09 November 2023 0:44
Everything about this place is amazing! The food is extremely good and the service even better!
15 October 2023 18:39
I ordered delivery, the regular size chicken pho. It was very small, very bland and there were only 3 small pieces of chicken, the pho noodles were done within 3 bites. Pretty much got bland chicken stock with a side of 3 bite noodles and 3 small chicken bites
21 August 2023 2:21
Je donne: 0/5

Dégoutant, excessivement salé, et clairement pas de la vraie cuisine vietnamienne.

Attention à tous les amateurs de bonne cuisine vietnamienne, je tiens à vous mettre en garde contre ce restaurant frauduleux! J'ai malheureusement fait l'erreur de commander chez eux via Uber Eats, espérant que mon coupon ferait de cette expérience une bonne surprise. Eh bien, quelle déception!

Le prétendu "Phō" que j'ai reçu ressemblait davantage à de l'eau salée avec une dose généreuse de sel et de MSG. Honnêtement, je me demande même ce qu'ils ont pu ajouter d'autre à ce bouillon insipide. La saveur se résumait à une explosion de sel et rien d'autre. Inutile de gaspiller votre temps et votre argent ici, que ce soit en commandant ou en vous rendant sur place.

Même si ces malhonnêtes prétendent avoir changé de "manager", au contraire ils continuent à arnaquer les clients sans vergogne. C'est tout simplement inacceptable!

Pour vous donner une idée de la médiocrité de leurs plats, laissez-moi vous dire que la nourriture servie en classe économique dans les avions est un festin cinq étoiles en comparaison. C'est dire à quel point leur prétendue cuisine est déplorable.

En conclusion, je vous conjure de ne pas faire l'erreur que j'ai commise. Évitez ce piège à tout prix, sauf si vous avez une soudaine envie de vous désaltérer avec de l'eau salée. Restez loin de ce restaurant à la réputation méritée de supercherie culinaire. Votre palais mérite bien mieux que cette imposture gustative.

Soyez avertis, soyez prudents, et surtout, soyez loin de ce restaurant de pacotille!

À éviter: prix, plat, pho, tonkinoise, livraison, commandé, bouillon, sel, rouleau de printemps.
04 July 2023 21:42
Very small portion, even when I chose the extra version for more. The meal almost resembles that from a kids menu. For the price, there are many better options out there. Dont recommend at all
28 June 2023 17:22
Adorable owner, always smiling and making you feel welcome. The meals are very nice and the place is laid-back and calm.
10 April 2023 1:31
Good food for good prices! Super clean place and friendly staff. Only downside was it's not the place to go if you're in a hurry. If you have time, I would recommend. Also, they offer a 10% student discount!
15 March 2023 6:40
Very tasteless and bland for à Vietnamese cuisine. Im shocked.

Portion is also very little. My first and last time.
04 March 2023 16:43
Very exaggerated small portion of food. Will never order from them again and surely will not refer.

Just to give you a idea of what is respecting a client that order to your restaurant. Photo from a other restaurant. Take notes!
22 February 2023 18:28
A synopsis: expensive, MSG-salt water "soup", kitten portions, with tiny Smarties size meat pieces, cigarette size rolls, tasteless, overpriced. I would be ashamed to serve that and charge that kind of prices to customers. The waiter was nice and friendly though but I wasn't looking for a friend going to lunch.
19 February 2023 14:48
We ordered tonkinese soup. It was tasteless. We added a lot of soya, salt and pepper to our taste. Shredded chicken (very few) was awfully dry and bland. Sorry for the bad review but it was really disappointing
29 September 2022 3:32
We found this little spot a few months ago and have eaten here twice already. My husband and I both ordered the lunch special letter "A" (grilled chicken). It comes with a small soup, spring roll, small salad and we both chose steamed rice. Both times we ordered the same thing and both times very happy. I somewhat agree that the chicken slices could be a little bigger but the authentic taste is very good. It's a small restaurant and also clean. Anytime, we're in the area we will definitely return:)

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