20 November 2023 15:13
Don’t come here for prescriptions unless you want to wait an hour. At least I had a book with me
09 November 2023 3:22
Awful security guard, the one that always wears his sweatshirt hood up, extremely aggressive and follows you like you are a criminal when you haven’t even taken anything, he should be fired. I’ve read the reviews and it seems I’m not the only one that has been harassed by him.
21 October 2023 2:35
The woman staff w long black hair is super unfriendly and impolite. I started avoiding going to this store at night cuz she’ll be on the shift.
What’s more ridiculous is that they’ll not let you enter the store even though it’s still 10 minutes away from the closing time
08 October 2023 0:32
The pharmacy told me to come back in half an hour and that it is first come first serve when I had a work day and urgently needed medication.
06 August 2023 5:09
Ça fait des mois leurs horaires pas bon. Ya personne qui peut corriger l'horaire de cet établissement svp. Ils ferment toujours avant minuit. Svp horaires a corriger
22 June 2023 3:35
J'arrive a 9h55 du soir parce que je viens de terminer le travail et j'espère pouvoir entrer pour acheter mon souper.ils m'interdisent d'entrer alors que le magasin est encore ouvert et la sécurité n'ose même pas venir me parler alors que je demande a lui parler pour expliquer la situation.a mon avis c'est un personnel qui veut aucunement travailler et faire des efforts pour garder leur clientele
30 May 2023 8:10
Hours says closes at 10pm. I arrive at 9: 56pm and they refused my entry, noting that they stop letting people in at 9h55. I was having an allergic attack and took a taxi. Ended up going to the hospital. Worst pharmaprix in the province. This particular store doesn't care about the numerous bad reviews they get because they know they can get away with it by being perfectly positioned downtown. The majority of your recent negative reviews are about hours. Seems like a very easy issue to tackle. The failure in that regard leads me to believe that the management team is incompetent.
22 May 2023 5:45
Tribble service. Lack of staffs. Just one pharmacist was soooo slowly working there. I waited 1h getting my med.have never seen a drugstore like it.
They have to hire more pharmacists instead of just paying one.
21 May 2023 11:19
Strongly advise to avoid this location at all costs for any prescription needs. Staff has little regard for customers and an almost comical lack of urgency. Thrilled to have picked up my last prescription here!
09 March 2023 9:23
They are too freaking slow at the meds counter. I’ll never understand what takes them so much time.
04 March 2023 13:20
As everyone has said, online and in store it says midnight BUT THEY CLOSE WELL BEFORE MIDNIGHT SOMETIMES AS EARLY AS TEN. AVOID COMPLETELY
01 March 2023 4:12
If I could give less than one star I would. Despite being plastered on the building facade and having it displayed as closing at midnight on Gmaps, I passed at 23: 08 and the door was locked and the building empty. Might be time to take the midnight closing time sign down.
23 February 2023 15:17
I buy most of my stuff here because of the late hours and good selection of products. There are always more than enough staff to help you. The self-checkout is very good. Prices can be high but just buy the stuff that's on sale and it ends up being pretty much the same as anywhere else.
17 February 2023 7:03
The employees at this store are always friendly, helpful, and patient. I always have a good customer service experience whether at the pharmacy or storefront
01 February 2023 17:14
The store seem to close at 10pm instead of midnight. Open hours "confirmed by this business 12 weeks ago. " Very well-played!
31 January 2023 12:03
For the owner of this store if you don’t start looking for a new experienced manager and new staff just shut your store and find another place
28 January 2023 22:47
Absolutely ridiculous. DO NOT COME HERE TO GET YOUR PRESCRIPTION MEDS! Not this one or any location.my friend is sick with a fever of 41 and needs medicine and two of the most vital prescriptions are not available? Is this a joke… also on “back order”. So what does he do? Just stay sick? I don’t believe this.never coming here again
12 January 2023 21:16
FERME BIEN AVANT MINUIT! Mauvaise info. Ne perdez pas votre temps à vous déplacer tard le soir.
26 December 2022 14:25
The best pharmaprix in town. They have the best variety and the most convenient location. The staff are nice too. They could add a few more fruits and vegetables to their stock and it could become a one stop shop.
23 December 2022 4:54
