17 November 2023 1:31
As to my first visit! I really like it. Friendly staff, varaity of products and prices are very good!
04 November 2023 14:05
The dessert section is all-vegan, full of dairy and sweetener substitutes. This seems totally counter-intuitive to me: they serve meat in the store. So no dairy, but meat.
13 March 2023 0:41
Store is clean, well maintained. Fresh produce - raspberries, broccoli etc were delicious. Not a big selection of vitamins/products for kids however. Essential oil section could be slightly enlarged and maybe place more conveniently (because it is currently at a crossroads between isles and someone always needs to pass). Nice for a quick drop in and the only spot in the area of the kind
11 November 2022 5:39
Lots of organic choices, and in general great product line, not the cheapest of course, but not too expensive either! I love them.
26 September 2022 17:50
What a dump. I walked in looking to buy ginger root and i figured I would give this place one last chance. The floor was soaking wet and slippery and there was no ginger root. This place is overpriced with a poor selection of rotting produce. Avoid. It is too bad because the store could have had a lot more customers if they cared about delivering quality instead of insulting us with their rotten salads, limp vegetables, poor selection and lack of basic items. I wish I could shop here in my neighborhood but this place is not worth it. The convenience just isn't worth it when the produce is so bad and often unavailable. Shame.

The only way I will ever go back is if the management admits their failures and apologizes publicly or if there is a public change of management announced and these basic issues are corrected, then I will try this place again. Otherwise, this place gets worse every year and eventually no one will go back and it will probably close since the other options in tmr are way better.
09 June 2022 14:16
J’ai une relation amour/haine avec Rachelle-Bery. C’est l’épicerie la plus près de chez moi donc si j’ai besoin de quelques choses c’est super pratique toutefois il y a beaucoup de produit que je cherche et que je ne trouve pas et disons que je ne reçois que très rarement de l’aide.
On dirait parfois que les clients connaissent mieux les produits que les employés (c’est parfois normal mais peut-être des 5 minutes de coaching ici et là pourrait pallier à cette impression.
J’aime le concept mais je suis souvent un peu déçue.
17 May 2022 4:11
J'ai emené mon contenant réutilisable pour le faire remplir de liquide nettoyant. Le produit a renversé partout car les employés n'utilisent pas d'entonnoir. Ensuite, j'ai dû demander à un deuxième employé de la boutique afin d'être servie pour acheter les produits de maquillage car l'employé à qui j'avais fait affaire est partie sans me donner de réponse.
13 January 2022 22:13
Une bonne sélection de produits pour une petite épicerie telle que RB. Un peu cher par contre.

Par contre les clients qui s'attendent à ce que les caissières vous aident à faire votre sac.alors qu'elles ont encore des articles à scanner. Un peu de bon sens, remplissez vos sacs au lieu de faire travailler encore plus les petites et de faire attendre bêtement les autres clients.
10 November 2020 12:47
Staff, does absolutely nothing. They have workers standing around always. No one helps you with bagging, they don't even ask you if you would like a bag, sometimes they don't even have. Making it extremely difficult to hold each item in your arms while leaving the store. They don't even seem like they care. No one speaks to you in English even if you respond to them in English, they continue speaking in French. I guess the employees don't realize who the customer is. Manager obviously does not know how to run a store. For the price you pay, there should be much better service. The level of intelligence in the store is at an all time low.
08 October 2020 3:20
I used to love going to Rachel Bery. The whole covid procedure is disorganized there however. You don't know when or where to wait and if you enter, at times you are asked to leave as it's filled to capacity. When you are leaving, there's no organized structure as to leaving or entering leaving customers crossing each other's paths rather confused. A few new faces, polite enough but seemingly stressed to the brim. As much as I loved Rachel Bery, I may avoid visiting the now somber store until covid 19 simmers down.
16 September 2020 19:07
The dessert section is all-vegan, full of daily and sweetener substitutes. This seems totally counter-intuitive to me: they serve meat in the store. So no dairy, but meat.
15 September 2020 10:29
I love this store in TMR and always have. An important point to note: during the pandemic the service and safety here has been absolutely amazing. Everyone has PPE, the staff is understanding, patient and super vigilant. And now they even have a complete washing station at the entrance! All clientele is controlled at the entrance. It is all so safe and deeply appreciated. Now that things are opening up so much, it is such a relief to see a store that is not only maintaining protocols but actually upping their game. Myself and family and friends will always appreciate this.
24 August 2020 15:28
Rachel Béry ville Mont Royal:
Comment infantiliser la clientèle lors d’une pandémie.

