01 November 2023 0:50
Genuinely confused how they're still in business and why anyone uses them.

Its a nightmare when any of my online orders are delivered by them because their delivery men are too lazy to do their job.

Never got an attempted delivery, so I rescheduled one, and then I get a notification that my package is available for pickup without another attempted delivery.

I pray no one has to have their online orders delivered by this joke of a company.
02 July 2023 15:22
Had to give one start unfortunately. To avoid at all cost and boycott the companies still using them
01 June 2023 15:56
After reading all of these reviews, I can see that I am not the only one experiencing delivery issues! Good job Purolator, this company never changes. Despite being home all the time, the courier claimed that receiver was unavailable to receive the package. I even rearranged my schedule to ensure that I would be available, but the package was sent to the Purolator office again. However, sometimes we do not have control over which courier service is used for our deliveries. I will give my feedback to the seller for sure
12 April 2023 10:51
Worst courier service ever. They always lie and say that delivery was attempted but no one was available! We experienced it twice and stopped using this. However, sometimes we don’t have choice when someone send parcel through puralator. I have complained several times but I don’t think they even care about our feedback.
18 February 2023 15:53
Picking up there was ok. The reason I had to drive 4 hours round trip to help my daughter to pick up a package there because they could not complete their delivery, even though she took 2 days off to be home when they told her they would delivered.not so pleased. It was a large package, an exercise bike, and I would wager their contractors either didn't have the equipment to move the thing safely or they just couldn't be bothered.
28 January 2023 23:35
I wish I could give them 0 Star
They didn't leave any notice.
After 2 weeks of waiting called me and said you parcel is with us.
I went to pick it up, a lady working there, who is on her 50s, told me we cannot give your parcel.
VERY RUDE LADY with super bad behavior and so disappointing.
14 January 2023 4:43
The website says on Saturday it opens between 8: 45-3: 45pm. We carried our heavy package there only to realized the store taped a memo saying it does not open on Saturday.seriously.please update your godm website.can't believe the info is inaccurate on the official purolator website.wasting our time
09 January 2023 13:21
They love knocking on doors of apartment building then said that you aren't home, when you are
11 December 2022 23:39
Probablement la pire compagnie avec qui faire affaire, il y a TOUJOURS un problème. Les livreurs ne livrent jamais. Plusieurs fois j'ai reçu des avis de tentative échouée alors que j'étais à la maison et que personne ne s'est présenté. Aucun effort au niveau du service à la clientèle, aucun moyen de régler les problèmes et un système qui ne fournit pas. Extrêmement déçue de cette entreprise.
21 November 2022 1:33
[REDACTED] Long story short, I do not understand why they love to make you pick up your parcel in Lachine or Anjou when the closest office to every address I have ever lived in is their downtown office.
15 November 2022 4:59
Great customer & delivery service. Thanks for carrying my heavy package upstairs to my door. Truly appreciate it!
01 November 2022 21:20
The worst carrier service I’ve dealt with and I’ve dealt with tens of carrier companies. Dell Canada I highly recommend you change your carrier provider Purolator will cost you customers.
30 September 2022 10:01
Awful delivery service. My package was delayed several times because apparently the “receiver was not available”, even though I was home the whole time. No, the fact of the matter is Purolators lazy, inept drivers didn’t even attempt to find my house. Would give them 0 stars if I could.
05 September 2022 14:46
They take ages in making a delivery. They leave packages unattended even if the delivery instructions clearly state to not do that. They do not ring the bell many times. They never call if there is an issue. To make an address correction it takes at least 2-4 business days until they finally have made it. Very slow delivery service. Not trustworthy at all. One of the worst there is.
03 August 2022 11:02
The worst of the worst, i wish 0 star was an option, they're the only carrier that refuses to do their job properly.
20 July 2022 18:39
They never deliver for real, whenever I have a delivery through Purolator I curse the day I decided to order or accept something. I always get "attempted delivery" while I was at home all day waiting. Not once not twice, ALWAYS. Scammers!
15 July 2022 8:23
I dont have 0 star option but its really worst location ever.

Lady staff is too rude and never want to do her job

I think purolater has to take action against such rude staff as I can see many people has same kind of review.

