12 December 2023 18:47
For a "free" museum, is the best in Montreal. It's small but it has all the best!
07 November 2023 23:37
Wow! Comment en "born and raised" Montréalaise n'étais-je jamais aller au musée Redpath avant? !

C'est une vraie machine à remonter le temps! Juste pour l'architecture, ça vaut le détour. On a l'impression de revenir à l'aire Victorienne! La poignée de porte pour entré est en elle-même splendide.

Les expositions aussi sont vraiment intéressantes. C'est comme un énorme cabinet de curiosités. L'affichage est vraiment de base (impression sur papier blanc), mais j'avoue apprécié cette simplicité qui nous rappelle qu'on a pas toujours besoin du plus beau graphisme pour rendre une expo vivante. Le matériel parle par lui-même. Plus: l'entrée est contribution volontaire donc réellement accessible à tous.

Ma seule vraie critique c'est que c'est un peu sombre. Il pourrait y avoir un peu plus de lumière dans le bâtiment.

Aussi: gare au lève tard comme moi: ça ferme tôt! 16h30!
Aussi, je ne crois pas que ce soit très "mobilité réduite friendly".
18 October 2023 17:40
Our family visited the Red Path Museum in Montreal. Finding close parking was challenging. Please note there are no elevators; the museum spans three floors accessible only by stairs, so it's not stroller-friendly. Leave strollers at home. Despite this, it's a good museum, and we recommend planning for 1-2 hours. Admission is based on voluntary contributions.
18 August 2023 2:45
A wonderful way to spend an hour or so on our brief 3 day vist to Montreal. My family are natural history museum buffs so this place was a must for us. Focused on Candian natural history in an 1882 Greek-Revival building constructed specifically to be a museum. The Victorian feel make you expect to see Charles Darwin (who coincidentally died in 1882) checking out the specimen drawers.
17 August 2023 21:16
Le musée Redpath de l'université McGil mérite une visite à l'intérieur comme à l'extérieur: pour voir ses éléments de classicisme victorien, qui représentent un exemple inhabituel et tardif du style néo-grec en Amérique du Nord.
Profitez de la visite et, à la fin, vous serez d'autant plus heureux d'avoir appris quelque chose, en plus + La visite a cet Musée vous en apprendra beaucoup plus sur L'histoire de la vie sur Terre.
Il possède actuellement une vastes collection de paléontologie, de zoologie, de minéralogie et d'ethnologie (cultures du monde).
Il y a en moyenne 3 millions d'objets archéologiques & ethnographiques remontant à l'Égypte ancienne
(y compris des momies).

The Redpath Museum at McGil University is well deserving of a visit inside & out: to see its Victorian Classicism elements, which represent an unusual and late example of the Greek Revival style in North America.
Enjoy the visit and at the end, you only will be happiest to having learned something new. + on top, After your visit To This Museum, it will tell you much more about the history of life on Earth.
It currently has vast collections of paleontology, zoology, mineralogy and ethnology (world cultures).
There are an average of 3 million archaeological and ethnographic objects dating back to ancient Egypt
(including mummies)
25 April 2021 4:57
The entry to this museum is free. It is located at the McGill campus. It is really a well preserved gem in the city that keeps the history of canada. Definetly, should be added to any traveller’s list while coming to Montreal.
24 April 2021 1:16
I was stunned to have the opportunity to touch dinosaurs' bones! This museum is very informational and magic, especially for school age children! Highly recommended.
07 August 2020 3:15
The Redpath museum was my favorite place to go after my study breaks. Such interesting displays, in a neat museum surrounded by a wonderful view.
05 August 2020 6:59
A great museum with a wide variety of objects on display. From dinosaurs to old playing cards, it's a pretty cool museum and its only a few minutes away from McGill metro.
22 May 2020 10:23
I love the Redpath Museum, from its funky dental advert to its mummified cats and horrid taxidermy. Cleanest toilets in Montreal too, must be because scientists wash their hands.
22 May 2020 7:34
Musée extraordinaire de science naturelle. Un des trésors cachés du Québec. En deux mots. Dinos et Momies!
14 May 2020 10:06
Nice little museum. Great for children and adults. Quiet atmosphere. Don't knock over the dinosaur skeletons.
09 May 2020 5:18
I thought it was an interesting place to check out, it has free admission. It is good to support such institutions so always donate something!

A majority of the things here are rocks sure but there are some other things; Spider crabs, stuffed animals, dinosaur bones, samurai armor, and even a dry mummy.

If your looking for something to do on a budget, this is the place for you.
04 May 2020 19:51
Excellent place to visit with students and family. The school's Ivy League feel brings a new impetus to learning.
25 April 2020 8:58
Very cool museum with lots of different things to appreciate. The fossils are amazing and it's worth visiting, because of all the other exhibitions they have there.
24 April 2020 4:11
Musée dans un décor de boiseries style des films Indiana Jone.

Très belle collection d’objets de sciences naturelles. Beaucoup d’informations à lire sur chacun des objets.

