17 January 2024 17:39
If I could give zero stars, I would. My son, a 16 year old German exchange student, was pulled aside today because he “looked suspicious”. I’m assuming it was his brown skin that made him look suspicious? ! Of course, after searching through his bag the store worker was able to see they made an embarrassing mistake and that my son had of course NOT stolen anything.
Good to see Canada is just as racist as America…
04 January 2024 23:51
I enjoy shopping in this store and I wonder why you don’t carry Ricardo’s and Stefan’s frozen meals. I have to go to the IGA in Verdun they have an amazing selection you should check it out
18 July 2023 3:46
Outrageously high prices, small selection, NEVER stock products that are on sale. There are constantly mistakes on my receipt and I need to go back to solve it. Avoid if you can.
17 July 2023 10:09
I had bad experience with this store, today I went to buy Onion unfortunately when I went to pay. I was shocked about the price which I paired and what was written on the shelf. So please make sure that you paid for what you buy not more. And the guy asked me to take the differences but I preferred to take my money back. Bad Bad specially if you have many stuff to buy
03 May 2023 7:20
Cashiers are rude, they won't even say a word. You have to guess how much it is, or ask for a bag, or ask for the receipt
01 May 2023 8:30
Le pire caissier Sam que j ai eu dans ma vie. Il challenge les clients. Les pizzas mike étaient affichées à 4.99 au lieu de 10.49. Il les passe à 10.49 ne me demande pas ma carte de points (que j avais) et quand je lui fais la remarque il me dit le client doit lire ce qui est écrit sur les étiquettes et que ce n est pas au caissier de se déplacer. Le gérant était incapable de faire face à ce caissier. J ai fini par l acheter a 4.99 parce que j ai insisté mais c était une honte. Non professionnel non serviable. Ça sera la dernière fois
22 October 2022 6:07
PLEASE bring back the Banana Foster Ben & Jerry's ice cream, I have never seen it anywhere else and they stopped selling it here too! (┬┬﹏┬┬)
20 September 2022 19:32
They did not honor out of stock sale items, rain check or offer a solution. I went yesterday to buy 2for 5$ 24 water bottles PC. They had only one. I asked for a rain check or to decrease the price to $2.5. The 2 employees told me that they are not obligated to give a rain check, reduce the price or give similar item. Also, that no one is forcing me to buy. If I don't want the full price, I don't need to buy it. I explained that, a price tag in the shelf is a form of advertisement, and by the office de la protection du consommateur Provigo needs to try to help me to solve this. I stated that I understood that was not her fault. That it was the company lack of customer service training. She told me that she didn't care and that I would need to call the central to solve my problem. I paid the product and before I left, I went to take a picture of the tag and inform her that I would make a complain to provigo and gov. I think she was havind a bad day and did not have good mood that night. She also had a small argument with a senior that was before me. Normally Provigo's employees are very friendly, but I think she was not happy to be working Saturday night.
26 August 2022 20:08
A little expensive, the produce is not great. But the selection is good, and the location is great.
24 August 2022 12:18
N'allez pas à cette épicerie. Le propriétaire est malhonnête. Ses employés et gérant disent qch et il refuse ensuite d'honorer ce que ses employés disent aux clients. En plus, il semble être dans la misère pour refuser d'accorder un coupon rabais qui vient d'un autre Provigo lol
Bonne chance Pishara! J'espère que tu auras de quoi payer tes employés car tu fais pitié!
17 July 2022 1:25
Great renovated store, wonderful staff, free parking. Really nice owner.
Super huge selection. Highly recommended.
11 July 2022 5:10
The best grocery store in town! The produce is always fresh, staff is friendly and the store is impeccable.
13 June 2022 5:14
Les mandarines, clémentines sont complètement abimées depuis des années ou bien il ne s'en vend plus du tout. Cher, très cher au niveau des fruits (fraises et autres) souvent abimés. Service courtois et très efficace. Les produits sont assez chers. Bof pour les gourmets. Produits gagneraient à être plus sains, moins de sucre, plus de qualité et diversité. Mais quand même un magasin sympa.
20 May 2022 20:46
Always has parking, friendly staff easy to shop for food. Small store so you do your groceries quickly while getting everything you need.
11 May 2022 11:07
Je vais là quand je n'ai pas le choix, pas terrible. Dépanne, mais c'est à peu près tout. Légumes souvent pas très frais, même en été, surtout les laitues, et leur poisson ne l'est pas plus. En ai parlé cet été, au sujet des laitues. Réponse: on a pas de personnel pour faire le tri sur les présentoirs depuis la covid. Ben oui. Elle a le dos large, la covid. Comme ça avant la covid, raison fourre-tout. J'y vais encore car oui, pour dépanner, quand je n'ai pas le choix. Pour les légumes, je vais ailleurs.
27 March 2022 17:31
Saturday, late morning and I still found parking and no huge wait time, like at other grocery stores. Nice cashiers.

