06 January 2024 15:42
Pourquoi les Italiens parlent en anglais entre eux? Le prestige des Etats Unis?

A part ce mystere, endroit convivial et tres agreable.
02 January 2024 12:50
Quantité de pâtes ridicule pour 24$
Sans saveur
Penne sauce rosée champignons & proscuitto

2 minuscules morceaux de proscuitto déchiquetés

Fade, insipide

Je répète 24$
31 December 2023 18:04
It's a bring your own wine, which is great, but this shouldn't be a reason to serve dry industrial pasta in an Italian restaurant in Little Italy. This is a kitchen that is made to serve as many people as possible, as quickly as possible. And for that purpose, it does its job well. The length of the menu should be a big enough hint that no one is sitting in the back rolling fresh pasta and browning guanciale to make a proper carbonara. But don't get me wrong, the food is not bad. It's what I would make at home when I don't have too much time to cook. It tastes ok, it does the job of feeding people and it doesn't break the bank. With friends and wine, you'll still enjoy your time.
20 December 2023 10:11
The pizza was delicious. Also this place seemed super cool, I wish we would’ve dined in the restaurant as they had a fun byow night which I thought was a super cute idea. The pizza was still delicious for Take-away.
22 August 2023 3:44
The food was very average. I loved it last time I went before the pandemic, but today’s visit was simply underwhelming

The servers are at least friendly and we appreciated the BYOW.
01 August 2023 11:29
Délicieux restaurant. ça faisait quelques années que je n'y étais pas allée, toujours aussi DÉLICIEUX!
30 January 2022 1:46
The food is great for the price. The prosciutto pizza is amazing. The service is efficient and they don't bother you unless they're needed.
21 January 2022 19:24
La meilleure pizza à vie. Belle ambiance et excellent service un must. Il y’a sûrement un secret dans la façon de faire cette cuisine authentique et simple.
16 January 2022 22:59
Notre pizzeria préférée dans la Petite Italie. Service rapide et courtois.
On adore toujours y passer une partie de la soirée.
14 January 2022 22:30
Un apportez votre vin très familial
Grande salle bruyante et bonne bouffe réconfortante. Les desserts sont un peu petits.
10 January 2022 12:07
J'ai mis 1 parce que je ne pouvais pas mettre 0. Pizza très chère pour la qualité. Je l'ai prise à emporter, je n'ai pas porté attention mais on ne m'a carrément pas mis la mozza. Elle ne valait clairement pas le déplacement et le prix. Très déçue.
10 January 2022 7:33
Service très très très nul, 0 professionnalisme, la femme qui est à la caisse ne sais même pas parler au clients, 000000 étoiles
09 January 2022 5:49
Liked it.
Very nice environment
People working there are all nice
Food is not bad.
I strongly suggest it.
05 January 2022 17:48
Walked in on a Monday evening, felt lucky to get a seat because it filled up shortly after we were sat.

Ordered two pizzas and a gnocchi. We went next door for our drinks- it was a strange ordeal to leave the restaurant to get alcohol but it was fine overall.

We were brought bread rolls and butter before the meal. The food came super fast and was good- I enjoyed my gnocchi and the pizza was super thin and authentic.

The deserts looked amazing but we got some to go from next door instead of in house.

Service was slick, friendly and super efficient. Would go back to this stuff, and likely try more in the pasta and bread sections.
04 January 2022 14:18
Épouvantablement bruyant. Tables plus proches que ce qui est exigé en ce moment par le gouvernement.

On a dû crier à en perdre la voix pour s'entendre. Heureusement que ce n'était pas un dîner d'amoureux. Nous avons toutes soupiré de soulagement en sortant.

J'ai passé le souper à me dire que tout le monde avait montré son passeport vaccinal (covid), sachant que tout le monde se postillonnait dessus.

Au bruit et à la foule compacte qu'il y avait, je ne me serais pas attendue à payer 8$ pour quelques feuilles de laitue et 3 olives, et 22-25$ pour une pizza individuelle (fort bonne, il faut le dire - mais ma prochaine Napoletana, ce sera en livraison ou pour emporter).

