19 June 2023 17:58
Accueil à la pharmacie très désagréable … vous êtes définitivement un numéro… vive les robots
19 April 2023 11:15
Worst photo studio service, don't try them. I got my us visa photo and they ruined it by cutting it the wrong size.
16 April 2023 21:29
Agree with other posters: store culture isn’t great, IMO. I had to use the cosmetics counter to cash out and she asked me if my card was my own and I felt like I was being profiled. The store itself is big and as far as I could tell was well stocked but the interaction I had was negative in tone, IMO. I found what I needed at this store and the location is very convenient, but not very inviting, IMO.
12 February 2023 13:00
Just the worst, constantly telling me I’m late in picking up my prescription when I’m not (it’s an error in their system, we have the same conversation every month) and refusing basic non-prescription medications.
12 November 2022 13:34
J'ai reçu un service médiocre à la caisse au Jean Coutu 350 rue Sherbrooke Ouest!
La caissière nommée Zoe n'est pas professionnelle et devrait revoir son éthique de travail.
20 October 2022 8:25
Remember that scary cold day last winter?
the wind was so cold on sherbrooke that day it actually drained my phone battery during a half hour walk. It had a full charge and was so sudden I was concerned that my phone died.

The clerks at this Jean Coutu were awesome. My old phone wasn't a USB-C and they didn't have any of the older cables for sale, but one of them actually took my phone, warmed it up, and charged it in the photo thing they have.
They didn't even need to do that, they went above and beyond.

Great service!
17 April 2022 6:03
J'ai eu une très mauvaise expérience hier en y allant pour la première fois! Sur l'accueil je n'ai rien à dire, mais je pense qu'il y a un manque de compétence du moins de la personne qui m'a servi ce jour là. Je n'y retournerai pas c'est certain
18 March 2022 8:34
The worst costumer service I ever had. The women with tattoos and a piercing in her face and the old blond women were very aggressive and very mad when I asked them about something. People that work in Jean coutue should respect their costumers! We are in CANADA this is unacceptable I’m choked about the experience I just had, they are not polite and Jean coutue should do more research about people they hire.it’s very scary having to deal with this kind of people. I’m afraid to go back to this Jean coutue

I hope Jean coutue or the manager will do something about this I’m traumatised because of this 2 persons, and I don’t want anyone having the same bad experience that’s why I’m writing this review
12 March 2022 22:34
Le service est excellent
Les pharmaciens Danilo et Louis-Philippe m’ont offert un service hors du commun c’est infroyable
Si je pouvais donner 6 étoiles sur 5 je l’aurai fait
07 October 2020 1:48
Most of the pharmacy staff is very helpful and friendly, including the jean coutu store staff.
I had a very unfortunate interaction with Mr Larouche, when he realized I am transgender he walked me to a part of the store that is not confidential and began saying weird stuff that had nothing to do with his role as a pharmacist.
Luckily he is rarely there when I go.
25 July 2020 1:23
A friend shared a harrowing experience where the machine beeped as she left the store. It is understandable that store personnel directed her to stop and open her bag-pack. But even it became clear that it was machine dysfunction, instead of apologising for inconvenience, the store manager haughtily went back to work.

There was no promise of a repair, no clarification to fellow staring customers. Instead the staff who were gawking so far, went back to work as if nothing happened.

This is one of those instances where an instance of profiling is just too inexcusable to ignore, but falls right below the radar of actual lawsuit. I would suggest the owner to train their staff better and please get that machine repaired.
30 May 2020 0:47
Très mauvaise expérience avec la Pharmacie la semaine dernière: je suis passée prendre mes médicaments, comme convenue lors de ma dernière visite, la demoiselle me demande de passer les prendre à telle date, mais une fois sur place, le pharmacien m'engueule dessus comme quoi je suis passée en avance! Sans même s'excuser que c'est sa collègue qui s'est trompé (n'empêche que ça ne donne pas le droit détresse rude)
Je n'ai jamais eu de problème sur les dates a récupérer mes médicaments jusqu'à ce que mon ancien pharmacien transmet mes ordonnes à cette succursale! Un changement de pharmacie sera pour bientôt (pour la rudesse des employés mais aussi du prix des médicaments que l'on refuse de m'expliquer toutes les fois que je l'ai demandé!)

Pharmacie qui se disait 24h/7 elle ne l'est pas (là horaire différent normal avec la covid, mais au retour des heures normales vaudrait mieux être ce que l'on affiche comme horaire)
24 April 2020 13:35
Just wanted to get floss at 11: 55 PM on a Friday, which is 5 minutes before their closing time, but the manager-looking individual near the entrance didn't let me in and shook his head when I waved at him. It would have taken me exactly 1 minute to find the item and go to the cashier. Disappointing behaviour from a very well established brand. I guess the dépanneur next door will get my money in the future.

