01 January 2024 17:26
Staff told me I can’t stay here if I didn’t order anything and expelled me while I was sitting there waiting my friend quickly use the bus terminal’s washroom.montrealian’s hospitality lol. Cant imaging how they gonna treat homeless when they ask for a cup of hot water. Feel sad: (
30 December 2023 21:55
Si le "propriétaire" du café se permet de parler aussi mal à ses clients alors je déconseille fortement aux voyageurs de faire une pause ici.

Ce n'est pas le premier commentaire que je vois qui parle d'un serveur qui se prend pour le propriétaire de l'endroit

C'est dommage de perdre des clients à cause de la conduite d'un employé peu aimable envers la clientèle!
07 December 2023 14:11
J'ai récemment eu l'occasion de me rendre dans ce café et j'ai été agréablement surpris par le service chaleureux offert par les jeunes hommes qui y travaillent et surtout le gars avec les cheveux bouclés.
Ils étaient toujours prêts à répondre à mes questions et à m'offrir un service rapide et efficace.
11 November 2023 16:00
Le barista maîtrise un art peu courant. Il est capable de faire un latte en étant au téléphone. Je suis bluffé
15 July 2023 14:46
Full disclosure I did not order anything. I stood at the counter while the manager was yelling at his staff. When I finally raised my voice and asked for service whenever he was done yelling, he told me to mind my own business. Unfortunately, when you yell at people in public dude, you make it everyone's business. Seeing as plenty of people have mentioned rude service at this cafe, I mean the mid-40s Arabic man with a beard. Unbelievable. There's a coffee machine at the other end of the terminal where the staff is actually polite. Get your coffee there. Avoid this place.
12 July 2023 23:12
Nous avons achete au natin cafe et du pain, le total a ete 18.43 et on a chargee 85.39.de pourboire.nous avons besoin de nous retourner de l’argent.envoye votre e-mail s’il vous plait
17 November 2022 9:24
Tres bon service, il ont du coeur et j'aime beaucoup quand c'est Claude qui me sert, merci bonne continuité.
03 November 2022 23:39
I went here before I take the Orleans express bus to rivière du loup, I ordered a 473 milliliter milk box and a orange Gatorade, it cost me about 5-6 dollars, also the personnel behind the counter are very competent, respectful and welcoming, the restaurant is very well clean and I had very good and fast service here.
15 October 2022 3:01
I went to this cafe today afternoon (12: 30 pm) and had a terrible experience there. I had just entered the cafe and was looking at the sandwiches on display when an employee who was at the cash counter serving other people in the queue called out to me. I didn't hear him call out to me the first time because I assumed that he was serving other people. The second time he shouted "bonjour", I was kind of caught off guard and just ended up blurting out "I wanted a vegetarian sandwich" (because I hadn't even decided what I wanted.it had been only 2 mins since I had even looked at the display counter). He again shouted "bonjour". This time, I did say "Hi" and repeated that I wanted a vegetarian sandwich. He started SHOUTING at me saying "There is something called as good morning". I was completely taken aback at his really condescending and rude tone. I told him that I did say hi to him and just walked out without ordering anything. This is the first time in my life that I've walked out of a cafe/restaurant because of a server's rude behavior. If you don't want to serve foreigners who can't instinctively wish you "bonjour", then please put up a sign saying that in order to save everyone's time.
Talk about double standards.the server wanted me to show him manners (by wishing him in his mother tongue) but he himself had zero manners for someone who is working in the service industry.

Considering that another review written a month ago has also mentioned extremely rude service, I hope that the management of this cafe trains their staff on how to treat customers with respect and basic decency.
01 April 2022 0:14
Delicious cappuccino and quiche. After an early morning flight and an airport shuttle bus, it's nice to sit down and enjoy a quiet moment before hopping into another bus. The woman behind the counter was fabulous and friendly. Even with my spotty French:)
26 November 2021 23:50
Ordered a 4$ hot chocolate but it was literally just hot milk with a bit of cacao powder on top.
04 August 2019 15:56
Quiche is perfect; coffe is good too; I didn’t expect this quality in the bus terminal. Evem there is yoghurt milk etc in back freezer; while looking sandwiches don’t forget to look behind also thank you for the staff; he was very interested and helpful; strongly recommend this place
05 July 2019 13:49
Worst place to go! The people are extremely rude and the food is not good at all. I’ve been to other press cafe and this is the worst one I’ve ever been to. You guys should probably train your staff on being more polite and bilingual considering this is a bus station. Never again will I be buying food from there.
25 June 2019 12:01
Staff is nice, and let's me practice my French, and doesn't make me feel dumb. I always get the vegetarian sandwich which is really nice.
24 June 2019 3:28
Advice to the owner, you are in Bus station, put your menu in English and French.
Make sure they are in the same size font if you did.
Anywhere in Europe they do 3 languages anywhere /big or small business, local or chain.
17 June 2019 9:06
Okay, je sais que c'est weird. Mais pour une raison obscure. Ce Presse Café pas rapport offre les meilleures chocolatine que je n'ai jamais mangé de toute ma vie? (Cela dit il faut venir vers 8 h / 8h30 pour s'assurer qu'elles sont fraiche) Je ne comprend pas pourquoi mais c'est vraiment le cas. Chaque fois que je suis dans les environs et qu'ils est tôt je me dois d'aller en acheter. Donc voila, 5 étoiles pour les chocolatines
08 April 2019 1:57
Les salades sont fraiches et vraiment bonnes. Allez faire un tour au moins une fois pour unr bonne experience. Love!
18 February 2019 11:33
Gentil Monsieur qui travaillait le 28 décembre à midi MERCI POUR LE MEILLEUR SERVICE À LA CLIENTÈLE EVER! T'as fait ma journée merci: D: D: D

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