07 September 2023 9:28
Assez déçue de me faire servir en anglais constemment par le pharmacien. C'est assez difficile de communiquer mes besoins spécifiques dans cette langue, c'est mon seul bémol. Sinon j'apprécie l'accès à cette grande 'petite' pharmacie de quartier qui me dépanne beaucoup. Le temps d'attente est décent
14 August 2023 7:28
Si je pouvais donner un 0, c’est ce que je ferais. Je prends un médicament depuis plusieurs années, j’ai été négligente et j’ai oublié de faire renouveler ma prescription à temps pour mon dernier comprimé. Le pharmacien a refusé de me dépanner avant de recevoir le renouvellement signé de mon médecin. Je n’ai jamais entendu qu’un pharmacien pouvait être aussi stupide. Ça fait deux jours que je suis coucher au lit parce que je ne peux pas fonctionné à cause de lui. On ne demande pas des renouveler sans, mais de dépanner quelqu’un qui a oublié de renouveler ses médicaments. On parle de quelques jours, pas de mois. Je ne retournerai jamais donner de l’argent à ce pharmacien.
02 February 2023 4:25
Pharmacien raciste à 100% envers les francophones…. La succursale opère à 100% en anglais. Les articles sur tablette sont tous afficher coter anglais…Honte à Jean Coutu qui est un fleurons francophone Québécois. #bill101#bill96
13 January 2023 20:04
The pharmacy department is extremely disorganized. Calling 2.5 hours ahead to prepare my prescriptions and I still have to wait for the to prepare it when I arrive. When this pharmacist himself is done preparing my HRT, he says give this to HIM. Like excuse me. I'm a woman, my file says female, I'm here to pick up my Hormone replacement therapy meds. Seriously, y'all need to get your stuff together. This isn't acceptable.
And before you ask for the address, it's LITTERALLY the address of the place we are reviewing. Enough with the cop out, cut and paste responses and do something about. People are clearly not happy with your service.
01 October 2022 5:48
This is the worst customer service that I have ever received in my life by this franchise of Jean Coutu! Imagine trying to explain that a digital picture was rejected online because it was not taken according to required specification only to be told to bring a proof. Great! I used my phone to show the proof only to be told rudely by Shawn, possibly a manager that there was nothing they could do because their system okay it. What is this? No empathy, no nothing that time was not on my side. Shawn was practically rude and I wondered is this real? Why will he or anyone do a job that won't put a smile on customers face? Asking me to come next day with a paper proof from the government site. This is absolutely not fair considering time frame.
This is unacceptable at all!
14 September 2022 17:40
Worst pharmacy ever. The staff does not understand what NO means. I had my prescription sent to this pharmacy by my doc and I asked whoever called me to NOT prepare it. So I can have the freedom to go to any Jean Coutu convenient for me. Guess what happens? I go to a different Jean Coutu and they tell me they can't prepare my prescription because it has already been prepared elsewhere.

This has happened 3 times!

And so I have no choice but to show up to THIS Jean Coutu and the employee tells me it's NOT prepared and I have to wait.

If you have time to waste come to this pharmacy. As for myself, I'll be changing pharmacy for my whole family. Terrible pharmacy!
10 August 2022 7:07
Worst Jean Coutu in town. The pharmacy itself is the slowest you will come across, I’ve never seen anything like it. As for the rest of the store, staff are nice, helpful people but it’s not very well-stocked. I only use that store/pharmacy as my last/emergency option.
12 July 2022 4:41
I don't go there anymore since they lost my prescription. They're disorganized and lack accountability; either pick up all your meds on the prescription or forget they ever existed.

The prices and quality for government pictures aren't competitive either. You're better off going supporting small local stores.
24 June 2022 16:50
Une pharmacie qui ferme si tôt la semaine, inadmissible. Mes prochaines prescriptions seront envoyées ailleurs…
24 January 2019 8:34
Overall service is bad in this pharmacy
The owner is very arrogant
They gave me the wrong prescription the owner didn’t take reposibiliy for the mistake, was unapphy because I was returning the medication, did not apologize for the mistake very unprofessional.

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