19 December 2021 8:22
Si j’avais pu mettre 0, ça aurait plus représentatif. Très déçu. Pizzas moins bonnes que les pizzas congelées! C’est sérieux.
En plus, de ne pas avoir un minimum de quantité de fromage fior di latte, genre une mini portion. Et le prix? On n’en reviens pas. Et les pâtes? On n’en parle même pas. Vraiment décevant. Le gérant sachant notre insatisfaction, se cachait de nous, pour nous éviter.
17 December 2021 0:44
Service très nul, 00 professionnalisme, la blonde a la caisse ne sais même pas parler au clients
13 December 2021 15:35
The best Italian restaurant
I had lasagna and my wife had pizza #10
Both of them were great
It was Saturday and the restaurant was very busy, we waited 45 minutes outside.
Thanks God it was not so cold, even though it was Nov 6th
12 December 2021 21:32
Le restaurant fait affaire avec Uber Eat, ils indiquent sur leur menu des produits qu'ils n'offrent pas, puis, ils t'appellent pour te faire annuler ta commande sauf qu'ils gardent ton argent! Très malhonnête. Si tu appelle pour demander un crédit: mauvais service a la clientèle, ils t'engueulent au lieu de chercher une solution avec toi. Finalement ils ont gardé mon paiement. C'est carrément du vol.
30 November 2021 2:35
Pizza et pates de très mauvais goût. Pizza trop cuite, trop sec et la pate est congelée.un désastre. N'allez pas mangé dans ce restaurant, sans aucun intérêt. Nous avons signifié au serveur notre mécontentement, aucune réaction. Très mauvais service.
Nous n'avons même pas mangé la moitié de nos assiettes.
28 November 2021 1:37
Ça fait des années que l'on va chez pizza Napolitana une expérience à ne pas manqué personnels accueillants et la bouffe excellente la vraie Italie?
25 November 2021 10:06
Food was delicious, service was awesome and the vibe was laid back and welcoming - feels like being in Italy! Thank you!
25 November 2021 2:29
Many different types Italian-style pizza, and a few with American-style toppings as well. One of the last areas of Little Italy that still feels like Little Italy. The restaurant doesn't serve alcohol, though they own a wine/beer store directly across the street, so you can just bring whatever. The photo is their Latina pizza
24 November 2021 16:47
Great pizza. I had a classic Pizza Margherita. Sauce was very good and crust made all the difference. I would have liked some fresh basil on it but still doesn't take away from the flavour. Did I mention that the coffee was perfect?
12 November 2021 21:26
Very disappointed. First and last time. The pizza we ordered came with goat cheese instead of mozzarella but there was hardly any goat cheese at all. The artichokes in our salad were tasteless. Very expensive for subpar quality. Go to Vesta pizza on Jarry - same price but much much better.
10 November 2021 14:37
Excellent it all started in the 50s few owners since but it was the choice for many Italians since and still is but from all Montrealers now, if it's a little noisy it's because people are enjoying their food nowadays it's mostly takeouts being older and distant simply an institution of Montreal's Pizza history
06 November 2021 14:10
L'endroit est beau, le service correct mais littéralement la pire pizza que j'ai mangé de ma vie. Pour 23$ la pizza c'est assez honteux. Je tiens à préciser qu'ils m'ont quand même remboursé et j'apprécie le geste. En échange je leur conseille chaleureusement de changer leur cuisinier, recette et façon de faire.
20 October 2021 5:23
Fair price but Menu is good but not clear. Ambiance is noisy but has special style and lovely. Good taste but not woowww
15 October 2021 16:48
Very overrated. Food was terrible and exclusively made with the cheapest products. We did not enjoy it and felt sick all evening afterwards
14 October 2021 6:42
La sauce tomate est bonne
Et l’ambiance est conviviale, beaucoup de monde beaucoup de bruit
Les desserts donnent envie mais sont en fait décevants
10 October 2021 5:08
Our Rotollo came cold from the inside as if it was heated in the microwave. Did not enjoy neither the fat filled pizza ni the pasta.
04 October 2021 2:49
Was looking for a dinner option late on a Monday night, and Pizzeria Napoletana was one of the few options open nearby. The restaurant felt super vibey at night, with a nice terrace and lively atmosphere. However, the food was very average. A margherita pizza featured a good crust, that was light and crisp, but was marred by a bitter sauce and too much cheese. A spaghetti bolognese was also not great, with a simple tomato sauce and minced meat that seems easily recreatable at home. The saving grace was the desserts, with a good tiramisu and citron givree, but these were not enough to redeem the entire meal.

