16 November 2023 2:29
Philippe and his team demonstrated exceptional assistance, responsiveness, and attention to detail. They ensured accuracy in every aspect! I highly recommended Philippe for building a robust file for your mortgage application!
07 November 2023 1:09
From the bottom of the heart I would like to express my gratitude to the exceptional customer service provided by Phillippe and his Team. Their support during challenching financial circumstances was truly outstanding. They stood by me in search of the most suitable option for which I could qualify by securing a mortgage in today's financial climate is notably difficult. I feel fortunate to meet Philippe Boucher and his Team during that particular moment in my life's journey!
11 October 2023 18:35
Monsieur Philippe a accompli un travail impeccable, nous conseillant de la meilleure manière et travaillant très dur sur notre profil. Malgré les difficultés, il a obtenu un bon taux et de bonnes conditions avec la banque. Nous sommes très reconnaissants de nous avoir aidé à réaliser nos rêves.
01 October 2023 14:12
Excellent service! Philippe a rapidement trouvé une solution simple à une situation un peu plus complexe.

Pourquoi aller directement à une institution bancaire lorsque Philippe et son équipe s’occupe de faire les recherches, identifier la meilleure solution et faire les suivis? Je ne sais pas pourquoi je n’ai pas utilisé un courtier hypothécaire avant.

Lorsque nous ne trouvions pas certains papiers, il suggérait une alternative.

100% satisfait et ça ma coûté $0 - pour vrai!
23 June 2023 10:51
Philippe was amazing! I was initially with another mortgage broker. My original broker made some mistakes and I was having a hard time getting my file approved. I gave my file to Philippe with a tight timeline and within a week he fixed everything. He was super friendly, thorough and knowledgeable. His assistant Carole was also amazing to work with and helped me a lot! They were both extremely responsive and went above and beyond for me. Not only do I highly recommend Philippe, I will be using him for my mortgages from now on.
03 May 2023 16:40
I was very skeptical l was going to get the required loan needed. I saw Philippe Boucher going above and beyond to make that dream happen. Very efficient services. Carole too was very patient and always ready to help. In all great experience and l will definitely refer my friends!
31 March 2023 5:46
Extraoirdinaire service de la part de Philippe et Carole son assitante. Notre dossier était pas facile, mais il nous a demontré son expértise, agilité et passion pour ce qu'il fait. On lui a fait confiance, et voilà en moins d'une semaine on a recu notre approbation hypothécaire avec même rabais de taux! Philippe encore une fois, MERCI. Maria et Orlando
16 March 2023 3:29
Super service! Philippe et son équipe ont été disponible en tout temps, nous ont offerts un excellent service et ont facilités le processus d’achat d’une première propriété. Merci!
10 March 2023 7:48
Since my realtor referred me to Philippe, he was very proactive and patient taking care of our file. He was able to provide a letter of pre-approval in a short period of time, less than 3h, that made the whole difference for us. Philippe trusted us that we could afford to buy the house, and he took us seriously, I sincerely appreciated that.
Cédrik, as well was very efficient and professional answering my questions as a first time buyer (I had many questions). If you choose Philippe and Cédrik you are in excellent hands
27 February 2023 1:38
Excellent service de la part de Philippe et Cédrik. Rapide et efficace. On recommande!

Merci encore pour votre service.
11 January 2023 5:49
Super courtier, répond toujours rapidement et connait très très bien son métier.je recommande à tous
03 January 2023 18:58
Philippe will go the distance for you to find the best rate. Really good mortgage broker in the region.
17 November 2022 23:23
I was a first time home buyer so naturally I had many questions and Philippe was very patient and answered all the questions. The process went smoothly. He secured me a good rate for my mortgage. I highly recommend Philippe Boucher
18 April 2022 6:19
Très bon service reçu de la part de Philippe et de son adjointe Carole. Le processus a été simple et rapide.
15 March 2022 8:22
Philippe Boucher est un excellent courtier hypothécaire, doté d'un professionnalisme exceptionnel. Il nous a très bien accompagné pour l'achat de notre maison. Il a magasiné un très bon taux d'intérêt pour nous. Il nous a donné de très bons conseils.
Il est prompt dans son travail. Il est a l'écoute du client. Bref, il a une parfaite collaboration avec le client. Il retourne rapidement les appels et messages de clients.
Je n'hésiterai pas à demander ses services de nouveau.
Je vous le recommande fortement.
20 February 2022 16:50
Philippe is one in a million. I really appreciate him. He tried to do his best to get a Mortgage with high amount and low interest. Philippe and his team are a real five star.
17 February 2022 7:52
Bought my first 2 homes through Philippe Boucher - A great professional and an awesome person to work with, I will definitely recommend.
13 February 2022 9:35
Philippe Boucher est très à l’écoute de ces clients. Il est très professionnel. Je le recommande fortement.
Merci pour tout.
31 January 2022 13:09
After dealing with banks, I didn't think financing my first home would be easy.until I worked with Philippe.

If you are looking for a stress-free experience when it comes to financing your home, Philippe is the man to call! Prior to speaking to Philippe, I did what a lot of first-time home buyers do and met with my bank, and looking back, I could've saved a lot of time and headache by contacting Philippe and his team first. He managed to get me a better rate, bigger pre-approval and more favourable terms that match my goals than either of my banks.

The biggest difference I noticed working with Philippe vs the banks, is that he really listens, analyzes your situation and goals, and matches you with the right lender and product, whereas the 'specialists' at banks just check boxes to see if you match their pre-determined formulas for their own products which may not even be right for you.

But where him and his team shine the most is their service. They are easy to communicate with, professional and personable, and they make sure you are on top of all of the paperwork you need to submit so you meet your deadlines.