The new frozen Farmers Market cakes are very good! I have tried all of them except the one with sprinkles.
16 March 2022 16:09
It's great. Just a bit small and crowded sometimes. Great workers and good selection of goods.
24 February 2022 7:07
I always thought this was an expensive supermarket. But honestly this is grossly exaggerated by most. The price are good.
31 December 2021 19:13
By far not the best Provigo I've shopped at. I think its size is to blame, mostly. It's somewhat small so I have a hard time finding the things I don't buy everyday. Specials are not always so good pricewise. What bugs me the most is that there's no self checkout options. But it does its job sufficiently well so it's still my everyday grocery store.
07 August 2021 0:56
Walked into the store yesterday at about 5: 30 pm and walked right out. The store was JAMMED with people, easily twice the number of people who should have been inside. People lined up at the cashes were standing literally right behind each other; no distancing. The two people ahead of me didn't disinfect their hands - no surprise because there was nobody at the entrance to control how many people enter and to ensure that people disinfect their hands. Clearly not a safe store to shop at no attempts to make sure that rules are followed and that the number of people in the store at one time are limited.
03 August 2021 17:16

Édit: J’ai dû écrire cela par mégarde. Je n’ai pas de problème avec le métro sur Monkland.

Édit: Provigo* pas Métro
20 June 2021 21:54
They are not synchronised with the other provigo's. They have way different items and the price is more expensive. Also the isles are crazy small and nobody respects social distancing. I.i had to leave my cart and go.
10 June 2021 14:52
Small, cramped local Provigo with limited selection. Staff friendly. Only go for a quick pickup on the way home from the Metro; prefer the bigger store on Cavendish/St-Jacques, but have to drive there.
25 May 2021 5:41
Just a regular grocery store with the odd promotions also packed especially in the city locations outside of the city not so much such as suburbs
12 January 2021 16:11
Although one of the smaller store locations, it is none the less beautifully stocked to the brim. Every shelf is filled and remaining stock pulled to the front row making it easy to find, and pick up items. No need to reach way back on a shelf to take an take item in short supply, as is the case with many of their competitors.

It's a pleasure to shop at all Provigo stores, having great variety be it the bulk goods, or specialty items such as flavored milk.
12 January 2021 12:25
Not very big, but they have a little bit of everything. I always like the PC Optimum deals. Just a little disappointed that they never ask if you want to pay with PC Optimum points. Other stores I go to always ask and here I always forget.
05 December 2020 5:34
Store is too small. Sells "No Name" products - poor quality choice for such a nice neighborhood and takes away shelf space for better quality and/or more variety of goods.
29 November 2020 18:52
It's ok here but I try to avoid it. Often overpriced products you can find much cheaper at metro or small business run grocers. The line is always an issue here at all with little standing room upon check out.
25 November 2020 16:59
Why this place slaps as much as it does i'll never know.they have products packed in there.so much stuff.if you wanna feel like a white mom spoiling herself without spending hella money at some health food store then you should shop here.its to clean and pretty and they have a great selection despite being so small.
11 October 2020 14:27
Provigo is in a great location and really nice people work there. Provigo has a nice selection of items. I enjoy shopping there.
05 October 2020 15:41
Very conveniently located but prices are usually higher than at other locations and other grocers.
26 September 2020 6:01
Beautiful small provigo for the neighborhood. Has parking and it is open late. Has a good selection of artesenal beers. Not much more to say about it. Lol it's clean.:)
21 August 2020 1:36
Très mauvais service, ne respecte pas les prix des circulaires, caissière regarde la circulaire papier et dit de revenir demain pour parler au gérant!?
12 June 2020 3:51
Shocking chaos during the Civid 19 crisis. No effort made whatsoever, people coming in and out at the same time in a tiny area, sprayer talks to everyone without a mask, inches away from their face, utter disorganization. The admin is endangering lives. This is unacceptable. PLEASE get someone competent in to get some kind of safe system in place.
16 May 2020 1:13
This store is near my house, so I often visit there. It is neither good nor bad. But a few staffs aren't kind.
Especially, one of staffs has big problems.
She is always unkind and impolite to customers who are asians.
I sometimes had bad experiences and I saw she ignored one asian woman.
Yesterday, she yelled me to go outside and come back when I asked her about my receipt.
Do I have to go outside and stand in queues in oder to just ask about my receipt?
A former customer before me bought a plante again after paying her products.she didn't need to go outside and wait!
Because the staff helped her pay without yelling.
I don't expect her kind service!
But we have to respect each other.
I don't understand why I was treated like that.
I really wanted to angry at her but I endured.
However I will raise that matter if she behaves like that again.
11 April 2020 17:15
The selection of product is alright, but the staff is somewhat indifferent to the client's presence. Still, i often find what i need.
05 February 2020 4:32
Convenient to pick up basic groceries, but lacking ethnic or more exotic foods/ingredients and wish the organic section had a better offering. Would also appreciate a fish counter or butcher.we generally have to supplement by going to a few nearby grocers for our weekly shopping.
28 January 2020 12:49
My only reason for loving this place, they sell the same merchandise cheaper than others not to mention the brands.
26 December 2019 12:57
TRÈS bon service et l'est employé sont chaleureux et gentil et je suis heureux car ont nous prend pour dès personnes les produits sont à bon prix comme ont dît toujours respectée le monde comme tu veux que Le te respecte
19 December 2019 18:35
It's a small store where you feel like you're in the way of other shoppers no matter what you do. But, it's clean, the staff is friendly, and it's always well-stocked. Been going here for years and the renovations made in recent times have made it a much better place to shop.

