21 November 2023 20:40
J'ai pris un rendez-vous à 10h dimanche. Je ne sais pas comment mais il était pas enregistré mon rendez-vous.les erreurs, ca arrive, mais ils ont accepté à fair mes tests quand même et ça m'a soulagé.
28 September 2023 15:37
On vous donne RDV pour rien. Ceux qui paient avec de l’argent liquide ont la priorité. Pas de respect des horaires ni de l’ordre d’arrivé. Cet une service qui profite du laxisme et des lacunes du système. Terrible, ils le savent, mais ils savent aussi qu’on est pris, qu’on n’a plus d’options.
11 August 2023 12:37
Un grand merci à Madame Dina Edde
Directrice Générale-MEDICA

Pour sa rapidité de retour d’appel, ses explications claires et précises et sa compréhension et empathie
A mon égard.

Il est si rare qu’on puisse avoir un service rapide et efficace
Que cela mérite d’être souligné
24 June 2023 23:28
Expérience catastrophique, aucun respect des heures de rendez-vous, ils arrangent des personnes qui arrivent plus tôt que l’heure prévue et décalent les autres. Désorganisation complète, la personne à l’accueil dépassée, pas d’espace pour attendre, je me suis fait agressée par une autre patiente qui contestait qu’on me fasse attendre avec elle. Ne venez surtout pas à cette clinique qui n’en mérite pas le nom.
03 January 2023 0:28
Absence de professionnalisme.
Est ce normal qu’un match de soccer soir en train d’être diffusé sur le téléphone du technicien durant l’échographie? !
Aucune empathie. Aucune gentillesse
Aucune explication
Le tout après 1: 30 d’attente
18 October 2022 5:50
My experience with them was amazing. I called them to make an appointment to do (repas baryté). The lady over the phone was very nice, patient and very helpful. On the day of my appointment I felt a little bit stressed but the docotor and her assistant were super nice and kind.the process was easy. Thanks for their help. I recommend to visit this place.
15 October 2022 2:38
I’ve gotten my ultrasounds done here for 10 years. This morning I had a pelvic US, for which they require you show up with a full bladder. I was then made to wait 20 mins, after which I let them know I would need to use the bathroom. I was asked to choose between purchasing water and waiting again or rescheduling my appointment.
It would be great if time sensitive tests were treated that way.
29 September 2022 2:22
Je vais à cette clinique (avec une ordonnance de mon médecin de famille) pour toute sorte de tests et examens. Et ça depuis 25 ans! Je suis toujours contente du service, l’attente est quasiment inexistante, le personnel fait preuve du professionnalisme et politesse. Les résultats sont vite envoyés à mon médecin et je peux les retrouver en ligne sur Dossier santé. Je peux aussi demander une copie du rapport des tests directement à la clinique. Ils sont très serviables, je ne peux pas demander mieux pour une clinique où je ne paie rien. C’est mieux qu’en privé.
Bravo et merci à tout le personnel! Et à docteur Eddé aussi.
23 July 2022 8:22
Don't waste your time. I had an appointment at 9: 00 am to have a contrast x-ray procedure. The clinic opened late at 9: 05 am. After giving my prescription from the doctor to the reception, I asked how long would I have to wait for the procedure? Answer was that they would call me right away. At 9.50 am, after waiting another 40 minutes and still not having the promised procedure, I left. The procedure itself takes 30 minutes and I could not afford to wait longer, because I'm planing my day in advance and I have other meetings. If I had read the reviews about this clinic in advance, I would never have gone there.
23 July 2022 6:41
I’m not one to write reviews but this place definitely deserves one. I would like to save people their time. If I could give a 0 rating I would. How a receptionist can call and cancel your appointment 10 mins before you arrive on a Sunday morning at 10 because they say their technician can’t make it because of the roads…personally I really don’t care…tell him to leave on time. The best part is instead of apologizing and being professional being told that it’s no one’s fault…I can tell you it’s definitely not ours but it is the technicians fault…when I can’t make my appointments I don’t blame others and if he would have been late it’s one thing…he just decided to not show up. So obviously he didn’t care for peoples time except his…feel so bad for the people who were waiting in the waiting room.
21 July 2022 2:46
I am a family doctor

