21 September 2023 6:37
Asked to borrow a washroom for the little one, plan to buy something after even I don’t need anything.dressed as both having bags like we are only for the washroom, a young man told us it is fine to use and asked us to go to front desk, the front desk lady with the beautiful white hairs looked at us then hesitated for 3 seconds, saying it’s out of order, which I have to explain to the kid generosity is rare to some people.
03 May 2023 8:58
Long temps d'attente, j'ai attendu 40 minutes, et quand j'étais sur le point de payer j'ai remarqué qu'ils préparaient un médicament pour 3 mois, le second pour un mois. Je les ai pris comme ça, j'avais peur de refuser ma commande pour n’avoir plus de retards.
Pendant que nous attendions, j'ai vu la façon dont ils préparaient et comptaient la quantité de comprimés.la fille posait sa main sur les comprimés, puis elle posait sa main sur le clavier de l'ordinateur, sur l'ordonnance du client, , omg, 0 protection, 0 hygiène. Le pharmacien a haussé les épaules quand je lui ai dit.
Je me promets de ne plus y retourner là
02 December 2022 6:40
The pharmacy took our order for Neocate, but was unable to fill it.

The man behind the counter simply told us he couldn’t supply the Neocate, and that the website wasn’t accepting orders.

There was a young woman behind the counter who spoke only French (which I haven’t learned yet) and proceeded to give the man a whole lecture over the Neocate, while ignoring me completely.

After watching this, the man simply said “sorry”. No help in locating the formula.

Go to Plateau, they actually helped me find Neocate by calling around.
11 October 2022 16:25
The pharmacy staff do a lot of mistakes with the prescriptions…they are not fast either.and some of them are rude…
04 June 2022 19:50
Have been coming to this Jean coutu for approx 7 or 8 years to get my prescriptions for me and my family and I have always been served with respect and politeness until today…. The pharmacist Tri Vong not sure of the spelling my apologies. Until today when getting to the prescription counter I couldn’t see Tri however the pharmacist assistant was kind enough to ask if I needed help I said yes what cough sirop do you recommend for a 5 1/2 year old so the assistant heads to Tri and asks him a question that’s when Tri yelled at me saying that there was people in front of me but I never asked him a question it was the assistant…. He then went to his computer and slammed his hands for whatever reason… I then told him I can wait and I can kindly wait however he still got mad… I understand everyone has bad days however being attacked like that for not doing anything is extremely unprofessional and honestly very disrespectful. I hope someone from this Jean coutu reads this in the hopes that they recognize how disrespectful their pharmacist are… having a bad day doesn’t mean you take your frustrations out on the next client… on another note when ever I get a new prescription they usually come and explain how to use it however this time Tri never came to do that very disappointed with the service provided today and honestly hope he gets reprimanded for it.
20 April 2022 19:25
I like the store and staff. However in this day and age a person should not have to walk by smokers gathered at the door. Many who enter are already not well!
15 April 2022 2:08
Très mauvais service.
Ma fille gamine de 10 ans est allée seule chercher un cadeau de fête de son amie,
Ils ont fouillé son sac à dos pour dire après que parce que il ya des enfants qui volent de chez eux.
Pire excuse, la pauvre a pleuré, a tremblé de peur et de gêne.
Elle se sentait ildigée et humiliée devant les autres.
Le soir il fait faire employer des mineurs qui n ont aucune expérience sur le service à la clientèle, ni comment résoudre un problème.
Ou un conflit entre eux et le client.
En plus ils ne connaissent pas les droit du client,
Ni comment donner un service de qualité.

Je suis très très déçue de ce magasin et retournerai à faire affaire avec d autres magasins.
Shame on you.
The worst client service ever.
30 June 2021 15:15
Love coming here.
Stopped going to the one in the mall. Don't know if it's new management but I don't like it there anymore.
I chose to come here instead even tho it's a bit out of my way.
Great and friendly team!
09 June 2021 0:29
Veillez à bien former votre personnel à l envoie postale. J ai perdu mon temps, je voulais envoyer un simple courrier vers la France mais quand même important.
Votre vendeuse m annonce que ça va prendre quelques mois avant d arriver. Déjà la je me dis qu il y a un problème. Puis après elle me donne une feuille avec un lien à remplir en ligne pour du dédouanement.
Sérieux j étais terrifié a l idée de lui confier mon courrier d une valeur de 1550 dollars.

Je suis répartis sans poster mon courrier.
Je préfère aller ailleurs.
25 May 2019 21:53
The staff are friendly, I go there atleast once a week, losing one star cause of a pharmacy technician named 'Elie'. The guy is too cold when serving ppl, he's always in hurry trying to avoid questions, never smiles, even when not busy. Well bud if you're not patient enough to listen to your customers then you shouldn't be there doing this job.
I think one of the customers on the reviews is referring to the same guy 'Elie'.
24 February 2019 21:31
I've been to this Jean Coutu location several times, the staff is friendly, polite, helpful and very professional.
Unfortunately this evening an employee behind the pharmacy counter was the rudest, impolite, unprofessional person I've ever met.
All I wanted was one meter of Hypafix tape, already on my file, he said didn't know what I was talking about. I asked him to please have a look at my file, I waited for 15 minutes, while he was doing something else, ignoring me, finally he looked at my file and said in a rude way "we don't have it" and walked away.
I couldn't believe this person, being so arrogant, like I was asking for a favor. Maybe it was because my French language isn't great and he refused to speak english. That's not the way customers are supposed to be treated.
I didn't get his name,
he's a pharmacy technician.
I will keep going back to this pharmacy anyway.
I've never had problems getting service in English before.

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