17 October 2023 15:50
Ma fille est allé se procurer du maquillage avec une de ses amies.
A son retour, elle m’a expliqué que la vendeuse lui a:
1) indiqué de ne pas prendre certains produits, en lui expliquant pourquoi elle n’en avait pas besoin.
2) Proposé des alternatives moins dispendieuses sur des articles qui l’intéressait.
Je veux remercier cette employée car en ce faisant, elle assure une clientèle fidèle sur le long terme plutôt qu’une vente facile qui serait probablement passée au remboursement le lendemain.
06 October 2023 6:25
Got graffitied back in 2017 LOLL, lowkey sucks and stopped carrying a bunch of products since last owner sold.
30 August 2023 11:42
I received really rude service from all the staff members here. Not even sure who the pharmacist on duty is cause he isn’t the guy in the photos on the website.
27 July 2023 8:16
Ça fait ~9 mois que je suis avec cette pharmacie, j'ai des graves problèmes de coeur donc prends multiples médicaments, j'y suis à chaque 2-3 semaines et ce n'est pas arrivé une fois de ne pas avoir d'erreur dans mes prescriptions ou sinon attendre +1h et ce, même en appellant pour les faire préparer d'avance.

Ils sont carrément dangereux, au point où j'ai pensé faire une plainte à l'ordre des pharmaciens.

Get your things together, please, this is sick people you're dealing with, not numbers.
08 July 2023 9:03
Pas très proactif et manque souvent de fournitures médicales tel que des pots pour échantillons et trousse de préparation pour examen endoscopique. évitez d'y aller.
24 June 2023 10:33
Here is my experience as someone who has lived in Outremont as a Diabetic for decades: avoid using this pharmapacy at all costs. There has been so many negative experiences but today takes the cake:

As mentioned, I'm a type 1 Diabetic and insulin dependent. The pharmacy has had my prescription and the frequency of my insulin renewals has not changed in well over 10 years. This time I delayed renewing due to the fact that I needed to get my prescription renewed. This was completed on Thursday and my urgent fax was sent the day of. I submitted my renewal on Saturday, providing sufficient time for them to receive. The result?

1) I was informed that their faxes are backlogged and wasn't put in the system.
2) I was informed they were missing my rapid insulin and would need to call me in order to advise when they have more (no ETA). It's important to note that going a day without is, essentially, going to result in me needing to check into the emergency.

The only option they have? Contacting other pharmacies to see if they have any available to spare. Again, I've been coming here for 20 years. The insulin requirement to live is known to them. I did everything right to make things easy based on the fact that it's always a terrible experience and yet, still, they find a way to make life hell.
31 May 2023 14:33
Le ballet derrière le comptoir est digne d’un film comique, l’amabilité téléphonique déplorable. À moins d’avoir du temps à perdre dans votre vie, fuyez.
22 April 2023 15:18
Très bonne expérience surtout au coter esthétique. J’ai été servi par Lesli et vraiment un très bon service
19 April 2023 20:16
It's a fine place with a wide selection of things to buy. The waiting room for picking up prescriptions is very small and the workers (pharmacist's assistants and cashiers) seem stressed, but it is a good place otherwise.
01 February 2023 19:09
Le service au comptoir de pharmacien est abominable. Présentement ils sont 8 derrière le comptoir on est 5 clients et ils sont incapable de nous servir adéquatement. Depuis 2 ans j’appelle même en amont pour recevoir mon médicament pour tenter de sauver du temps mais même là il n’y arrive pas.
01 February 2023 5:44
Pire pharmacie, le temps d’attente est interminable même en soumettant les commandes s’avancent. Je n’ai jamais vu une pharmacie avec un temps aussi long.
23 December 2022 6:58
Un énorme bravo pour les deux jeunes hommes au "service livraison" (sympathiques, agréables). C'est déjà ça!
01 December 2022 8:27
I understand there is shortage of pediatric antibiotic. I went for an antibiotic prescription for a bilateral acute media otitis (OMA), which was diagnosed on my 18 month old daughter. I went to this pharmacy (drugstore) and the technician was no help at all. I called else where that were in shortage too, but proposed pills that i can mix in fruit sauce. Thats what Îm expecting from a fellow collegue who works in the medical
field. I wont go back. They aren't from any help. No solution, no alternative solution. They are the worst definition of pills sellers.not pharmacist. Thanks for nothing.
23 November 2022 23:03
Vraiment mauvais service du pharmacien. Horrible service. Le système de santé est horrible
22 November 2022 17:02
Staff is abusif and rude, especially the lady from cosmetics. They were bothered by a group of teenagers who spent more time in their department, and decided to call the security because they considered them annoying. That’s abuse and is not acceptable in a free country!
18 October 2022 18:21
Three years after I wrote a four star review, this Pharmaprix has become the worst! Since the previous owner sold, the new owner stopped carrying many products the previous owner carried and the turnover of staff is monumental (wonder why?). Before, this Pharamprix had a warm, neighbourly vibe where staff was long term, the owner was often ween working at the pharmacy and prices were reasonable. Now its an inhospitable, cheerless place whose owner was price gouging long before it became the norm everywhere.

I used to shop there multiple times a week. Now I only go to get prescriptions filled.

(My old review from 3 years ago)
Excellent service at the pharmacy and the cosmetics counter. The staff in all departments are great! Didn't give a fifth star because the parking situation is bad. Everyone uses the lot to drop their kids off at Stanislas and it can get bad at certain times of the day. Normally I go on foot so its not an issue.

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