10 October 2022 11:09
Parfait pour tous. Jeux d´eau et modules de jeux pour les enfants, terrains de beach volley. Tranquillité du bord de la rivière. On adore.
07 October 2022 22:43
Wonderful park with many different areas to enjoy. Great picnic spots by the water, a great little resting area to stop when biking the trail that passes through it. That bike path in particular is a great path to follow in from Laval with very limited "dangerous parts". There's a small section of it just before reaching this park that runs directly on the street but I've never had issues with cars while biking it.
12 August 2022 6:11
Je me demande si les jeux d'eau sont ouverts et fonctionnent là- bas? Si non tout est parfait endroit pour chiller manger avec nos proche bien-aimé et faire un barbecue! ️
16 June 2022 22:46
It's a nice spot by a biking trail, free parking, kids Waterpark, water fountain, volleyball court, it's located by the river with a few canadageese visiting the area.
09 May 2022 7:50
I love this parc, it's a small one comparing with the others but it's my favorite
13 January 2022 18:19
Had a morning jogging in it was a majestic trees lovely park and as u can see in the pictures the junction for the freezed and running water and there's a yard for kids. Good place to go in winter and summer
21 November 2021 13:21
One of my childhood parks. Honestly don't find that much has changed in over 40 years. A little worse for wear. However, in all fairness, the water features fountains and kiddy park is very appreciated. A plus is the pavillion that offers toilets. With a little more TLC, this park can become wonderful.
05 November 2021 19:18
Bbq is forbidden. There is just one big table that has a roof and can protect you from rain and snow.
The splash ground is not just for children. I go there with my friends. There is also a sand volyball ground and lots of gees living there.
There are some secluded places near the river to sit and enjoy.
30 October 2021 22:30
Un parc très agréable avec piste cyclable, un espace de jeux pour enfants, ainsi que un coin pour jeux d'eau, présentement il est interdit de faire la barbecue à cause de comportement des gens et des plaintes des habitants a côté du parc.
25 June 2021 20:40
This park is a very great place to hang out with your friends and family. There are two volleyball court available to the public along with a water "park" with washroom accessible to anyone in the park. The water park is a great place to get cold water after a hot session of volleyball. Also, there are a couple of picnic table in place throughout the park. The park is right beside a river with great scenery into it.

The volleyball court is a beach style sport. The sand tends to get burning hot when the sun is up. Therefore, it would be wise to plan a volleyball session during the afternoon when the sun is less prominent.

Also, there are very few parking in the park's parking. Although street parking is very accessible. However, depending on the day you are going, it would be essential to check for parking signs.
13 May 2021 11:32
Beautiful park by the water. A hidden gem. The only thing is there are not enough parking spots.
27 November 2020 1:39
Très beau parc que je découvre au cours d’une petite randonnée en suivant le bord de la rivière.
24 November 2020 14:42
Went there the morning of a beautiful automne day. Spent some good minutes taking photos of the gooses and duck with the reflection of the orange trees on the water.
07 November 2019 19:35
A small park with quite good facilities for kids (summer only). There is a circular trail, with views opening onto the Prairies River. The only downside is the large volume of trash left by less considerate picnickers and "anglers". A variety of wildlife can be seen for those with the patience to wait at the waterside, including turtles, loons, squirrels, marmots, kingfisher, geese, ducks and overgrown koi carp. Busy on the weekends, in summer a grill spot should be grabbed as early as possible. Covered area for bad weather, easy paths, and relative isolation will please most. Please ensure to bring a bag for trash if picnicking. I am getting tired of filling an entire garbage bag every time I visit.
17 October 2019 20:53
Quiet strolls near the water, picnic area and many ducks and baby ducklings to watch near the sandy area by the river
10 October 2019 3:16
There is a good playground for children under the age of eight and a place to play in the water. There's a barbecue and a toilet.a good place for family picnics.
04 September 2019 23:35
Park goes through renovations yet we still enjoyed every minute of our visit. It has a water park for kids with lots of sprinklers and few fireplaces with seating areas. Feed ducks if you like that (not sure if it is allowed) and literally touch the water. Stars for cleanliness of the park.
04 September 2019 12:09
Bonjour, je veux vous féliciter pour les nouveaux aménagements. Les poubelles dans l'aire de picnic devrait être vidé plus souvent. (Incluant le contenant de cendres)

Ps les animateurs du parc me semble de piètre qualité. En 40 min d'entrainement, j'ai vu deux animateurs assis à regarder les jeunes sans vraiment d'intérêt.
04 September 2019 6:00
Very very perfect park It has a water park for kids with lots of sprinklers and fireplaces with seating areas. Park goes through renovations we enjoyed every minute of our visit and can made Barbecue.
I loved it so much
12 August 2019 0:00
A lot of people come here during the summer for family barbecues. Although beware of rising waters during spring.
09 August 2019 5:05
Parc agréable sur le bord de la rivière des prairies. Actuellement en travaux mais possède jeux d'enfants, tables à picnic!
06 August 2019 18:36
The park was undergoing some maintenance when I visited. The toilets were closed and the splash pad was also not functional. They could have done a better job informing the public about this.
The location is good though, and can be a nice place for doing BBQ in summers once the park is fully operational.
02 August 2019 11:58
Grand parc sur le bord de la rivière des Prairies. Paisible. Plusieurs coins dignes de photos. Beaucoup d'espace à l'ombre. Plusieurs modules de jeu pour les petits. Espace de stationnement.
08 July 2019 12:19
Magnifique parc, belle vue sur le bord de l'eau, on ne se sent pas à Montréal! Le coucher de soleil y est magnifique.
04 July 2019 12:33
Très agréable, avions fait un barbecue au bord de la rivère des prairies, gros inconvenient: les moustiques très agressifs à la tombée du jour
23 June 2019 3:59
Nice secluded parc next to the water.
There is a picnic area, a kid play ground and a small but nice waterparc.
This whole area have been rebuild maybe 2 years ago but apparently planning was not done well enough, the parc is now fenced, under construction for the summer until August I've heard.
27 May 2019 20:12
Nous avions hâte de découvrir ce parc au printemps. Très déçu de constater qu'il est extrêmement sale, principalement grâce au manque de savoir vivre de personnes y mangeant ainsi que du nombre pas assez élevé de poubelles.
27 May 2019 6:38
Les toilettes sont fermés! Il y a beaucoup de gens avec les enfants, Picnic, BBQ, pas de l'eau ni de toilettes (

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