Product and meats are a bit pricey, but they're great quality. You get what you pay for, I guess!
03 December 2019 15:12
I usually go here only if I have to and if I am in the neighbourhood also shopping for something else. Although it seems to meet the grocery demands of the somewhat upscale Monkland Village people, the aisles are very tight, the parking is horrendous and the area is teeming with people. I suppose if I lived there, I would like it fine.
21 November 2019 19:26
Small grocery store, therefore not a huge selection/variety of items, but you can find pretty much anything you would need at a decent price!
12 November 2019 22:38
The fruit section is often lacking and its a very confined space that is easily crowded with limited selection of many products. Great meat prices however.
09 October 2019 13:33
Clients depuis maintenant 25 ans, force est de dire que, bien qu'incontournable parce que seul épicerie majeure du quartier, le niveau de frustration s'est élevé au fil des années, malgré les efforts de la propriétaires. Cela est dû aux ruptures d'inventaire fréquentes, même sur des produits très réguliers, à des employés qui placotent entre eux au lieu de servir les clients, la rareté des soldes (probablement suite aux choix de la chaîne, le peu de disponibilité des commis de départements, etc.
Par contre, les viandes y sont très bien, malgré l'absence d'un comptoir de boucherie.
Globalement, il faut régulièrement faire l'appoint des produits manquants dans les autres commerces de proximité. Ce n'est quasiment jamais un "one stop shop".
08 September 2019 19:54
Petite surface, mais bien tenue.
La jeune Asiatique à la caisse m'a d'abord servi en anglais, présumant possiblement que tous ses clients sont anglophones.
Erreur, jeune dame! Sachez que cette ville a été fondée par des gens d'expression française et que nous sommes toujours là!
25 August 2019 15:21
This Provigo is all about convenience, it's so close to where I live that I can go walking. It also has parking, which has always available spots. As per the variety of brands and products, I find it weak. And by a strange coincidence, some products and flavors that I love tend to be out of stock. I feel as if I not the target customer they want. Also, the price is higher than other alternatives in the neighborhood. So, I go more often to two competitors.
14 July 2019 1:21
Doesn't have a great selection, odd organization. Different kinds of chips or cheese not all found in the same place. Only found about 80% of what I was looking for and it took me 50%longer to find it.
07 January 2019 7:58
Des employés super gentils, lieux agréables, espaces entre certaine rangées pourraient être plus larges mais difficile d'agrandir par dedant
04 January 2019 9:07
Pour commencer la photo associer à ce Provigo n'est pas bonne elle définit celui sur St-jacques. Celui-ci, sur Monkland, est plus petit et est moins fournis. Plusieurs fois j'en suis ressorti frustré et en colère en me disant quel perte de temps. Pourtant il y as un avantage celui de l'heure de fermeture et oui 23hre.

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