h m'a offert un service plus qu'expéditif malgré le fait que je lui avait clairement mentionné que c'était ma première prise du médicament. Elle n'a même pas pris le temps de se présenter et est partie sans même me demander si j'avais des questions. J'ai dû la rappeler à travers la section pharmacie pour lui poser ma question la plus importante et après une très courte réponse elle s'est sauvée. Je repart donc pas du tout rassurée et pleine de questions.

Pas ma première mauvaise expérience à cette pharmacie. Je ne ferais dorénavant plus affaires avec celle-ci.
25 March 2023 9:37
This is my first posted bad review. The pharmacy is very disorganized. On multiple occasions they forgot to order my medication, they have ordered the wrong type twice, and on multiple occasions they forgot to call me at the pick up section. The last time I waited an hour. I strongly recommend going to another pharmacy. Each time their was an issue, they blamed someone else instead of learning from their mistakes
17 February 2023 11:21
Tina and the staff at the cosmetics counter are wonderful. Very knowledgeable and great at recommending products.
25 January 2023 14:02
Harold, very helpful and caring. Took the initiative to go through stock to find that last Tylenol for my kid. We didn’t even asked for help.thank you so much Harold. God bless you
05 August 2022 4:56
DO NOT COME HERE FOR PASSPORT PHOTOS! Extremely rude service. I arrived and kindly asked for a photo — the employee seemed frustrated that I was even there. I was then asked to powder my face a few times to eliminate any shininess which is fine but the employee (frustrated) took another shot without flash to see if that made a difference. The glare was gone, but without flash I was in shadow.

At this point I just wanted to be gone so I paid and left. In the parking lot, I saw they had stamped the photos but didn’t let the ink dry before sticking it in an envelope, so the ink smeared and the photos were unusable.

I went back inside and the same employee was very rude & in front of other customers said she didn’t want to take my photo anymore (reminder I was only kind to her in this whole process, and we weren’t together more than 10mins).

I insisted that she didn’t need to take new photos but perhaps one of the shots with flash would be better & more likely to be accepted.

The employee bluntly said to go to a professional photo studio (dismissing me) & told the cashier to refund me. (I have worked in customer service & if I took that tone with a customer for no reason I would be fired…)