You probably know or are learning that there are a lot of moving parts when it comes to purchasing a home, and Philippe, Carole and the rest of his team makes the financing aspect less confusing and stressful so you can spend your time and energy focusing on what really matters to you.

I highly recommend hiring Philippe as your broker as he will get your deal done, and I look forward to working with him on future deals.
31 January 2022 6:12
Phillipe and Carole were both very responsive and great to work with. They made everything as simple as possible and we found the whole process pleasant and efficient. We were satisfied with the rates they were able to secure. I would recommend their services to anyone who is looking for a mortgage broker.
05 January 2022 23:54
Thank you philippe for the help to get my first home it was good experience work with thank you
15 December 2021 0:47
J'étais à la recherche d'un courtier hypothécaire et l'une de mes connaissances m'a recommandé Philippe Boucher comme étant l'un des meilleurs. J'ai pu donc confirmer rapidement l'excellente réputation dont jouit Philippe Boucher. En effet, même si je n'ai pas eu la chance de le rencontrer en personne, tous mes échanges en ligne étaient couronnés de succès grâce à lui. Il est patient, très réactif, disponible même le dimanche (oui le dimanche) et était capable d'anticiper le problème pour ne pas retarder la demande à la banque. Bref, je le recommande sans hésiter un seul instant.
25 November 2021 15:45
From Toronto, my wife and I had more than a great experience working with Philippe in the purchase of our New House in the Canadian Capital Region.

From the day I was first introduced to him, to the successful CLOSING DAY, Philippe was supper responsive, very clear, professional and very precise in his communication.

I'll definitely use his services for my new purchase, and I do recommend Philippe's services to anyone looking for a mortgage, he will have your back.

Merci Philippe!

16 November 2021 2:09
J'ai fait 3 transactions avec Philippe. Il fera tout pour vous avoir votre achat même si votre dossier est difficile.
03 October 2021 3:10
Philippe a travaillé avec nous pour l'approbation de notre hypothèque de manière exemplaire. Notre cas était un peu hors-normes et il nous a tout de même offert un service hors pair, rapide et il a su nous obtenir l'approbation de notre hypothèque en un temps record. En plus de son travail de qualité, il s'est montré disponible à tout moment et toujours patient à notre égard malgré qu'il devait s'exprimer en alternance français et en anglais dans une même conversation, et malgré notre stress tout au long du processus. Nous nous sommes sentis en confiance avec son expertise et sa franchise envers nous. Décidément, un courtier hypothécaire de choix pour tout le monde. Je le recommande à 100%, vous ne serez pas déçus et vous obtiendrez entière satisfaction avec Philippe. Merci encore pour tout Philippe. Nous sommes tellement heureux avec notre nouvelle maison et nous en devons une bonne partie à nulle autre que toi!
14 September 2021 1:09
It is always an awesome experience to work with Philippe!
He has been there for me not once but several times helping me
to accomplish my dreams.
He is the only person I trust completely as a mortgage broker since
he is honest and I feel he works for me every single time.
His integrity and commitment are remarkable.
Time to say thanks and how much I admire him as a human being!
Shine more and more Philippe.
31 August 2021 9:52
Superbe service malgré les circonstance actuel de pandémie. Très organisé et à l'écoute de ces clients. Je recommande et je vais y retourner!
14 August 2021 6:29
I just want to take this moment to say a big THANK YOU for your help in securing my first mortgage. I know my file was extremely complicated (with a multitude of issues ranging from banking/status/work) and I can't imagine the time you put in to ensure it was successful. Your professionalism, patience and determination was OFF THE CHARTS, and it's the reason why my mortgage application was successful. I will happily and confidently recommend Philippe 100% for any mortgage deal. You made my family happy and we'll be forever thankful.
31 July 2021 5:53
Philippe Boucher m'a été recommandé par mon courtier immobilier et j'ai reçu un excellent service. J'ai reçu toute l'information nécessaire et des conseils judicieux de la part de Philippe concernant l'obtention de l'hypothèque. Ma situation a même changé en cours de route et il a su ajuster la demande selon mes besoins. Le délai de temps était aussi plutôt court et on a réussi à obtenir le financement à temps. Je suis très satisfaite et je vous avise de le contacter!
14 July 2021 1:33
I will be forever grateful to Philippe for his hard work and perseverance in obtaining us a mortgage especially in these unprecedented times. He was compassionate and always kept in touch with us during the entire process. Mr. Boucher is extremely professional and will work hard for you. He has made our dream of owing a home come true and I would recommend him to anyone looking to get mortgaged he will not let you down. Thank you Philippe
13 July 2021 5:15
I want to take this opportunity to say a big thank you to Philippe Boucher and his fantastic team. Impressive response and amazing service. I strongly recommend him!
17 August 2020 21:22
J'ai fais affaire avec M.boucher pour mon hypotheque. Ma vous dire une choses sur son Service WOW ET WOW. Je mavais fais tourner de bord par quelque banque vue ma situation et ne voulais meme pas Aider!
Philippe m'a pris en charge et a travaille plus de 2 mois sur mon dossier. Je le recomende a 200%. Si tu veux quelqun qui va travailler pour toi, arrete de cherche tu la trouver!

Merci Phil!
13 August 2020 22:48
I’ve known Philippe personally for a number of years and I recently contacted him to purchase my first home. As a first time home buyer I had lots of questions, Phil was amazing and making sure they were all answered. 5/5 for being so helpful, even after the deal was done, he was still available for any questions I had concerning my mortgage. Not only was he helpful, he was also quick and was able to help me get a quick close so I could begin living in my new home right away! His customer service is at a whole other level and left me nothing but happy, confident and at ease. Phil is always looking out for peoples best interests! If looking for a mortgage or mortgage advice, make sure you reach out to him!

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