14 November 2023 0:57
This has to be the slowest prescription pharmacy in Montreal. They tell us there’s a 2-3 hours wait for a simple prescription. How can a Pharmaprix located right in the middle of plateau Mount-Royal have only ONE pharmacist on duty even on busy hours is beyond me. I’ve taken my business elsewhere.
20 September 2023 0:07
J'y suis allée pour le service photo. $28 pour 2 photos format passeport c'est très cher. À ce prix, le personnel devrait reprendre la photo sans frais si elle aurait dû être mieux. Franchement, ce serait la moindre des choses.
28 August 2023 22:11
Le magasin n'honore pas les spéciaux pour les aliments qui sont dans la circulaire. J'ai demandé à la caisse pourquoi et apparemment j'étais dans un Pharmaprix ''dépanneur''. Bizarre, quand je vais sur le site web et que je sélectionne ce magasin précis, ça m'indique bien une circulaire contenant les aliments en spécial que je voulais.
23 July 2023 0:40
The sweetest pharmacy workers ever & bilingual. I feel super comfortable coming here for my prescription medication! Thank you for your wonderful service
25 May 2023 22:34
I've been a loyal customer at this store since 2017, however their racist cashier need to go. It's not the first time I've noticed a very different treatment. People like myself that are not white get asked for IDs, being watched on the self check out service and refuse to help when asked for help. At the same time, every white person that accompanies me or that I've observed gets treated differently. No issues with pharmacy stuff or make up counter stuff, but cashiers. You clearly need to do better.
26 March 2023 21:52
Don't ever go to this pharmacy. Every time i need to pick up meds even when calling to prepare them in advance is at least 35 min wait. If you call, they are mostly very rude. I have asked for a delivery for my meds which they delivered to the wrong address while missing a medication that I needed on time, when I called after waiting another day I've got hung up on as they "won't argue with me". Will transfer to another pharmacy as I don't know how you could do worst.
20 March 2023 4:40
Personnel absolument incompétent. Pharmacien incapables qui me disent de prendre des ricolas à 40 de fièvre après avoir attendu une heure et demi pour une consultation.
01 March 2023 9:48
PIRE PHARMACIE (fr en-bas) / WORST PHARMACY. The “pharmacists” steal, miscount your meds MULTIPLE times, and overcharge you compared to other pharmacies (cost 2.5x more than any other pharmacy for half the dose that was prescribed). BEWARE and choose another pharmacy, it’ll be worth it in the end.

Les “pharmaciens” volent, ne savent pas comment compter une prescription à PLUSIEURS reprises et coûtent plus chers que n’importe quelle autre pharmacie (coût ici était 2.5x plus cher pour la moitié de la dose prescrite). Choisissez une autre pharmacie et évitez cet établissement pourri.
08 February 2023 19:55
L’attente extrêmement longue pour attendre les médicaments, pour un simple médicament pour des renseignements on doit attendre 3-4 heures en minimum.
Ils ne respectent pas leur clientèle, ils vont les perdre tout simplement. J’ai changé de pharmacie, cela ne vaut pas la peine d’aller à celle-ci.
01 January 2023 7:57
Mortified that industry professionals are able to operate at such LOW levels of efficiency: Do not notify you when Meds are running out of prescription, criminally negligent in mislabeling meds without prescription ending dates, lose info, and have caused extreme mental distress - I wish there was a way to hold this team accountable but unfortunately it is not.
Do not have basic decency levels to even apologize, or acknowledge their errors.

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