03 November 2023 18:11
The pharmacy has pretty awful service. 6 employes, 3 clients, over 1hour of wait time. I had no idea people were so blatently paid for barely moving

update: over an hour later they realize they forgot to do anything and we had to remind them.they found it funny that they forgot about us
24 October 2023 2:27
Great prices on food basics, sale items and cleaning products, pharmacy a bit slow in service, Canada Post Office in-house.
27 August 2023 7:56
Service nul à CHIÉ pour la pharmacie
1 etoile es deja BEAUCOUP TROP mais oblige pour laisser un commentaire. Aucune prise au sérieux. A pas compter sur eux pour vous soigner ou avoir des renseignements ou quoique sois. A ce stade il es préférable de faire son diagnostic sois même et dallez aux urgence par la suite
23 July 2023 11:02
Service always terrible. They will lose your prescriptions, misread them, make you wait hours (sometimes literally days) and countless of other issues at the pharmacy counter. My doctor has literally asked me to change pharmacy.
20 July 2023 2:05
Everytime I've gone to this place, walking around looking for the items, an employee has followed me around the entire time, always maintaining a distance a few feet away from me. Racial profiling at its finest in this place. Never patronizing these racists ever again.
05 July 2023 23:04
Venu à 21: 45 mais impossible d’acheter le médicament car il doit n’a pas assez de temps pour créer le dossier.
Il s’en fout de l’état du patient.
20 June 2023 23:27
Delivery is alright, but omg their pick up service is outrageous.
I called at 11AM and the lady on the phone told me it would be ready at 3PM. I came at 4PM and it was NOT ready? They were 5 women behind the counter, so I doubt this is about a lack of staff.
We were 5 people waiting on our prescription, and 5 more were in line for the counter. What on earth are they doing?
08 June 2023 21:19
Very rude staff, couldn’t get a digital photograph for passport even-thought they announce they can do it on the web page.
11 February 2023 6:08
The pharmaceutical department is to avoid at all cost. The staff is overbooked and it takes forever to have your prescription. I will encourage anyone to go to a small pharmacy instead, better service
04 January 2023 4:50
Service d'une médiocrité peu commune. Manque de propreté. Erreurs des prix. Vente de produits périmés. Erreurs dans le traitement des ordonnances.
03 January 2023 23:53
La prescription n'est pas prête lorsque j'arrive 24h après l'avoir envoyé de mon médecin. Plus de 30 minutes d'attente sur place pour la recevoir. Les préposées et la pharmacienne ont plus l'air de tourner en rond pour donner l'impression qu'elles travaillent que de réellement faire quelque chose de concret.
23 December 2022 8:34
I tried transferring my prescriptions here, but the lady at the counter was insanely rude. I have a stutter and she kept staring at me like I had 3 heads. My prescriptions should have already been transferred weeks ago but they had no information in their file; fair enough, maybe my previous pharmacy didn't send them anything. I was asked to wait 30 mn for them to call the other pharmacy, and after close to an hour I approached the desk again for an update, as I hadn't heard back. All three employees ignored me for a few minutes before the first woman snapped at me that her colleague was still calling them. I had no problem with continuing to wait, but I can't read her mind and she wasn't keeping me posted, so how was I supposed to know? I don't understand why they make getting the medication you need to be healthy such a bad experience.
12 October 2022 17:45
À la jeune employée au labo jeudi le 21 juillet vers 15h, désolée je n'ai pas retenu votre nom almah
. Merci pour la belle qualité de service, votre patience et votre bienveillance étaient remarquables. Merci!
17 September 2022 5:45
I like this pharmacy but customers have to attend that their team is always busy and will not always respond to you quickly.