Purolator really need to find some good resource in these competitive market where customer satisfaction is ultimate goal.
29 June 2022 9:48
I see bad reviews but my experience was perfect

Had an Amazon return, I simply showed her the label on my screen and she took the package and I had nothing else to do

Thanks for that being easy
21 June 2022 23:23
Their van stops (double flash on) at the corner of the crossroad almost EVERY DAY, blocking the ENTIRE driveway for turning right! Very thoughtless very selfish…
20 June 2022 22:52
No call no show delivery driver, paid for wasting everyone's time. Livreur fantôme. 1 seule « tentative » de livraison, pas de contact texto ni appel. J'étais à mon domicile, personne ne s'est pointé. Par contre ils trouvent bien mon numéro quand il s'agit de me laisser un message vocal robotisé pour m'avertir de la cueillette. Service nul.
14 June 2022 8:36
Package was in my city Friday night, ready to be delivered to me Monday. Monday morning it was sent to another province with no estimated delivery date. It's been 5 days, a couple of emails, calls and even got a tracing specialist on my case and they still haven't gotten back to me!
09 June 2022 16:45
Encore et toujours. Purolator vient, laisse une etiquette pour dire qu'ils sont passés. Mais ils n'ont pas sonné. Nous étions à la maison.on se demande si ça les fait rire de nous faire ces pranks de très mauvais goût.
Dégoûté de ce service minable.
02 June 2022 18:12
Attempted delivery, Receiver Unavailable?
I saw the delivery truck across the street of our apartment and i waited at the main entrance of the building to wait for the delivery guy to come but the delivery guy just sit inside truck and ran away then i check the tracking shipment and my surprise attempted delivery receiver unavailable? Your delivery guy is lazy not doing his job and then send me a message ready to pick up at purolator lachine my God 40minutes from our appartment, ”
19 May 2022 5:28
This company is the worst. The laziest drivers who don't actually try to deliver it and don't even leave notes.
17 August 2021 13:52
Posted a notice saying that I missed the delivery while I was waiting for them. No call - just a slip and now I have to travel 40 minutes to pickup my package. Very disappointing and a time-waster
16 August 2021 2:49
The worst delivery service. No efforts to deliver your package to you a second time, the pick up spots are in remote areas far away from my neighborhood with inconvenient opening hours. UPS and Canada Post have 10 spots within my borough for pick up, as I am pretty central. But Purolator’s pick up spots are 2 boroughs away. It’s almost not worth getting my packages.
13 August 2021 12:03
Honestly if I could put 0 stars I would, I ordered an air conditioner from Best Buy and they delivered it through Puraltor the delivery guy came to my building tried the intercom which clearly doesn’t work and placed the order as “sent to wrong address” and left. I tried calling Puraltor but stayed on hold for about an hour. This happened more than once.
10 August 2021 3:15
Delivery attempt was made way too early so obviously I couldn't receive the package and the pickup point is really far. I've never had this problem with other delivery companies and they all have a pickup points less than 5 minutes away. Might be good if you're a business or you have someone that's always here to receive packages for you, otherwise i wouldn't recommend.
04 August 2021 20:41
Switch health asked me to put the test on the front door. However the driver said he is not allowed to enter the building. Clearly they do not give good instructions to their drivers on what to do and not to do. The covid test had been sitting on the front door for hours and they didnt pick it up. Very poor management
25 July 2021 11:27
WORST package service.i paid for the pickup and drop off service PICK UP: . No one arrived.my self went and dropped the packet at office and DROP OFF: instead of delivering and not buzzing my apartment.they just left a message at my building to come and pick it up at office.didn't even gave the buzzer.and this is not the first time happening.
29 June 2021 17:10
I really don’t enjoy giving bad reviews but Purolator takes the cake for some of the worst service I’ve ever received. Constantly late, and notifying me of arbitrary delays due to my package being “oversized” and “due to pandemic disruption”

I have waited on hold on the phone multiple times for over an hour and have not yet been able to connect. I still don’t have my package, which is sitting in the sorting center less than 10 minutes away from my address. Closed on weekends, so no recourse til they reopen.
23 May 2021 6:47
I was home but they did not even ring the bell they just left the notice in the mailbox and now I have to go pretty far to pick up the package because they have very few locations in Montreal. Terrible service.
15 May 2021 16:57
Quite frustrating experience.

