08 February 2024 5:09
Meilleur service reçu en Pharmaprix jusqu'à maintenant. La pharmacienne est super gentille et comprend les besoins des clients. Elle est très efficace et patiente.
17 November 2023 5:55
Please, remove the Helios glue from your shelves. I have bought this product about 5 times and not once the product was usable. The glue was already dry. At 5.99$ a bottle, this is abusive. I am returning this product for a refund.
17 October 2023 1:07
So bad, they don’t even let me and my friend shop in peace because they think we would steal. You should never judge a book by its cover
25 August 2023 6:03
Le personnel y est accueillant et toujours intéressé à vous aider. Le magasin est généralement bien tenu.
13 August 2023 18:17
Service médiocre. En train de rigoler entre eux sur les clients et les patients plus précisément incluant la pharmacienne de service en ce jour du 22 Août 2022 à 15h45.
21 July 2023 15:14
They don't deserve a single star. Customer service is not their priority at all and they clearly need a 101 crash course of basic politness. If you want to see what racism is in 2023 just go to that store. If you are an elderly person looking for help forget it. My dad ask the staff what was the quantity limit to the employee which answered I will have to ask my supervisor for confirmation. The employee after getting approval told my dad that there is no limit. My dad piles up the product to purchase and the supervisor comes out yelling you cannot take all of this. Surprised my dad points at the staff and says I asked the young lady and she said it was okay. The supervisor then says it's 4 per customer. My dad then takes 4 and ask my mom if she can take as well. The so called supervisor says it's 4 per family, my dad theb decides to leave and says it's okay I will just buy elsewhere. The supervisor says I DON'T CARE. My dad got offended and felt dissrespected. Again not defending the reaction of my dad but you are in no place to say I don't care, i don't think Pharmaprix has trained their staff to not care. Then he takes my dads picture (without his consent) and his car plates number and says I will call the cops next time you show up. Apoligize to Phamaprix with 1300 stores accros Canada, you need to train your staff and understand that a 75 year old customer might need a little more help then you expect. You have no right to take someone's picture without their consent especially if there was no fraud or stealing.
10 July 2023 23:48
Service à la clientèle dégoutante! Comment un employé peut prendre une photo de la plaque d'un client et lui dire de ne plus remettre ses pieds dans son magasin? Du racisme pure laine! Un employé aurait donné une fausse information et a commencé à chialer devant tout le monde Un client qui est venu acheter du lait et qui s'est fait dire qu'il n'y avait pas de limite/client, mais Un autre employé est venu dire le contraire. Je ne comprends pas comment ce pharmaprix la engage des gens aussi racistes dans un emplacement aussi diversifié. J'espère que les gens vont être plus tolerant la prochaine fois avec qqun de couleur et âgé!
05 June 2023 10:16
Je suis allée pour essayer les parfums.
La jeune femme donnait un excellent service. Sa collègue, femme blonde plus âgée s’est ajouté à notre essayage.
La jeune femme m’a donner un échantillon à essayer sur mon poignet.
J’ai collé mes poignets ensemble pour transférer le produit en tapotant doucement.
C’est alors que la femme plus âgée m’a pris le bras et m’a rigoureusement décollé le poignet de l’autre en me mentionnant de façon très critique de ne pas faire ça!
Je lui ai répondu poliment qu’elle pouvait simplement me parler.
Elle a rit de façon mal à l’aise.
Ne s’est pas excusée non plus.
22 May 2023 12:09
J’ai demandé à acheter 2 flocons de teinture de myrtille. Le préposé à la pharmacie est retourné pour chercher le deuxième flocon et son supérieur avec un air suspect lui dit de me répondre qu’il n’y a en plus!
J’ai demandé s’il y avais un règlement interdisant l’achat de la teinture de myrtille. Je n’ai eu aucune réponse.
C’est juste dégoûtant!
Ce vendredi 2 juin à 20: 30
09 May 2023 17:47
Très bon service et infirmière numéro 1 Très contente et tu peux faire prise de sang aussi
22 April 2023 9:04
I had to get my contraceptive injection and the nurse was very nice to me and she explained everything before doing the shot. She answered all of my questions and made sure I had all the information to take care of myself properly. She also helped me schedule the next appointment with her so I wouldn’t have to go through Clic-santé all over again.
15 April 2023 18:01
Excelent service. Très bons conseils de la pharmacien. Rapidité dans la préparation de commandes. Personnel très accueillant. Je recommande fortement cette pharmacie.
02 February 2023 13:44
La Dame au cheveux blond fait preuve d’une attitude fort désagréable et on ressent le profilage raciale
13 January 2023 13:52
Personnel super gentil et très réactif lorsqu'il a fallu prendre quelqu'un en charge et appeler les secours. Merci!
13 November 2022 14:27
Got kick out for taking pictures and they’re saying were playing because we just took a picture and were asking whats the definition of playing and he only said wasting your time on noting but we were abt to buy something and why tf he cared if we took a picture of an item and why tf does he care if were wasting our time is it hes time?
13 November 2022 7:32
Terrible staff especially The lady in makeup stall with blonde hair black glasses. Once I went inside to buy myself some snacks for my class and as soon as I walked in she told me to leave, this didn’t just happen once it happened twice. Don’t get me wrong but Pharmaprix has wonderful things but if I can’t go inside I’m afraid I’m giving 1 stars 1 because you guys have wonderful things but a nasty employee.

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