10 August 2023 16:19
Stayed here in august 2023 for 2 nights, booked relatively last minute after our airbnb booking was cancelled.we had a studio room with private bathroom, which was very basic but clean and totally adequate for what we needed - a place to crash while exploring the city, not somewhere we planned to spend much time.the room got very warm, but two fans were provided plus ceiling fan.free wifi available by asking at reception although this only worked on one of our phones.we were happy with it given the price, which was the cheapest we could find for a central location at time of booking
22 June 2023 1:39
Cette résidence estivale pouvait valoir la peine avant mais avec l’augmentation des prix, c’est vraiment exagéré. Mon studio était sale, le plancher, le
Bureau était poussiéreux, le ventilateur ne sert a rien. Ne prenez
Pas de studio au resto-de-chaussée, ma fenêtre donnait directement sur la
Rue sans moustiquaire donc impossible de faire circuler de l’air. Il faisait 27 degré dans ma chambre. La
Douche était sale, il y a un petit coin cuisine mais vide. Aucune poubelle. L’emplacement est central et à côté de la place des festivals. Le stationnement à 14$ par jour.
18 June 2023 4:17
Staff was entering female dorms w/o notice. Had friends who were caught in their towels as male staff members entered their rooms w/o notice.

You may be lucky enough to be visited by the many bed bugs and cockroaches at your stay.

Bathrooms are unclean and many of the toilets fail to work. There was mildew on the ceiling and the white shower curtains were dyed pink by the mold build up on them.

Counter tops were cracked and covered in holes. Sheets were not cleaned properly.

Staff was kind, but disorganized. No way a stay at this residence should be ~$150 a night. The location is great, but please do yourself a favour and stay somewhere else. The new rates are unfathomable for the service you are receiving.
28 May 2023 0:24
L'édifice est infesté de coquerelles et de fourmis. Une plainte sera deposée à la Ville de Montréal.
27 May 2023 10:41
**Edit: my room has COAKROACHES in it. I was eating lunch at my dorm and my backpack was open on the sofa. I saw a coakroach appear on the sofa and quickly zipped closed my bag and put it away from the sofa and off the floor.
The residence staff are AWARE that this unit has coakroaches, myself and my roommates told them last week about it and nothing has been done. These slumlords are taking advantage of students.

They make you wait over an hour past the time you were told you were allowed to check in just to stat in dirty rooms.
26 May 2023 4:49
Not worth the great location and price. My room #590 has coakroaches in it and no way the residence staff didn't knew ahead of time. My roommate's notified the staff last week but there hasn't been any actions taken yet to get pest control to spray our room or for the residence to take action by relocating us in a room without coakroaches. They probably dont want to relocate us as they make more money from the upcoming tourists during the summer than students that pay at a reduced rate

The front desk is inadequate and make you wait for over an hour just to check in or to get any basic service. They're very disorganized and the rooms aren't even properly cleaned.
24 May 2023 13:09
The rooms are nasty and my friend had coakroaches in their dorm on the 5th floor. Most of the furniture is worn and the sofas have holes in them (where the coakroaches love to hide in). You'd have to purchase a light for the bedrooms as they're dark. The front desk takes over an hour to check in as they're not organized. Overall, don't book a room here even if you're
06 May 2023 20:29
The best thing about this place (as a student) would be the location, and that's all.

Really narrow rooms. Price is normal for that sq ft.

Water issues.

Smell is not good either.

Phones did not work.
It is sort of dim light inside the rooms because of the one wall lamp.

No AC. Stove is old and crooked spiral ones.

Windows won't open all the way (like prisons).

So why people are staying there you might ask? Cuz the price is lower than other studio apartments (not the same Sq ft though) and people are students that can't complain. ALSO, this place is located in a really good neighborhood
21 December 2022 9:22
J'adore ce lieux, j'habite en ce moment là, et je peux vous dire que c'est top, avec un service à la clientèle très développé, en plus les gens sont sympa, et ya une bonne ambiance
07 December 2022 18:46
J'ai été locataire aux résidences de l'Ouest pendant 1 an. Je n'y suis plus et ça ne me manque pas du tout. La fin de se semaine, je retournais chez mes parents parce que je n'étais pas à l'aise dans mon studio. C'était mal éclairé, mal insonorisé et pas vraiment pratique.

On m'a aussi fait déménager de studio en pleine session d'hiver et ils voulaient absolument me mettre dans un studio qui n'avait pas de toilette fonctionnelle. J'ai du m'astiner pour avoir un autre studio avec une toilette qui fonctionnait et on me disait au début que c'était impossible d'avoir un autre studio. C'est soudainement devenu possible quand j'ai insisté pour avoir une toilette fonctionnelle.
24 November 2022 19:40
Les Résidences de l'Ouest sont mal propres à l'arrivé (Plancher crasse, murs tachés, etc.). Les murs sont mal insonorisés donc tu peux entendre ton voisin assez bien. Le personnel rentre parfois dans les chambres sans prévenir.

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