The store itself has good services (passport photos and grocery) but selection and prices are not always the best. I simply go here to buy things on sale or on liquidation since it's the closest store to me.
31 July 2022 19:53
Affichait un tarif à 40$ pour un test de dépistage des antigènes lorsque j'ai réservé mon rdv 4 jours avant mais a augmenté son tarif à 50$ entre temps sans raison aucune si ce n'est que les tests pour voyageurs sont visiblement très lucratifs. Honteux et malhonnête.
08 July 2022 17:34
Très mauvais les employés son bête et chaque fois que jappel pour faire préparer mon médicament quAn j'arrive il n'est jamais prêt.j'ai appelé 6 fois et les 6 fois mon médicament n étai pas prêt dans tout les autre place j'appelle o moin 2 h avan de venir et mon médicament est toujours près.
10 June 2022 7:21
On a refusé de me dépanner pour ma contraception malgré les trois appels de confirmation par ma pharmacienne, simplement par paresse. Est-ce que vous aller payer pour mon enfant?
28 May 2022 20:41
The service is terrible. I presented myself at the counter this morning, the pharmacist/ technician could clearly see me. I waited about 5 min before saying " hello" just so he knows I was here. He didn't greet me and he replied in a very rude way that he was busy and went back to ignore me. I waited 10 more min before giving up. Don't waste your time, there is another pharmacy about 150m away. The pharmacists were all very courteous and helpful. Got what I needed within 5 min with cleat explanation.
17 May 2022 9:36
Mélanie Paquin aux cosmétiques une jeune femme toujours de bonne humeur beau sourire. Très attentive a nos demandes sur les produits. Elle m'a super bien conseillé et elle connait très bien les produits. Merci Mélanie tu es un rayon de soleil xx merci
15 May 2022 11:02
Ils ont mal identifier mes médicaments. J'étais en souffrance après mon opération et les médicaments que je prenais ne me soulagaient pas. J'ai eu la puce a l'oreille qu'il devait y avoir un erreur quand j'ai remarqué que sur le pot était marqué 35 pillules alors qu'il y avait que 10 pillules dans le pot. Après avoir parlé au téléphone avec la pharmacie il m'on dit que leur inventaire était intact et qu'il m'avait donné le bon nombre de pillule. C'est en insistant en décrivant la grosseur et la couleur des pillules que la téléphoniste comprit que ce n'était pas le bon médicaments. En gros, les pots ne possédaient pas les bonnes étiquettes et quand j'ai parlé au pharmacien il n'y a eu aucun excuse. J'étais très déçu, je sors littéralement d'une opération on me donne des médicaments qui sont mal identifier et le pharmacien ne s'excuse même pas. Dernière fois que je vais à cette pharmacie.
02 April 2022 4:49
Service de pharmacie excessivement lent et sans respect.
A chaque fois que j’y vais, il y a plusieurs employés mais il faut toujours attendre longuement, même si on a appelé pour préparer la commande et que c’est seulement un renouvellement.
Ce week-end, j’ai voulu appeler pour prendre rendez-vous, l’employé a pris mon appel, m’a fait attendre 10 min pour me dire de rappeler la semaine car il était trop occupé (prendre un rendez-vous prend 30 secondes? !). Aucun respect pour le temps des autres.
18 March 2022 6:44
Always an issue at the pharmacy counter. The team is unfortunately incompetent and rude. It happens very often that I’m waiting and I can see my prescription ready on the counter but all the pharmacists are “busy” doing who knows what while they got people waiting. They also always treat me in a disrespectful manner because I’m a younger customer - as if my experience didn’t matter. When you call in advance it is very rarely ready when you show up. I will never be coming back here even if it’s the closest pharmacy
03 September 2021 0:24
Not sure where all the bad reviews are coming from, but this appears to be a very decent pharmacy to me. The food section is extensive, like a mini grocery store. They have a very good variety of vitamins and natural supplements too.
29 July 2021 19:33
Pharmaciens gentil service bon Merci a la caissiere, grande cheveux blonds super gentille super patiente chaque fois m’aide beaucoup Caisses automatique un peu fort le volume mais bien en general merci, a l’equipe
24 June 2021 18:17
It’s a nice drugstore, you can go get your medicine and also buy some other products for you home or for the daily
14 June 2021 17:40
Their dispensing fees are out of control. $25 to dispense two pills (+ the cost of the pill) that don't require any special handling. They charged x5 what Costco does for the same drug. Unless you are on RAMQ, expect to get ripped off at their counter.
09 May 2021 8:30
If you decide to continue and proceed with your pathetic self-service checkout be advised that we will transfer our business and medical files to a pharmacy with more human related approach to customer service and treatment of its employees.
The same goes for any type of health passport which you might be considering for the near future. Thank you.