Je suis arrivé a 11h37 pm et le magasin était fermer malgré quil soit ecrit que sa ferme a minuit! Javai besoin de médicaments pour mon enfant je suis très mais très en colère
21 December 2022 15:12
A very incompetent lady works in the prescriptions department. It's the second time in a row I wait over 45 mins for a simple prescription filling when she is there. I finally ask what's going on, give my name, a very simple French name. She won't understand anything despite me speaking clearly, in English. She repeats "mamon" "ramon" "samon". I then speak louder and spell it out for her. She tells me to calm down in a very rude manner. She then claims she had called me, but no one in the waiting area heard any names being called. There was a pile of boxes behind her, she had never bothered to check the waiting area or call names again or realize no one could hear her. When she was at the back you could see her randomly walking around doing nothing, just looking confused. Seems like she should not be working there if she can't do basic functions and only waste people's time.
02 December 2022 11:07
Supposed to be closed until mid night, I arrived at 22: 30 but the store was already closed. You guys need to change the opening hours!
21 November 2022 8:16
Tried to get a prescription refill here, but the prescription was from another province so they had to get a transfer prescription. They told me I had to wait in store for it and it would only be half an hour. I waited an hour and it wasn't ready, plus when I tried to ask about it the pharmacist was rude and unhelpful (she also pretended she didn't know English to someone asking a question after me, even though she spoke to me in English). After another half hour, another pharmacist told me they'd give me a call back.
31 October 2022 4:56
J'veux pas être trop méchant mais. J'ai payé des taxes pour une carte cadeau? Sur une autre photo, j'ai acheté la même carte et je n'ai pas payé des taxes pour le même produit lol. Oui, je sais que les photos datent un peu mais. J'aimerais avoir une explication de pourquoi j'ai payé des taxes pour une carde cadeau Riot svp merci:)
16 October 2022 19:51
Devi is really rude and unprofessional. She talked rudely to the costumer and the staff. She was even discriminating my friend. She is far from being a good boss. Pharmaprix really shocked me. If I could I would put -5 stars
06 July 2022 16:30
Prix trop élevé et je suis allé prendre un test covid gratuit st in m'a refusé. En plus je parlais français et la personne au comptoir me répondait en anglais. Je suis à Montréal j'ai droit d'être servis dans ma langue maternelle et non beuger. Et aucune accommodations n'a été fait pour que je suis avoir mon test covid. Si c'était un sans abris sans documents c sur qu'ils aurait donné. Très ridules! Une honte! Autant aller au jean coutu juste en face où ils n'y a jamais de problème pour être bien servis.
01 July 2022 19:05
Girl in cosmetics name Cherifa had a really bad attitude in a aggressive and masculin way. Both girls were not welcoming. When I ask politely to the girl if the makeup remover had alcohol, she answered with such attitude. Learn to be nicer and just do your job as you are told
23 June 2022 4:02
This used to be my favorite pharmacy downtown (I went to school at Concordia) until they switched the cashiers to machines. Now there're almost no human cashiers ever. Hire more humans! Humans need jobs too. Specially after this pandemic.
12 May 2022 10:03
I couldn't believe how difficult the clerks made my shopping experience today. There were no eggs except a box with one egg broken so I told the clerk at self check I wanted to get eggs but there weren't any. He asked if I went in the back and I said no, I just looked up the isle saw no one and gave up, well you are not supposed to go in the back he said, well I obviously didn't, the clerk I was talking to was in the front not in the back, so he phoned someone who came up with someone else, went in the back and came out with boxes of bags not eggs. So as he was going back to the back to look for eggs another person asked for help and he just left me standing there and helped her, so I left without eggs. The deals are okay but the customer service I received today was a zero, so I gave a 2 for deals and would never go there now if I needed a prescription or in need of dependable/responsible service for fear of being disappointed again.
27 April 2022 0:58
Straight out of Concordia building. I wanna be thrifty in these hyper inflation days, so I bought a bag of 6 Saint-Viateur bagels ($3.99 no tax) and mini eggs chocolate ($5.99 +tax).