I work in a call center and when we advertise a certain closure time, we let customers call in until the last second. Why advertising a closure time if you don't respect it?
03 December 2019 6:31
Went into the pharmacy to get medication for a viral infection and they gave me the completely wrong directions regarding how to take the medication, they told me to take it after a meal. Even after telling them that my doctor told me to it was important I take the drug on an empty stomach, as did the drugs own website, they told me I was wrong. After getting home I did more research and found that even the box for drug said to take it on an empty stomach. I called the pharmacy and they told me they were wrong but did not apologize. Would have completely wasted the drug as it is not effective on an empty stomach. Would not recommend this pharmacy.
30 November 2019 21:04
The pharmacists are always very helpful, patient, and professional. I also appreciate their extended hours, I’ve called or gone in late at night more than when cold symptoms have kept me up. A great pharmacy for everyone, I highly recommend over the Uniprix 2 blocks away!
25 September 2019 4:35
The pharmacist was of great help and very professional. Wish the pharmacy would be opened 24 hours a day. Great to have a pharmacy opened until midnight nearby. This is very helpful and reassuring.
13 September 2019 0:16
J'ai acheter un film et des pastilles de Xylitol.en arrivant à la caisse je paye mes achats, en sortant l'alarme contre le vol de met a biper, je reviens a la caisse.la le gardien de sécurité arrive, se met presque coller sur moi, il me dit ouvrez votre sac a dos! Je pensais que c'était le film que j'avais acheter, le caissier me dis qu'il a désactivé la protection du film.je lui dis que c'est peut être le film qui déclenche l'alarme, repasse le film pour désactivé le signal, il s'obstinait a me dire que c'était pas le film. C'ÉTAIT LE FILM FINALEMENT! QUELLE HONTE JE ME SENTAIS mal DEVANT TOUT LE MONDE! Je vais a jean Coutu depuis au moins 35 @ns! Maintenant Pharmaprix, Uniprix, Familiprix! Je ne retournerai plus jamais dans un jean foutu!: (
24 July 2019 10:27
Its advertised as 24h but its not! That makes no sense, there’s a huge sign that says 24h on the building and they aren’t even open! False advertisement, absolutely unbelievable
16 July 2019 21:36
J'ai passé une entrevue ici tout c'était bien déroulé puis une semaine plus tard il me rappelle pour me dire que j'ai été engagé puis j'ai travaillé une journée complète et dans cette journée j'avais 1 heure de dîner non payer je suis partie à 1h05 et je suis revenue à exactement 2h05 donc j'été à l'heure et bien le lendemain de cette journée la superviseure ma appeler pour me dire que malheureusement elle ne peut me garder à cause du retard de 5 minutes malgré que je n'étais pas du tout en retard et qu'elle n'a pas aimé mon attitude car pendant qu'elle expliquais quelque chose à propos des cosmétiques moi par malheur j'ai pris un tester d'une crème pour le sentir et elle m'a dit que c'était irrespectueux de faire ça pendant qu'elle parlais en gros je ne vous recommande pas de postuler là bas dans les cosmétiques ils ne sont pas des professionnels!
25 June 2019 4:10
I used to come here quite often because i live close however a recent experience may have me think twice - I would rather go elsewhere where these provincial racists dont see you as a walking thief. I was leaving the store without having bought anything as I couldn't find what I was looking for and over the speakerphone I heard security being called to go to the front immediately as I was leaving the store. I was really offended and try not to come here anymore. I called up the manager and he says he does this for stealing every 20 mins. Ive been here for years and dont see security in the daytime plus the voice over the speakerphone I knew was specifically directed towards me as it happened just as I was leaving the store. Also I find it funny that when I check out products on the shelves almost 3 attendants come and begin stocking products right next to you. I'd rather go to a Pharmaprix /Shoppers.
30 May 2019 12:03
Utilisation de la commande par internet pour une prescription (24 h à l’avance). A l’arrivée prescription pas prête.

Ensuite on me dit que la prescription est refusee par les assurances, alors que ça fait 5 ans que cela fonctionne.

J’appelle mes assurances, la réclamation n’a même pas été « tentée ». Je retourne le lendemain, la réclamation est tout de suite acceptée, aucune excuse de m’avoir fait déplacé et j’ai même droit à l’arrogance du pharmacien en service.
02 April 2019 22:00
Wow le pharmacien était génial il a prit le temps de répondre à mes questions de produits naturel il a fait des recherches merci 1000 x
29 January 2019 17:55
C'est la seule pharmaie 24h dommage que personne ne peux répondre au telephone durant la nuit.pour jme question sur les médicaments.
19 September 2018 21:07
I have been to this location on several occassions. Staff are consistently helpful and store is well stocked.

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