Si vous décidez de procéder avec votre syteme pathetique de caisses automatisées sachez que nous transferrerons notre business ainsi que nos dossiers médicales vers une pharmacie avec une approche moins déhumisante de service à la clientele et de traitement de vos employé (e) s.
Il va de même pour tout système de passeport de santé que vous pourriez considérez implanter dans un avenir pas si lointain. Merci.
21 April 2021 11:20
Went to grab one important item 3 minutes before closing and they had already locked the doors. Update your hours if you close at 8: 57.
31 January 2021 20:01
J aime beaucoup pharmaprix sur la rue Ontario et de champlain les employés sont gentils ont n est bien servi et ont na de l aide sur le champs quand ont ne trouve pas ce que l ont cherche mais mon gaga à moi c est quand il font des paniers pleins de liquidations ça j adore ça vaut vraiment la peine allé faire un tour je vous le recommande
05 January 2021 22:12
The service from lab technicians is worst than terrible. This morning I was looking for a thermometer and could'nt find what I was looking for. I said "excuse me" to the lab technician who was at the counter and he replied in a very rude way that he was busy and that that he was doing important confidential work. It's not the first time that this man has been rude with me, he has an unpleasant attitude and makes the clients feel like we are bothering him. His colleague who is a young woman with a ponytail has a slightly better attitude but also acts as if clients are bothering. When you show up to the counter to pick up internet orders, both employees do everything to appear not to be seeing us, it's almost a joke. Thank goodness for the pharmacists who are all very courteous and helpful.
21 December 2020 3:23
This place never cases to disappoint.

Long line, one casher goes on her break and calls for someone to come replace her. After a long delay a replacement arrives to the cashes, sees that there are “only” two people waiting in line and then leaves. The first casher comes back from her break and serves the people who had been waiting in line form before her break started. Those are the same people who the other cashier felt was an unnecessary amount of people to serve.

By the time the casher was back from break, the line of 2 had grown to a line of 8, which wouldn’t have happened if the replacement had stayed.

This Pharmacy has the WORSRT service.
04 February 2019 19:09
Please train the employees working in CP. I went at 8: 40pm today to pick up my package, and brought my passport for ID. The first employee told me I would also need proof of residence since the passport doesn't have my address. I have never heard of that, so I asked to speak to the manager who told me the same thing. I know for a fact that is not the policy, but thought perhaps it had changed recently so I asked them to pull up Canada post's website so I could read it. They refused to do so, and were unwilling to help me further, just insisting that I needed the proof of residence. When I got home, I checked CP's website, and it clearly states that you only need a government issued ID to pick up packages addressed to you. Proof of residency is required only if you are picking up a package addressed to someone else who lives with you (i.e. Your roommate). I'm not upset that they gave me the wrong info, human errors happen, I am just annoyed that they refused to do something as simple as verify the info they were telling me. Especially considering one of them was the manager. If this is the info you give all your customers, then you are unnecessarily inconveniencing people and wasting their time.
25 January 2019 15:35
Samedi soir, 8h30, en compagnie d'un ami je marche sur Ontario et passe devant le pharmaprix.
Je me rappelle subitement qu'il me manque un truc dans ma salle de bain. Je rentre. Étrangement, mon ami et moi sommes les seuls clients dans le magasin.
À peine 10 secondes après notre entrée, une agente de sécurité se met à nous suivre.de TRÈS PRÈS (un mètre peut-etre). Et ce CONSTAMMENT. Je m'arrête dans l'allée où se trouve l'item en question.
La dite agente de sécurité, comme par hasard, arrête sa marche et nous regarde à un ou deux mètre de distance. On ne dit rien.quelques secondes passent et la dame recommence sa marche en passant DEVANT nous devant l'étagère (il y avait amplement de place pour passer derrière?) comme pour nous faire comprendre que '' je vous watch ''. Expérience très insultante. C'est comme si on voulait nous faire comprendre qu'on était de trop dans un magasin.vide.
Quel manque de respect et de savoir vivre. Je n'ai pas de probleme avec les agents de sécurité en temps normal, en autant que ces gens exercent leur métier dans le respect. Mais dans ce cas si, c'etait un reel abus de pouvoir. J'ai laissé tomber l'achat de l'item en question et j'ai quitté sur le champ. J'irai me l'acheter dans un endroit qui n'intimide pas sa clientèle
12 July 2018 16:23
If you have time to waste waiting for your prescription meds this is the place for you. Time as you know it will come to a standstill while the seven clients that showed up after you are served before you. Communication zero. Client service zero. IMAGINE at rush hour? Bring your lunch, your ipad and a good book.
I give one star for the poor technician that couldn't take action with the pharmacist's approval.

Si vous avez du temps a perdre en attendant vos médicaments ceci est la place pour vous. Le temps tel que vous le connaissez s'arrêtera et les sept clients qui sont arrives après vous seronts servis avant vous sans aucune explication. Communication zéro. Service à la clientèle zéro.
IMAGINEZ à l'heure de pointe? Assurez vous d'apporter votre lunch, votre ipad et un bon livre.
Je donne une étoile pour la pauvre technicienne qui ne pouvait rien faire sans l'approbation de la pharmacienne.

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