27 January 2024 8:41
Today, I had a scheduled meeting with Shayeste Kazemi; I'm not sure if she's a junior or not! However, the issue lies in her limited knowledge of laws and lack of support. I wasted my time and felt very upset as I couldn't meet with a senior person to discuss a loan application. My information surpassed hers, and incomplete details from her led to more confusion. My suggestion is to use experienced staff when seeking loans.
25 January 2024 5:03
Dont invest in precious metals here they have a 30 % markup on silver.your never going to get your return on investment.total fraud
15 November 2023 5:35
ZERO STARS to him and the way he manages loyal RBC clients.

All reviews mention about bad behavior of this branch and after going here I can now confirm.

I recommend to not visit this branch until there is significant change in work-culture at this branch.
08 November 2023 6:36
Depuis un certain temps ke service à la clientèle autant en succursale que sur appel me déçois beaucoup après des années avec rbc je songe à aller voir ailleurs
25 April 2023 17:39
So I’ve had dealing with this clown L Khalil, F. Pl. I Financial Planner and Mutual Funds Representative, Investment & Retirement Planning l find seriously the job title to be a major joke this person is so clueless it’s not funny had dealings with him in 2021 when he was trying to get RRSPs from manulife and bring them to RBC I wish I had listened to my partner and called and complained how slow and useless the transition was, finally was completed after 6 months of back and forth a headache heard nothing from this person anymore for over a year or so then I received inheritance yes it’s my business what I’m going to do with this not his, is it a company policy from this bank to harasse it’s customers? Still waiting for an answer from them but well it’s like talking to the brick wall.
Be warned that this person will ly to you and then in his notes say that everything has been explained when it isn’t. My like of this bank and this specific person is very low.
Oh then as I complained about him I’ve been but in contact with a S Lambert well what a surprise after waiting 7 months they finally complete an investigation where they take no responsibility for there actions but fail miserably to answer,
Why do you harrase customers to invest?
I wanted GICs where the funds would gain interest yearly?
Know I have to wait 3-5 years before any gain.
My disgust for both employees and I have no trust in this bank anymore.
06 February 2023 8:23
En début décembre 2022 j’ai contacté RBC pour un support concernant mon hypothèque.
J’ai été appelé par un conseiller de cette succursale (William Barabé) et pendant quelques jours on a échangé au téléphone puis par courriel. Ensuite silence radio. Après les fêtes (début janvier 2023), j’ai envoyé un courriel à ce conseiller qui m’a répondu qu’il avait oublié de me répondre et qu’il avait besoin d’autres informations. Je lui fourni ces informations le même jour. Et depuis plus rien. Silence radio complet.
Aujourd’hui 06 février 2023 toujours aucune nouvelle. Entretemps moi j’ai réglé mon problème, mais si j’avais compté sur RBC je serais vraiment dans une situation pas confortable.
Un peu de professionnalisme et un peu d’empathie ne vous feraient pas de mal.
02 February 2023 19:35
Absolutely abhorrent service at this RBC! They don't know any words in French or English other than NON/NO. Trying to get service by phone is even worse. I don't know why this bank exists.
04 January 2023 8:39
New rbc branch redesign is beyond anything but efficent.in what world was it a right decision to combine personal and buisness line and reduce amount of tellers.smh

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