sent my patient (a child) for a chest x ray a week ago, still no result

was told by secretary can take up to 10 days to get back result

despite my req clearly saying rule out pneumonia


avoid this terrible center
04 July 2022 4:01
The most horrible experience I have had at a clinic for an ultrasound!
I set an appointment for 1pm and was seen at 2: 40pm.
When reaching to the clinic for my appointment, the reception told me that the wait time would be of 20-30mins. I waited an hour before asking when I would be seen again and was told that I would have to wait another 30-40mins before I would be seen. What is the point of setting an appointment if you will not be seen on time?
Ultrasound technician’s assistant had an attitude and asked me three times whether I had fasted after I had assured her over and over again that I did (acting as though I was completely stupid and clueless about the procedures of an ultrasound). After my ultrasound was done, the assistant literally told me to “get out” which was absolutely NOT called for.
After hearing of this experience, my mother called the clinic on my behalf to set a complaint and spoke with the manager. The manager then called me to complain about my mother and “hear my side of the story”. I did not realize that listening consisted of cutting someone off repeatedly and telling a person that they were wrong constantly, nowadays. The manager literally argued with my story every step of the way and would not listen to what I had to say (like how are you going to tell me what occurred without having been there and not even bother to listen to it from my point of view as someone who was!?). Manager then proceeded to say how a wait time of 1h30 was normal even when booking appointments and that her staff always advises clients about this delay: 1. A wait time this long is absolutely not normal and I have past experiences to support it, 2. I was NOT advised of the wait time (if I was, I would not have booked the appointment).
All in all, Customer service is absolutely wrong all over. The only people who acted with decency in that clinic were the receptionists (it is not their fault that the wait time is this long, it is the awful management and organization of the staff and their system that make it so).
20 June 2022 15:55
This is the worst radiology clinic in the city. I work for doctors and we actually discourage patients from going there. Horrible receptionists, no radiologist on site, very long delays for results. I could go on. DO NOT GO HERE.
06 June 2022 19:15
I had a great experience. First time here. I was helped very quickly by a super nice staff!
I would recommend Ellendale!
03 May 2022 22:28
My experience with them was amazing. I called them to make an appointment to do (hsg test). The lady over the phone (I think her name is Karen) was nice, patient and very helpful. She explained to me all the details and answered my questions clearly. She also called me again a few days before my appointment to remind me and to answer any question I could have. On the day of my appointment I felt a little bit stressed but the docotor and her assistant (Azmeralda) were super nice and kind. They calmed me down and let my stress released. I didn't feel any pain and the process was esay. Thanks for their help. I recommend to visit this place.
27 April 2022 8:03
Terrible service! They make you wait on the phone for over 30 minutes They answer the phone to tell you to wait and then they don’t answer the phone for another 30 minutes! What kind of service is this? What country are we in, Canada or where? Terrible and rude personnel, who should be treated the same way to understand they can’t treat people like that. Very disappointed. Shame on them for such a service. Shouldn’t have gotten this job position. Rude and undisciplined.
05 February 2022 1:11
Great place to do xrays
was in and out, my doctor got the results next day
nice people and nice waiting room
31 December 2021 1:23
Pire clinique désorganisée. On m'y a donné un résultat qui s'est avéré erroné par la suite.
07 August 2021 21:57
I have been waiting since 2 hours. Last 30 minutes I am sitting with the gown on. Waiting for my turn. You ask questions and they show attitude. Worst experience ever. Hope I get done soon. If there is an alternative place possible, don’t book with elendale again.
11 July 2021 15:22
Excellent service pour une échographie, ce n'était pas la première fois et toujours bien traitée et bien reçue, et ce, dans les temps prévus! Merci beaucoup
30 May 2021 10:54
La superviseure du centre, une femme blonde dans la fin quarantaine a passé son temps à enlever son masque et à parler à ces employés sans masques alors que nous sommes en plein pandémie. C'est inacceptable!
09 May 2021 19:24
Quand j ai appelé pour prendre rdv pour une hysterosalpingographie on m a dit que le test chlamydia a une validité de 3 mois, j ai donc concentré mon energie a reprendre rdv pour refaire le test chlamydia. Il s est avéré que c est une condition exclusive a leur cabinet, et non generale. J ai donc loupé l occasion de passer mon hysterosalpingographie a cause de ces directive. De tous les cabinets que j ai appeler ca a ete pour moi la pire expérience, l impression d etre une client plus qu un patient. Quand j ai rappelé pour m expliquer c etait presque ma faute et ont m a dit que j aurais dut continuer de chercehr a acoir un rdv pour mon hysterosalpingographie. Un comportement tres peu professionnel a mon goût. Merci de mieux informer les patients.
31 March 2021 12:48
Éllendale radiology offers an excellent service!
I was there yesterday morning at 10 am for my mammogram and I didn’t wait at all for the appointment. My doctor received the report the same day at 3: 30 pm
All the staff is professional. I highly recommend this radiology
15 March 2021 7:54
This is an experience that my mother had this morning:

I had an appointment at 9 oclock today. When I arrived there was only one person scheduled before me, however another lady came in (who had an appointment at 10) and it seems that she knew the woman responsable for the clinic. They sat in her office and talked and they ended up letting her in before me! Not to mention it took them a whole hour to do her ultrasound, all the while I was waiting for 1 hour and a half before I could even go in. Extremely disappointed with this unprofessional behaviour, just because she knows someone in the clinic does not mean she should have taken my place. I will not go there again.
09 March 2020 16:32
The woman in the front desk got me asking for change through the whole building because they didn't have any. And because I didn't have data, I had to go downstairs to the Japanese restaurant to ask for the wifi password to send them the documents they needed, and the woman in the front desk didn't give me the password saying "they didn't have any wifi".

When they finally accepted me, there was a nurse who didn't speak any english, the only thing she knew was "take your clothes off in there and put this" wouldn't have minded but when I had a problem we couldn't understand each other.

The room of the ultrasound was taken out of a horror movie, and the man who did the ultrasound didn't know much english either.

I understand that I have to speak french in Montreal, but I'm the client and if I feel more comfortable speaking english, the staff has to be able to help me.

In the end, I think the price is good for the service, but I went home that day not wanting to speak to any human being again in my life.
28 February 2020 15:35
I have been a client of Ellendale for the last 20 years. I have recently gone to their new clinic Villeray on Jean Talon. What a great team! The best radiology in Montreal. I have tried a few.and no argument here. MEDICA number 1!
26 November 2019 11:31
Walked in wth no appointment needing radiology and ultrasound exams. Passed me within 2 hours for both of these exams. Very professional staff and technicians. Very satisfied of the service. I take one star away because my doctor didn't receive the ultra sound results even though I called the clinic to follow up and make sure they send the results.
18 November 2019 9:14
2h de retard! J’avais rdv à 9h30 et je suis passée à 11h30. Et encore, que se serait-il passé si je n’étais pas aller râler au secrétariat, par deux fois? Salle d’attente beige, sièges très inconfortables, gens qui papotent fort au téléphone (aucune pancarte pour demander aux patients de respecter les autres), secrétaires qui ne débordent pas d’amabilité (remarque, on les comprend, les pauvres). Déjà que tu arrives stressée parce que tu dois passer des examens désagréables qui t’annonceront peut-être une très mauvaise nouvelle.mettons que ça n’aide pas à humaniser les soins de santé.
28 August 2019 22:48
Bad experience even I am a client for almost more then 10 years, Staff on the reception desk is very bad mood? Have to be trained again, supposed to talk nicely with public if you want to run your your business
24 May 2019 2:39
Not impressed! When I called for an appointment, I was told to be at the clinic for 8: 40am, when I arrived at 8: 30am I was told that my appointment was at 9: 15am. I guess they do this in order to avoid running late. It doesn’t work, 9: 50am and I am still waiting.

My Doctor sent me here (will not happen again), next time I will demand any place but Ellendale!
29 April 2019 20:08
Je suis venue pour une deuxième fois pour une radiographie et je trouve toujours un Service super rapide et personnel professionnel et courtois, et ce sans rendez-vous. Merci Ellendale!
15 April 2019 8:42
Il y a quelques jours, je suis allée passer une radiographie et échographie à la Radiologie Villeray (MEDICA) - nouvelle clinique - meme compagnie que la Radiologie Ellendale. J’ai à peine attendu. Ils m’ont vite reçus. Je trouve qu’en general, ils offrent un service exceptionnel. Je vous remercie!
Mon médecin et moi sommes contents de leur service- il a reçu le résultat le lendemain!
09 December 2018 17:00
C’était ma première fois aujourd’hui à la Radiologie Ellendale.
J’avoue que je ne savais pas trop quoi à m’attendre. J’avais passé le repas baryte ailleurs.
J’étais agréablement surpris par le service chez MEDICA- Radiologie Ellendale.
Mon médecin a reçu les résultats deux heures après que j’ai terminé mon examen - Repas Baryte.
Merci Dr Eddé
Et merci beaucoup à toute l’equipe
Continuez l’excellent travail!
21 October 2018 23:04
I had an appointment schedule for 11, I waited 2 hrs to be seen. Is just disrespectful and pointless.

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