Overall, when eating in Montreal, I have found the long-standing institutions to generally offer excellent food, however, Pizzeria Napoletana seems to be offering a more kitsch experience, with heavy branding on everything, and in such a pizza rich city, I don't think I'm in a rush to return.
21 September 2021 3:18

Nous avons commandé une salade de tomate avec mozzarella et une pizza un dimanche.
1 tomate tranchée en 4 et une mozzarella avec de l'huile: une entrée à 18$.
Pizza aux champignons assez décevante aussi, très simple. à 20$ environ

Les plus: rapidité de service et endroit jolie
mais la nourriture n'est pas très bonne surtout pour ce prix.

Je ne vais pas y retourner et je vais pas recommander cet endroit à mon entourage. C'est dommage
17 September 2021 20:22
Tu as envie d’un vrai restaurant italien? Avec Pizzeria Napoletana, impossible de se tromper. Un des meilleures restaurants à Montréal. Grande variété de pizzas et de pâtes. Je recommande d’ailleurs les entrées à partager. En plus, c’est apporter votre vin.
12 September 2021 5:51
The food was ok, but the bread was cold and though. We asked the waiter to heat it up, politely as always. He said “No! We can’t do that! We have a lot of customers as you can see. ” I was disappointed but didn’t say anything, when he continued: if you have any complains, go to the man standing outside! His reaction was rude and super weird. He could refuse in a more polite way. And at the end we told the manager about it, she didn’t excuse nor explain. Seems like the more customers they have, the lower their service gets. Never go back there again.
04 August 2021 12:26
C'est un très bon restaurant les pâtes sont excellentes l'entrée de saucisse dans l'huile excellence à savourer j'adore
30 July 2021 4:14
Vraiment médiocre, un prix moyen d'environ 20$ pour les pizzas et plats de pate, ce qui est cher considérant la qualité des plats servis. Les pizzas rensemblent à de simples disques uniformes recouverts de fromage pour compenser la piètre qualité du restant de la pizza. Les pizzas ne ressemblent aucunement à des pizzas napolitaine.vraiment ironique sachant que le restaurant se nomme pizzaria Napoletana. Quand aux plats de pate.bien trop de sauce. Sans oublier la salle intérieure extrèmement bruyante. Au final très décevant.
25 July 2021 13:18
Just Amazing pizza but a little overpriced in my mind. Canolli as well was put at a ridicoulsly high price in my mind-no better than any other I have had before. Worth a visit for the good pizza but not worth going out of the way for.
17 July 2021 22:33
Terrible place, service sometime ok, sometimes bad. Food is ok, I mean it’s eatable but really nothing special about it, not worst your money.
13 July 2021 7:11
Quelle plaisir de retourner après une attente interminable.toute l'équipe au rendez-vous, sourire et service impeccable. Pizzas et pâtes comme on les connait. Le CH sur écran géant. You guys made our day! Bravo
10 July 2021 6:05
Expensive, long wait for food, and to be honest.the worst food ever! Pizza doesn't look like your regular pizzeria style and definitely not pizza Napoletana. Frozen $5 dollar pizza is better. The pasta was pasty and just bad. First and last time.
20 January 2019 8:33
Pizza is terrible.and lasagna is a yucky blob of pasta and tons of tomato puree, can barely taste meat or cheese in the lasagna. I ordered a coke, the can was at room temperature, asked for a glass with ice and the waiter said "no ice". Imagine trying to eat a disgusting lasagna with a warm coke. Place is old and ugly. For dessert I asked for profiteroles, they didn't have, so I ordered tiramisu and it wasn't good at all (literally just whipped cream and powder coffee, no mascarpone and no sweet taste), couldn't eat the dessert. Been there twice, I really disliked this place, you eat better at McDonald's
17 October 2018 19:07
If you come to Montreal, this place is a delightful must. Just try the simplicity of a pizza Minerva or even better, the flavours of a mafaldine cesarense will convince you that your grandmother was a true nonna napoletana. On top of this you can bring your own wine. An Argentinian Malbec would be perfect.
14 October 2018 17:47
This place is amazing! Food is really good, service is on point, staffs are nice and know what are they doing. It might look like you have to wait in a long line but trust me its not that long. They are working efficiency with clean up the table, serving the food etc. So highly recommend just hang in there and you will get a good food!
30 September 2018 6:18
En résumé:
- pâte à pizza surgelée
- champignons en boîte
- sauce tomate en boîte
- tortellini en paquet
- qualité générale médiocre
- serveurs très très peu agréables
Et le tout pour 40$ pour 2 personnes.
Conseil: ne vous fiez pas des bonnes évaluations si vous êtes de vrais amateurs de cuisine italienne et n'y mettez pas un pied!
25 September 2018 2:08
Cuisine italienne ordinaire. A se demander pourquoi autant de monde. 4 plats différents et aucun pour relever l'autre. A se demanders'il s'agissait de pâtes fraîches.
Service sympa mais le restaurant n accepte QUE les espèces!? ! Et ce n'est pas annoncé. Mais tout est prévu: : un ATM est dans le restaurant! ! A 1$ le retrait, ça doit complèter les revenus. Mais cest peut être habituel à Montréal.
23 September 2018 15:23
Not good.waste of money. 20 dollars for a small pizza with very few toppings.a few pieces of cheap cold cuts basically.sauce was bad.not a good pizza, not a good meal.
22 September 2018 21:52
Excellent restaurant avec un grand choix de pizza, seul point négatif il n'accepte pas les cartes de crédit et de débit. Mais on peut apporter notre vin.
19 September 2018 22:16
Tellement ordinaire! Nous avions l'impression de manger dans une grande cafeteria tres bryuante, service expéditif, pizza moyenne et 2 minuscules tomates cerises dans une salade à 15 $.
A terrasse semblait bien plus agréable!
18 September 2018 23:06
If you want big noisy crowds, and not pay wine to dine, and your with a group of friends that just want to eat, than here’s the place.
If your looking to eat great pizza than you better stay home open a bottle of you best choice wine and put a Dr. Oetker pizza in the oven, and watch a great movie on Netflix. You’d better sastified, and you save 60$ for 2 people.
Service is good, food not what it used to be. Tastes like frozen market food.
08 September 2018 14:47
Pizza was ok. Pasta was ok. Nothing was spectacular just ok. They do not have ice so the water is warm right when you get it. My parents are from Naples italy and they were not impressed at all.
02 September 2018 23:32
Excellent, service rapide, une fois assis. Très bons prix et portions généreuses.
Vaut mieux réserver si on ne veut pas attendre car c'est très achalangé
02 September 2018 16:23
This place used to be awesome great pizza