Ate till full and realize that I'm pretty lucky to find a supermarket style of drugstore in the middle of downtown. For those who are tired of the same pizza and cocobun bread, why not seek out for other genuine options available?
25 April 2022 1:23
The store oftentimes closes way earlier than their announced closing time. Last night for instance (Wednesday March 2nd), they were closed at 10: 20 although their closing hours said that they close at midnight. It's up to every business to decide when to close, but you should respect your customers enough to open and close at the times that you've announced yourself. I also received bad looks from the employees inside when I arrived at the store and found out that it was closed.

Some employees are very friendly however. In the past I visited the store for an item and when I asked an employee, he stopped what he was doing and walked with me to look for the item and eventually found one for me.

On the other hand, there was one instance when I saw an employee yell at an elderly person because he kept asking for help from the employee while he was attending another customer. It was an overreaction from the employee and he could have just told the elderly person that he will help him in a moment.
15 April 2022 22:06
I'm not even from Quebec, I live in Vancouver and I've had my 310,000 PC optimum points stolen from this location under the transactions page. (Roughly $310) they apparently somehow kept creating about 30 mobile wallet cards on my account and my fiance's account to take advantage of the spend points and make points event. The transaction was February 14th @ 7: 46 EST. Please review your security cameras to see who made the transaction. The police should be investigating this place since many others have had the same thing happen at this exact location over the past few years.
12 April 2022 1:56
On rentre et personne ne nous salut, même pas la cosmeticienne, quel manque de professionnalisme! Ensuite on commence a nous suivre partout comme des chiens, moi même je travail au pharmaprix et jamais on fait ca même quant on soupçonne quelqu’un de vol il y a d’autres manières, bref on est passé à la caisse et l’argent de sécurité nous a pointé du doight a l’employé et lui a demandé si on avait payé et de faire attention a nous, juste devant nous… quelle honte… tout ca sans dire bonjour! C’était un garde habillé en civil avec une calvitie.
28 March 2022 4:59
Depuis 1 mois tout a changé, la pharmacie noffre plus le service quils offraient. Si vous avez une pharmacie a choisir pour vos médicaments, ne perdez pas votre temps aller ailleurs! Se trompe dans la qty de ma prescription, n'assume pas l'erreur malgré les preuves. J'y vais depuis 6 ans et ils vont laisser un enfants sans médicament. J'appelle pour renouveler une prescription par téléphone, me dise qu'il la prépare et de passer le lendemain, j'y vais le lendemain, prescription pas prête. Au lieu de me téliképhoner pour me dire qu'il y a une erreur et de ne pas me déplacer pour rien, ils n'appellent pas, me font déplacer. Attendre 45 min pour me dire qu'il y a une erreur et de retourner chez moi. Aucune excuse, ne prennent le blâme pour rien même sils font une erreur. Aucune humanité dans le service. C'est comme si que le client est un numéro
14 March 2022 18:50
One of the employee (I suppose a manager), very "discretely" instructed an employee to tell me that the gift card system was broken and they couldn't activate it.

I was buying it for a homeless person, but they apparently don't think homeless people should be able to buy food when it's -30 outside. What a great business that support the community! Not only that, but they are too ashamed to outright refuse the service, they have to lie.

