07 March 2023 6:51
Pat is amazing and answers all phone calls at all hours of the day. Susanna and Sylvie are very supportive, patient and kind. Stephanie you are truly wonderful as well!
11 March 2022 3:19
My husband and I went to see a property today on Westmore. Her name is Natalia belyaev. She was very unprofessional and was touching my husband patting his back and aking him if he wanted private hebrew lessons. Ilasked her how private? This lady was very inappropriate. We had our own agent. I thinkthis lady needs a lesson in professionalism.
10 March 2022 22:59
Je viens de travailler avec Martin Doiron pour le vente et l'achat de ma propriété. Super expérience, il est dévoué et comprehensible de nos demandes. Je recmmande cet agent.
10 February 2022 23:33
We had Mike Senderak as our agent to sell our parent’s property in NDG. We had to sell this property by the end of this year because of the death of our mother plus we ourselves live in Pointe-Claire. Mike was incredible all the way through. He showed the house to many prospective buyers & constantly kept us updated since we could not always be there. In the end, he got the house sold by the end of the year, as we had hoped. Great work & very professional. Thanks Mike from Lisa & Nick.
03 February 2022 22:26
Je viens de me faire démarcher par une agente qui m'explique pourquoi si je m'engage avec un autre courtier, j'aurai un mauvais service. Elle s'annonce très sûr d'elle avec les mêmes promesses que tous les autres. Je finis par lui dire que je la méthode de dévaloriser les compétiteurs ne me plait pas, elle m'a souhaité un sèchement "bonne chance" et a raccroché. Je me félicite de ne pas faire affaire avec des gens comme ça!
28 November 2021 2:43
I had an issue with one of their agent, Chaza Nouri, and had to call them to solve it. They first told me that they were going to call her and asked me to send all proofs I had. One week later, I called them back, they confirmed having received the documents and will check with the agent. One week later they just started to not answer my calls.
I, then, sent them a formal notice and nothing, now I"m waiting to meet them at the small claims court.
09 August 2021 4:16
Trés mauvaise expérience, Joelle Bitar au début m'appelait pour lui donner le contrat, une fois signé, je ne l'ai jamais vue. C'est pas elle qui montre aux clients la propriété, tu lui pose une question, elle se met a la déffensive et te réponds d'une facon agressive, elle te racontes qu'elle va te vendre ta propriété a un prix plus élevé que le prix affiché tandis que c'est pas vrai, au contraire, j'ai fini par le vendre avec 10.000 $ en moins.le pire, c'est que la journée de la signature, je suis passée seule chez le notaire, son excuse était la Covid, tandis que l'acheteur était accompagné de son courtier.je ne la recommande pas du tout.méfiez vous d'elle.
25 July 2021 19:06
I had a really bad experience with the Broker Joelle Bitar. They are a big team of people who were not transparent with me from the beginning when I tried to buy a condo which they manage. We made an offer but I doubt if they even presented it to the seller. Looks like they rule who they want to sell or buy from just because they are a big broker and they can.
12 July 2021 18:57
I called her to rent a house and she was pushing us for very expensive location. I explained my situation but still she was pushing and pushing and pushing. She isked me to send her my email address to send me different options but she never did and since then she never answered me anymore all because I didn't accept to pay 4000$ rent per month
12 April 2021 5:07
I do not recommend this agency to anyone. Had the worst experience with one of the agents, Natalia Belyaev. She made me sign a contract so we can work together and when I no longer wanted to move forward for many reasons and wanted to dissolve it she was very rude and did not agree to do so knowing I did not want to be her client anymore. Why would you want to hold people hostage in a contract when they no longer have trust in and dont want to work with you? Dont fall for it like I did, most of the agents dont make people sign contracts and hold them hostage and this I know from another Remax agent. To make matters worst, I spoke with the executive officer CIANCOTTI, PATRIZIA and explained everything trying to find a resolution, she never got back to me and I followed up multiple times. Never heard back. You're better off going to another agency!
05 April 2021 1:34
Myriam Gelinas represented buyers and a seller on transactions in our building, and was the most unprofessional, rude, and sloppy real estate agent I have ever had the misfortune of dealing with. We are still cleaning up the mess she left in her wake by providing false and incorrect information to her clients. Steer clear.
17 February 2021 15:28
Très mauvaise expérience également. J'ai été démarché par un de leur supers agents depuis mon annonce sur Duproprio. L’agent avait soit disant un client intéressé pour acheter ma propriété. Je n’avais pas vu que le contrat était irrévocable pour un an (ce qui ne se fait pas en général dans le milieu), et la courtière n’a pas daigné m’en aviser. Ensuite c’était l’enfer, des mensonges de A à Z, l’agent descendait avec arrogance tous ses collègues du milieu, aucun respect. Impossible de me dépêtrer sans payer 2000$ (sans justificatif) pour des prétendus frais marketing et publicité invisibles. Légalement, le courtier doit donner des preuves des frais engagés avant de donner une facture pour rupture de contrat. Mon annonce a simplement été repostée sur des sites « internationaux » sans aucune valeur ni intérêt. Si vous êtes dans la même situation, sachez que la directrice vous écoutera mais ne vous aidera pas, l’OACIQ est également incapable de vous aider puisque vous avez signé pour ça.