Now the pizza is okay there’s a lot more places in Montreal with much better pizza

Service is horrible as it’s alway been

We where given a card to get wine at there store in front and get 10% rebate. Once we get there the guy says that the 10% is applied on the price this makes no sense to give a card and show the price that discounted

For the bad service and the okay pizza won’t be going back
02 September 2018 5:45
The pizza tasted good! I took the Bufala pizza with
tomato sauce, sliced garlic, fresh basil, mozzarella di Bufala imported from Italy. That pizza was 19$, it was a bit expensive for a pizza but it was freshly made with real ingredients. I went on a Sunday afternoon, it was quite busy, I was not impress by the service. Also you must know it’s cash only.
Overall I would recommend this place.
25 August 2018 14:55
Fresh-tasting sauce, a thin crust, and the perfect size for one person. I had the margarita but I will go back to try another type. It's a great place to eat at if you're in the neighbourhood.
22 August 2018 17:29
Ça fait plusieurs fois que je mange à ce resto avec des amis et que dans l'ensemble tout se passait assez bien mais hier, mardi le 14 août, je ne comprend pas trop ce qui c'est passer. Il n'y avait presque pas de client et nous avons dû aller voir le serveur pour qu'il prenne notre commande après 30 minutes d'attente. Les 2 serveurs qui venaient à notre table était, comment dire, BÊTE. TRÈS TRÈS BÊTE. Ils se foutaient carrément de nous et des autres clients aussi qui étaient un peu découragés par leur mauvaise attitude. Bref le service était POURRI. Je ne comprend pas comment on peut aussi mal servir les clients. Très déçu et je ne retournerai pas à ce resto de si tôt. Il y à pleins d'autres bon restos de pâtes et pizza dans le quartier Italien et qui s'efforce de donner un minimum de service avec le sourire.

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