02 May 2023 21:09
I came yesterday to get some self-care products and the amazing Sandra helped me. You won't find many people these days who love their job as she does and she does it with a big smile.
10 April 2023 1:16
Nouveau service avec comptoir postal de Poste Canada. De plus, service formidable à la pharmacie.
09 January 2023 1:17
Service déplorable au comptoir des ordonnances. La pharmacienne ne se lève même pas de sa chaise pour venir te parler, aucun expérience client.
31 October 2022 6:32
Franchement … refus de salle de bain (fin Aout 2022) pour COVID…. Il va falloir en revenir un moment donné!
23 October 2022 15:03
Always willing to help in finding over the counter meds, assisting with any and every query I have.absolutely great staff.those who have no idea how to speak to the pharmacy staff, that is not the fault of the staff.
07 October 2022 6:20
Service au comptoir de prescription est déplorable. Incapable de traiter avec les systèmes d'assurance médicaments.
12 July 2022 10:57
Mercredi le 25 mai 17: 15. J’ai eu le plus mauvais service de la caissière au nom de Louise, extrêmement paresseuse, il n’y avait personne et elle n’a pas voulu valider mon billet de loterie. La raison qu’elle m’a donné c’est qu’elle ne peut pas me remettre de l’argent si j’ai un billet gagnant. C’est honteux d’avoir une caissière comme elle.
28 June 2022 20:29
Every time I come to this pharmacy, the pharmacy assistants have no idea what they are doing. I’ve had to re-explain things to them multiple times. Called to get a prescription renewed and then it was “lost”. Wish I could have stayed at my old pharmacy - Jean Coutu. Much better service.
10 June 2022 16:11
Service très lent …. Les employés sont lents comme pas possible … des fois on dirait qu’ils les fabriquent sur place les médicaments… mais la pharmacie en gros est propre et bien entretenue
01 August 2019 19:32
Livraison touj’urs en retard. Je dois prendre ma médication le matin et on me la livre vers 4h30 pm quand j’ai appelé le soir d’avant. Pas très compréhensible.
15 July 2019 4:38
Attention aux étiquettes indiquant un rabais! Si le commerçant a oublié d'enlever l'étiquette de rabais, comme la date de fin de rabais est indiquée sur l'étiquette, il n' est pas tenu de vous donner le rabais. Ce que j'ai appris à mes dépends aujourd'hui.le consommateurs doit donc prendre la responsabilité de lire l'étiquette au complet! Et surtout les petits caractères au bas de l'étiquette.
14 August 2018 6:51
Went there to shop for some drugstore makeup. Staff seemed friendly but I couldn't help but notice that at least one of them would constantly hover around me even after I said I didn't need any help and was just browsing. They seemed to just be moving random pieces of makeup around and made me feel a bit uncomfortable. I was taking my time googling reviews for products I was interested in and doing extra research before I commited to anything. Finally I asked for some help and while the girl was friendly, she didn't really help me with what I was asking. Overall I'm pretty disappointed, the girl told me they don't give refunds which made me really not want to buy from here, but I was low on time and had to commit, some things I bought don't match my complexion so that sucks, I guess I'm stuck with it. Constantly being watched also sucked, felt like they were judging me for just walking back and forth and looking up products. Will not be going back here.
13 August 2018 17:58
Great store. Friendly staff, and they take the time to look after their customers. Good prices on bread almost all the time.
28 July 2018 11:02
Un service hors du commun.un personnel souriant et des rabais pour les produits d'épicerie très avantageux entre autre oeufs et pain.
Aly le propriétaire est très attentif pour nos besoins d'ordre pharmaceutique. Il est même venu porter d'urgence à la maison un médicament prescrit par le médecin, pour mon mari atteint du cancer. Merci pour tout.
20 July 2018 14:03
Service is amazing. Team is very friendly and ready to help with smile. The store is very organized and clean. A lot of services (nurse and nutritionist) and new offers every. I really recommend it.
24 June 2018 13:39
Pharmacist there was helpful in recommending a suitable and effective non prescription medication. Thanks.
04 August 2017 0:06
Very fast prescription service. Pay attention to the sale prices in the flyer because they are occasionally not marked properly on the shelf, but you will always get the correct price.
18 June 2017 23:33
Long time Shoppers/Pharmaprix customers that lived nearby so we use to shop here all the time. That was until we noticed that we were being followed around the store. We kindly asked them to cease on a number of occasions but there were no changes. The last time we shopped here we were made to feel guilty by the manager who raised his voice at us when an employee didn't respect our request to shop without being followed. We no longer shop here and quite frankly this store should be ashamed of and embarrassed by their deplorable behaviors.

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