I highly recommend walking to the jean Coutu 2 minutes away, they are great!
07 March 2022 14:56
Service à la clientèle pourris. Répond jamais au téléphone, j'ai le temps de crever avant de recevoir mes médicaments.
25 October 2021 10:04
Stupied Mangament never seen before, while we choose the stuff send a stuiped security to stand close to our shoulder less (1 c.m). Also they sell an expired stuff. Stuiped system overall, should change the management right a way.
22 October 2021 11:56
The security and the person near beauty products were so rude. I was wearing my mask still the girl who was there near beauty products asked me to get out of the store in a very rude manner. The was she said is very annoying she can’t talk to the customers like that. I felts she wanted wanted me to get out not sure what her problem was. Very bad experience
29 September 2021 11:21
Well this place deserves all the bad reviews it's getting. Got here at 9.51pm and I was declined acces! We are closed! It's well advertised 10pm. SEE THE PICTURES OF THOSE PEOPLE LIKE ME - ACCESS DENIED! 9 minutes before the advertised close out time.
30 July 2021 20:47
The worst Pharmaprix you can find in entire Canada. I had bad experience with the people working here multiple times. Most of the times they try to act as Doctors. My prescription was increased by a walk in clinic doctor since my family doctor was vacation. Ranny Hanna was giving me hard time because I went there days earlier to get my medicine. The pharmacy didnt get a call from the doctor I consulted and he wanted to know why the Pharmacy didnt give them a call. Please stop acting as doctors. The second person I had bad experience today was from another staff Parish. I went back to get a second appointment for Covid shot as instructed by another pharmacy assist on Saturday. Instead of trying to help me she said to go online and book the appointment. Also she wanted to know the name of the person I spoke to on Saturday. I informed that I dont recall the name and when I asked for her name she refused to give her name and removed her name tag. Please Mr Shaheen people are here to get help and not to deal with this kind of bad customer service from your staff members. Putting up a note saying aggressive behaviour will not help when these employees try their level best to not help their clients. Respect goes both ways. Again please stop acting like DOCTORS because you guys are PHARMACISTS.
22 May 2021 5:40
Extremely disappointed. I walked up to the Post Canada line at 7: 01pm, there were still clients being served in line, was told that it would NOT be possible to retrieve my parcel because it was past 7pm. Clerk was extremely terse. If post closes at 7pm, website should not say 9pm.
20 May 2021 18:25
I had a couple of negative experiences with the pharmacy clerks. They frequently committed mistakes like wrong spelling of my name and address (even though they had my insurance card and driver license on hand) which always give me trouble when submitting claims. I requested several times to have the claim directly submitted by them to my insurance (like Jean Coutu does) and they always refuse to do so.
17 May 2021 22:24
Best weekend deals!
All #Medicines available
One of the best store on Saint Catherine
Make a payment manually. If you are a gym lover get an Egg with very low price on weekend deals
Eggs, bread, cheese, Lays chips are in a deal that you wont find it anywhere in any store.
Staff members are very co-operative
Do not forget to scan your Optimum card for the points
03 May 2021 18:52
I've been a customer of Pharmaprix Cusmetics for 20 yrs.
The ambiance of that Pharmaprix was not the same as it used to be. That's Place look so sad and so as the staff. The Rudest Cosmetic department I ever been.
I came there because I want to buy a Marc Jacob Perfume, I told the lady I need five mins. Of her time I will buy a perfume. Eventually they don't have the Marc Jacobs perfume that I want.
Her collegue called her to served another customer, she walked out and left me on the corner,
She never came back to me. I did not appreciate what she did.
No customer deserve this kind of experience.
For the record. Keep your receipt if your going to pay by debit or credit because it might charge you double.
29 April 2021 6:53
I have had quite an okay experience with this Pharmaprix so far. I have had nice support from the staff members on occasions asking for something.

However, I should mention that I have never gone there to pick up prescription medication and I am always using the self check-out.
01 January 2021 17:00
The worst pharmacy I’ve dealt with in MTL by far. It started well and the pharmacist along with their assistants knew what they were doing. That was in 2019

Come 2020 and it seems like a bunch of random people working there. Always messing up stuff, don’t know what they are doing, overcharge you and the attitude they give you is off the charts. I’ve had to correct them on multiple occasions about how the medications are covered by RAMQ and they eventually get it right.

A pharmacist assistant was laughing in my face cause I went to the pharmacy two weeks before the time I visited to get another medication. As like why I’m coming again. Maybe I need multiple different medications? ! I thought you’re a pharmacy, no?

Paid for my medication last month and asked for a copy to avoid them coming to me this month to tell me to pay again and was assured that this won’t happen and they have stamped paid on my receipt that they showed me then. They then lost it and asked me this month for the payment and I had a heated argument with Ramy who made me feel like I’m stealing from them and he is going to “put a note on my file about this so it won’t happen again”