They rang at the building entrance but won't come upstairs. When i got downstairs they were already gone, with only a pick up notice left there. They claimed "a delivery attempt was made" but that's such a shameful lie, since it looks like they no parcel at all was brought along. Otherwise, How very little do u have to pay your workers that they're so rushed from place to place, not even bothering to wait or to bring the parcels along?

I don't get the point of being here already and then making an excuse to have me drop by the branch, especially during the pandemic- having people gathering and crowding at a tiny indoor space is really a great idea, i guess?
Plus, if i have to pick it up myself, i'd prefer being informed earlier, say, when it arrived at the city and the facility. Having me wait extra days only to receive a notice and then another extra day to pick up just seems so, so, unnecessary and redundant.
I believe that canada post, fedex, intercomm, etc, have all ditched this practice.
02 May 2021 16:07
Honestly the worst delivery company that exists, I don't understand why businesses still choose to work with them. I wish I could give them 0 stars.
27 April 2021 0:33
If you need to pick up a package at this location, make sure to call ahead and ask if this woman: late 50's, purple hair - is working that day. If so, don't bother. I have never met someone so bitter at life. I'm guessing she's dealing with personal issues to be acting like this. She's on a power trip and won't give you your package. She will ask extra unreasonable proofs such as banking statements. What the hell!?
21 April 2021 6:10
Pourquoi la personne n' a pas laissé le colis dans les casiers prévus à cet effet juste devant l entrée près de l'interphone. Ils disent être venus mais personne n a sonné j en suis sur car on fait du télé travail. J ai du aller chercher le colis alors que le principe de payer une livraison à domicile est de l avoir à domicile et non devoir se déplacer mais c'est sur qu en travaillant qu a moitié il doit y avoir d autres plaintes comme la mienne. 1 etoile est bien trop surévaluer. Ne parlons pas de l accueil au centre de retrait.là mon opinion c'est encore plus dégradée
15 February 2021 2:16
Bad. Bad. Bad.
Avoid at all costs. Several “attempts” to deliver none successful. They’re like ghosts you never know they were close. Taking shift on the porch to spot Purolator is the only way to catch them probably. All and all completely irresponsible company with incompetent employees. You’ll have to run to get your package.
14 February 2021 16:51
I paid for overnight shipping and this company left a notice on my door to come pick up the package in a week. When I went to pick it up, she told me that it was in lachine. I drove to lachine and they told me it was back downtown. Waste of time and completely disrespectful
23 January 2021 10:21
Terrible and unprofessional company and employee!

As usual I entered this Purolator location with the notification card and government issued photo ID, and would like to pick up my order. One employee (female around 168 cm) further requested me to provide the corresponding address that MUST be printed on the government issued photo ID. I explained to her nicely that I was staying in Montreal temporarily, and I gladly provided her with my original online purchase receipt which clearly displayed the corresponding address. Interestingly, another customer in front of me did not present any ID and she got her package successfully.

The Purolator employee examined the address carefully and reinforced that any criminals could present the fake ID or address to pick up the package LOUDLY in front of me and other customers. By experiencing this unnecessary embarrassment for the first time in my life, I kindly asked her if I can talk to the manager or the on-duty supervisor. At this time, this employee acted vigorously, and went back to the counter and said "I would not give this package to any customer like you! " I was speechless at the moment, and felt I was treated as a criminal. I stood in the Purolator office for a couple of minutes and I mentioned again I would like to talk to the management team about the case.

After about 10 minutes, this employee finally stepped out the counter with my package and returned it to me. I emphasized I would like to know her name for further report to the upper management team in Purolator, and this time she might realize the little thing can escalate, and she wrote her name on the outside of the package.

As a customer, I have never gone through this kind of terrible experience with other postal carriers. I felt I should not be treated as the second-class citizen in this country, as I am always easily identified as the ethnic minority. Literally I am shaking and crying till now!

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