Bref à fuir absolument, grand manque de professionnalisme et d’humanité.

Au moins j’aurai appris à être plus vigilant pour la prochaine fois.
15 January 2021 1:14
From the minute I contacted agent Toni Del Peschio over the phone I got this feeling that I had hit a home run. She came to my house the same day and I was extremely impressed with her behaviour. Professionalism appeared to be her trademark. I wanted to sell my place rather quickly. Toni was able to bring in a prospective buyer the same afternoon when he came to visit my place. He showed an interest and came back later in the evening with his wife. The couple was the only one who visited my place and ended up purchasing it. What are the odds of that happening? I never dreamed of it. Toni was extremely polite, cordial and respectful. At the same time my interests were always her number 1 priority in making sure that I would not be taken advantage of and that I could get the best possible deal. Although at times there were a few road blocks Toni always maintained her cool and her professionalism. As a result we were able to close the deal within 3 weeks. I am totally impressed with her style, work ethics and commitment to her clients. In my opinion she passed the test with more than flying colours. If any of you are seeking and agent who can provide the best on every level I highly recommend that you contact Toni Del Peschio. She is definitely the best on the market. Thank you Toni for everything you have done to make my experience with RE/MAX a stellar one.
04 January 2021 1:08
I had a very bad experience with one the agents. She is very rude, unprofessional. I am wondering how such people can get licence and work somewhere! She is very aggressive, arrogant.when I asked her a question about a property she turn into passive aggressive defensive mode for no reason instead of providing answers and be supportive. When she went with the inspector for the inspection for my friend's house all time her main concern was creating and posting on Facebook which is not a behaviour expected! Please avoid this Branch! There are plenty of great brokers out there!
11 December 2020 4:05
Lors des entretiens avec des agents potentiels, il était évident que Alexis Vézina était un cran au-dessus des autres!

Doté d'un grand professionnalisme ainsi qu'une attention bienveillante, il fût la personne idéale pour nous guider dans la vente de notre maison familiale, que nous possédions depuis 52 ans à Outremont.

Merci encore pour toute cette implication Alexis, cela a fait toute la différence!
01 December 2020 0:47
The agent is not selling my property and he does not explain the contact very well and is contact for year other real estate agent do it for 3 month.

Please Don't get caught like me.
04 March 2020 14:09
Nous connaissons Antonietta Delpeschio depuis 15 ans, avant même notre arrivée à Montréal quand nous avons déménagé de Paris.
Toni nous a trouvé notre 1ère maison en location, puis nous a permis d’acheter notre maison principale. Dernièrement, nous avons acheté, toujours avec son aide, un appartement pour investissement. À chacune de ces transactions, Toni a été incroyablement aidante, compétente, généreuse de son temps pour nous aider et répondre à toutes nos questions. C’est une personne aimante et dévouée à son travail.
Nous la recommandons fortement.
Merci pour tout.
Je suis heureuse que la vie nous ait permis de te rencontrer.
18 February 2020 14:53
We lived in California and had to buy a condo quickly for our kids attending a Montreal University.   We were referred to Susana by a friend.   After texting her she quickly narrowed down the possibility of walking distance for our kids school,  told us the pros and cons of each places.went visited the places, she took videos of the building, parking, common areas, and each rooms of the condos describing all of it as she did her walk thru.we made an offer from a distance, and got the condo.   Went last week to clean and paint.we couldn't be happier with the condo she found for us!

Very much appreciate her hard work and great personality! If you are looking for a great realtor who is committed. Susana Stroll is your gal!:)
18 November 2019 13:42
As soon as we met Marwa Mansur we knew she was the right person for our sale. She followed us from A to Z, giving us very professional advices and guiding us to make the right choices. She delivered the most impressive results we have ever seen.
She will be or point of reference for all our next projects.
Great Job!

Massimo & Anna
10 November 2019 21:08
I had an amazing experience with Remax. Marie-Antoinette Del Peschio was always accesible and ready to help us.
13 June 2019 12:23
Great service, friendly environment and people, professional/knowledgeable brokers to work with!
28 March 2019 13:25
RE/MAX ACTION is a very welcoming and professional environment - highly recommended for all of your real estate needs!
09 October 2018 7:49
I had an awful experience with one of their realtors for a wide variety of reasons. When I left a message of complaint to his manager, she didn't follow up with me at all, and I had to call repeatedly and eventually reach a manager at a different location. Avoid them.

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