Hell yea it won’t, cause I’m never using your pharmacy ever again

That’s for sure the last time I ever use this pharmacy. Better off going to Proxim if you live in downtown cause they know what they do and treat you with respect. Or any other pharmacy cause there’s no doubt they won’t be worst than this messed up pharmacy
27 December 2020 17:04
Déjà qu'ils chargent 4 fois plus cher que Proxim (40$ au lieu de 10$), ils n'ont AUCUN système en place pour accueillir les gens qui viennent uniquement pour le vaccin de la grippe. Il faut faire la file avec ceux qui veulent des médicaments ce qui fait qu'ils sont incapable de respecter l'heure des rendez-vous qu'ils donnent. Que la pharmacie soit occupée ne devrait pas entrer en compte pour un service pour lequel ils chargent autant.
10 December 2020 7:10
Very kind pharmacists who helped me with all kinds of ailments from a sprained ankle to my seasonal allergies. They have a new produce section! Love the place:)
09 December 2020 3:41
Never send your online prescription here. They don't answer the phone and after 2 days they have not even prepared the drug. Been waiting here more than hour so far. Hopefully I don't get corona from any of these patients walking around me
18 October 2020 11:31
A Great Pharmacy with an amazing team at the lab! The owner "Shaheen" is both very cool and professional, but so is the rest of the pharmacists and technicians working there. The customer service is 100% great. Since I moved out from Downtown I wish I could find another pharmacy like this one.
10 October 2020 3:21
I brought a powder from home last week to compare shades and now the security guards follow me everywhere in the store whenever I go- it is extremely irritating. Two stars because the cashiers and other staff are always very friendly and helpful.
28 September 2020 21:52
C'est le Pharmaprix qui est le mieux placé au centre-ville avec des employés et un propriétaire qui veulent toujours aider
28 September 2020 19:32
Shady characters at the entrance/exit harassing customers. Security guard inside should do something about them instead of monitoring the hand washing station
22 September 2020 13:32
Pharmacy. "Rami" the pharmacist told me the current drug I ordered was discontinued by the company and that is why he couldn't provide it. I emailed the company and the drug was not discontinued and is available anywhere in Canada. There has been 4 occasions where my prescription was not ready, and they had no record of the prescription being ordered. Standards in Quebec are different clearly.
26 July 2020 8:55
Very bad experience. Bought a VISA giftcard, and it turned out to be a fake one. Tried to talk with the store for a resolution, but they just said nothing they can do and too bad.
Do NOT buy giftcard here, as you MIGHT be scammed.
13 July 2020 10:32
Called them today to ask about a question, the person just hung up the phone without letting me finish! Super rude do not recommend
27 June 2020 6:41
Hey, je veux savoir si le bureau d post et canada est à l’intérieur se Pharmaprix ou non? Si oui, ou exactement? Merci
17 May 2020 16:36
A normal Pharmaprix conveniently located near Concordia. It's big, clean, and has everything.