Pierres, fossiles, animaux, squelettes,

Objets de différentes cultures avec information pour expliquer leurs utilisations.

Visite libre qui peut prendre 2 heures et plus.

Prix d’entrée: Contribution volontaire de 10$ par adulte.
30 March 2020 17:04
Little treasure! Knowledgeable staff, shell and rock collections are great as are mammals and mummies.
30 March 2020 7:22
There are definitely a lot of things to see and explore in this museum. One time is never enough to get to read about everythinh they have in there. Great place to go with kids, they will thank you tons of times and, will ask when you'll be visiting it again
12 February 2019 3:44
Been told this is a great place to visit and it’s FREE! Lots to look at, and lots to read. They were renovating and apparently didn’t display a lot of other cool stuff. But walking in where the T-Rex was located, was like me walking into a film set for first Jurassic Park film

Highly recommended! Did I mention it's free?
04 February 2019 21:16
I learnt so much here! If you are around downtown drop by for half an hour and witness the huge triceratop fossil! The exhibits were really informational, and the animals, rocks and fossils were curated so well. There's something for everyone, and I love this place so:) thank you for the people behind this museum!
23 January 2019 13:42
Sympathique musée de paléontologie et d'histoires naturelles. Dans le parc du campus de MC Gill's University.
12 January 2019 9:31
Fascinating building, lots of amazing artifacts and fossils. The building itself is beautiful, the architecture alone is worth checking out. It's also free - donations only.
07 January 2019 0:21
Vraiment top! On y trouve vraiment tout, historicalement parlant assez complet. L entrée est gratuite, on est libre de faire un Don, qui est bien merité pour tout le travail fourni.
06 January 2019 14:38
A small but rich collection of specimen. Great learning opportunity for kids. Never expected such inside an university!
08 December 2018 15:36
Le bâtiment est très jolie, de jolie pièces a voir et tres éclectique. L'entrée est sous forme de don.
07 November 2018 3:43
My 8yr old is obsessed with minerals and this place did not disappoint. A huge collection of minerals and stones. As well as lots of other interesting things to keep us amused. Free entry with a donation at the door, worth noting there's no air con so on a hot day it's pretty warm the higher you climb up the stairs.
04 November 2018 8:05
Ce musée qui se situe au cœur de l’université McGill est gratuit, le programme de conservation ne se finance que grâce au don, et il possède un grand nombre de fossiles, d’animaux disparus empaillés.
Point négatif: pas de climatisation, et il peut faire très chaud.
28 October 2018 4:50
Un musée à l'ancienne avec beaucoup de charme. De nombreuses choses à voir et découvrir. Très bien pour les petits et les grands. Je recommande sans hésiter
25 October 2018 17:48
Pour un musée gratuit, on ne peut que être intéressé par la collection. C'est un endroit un peu austère, mais qui fleure quand même bon le côté rustique de la chose. On est bien d'accord, ne vous amusez pas a comparer ce genre d'endroit avec d'autres musées d'histoire naturelle bien plus connus, vous serez clairement déçus, mais si vous passez dans le coin et avez une heure à consacrer, foncez sans hésiter. On peut y voir entre autres des ossements de mammifères et autres gros cétacés, de faux ossements de dinosaure (sans grand intérêt pour moi) une météorite, des momies, et pas mal d'outil et objets d'anciennes civilisation. Rajoutez a ça un peu de taxidermie et pas mal, même beaucoup (trop on va se le dire) de cristaux en tous genres, et vous avez une heure bien remplie.
11 October 2018 18:48
Very interesting, jumbled collection of cool stuff. Old building so no air conditioning - on a very hot day it made it hard to spend the time needed to look at everything.
09 October 2018 15:32
Really cool space. Very "old school" museum style with lots of cabinets of curiosity and many artifacts you won't find in the average museum today!
09 October 2018 13:20
An absolute must if you're in Montreal. I'm especially fond of their gorgeous collection of minerals and seashells.

Another part I absolutely love is the history of our planet. Very nice explanations for all ages (pun intended!). They also have a huge collection of taxidermy.

They have varied exhibits and the staff there is very knowledgeable; don't be afraid to ask questions!
27 September 2018 23:18
Make a donation on the door. A large victoriana style building houses a big variety of natural history artifacts. An impressive collection indeed! From a life size dinosaur skeleton as you enter the first room to many stuffed animals from Canada. Polar bear, wolf and caribou. Marvel at an actual piece of meteorite A hand written letter by Darwin, a shrunken human head and some Egyptian mummies. This could be a collection from an eccentric victorian's house such is the style and presentation of it all. It has a lovely personal touch. Dare I say it reminded me of ' A night at the Museum'! Things felt like they could actually come to life.loads of fun for an hour or two
08 September 2018 18:36
A small and elegant museum, completely free. There is no air conditioning though so it's literally a sauna inside during the summer. Next time I'll take the kids in the winter or fall

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