13 January 2024 7:28
Guy at the reception with the beautiful mustache, you know who you are, you're a real one
04 September 2023 11:56
Combien par jour-mois-anner? Quel subscribtion vous avez offrer? Possibiliter de payer cash? (pas de carte de credit), specimen de cheque? , jaimerai cash par mois mais je comprendrai specimen par anner.combien dans chaque situation et quel payment est possible? Votre gym semble le plus propre (proche aussi!) et avec vraiment beacoups de bonne review! Merci pour la reponce
01 September 2023 23:09
Équipement de feu! Le meilleur gym du secteur, pour en avoir essayé au moins une dixaine depuis ma jeunesse.
07 June 2023 9:21
I used to be a member in their previous location and i have to say this gym has a lot more to offer now. There are several machines for cardio. A vast selection of weights. The staff is always nice and the opening schedule is very flexible. The water fountain is new and always clean.
What else can you ask for?
04 March 2023 23:12
L'abonnement est cher, alors que l'espace est vraiment petit. Ne vaut pas la peine
27 January 2023 7:11
Although my physical disability and limited mobility, I have been welcome with open arms, though unavoidable obstacles arrive from my reality. The staff and gym owner are always open to help me, but more importantly listen to my needs

Very appreciated of the professional support that everyone at this association gives. At first, I was shy about it all, until I saw that they treated everyone with the same level of respect and attentiveness.

Thank you Pumpcity for not being perfect, but adaptive. 100% recommends
06 January 2023 8:33
Belle accueil, bonne ambiance et un équipement complet. Je recommande

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