I don't get any of my prescriptions here but I have friends who do and they like the service.
03 May 2020 16:51
The store is fine, never had an issue, but today. I went in to buy a perfume, I went inside the perfume department, not even 30 seconds later, the manager (blonde women) ask me to leave the department if I was just looking around.not even a ”hi, how can I help you? ”situation.i felt like a 5 years old being told what to do by my mother! Again never had a problem with this location, but they just lost a customer for life, to the blonde lady in the cosmetic department, learn the art of customer service.
23 April 2020 16:57
*pharmacy experience* I called them to be put on hold for over 10 minutes before a different person answered the phone. I explained that I was just speaking with someone else regarding a prescription.and they hung up on me? It took three phonecalls (between getting put on hold, transferred to a different person, and hanged up on) to get to the bottom of a simple issue. Overall, the pharmacists at this location are rude in person as well. The shoppers itself is nice though.
28 March 2020 4:50
Terrible service
Charged 23$ for 12 pills of GENERIC naproxen
Tossed my prescriptions at me without any explanation of how to use my medication. I understand this is a profit based business, but when dealing with patients, kindness would always be more appropriate.
23 March 2020 1:40
There is a racist in this store,if u speak English he will just ignore u,he is around 40 years old,white beard,and ear rings
16 March 2020 22:43
I loved my experience in the beauty department. Cherifa was very helpful, patient, knowledgeable and professional! I came for a foundation and she was able to help me also educate me on my skin care and knowledgeable ended up leaving with more skin care things that I had no idea would help my skin. Loved the service will definitely be coming back.
15 February 2020 20:52
Ils sont vraiment rude avec les clients. Aujourd'hui j'ai reçu un service nule. Ce n'est pas la première fois que je reçois un service médiocre.
28 January 2020 13:39
There’s this guy who stands sometimes near the auto checkout counters. He was very rude. I went there to buy some veggies and I didn’t know that the tomatoes are sold $2.5 per piece as it was written as $2.5 per kg. The guy told me things like, ”You know we don’t have a weighing scale here”. I replied, ”Maybe you should get the tag changed (the card on which price was written as $2.5 per kg). The guy replied, ” Oh, you know Office People come here and they really don’t care about the price”. He was trying to show as if I didn’t have enough money. Just to mention to identify him, he looks a little fat and usually stands near the auto checkout counters with some sort of forms in hand.
07 January 2020 17:32
My pharmacy experience here was very unprofessional. I was told by the pharmacist to come in as a walk-in to get my flu shot, made a trip all the way there during their specified time, and once I arrived, was told that the flu shots were by appointment only, no exceptions (directly contradicting what they told me over the phone). I also happen to be a physician, and I feel that the lack of professionalism by this group would warrant me to say I do not recommend visiting this place.
02 January 2020 16:04
Its location is perfect however everything is a little overpriced. They have a small grocery section with fresh fruit and vegetables. They usually have some good offers in the weekend but supplies run quickly.
29 December 2019 22:53
J’aurais voulu mettre 0 etoiles au service poste canada où le service est lent et ou les employés n’ont aucun professionalisme. Imaginez vous n’etes pas satisfait du service et le manager se presente avec vous aupres de l’employé et la première reaction de l’employé est: « Really? Are u serious?  ». Imaginez une employé qui fixe agressivement une cliente et qui devant son manager lui di es tu serieux? Comme pourquoi tu vien me deranger avec lavis de cette cliente
Une employé qui agit comme elle veut et un manager passif qui n’a pris aucune decision par rapport au comportement de son employé, n’a offert aucune compensation.
Je suis sorti direction Jean coutu sur sainte catherine jai ete servi en 2min et j ai transféré mes medicaments.
Employé incompétent avec attitude non professionel
Manager passif, aucune resolution de probleme alors quil est le premier point de contact.
La médiocrité apelle la médiocrité. Pharmapix cest fini on est plus capable!
21 November 2019 12:04
Fun place. Since the closing hour is very late it tends to attract people just to stare at products and buy random things like chips, soft drinks, girls buying skin care and others girls things, cheap electronics, bathroom related things and even fresh food like vegetables and fruit.

To entry level to mid level anything that goes in the face for women its a very good place. To others its a very good local pharmacy that open very late. Very practical.

Employees we're very nice. Will go again for sure when we will be in the area
01 October 2019 14:25
Service ultra lent pour les gens qui payent comptant pharmaprix veut enlever des emploi et faire payer en temps sa clientèle dernière fois pour moi
06 September 2019 17:45
I went there with a friend for a passport photo, and the service was amazing. Roger was very professional and courteous, and took us 5 min top. I highly recommend him! Plus the store looked neat and clean.
25 July 2019 7:42
Had to transfer to this pharmacy today because my usual one ran out of my medication. It took them an hour and a half to finally give me my medication while 20-30 other people we're able to come and go get theirs. The rest of the store itself has good items and quick self-check out, but I will never pick up my medication at this location again.
24 June 2019 6:01
Je suis allée dans la section cosmétique pour regarder les nettoyants pour le visage. Il y avait 3 employées dans cette section et elles parlaient forts entre elles. Je suis restée dans cette section pendant 10-15 minutes devant la section des nettoyants et aucune d'entre elles est venue me voir alors que j'étais clairement entrain de lire les descriptions de plusieurs produits et de chercher quelque chose. Je n'étais pas la seule cliente dans cette section et personne n'avait été servie.

Après le 10-15 minutes dans l'allée, deux autres employées, qui devaient surement sortir de leurs pauses, sont venues me voir directement et m'ont aider à chercher et comprendre les produits alors que les 3 autres étaient encore en train de parler. Le minimum aurait été de me dire un "bonjour" quand je suis arrivée dans la section.

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