Premier constat: fin mars 2020, Nous attendons tous à la caisse, à 2 mètres de distance, et à chaque client, la caissière répète la procédure pour passer à la caisse; apres l’avoir entendu 4 fois, j’explique à la caissière que je vais suivre les recommandations mais que je les connais déjà; et non, si on veut passer à la caisse, il faut l’entendre répéter son boniment c’est tout, c’est comme cela que ça fonctionne ou on vous demande de sortir.

Deuxième constat: ce jour. Je viens chercher un sachet de poitrine de poulet. Je suis obligé de prendre un gros panier sinon je dois quitter le magasin, c’est la règle. Je me dis qu’il doit y avoir une logique, mais c’est pour compter les clients dans le magasin. On n’a pas affaire à une grande surface ici, mais un petit magasin de quartier. Bref on me force à toucher un panier en temps de pandémie pour venir acheter un article.

Je n’ai rien vu de tel chez: Métro, épiceries sur la rue Van Horne, Home depot, marché Jean Talon, etc que j’ai fréquentés dans la dernière semaine.

Si vous voulez vraiment bien faire, je vous suggère une recommandation pertinente en contexte de pandémie:
Une entrée qui est également une sortie, où vous pourriez mettre au sol des indications pour éviter aux gens entrant d’arriver face à face avec les gens qui sortent, dont la majorité sont sans masque en plus, ce qui m’est arrivé en quittant votre magasin sans mon sachet de poulet.

Je ne crois plus que je vous visiterai dans l’avenir.

Martine Raymond
09 June 2020 17:23
This store in the Town of Mount Royal is small and suffocating and it is difficult to keep any social distancing. But as residents of the Town, we are mostly shocked and disappointed with its staff during this Covid crisis. After having spent thousands of dollars over months of shopping there, the female staff behaved callously towards my husband, who was a regular customer till yesterday. They had run out of paper bags to buy and supplied him with 2 bags without handles. When he asked for help in carrying the 2 paper bags without handles down the cement stairs, he was refused! Even when he pleaded with them, saying he was an elderly man, they ignored him. We have realized that it is not worth going to this overpriced heartless enterprise. Metro is just as close and better.
16 February 2020 6:57
A pleasure to shop in this well stocked store.
Huge selection of organic everything as well as health food and conventional items, very nice and well stocked produce department with everything nice and fresh.
Friendly staff very helpful and very knowledgeable in helping with supplements, vitamins etc.
Best of all prices are competitive, plenty of weekly specials.plenty of parking right at the heart of TMR.
22 January 2020 5:18
Honestly at these prices the young lady at the cashier could at least assist with putting the grocery in the bag instead of twiddling her thumbs.went there today (27 nov) at 7pm.someone should give her better coaching or do something about her.
12 October 2019 2:21
Staff not very helpful. Manager very pushy towards staff not allowing them to do their job. Sunday shopping selections were poor and shelves empty and not replenished. Sorry that’s all we have without checking the back. Will not return.
16 September 2019 13:56
Effectivement je constate aussi que Rachelle-Béry impose des fruits et légumes non bio depuis cet été. Quel déception. Surtout qu'elle ne le mentionne pas au clients.
17 August 2019 18:59
Great store with a lunch counter with decent pricing! However, the groceries are premium priced.

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