06 February 2024 18:04
Un service après vente nul et pas collaborant…J’ai acheté un manteau en août a 50% de rabais et cela m’a couté au total 643$. En fin décembre, je commence à porter le manteau et je remarque en ce moment la qu’il y a un défaut au niveau des manches. J’ai commancé à avoir froid … et après vérification, je me rends compte qu’il manque du rembourrage au niveau des bras. Je contacte Rudsak pour avoir un remboursement, mais ils me proposent une réparation et que le manteau sera évalué par un expert. J’accepte, parce que j’étais fatigué de me battre avec eux pendant plusieurs semaines. Le manteau est envoyé en réparation et rudsak ouvre le manteau au niveau des avant-bras et ils y rajoutent des plumes. Un travail mal fait, on voit la couture pas propre au niveau de là où la réparation a été effectuée et le travail est incomplet. Ils ont fait un effet placebo
Alors, je recontacte Rudsak pour une dixième fois et ils me disent qu’un gérant va me contacter et je n’ai toujours pas de suivi. Pour une marque qui prétend être une marque de luxe c’est du n’importe quoi. Là je demande un remboursement, mais ils font tout pour me décourage, c’est malsain et malhonnête
29 October 2023 0:27

"The initiatives we're unveiling today demonstrate RUDSAK's commitment to being part of the solution while remaining true to our roots as a source for premium luxury outerwear that empowers confidence and style. "

I find it quite funny that when calling customer service about a Manufactural defect scenario, well it has to escalate into the writing of this complaint.
After buying a product that states; and I quote;
-RUDSAK are made with sustainable luxe materials that provide both stretch and durability-
that I am having to have the product replaced after roughly 3 months and no more than 3 times wearing said product.
I am sure that Rudsak will do the due diligence needed to replace said product, although when having to deal with rude customer service and what seems to be inept supervisor on duty today October 30th 2023 at aprox; 4: 20pm that did not want to speak with the client myself and would rather state the ever so famous, tell him that " THE SUPERVISOR JUST LEFT THE BUILDING " a sour taste in my mouth is the least this type of juvenile unprofessional demeanor shows, we as the clients buying this: LUXURY" brand would like to encounter better more proud service.
Should you care to maintain the marking of a luxury brand one would think that you would maintain the standards that one expects of such an encounter or interaction therein with customer service.

I would greatly appreciate a email back in regards to this very horrible experience and one would hope that you can track down whom it is that i am and the email that's allocated to the return / exchange.cheers
02 October 2023 21:27
Je suis aller aller a une vente et je suis très déçu que vous voler l’argent de vos client jai acheter un manteau a 795$ + tx on m’a charger 895+ tx ensuite quand je suis aller me faire rembourser la difference on m’a remis que 60$ et lorsque jai demander une explication on m’a dit que c’était a cause des taxes ce qui ne fait pas de sens c’est de l’arnaque
07 September 2023 14:57
Best costumer service ever.
I had a problem with my jacket and they fixed it less than 10 days.
06 June 2023 1:00
Would love to let Rudsk know that Tasnim is a GEM!
I have visited multiple locations, and met a few of your staff, by far she is outstanding
16 March 2023 14:02
Great quality and service. I ordered a Caira ski jacket and ski pant online and they arrived in just a couple of days, The jacket is a dream and the quality is top notch. It is just as nice and well made as any Goldbergh or Bogner high end ski jacket but less expensive. It is so warm that even skiing in minus 35 I am toasty warm. The pant was too long so I returned it completely hassle free with a prompt refund. Just ordered a 2nd jacket yesterday and it is out for delivery today. Great customer experience and I will definitely buy again.
05 February 2023 11:32
Pire service à la clientèle que j'ai vu. Aucun intérêt à collaborer avec le client autrement que de lui dire de remplir un formulaire sur leur site AVANT la visite en magasin pour effectuer une réparation sur un de leur produit. C'est pas comme ça que l'on garde un client ou que l'on s'en fait d'autre. Ai demandé un rappel du SAC et on a mis 3h à me rappeler pour ne m'être d'aucune utilité. Bye bye Rudsak à jamais!
24 January 2023 6:49
This company does not even deserve 1 star. Worst customer experience I have ever witnessed. I paid over $600 for a jacket in August, only to have major quality issues with the hardware. I submitted a warranty claim and went to their store location to get it looked at. I was told that it would take (3-4 months) to get it looked at and repaired by their team, even though I had just bought it 3 months prior and there were visible quality issues. They suggested I bring it back in the summer to get it repaired and they would notate my account of my situation (so they could not claim it was a user issue later on). I have emailed the Rudsak team THREE times and called multiple times to follow up on this without a response. So disappointing. So unacceptable. I will never be purchasing from this brand again, and I will ensure everyone I know is aware.
28 November 2022 8:02
My first time purchasing from Rudsak online was the worst experience I’ve ever encountered. 3 days before Black Friday I purchased a jacket online that was showing in stock. 2 days later I received an email saying that it’s not in stock and we need to look in a store for this item. If they do not have this item they will cancel on me. I called Rudsak and also sent an email and I was upset. I spoke to an agent on the phone and said I would like to speak to a supervisor or manager. They said they will call me back today or tomorrow. (nobody called) I sent an email stating I want to speak to a manager or supervisor and that for a customer getting cancelled why should I stay and purchase from this company? They wouldn’t offer anything. After arguing with them through email they offered me 10% off. That was the biggest slap in the face. Not only this, I expressed my frustration that nobody reached out to me and 10% doesn’t even cover the taxes. When I went back on the site guess what? The jacket was showing back in stock. They cancelled my order after a day after they sent the email even though the email stated that it wouldn’t cancel up to 8 days. The jacket came back a day after they cancelled my request and now I had to make another purchase and spend more money. For someone who works with customer experience in person and over the phone this is an extremely unsatisfactory experience for any client and my experience has grown sower. I hope nobody goes through this type of experience and someone can provide this feedback to improve on the client experience.
24 November 2022 14:00
I've emailed Rudsak several times regarding 2 of my coats that went in for repair. I was promised to have them expedited and delivered to my house by last week and I still have not heard anything. I can't get through to any of their numbers and am in desperate need of my coats as it has beens over 2 months since I've sent them in and I'm cold! I keep sending emails, pleading for an update and no one is responding. I can't believe this is how they treat loyal and long existing customers. Such a disheartening experience.
24 November 2022 3:34
Le service à la clientèle est exécrable, les réparations prennent une éternité (cela fait 2 mois que j'attends des nouvelles de mon manteau en réparation, manteau d'une valeur autour de 2000$). Les vendeurs sont d'une attitude très hautaine et ne semblent pas intéressés à aider le client dans sa recherche de solution.dommage, j'aimais beaucoup soutenir une marque locale de mon pays.
Pendant que j'écris cette revue, un autre client s'est présenté pour la même raison que moi: aucun suivi sur mon manteau en réparation depuis des semaines (je me retient de dire mois)

En passant @rudsak, je suis consultante en gestion du changement - et contrairement au staff - je suis disposée à vous aider à trouver une solution à ce problème majeur de service à la clientèle!
13 November 2022 1:11
Horrible customer service. Website doesn't reflect actual inventory and will let you order out of stock items that will not be fulfilled by Rudsak.

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