28 November 2023 3:21
Pire service ever! Ça prend une éternité pour qu'une personne à l'acceuil pharmacie vienne te voir, ensuite une autre éternité pour avoir les médoc! Really!
28 July 2023 9:44
Simple demande de clarification suite a une erreur de prix au niveau de l affichage avec une responsable, la responsable très expeditive me mentionne que c est une erreur de leur part et c est humaine, elle m a parler de politique de prix dont j ignore l existance, si je veux lire la politique de prix c est 50 pages.la date est depasser et ils sont protéger, je veux rabais de 50 centimes elle peux me l appliquer sinon ben plein prix. Certain j ai préférez payer le plein prix. Je prenais le temps de lui mentionner de faire attention ça peut parraitre mensongers même si c est pas leur attention j en doute pas, mais elle pensait que je voulais qu elle applique sa politique et etait sur la défensive. Revoir le service à la clientèle svp
07 July 2023 3:50
Was sent a text from thé pjc on Anjou blvd that médication was ready, went to get it but it wasn't ready.they were out of stock. They stated they would call around and it is stated it IS covered by RAMQ on the prescription. Went to thé other PJC in Chateauguay and they had the same one on the shelf only but Saïd that because it IS on a shelf i would have to pay for it. The pharmacy on Anjou called to Say it was available in Beauharnois. Drive 15 minutes to get it and told that it is now availanle on the floor and as a résulté no longer covered by RAMQ! I drive 25 km wasting gas not able to get my prescription filled and have an eye condition. Now must wait until Monday to call m'y surgeon. I don't know what's going on but aside from long waits and ridiculous policy, i won't go back to pjc. Not acceptable. And I Never see thé pharmacists that run thé place either. Whatever happened to customer service? First, out of stock, then no longer covered by RAMQ. Someone should tell thé doctors
14 June 2023 6:59
Pire service ever. 1h30 a attendre pour une commande qui était supposé être prête et on m'avait apeller pour me dire que c'était prêt. Une autre fois j'ai essayer de faire livrer ma prescription et ils ne l'ont jamais livrer m'abstinant au téléphone que je devais le ramasser en succursale. C'est zero
03 May 2023 13:10
J’ai commandé à 19h15. Pour 2 médicaments. Sortie: 21h08. Oui, je suis sortie après la fermeture. Je n’élaborerai pas mon commentaire, je n’ai pas souper et je dois aller me coucher.
19 February 2023 14:09
Nous sommes fière d'être partenaires avec cette succursale. Un super service, des collaborateurs et une équipe en or.
Je vous recommande chaleureusement.
03 February 2023 10:18
Le comptoir photo est extrêmement long. La caissière associé aux photos fait de la caisse et nous fait constamment attendre…. Voir même 30 mins. Nous dit je m’en viens mais passe 5-6-7 clients….
29 January 2023 15:45
Extremely disappointed with customer service I received from cashier. Not sure if I go back.
19 January 2023 15:14
Terrible customer service experience at the make-up counter! My daughter had chosen a few nail polishes that were on sale and the colours on the bottles were indicated wrong, one indicated it was white on the bottle and one light purple. Once home and opened they turned out to be dark blue and dark purple. Neither colour she would want or wear. When I went back to return them explaining the bottles were mixed up and completing misrepresented the lady at the beauty counter said they would not because they were on liquidation. I explained that there was no sign saying they were liquidation just a sign saying on sale. She tells me if it has a red sticker, it means liquidation, like I must be ignorant not knowing this! She was rude and angry and seemed to take my dissatisfaction with the faulty product very personal. When the manager came she was very understanding and wanted to exchange them for me and the lady at the beauty counter proceeded to argue against it. At one point another lady from the makeup counter asked me why we didn’t open the products to check the colours before buying it! Customer satisfaction is non existent with the staff at the beauty counter and she was terribly rude and aggressive with me. Won’t buy anything (and I have in the past spent so much money at this counter) at that counter again!
29 December 2022 10:55
J'ai très souvent un bon service à cette pharmacie, des fois l'attente est un peux plus long mais la plus part du temps l'entente est bien. Les gens qui y travaillent son polie et sourient. Je trouve souvent ce que je cherche!
25 November 2022 13:04
Un des plus beaux Jean-Coutu remplis de trouvailles, jouets, idées cadeaux pour tous. J'adore venir ici pour cette raison:)
25 October 2022 14:03
Gave my prescription and went to pick it up. Received a message that it was ready. Payed for it and looked in my bag and realized I was missing one of the medications I paid for. I bring it to the counter and she looks at it and then tells me that they will call me when it comes in. Why did I pay for something I haven't received and not even notified about it. I should have been told this before I payed. Not even a date of when it will come in. Only a phone call. Not very organized. Would have appreciated some transparency. If I didn't check before I left then I would have found out at home, that is not acceptable. How many people does this happen to and not realize till they get home. Very unprofessional. Soo dissappointed.

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