FYI — Went to Jean Coutu instead and had no issues. Much simpler and about $10 cheaper.
17 March 2022 15:25
19: 29 montreal - 202-02-01. Il semble que il est plus facile de trouver du sable dans un désert que de trouver une console de jeux-vidéo Xbox One, mais je ne me décourage pas, chose sûre, je vais continuer à donner du sang-de-poulèt aux lois, afin que le Pharmaprix 2740 Notre-Dame Ouest ai des consoles de jeux-vidéo Xbox One. - note-importante: le service en magasin est superbe, serviable et rapide.
12 August 2021 5:12
A plusieurs reprises attente en ligne plus de 30 minutes pour pouvoir parler a quelqu'un pour renouveller mes prescriptions. A ma dernière visite pour prendre mon ordonnance déjà commandé j'ai attendu 15 minutes a l'accueil avant que je me décide a interpeller les personnes derrière le comptoir en leur disant que c'est aussi long que par téléphone. Le commis m'a répondu " vous voyez pas qu'on est occupé" sur un ton très agressif. Il n'y avait personne d'autres qui attendait, ils étaient trois et personne n'a daigné me regarder avant que je les interpellent. Tout ça pour vous dire que j'ai changé de pharmacie pour Jean Coutu rue Notre Dame et De Lamontagne, j'y suis allée ce matin, que des éloges a leur faire.
26 June 2021 21:08
Ils sont toujours débordés. Ils ne trouvent jamais les prescriptions. Leur méthode de travail et la communication dans l’équipe semble défaillante. La préparation des médicaments est ultra longue. La plupart du personnel n’est pas courtois à quelques exceptions près. À éviter.
11 April 2021 0:38
The pharmacy here had lost every single one of my prescriptions this year. They keep saying it's doctor error and then finding the fax stacked somewhere, but now claim that's never happened. They make zero effort to correct the issue, and half the time I have to get doctors to re-fax things. Going into the pharmacy means a 40min wait during Covid, and they don't just tell you to come back, and over the phone they just say they don't have what you need.
06 April 2021 16:55
The store is fine but the pharmacy has had issues lately and seems to be changing personnel. Management doesn't seem to be giving them enough staff. Twice in a row they have lost prescriptions faxed in (sender verified receipt) causing a huge run-around on my part, another time I was told medication they ordered-in wasn't there when it turns out it was. Too many problems in a row!
06 February 2021 10:21
La section épicerie et nourriture n’est pas d’aussi grande taille que plusieurs autres Pharmaprix.
11 September 2020 14:30
Le service à la pharmacie est catastrophique.
Entre les nombreux oublis répétitif, la courtoisie qui est complètement absente au sein de l'équipe vous aurez peux être à faire à une pharmacienne antipathique qui ne vous posera même pas de question sur vos allergies ou votre état de santé actuel avant de vous donner un médicament.
16 August 2020 15:06
I bought a product I already had at home, I called 10 minutes after buying it and the lady said on the phone it was not a problem to come and return it within 30 days. I went 2 weeks later and the cosmetics manager rudely refused to do the transaction. Worst service ever. Won’t do business with them again
19 March 2020 8:44
I’m so disappointed in this pharmacy. They don’t accept payments over the phone! How is someone who who can’t physically go get their prescription and needs someone else to get it for them, supposed to pay for it? This is ridiculous and absolutely inconvenient for clients.
26 February 2020 21:50
We really appreciate everything they do here. Pharmacists and assistants are very patient and kind.
23 December 2019 16:10
Je n'étais pas prêt pour la discrimination dans le matin. Dont go here if you're not sure about what a product is called in French. The "person" helping me told me to only speak to him in French. I was raised bilingual and the french words for "drain cleaner" slipped my mind.
04 November 2019 1:46
You should replace the very very very unhappy and old cashier with a self serve check out window! She really did not want to be/work there, and she really did not want to serve anyone, I'm not sure if it was because it was 8pm and past her bedtime, but if I say 'Hi', I don't think it's too much to expect a 'Hi' back.
After she rung up my items in silence, she then decided to just look up at me as if to say, 'are you gonna pay for this crap? ', so we just stood there in silence, until I said, 'how much is it? Or did you want me to guess? ' What kind of crappy service do you have at Pharmaprix? Just wondering.
17 August 2019 4:40
I've been waiting for a prescription for 25 mins, actually have to be somewhere, they give you a buzzer and hope you buy more stuff. Disappointed customer and don't think I'll be coming back to this pharmacy
14 August 2019 3:45
Ne pas vouloir donner ou vendre 5 mini cup en plastique pour nourrir un bébé alors qu'on est client dans leur pharmacie, il faut vraiment être cheap.
21 July 2019 12:35
Best value of all pharmacy retail chains. Now, I only buy my milk, eggs, and other food staples at Pharmaprix. Where else will you find grade A large eggs for C$1.88 a dozen?
25 May 2019 14:54
Énormément d’attente pour récupérer de simples prescriptions. On nous dit 25 minutes d’attente pour finalement réaliser que ce sera 50 minutes au total. Manque de transparence envers les clients. J’ai quitté au bout de 40 minutes les mains vides.
28 December 2018 21:37
Je mets zero etoiles, le prix des medicaments est trois fois plus dispendieux qu'ailleurs, le pharmacien doit avoir un yacht magnifique cr il fourre ses clients c 'est une honte
09 August 2018 0:36
Une heure pour encaisser un client. On apprend ce qu'est vraiment la patience dans ce genre de magasin.
28 July 2018 5:48
We have been purchasing prescriptions for our family at this store for quite some time. Only recently did I review the details of the receipts to understand what was covered by our insurance. I followed up with our insurance and found out that this pharmacy has been selling us the more expensive brand name drugs, when generics were available.

The pharmacy refuses to refund the difference in price. We have been overpaying for expensive brand name drugs for a while.

Time to switch pharmacies.

Buyer beware!

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