21 January 2024 0:51
A captivating spot to explore when in Montreal, even as a local, I enjoy strolling to the summit and taking in the breathtaking view. Please be aware that it's currently undergoing construction, so it's uncertain whether access to the top is available. During my last visit, it was also under construction but there's a possibility it might be temporarily closed now.
13 January 2024 13:12
Amazing building. It makes you feel incredibly small both inside and out. Free admission is icing on the cake.
11 November 2023 13:18
This is a quiet place. Visiting at different times brings different emotions. Such a magnificent building must have the support and dedication of many predecessors!
Although many projects are in progress, we can see the intentions of those in charge. The square is like a garden, with stairs rising step by step, making people feel closer to God step by step. I am not a believer, but the feeling is strong!
The interior space is solemn and solemn, revealing the sacredness of religion. The heart of piety arises spontaneously, and kindness is induced to lead people to be kind, successfully creating a peaceful atmosphere!
Everyone should come here to learn humility, learn to look up to the saints, help the world become more peaceful, and return the original peace and kindness to the world!
11 November 2023 7:53
Beautiful from Outside, inside it had nothing. Even water tapes for drinking water not working. More like a church mall where expensive things are being sold. I'm giving 2 stars only because of its outer architecture.
11 November 2023 6:07
Endroit très intéressant à visiter si vous êtes de passage à Montréal ou simplement pour pardonner vos pêchées.
18 August 2023 9:49
Huge, beautiful, with a beautiful work on immigration in the viewpoint. Read the story that represents the times of immigration that are in your characters
26 July 2023 6:17
Magnifique lieux. Tout à fait splendide. Ça vaut largement l'effort pour arriver tout au sommet à moins qu'on prenne la navette gratuite.
18 February 2022 13:23
Bâtiment religieux et historique emblématique de Montréal. Très agréable à visiter. Architecture de haut niveau. L'endroit est très visité par les touristes.
17 February 2022 5:27
The place is huge and have lots and lots of details and history in it the only thing I didn't like was that there was no demonstration about the place and the history behind it and lots of the writings was only in French with very little ones which was translated into English
16 February 2022 23:57
Must view place regardless of religion. The size of this is just immense, pictures don't do justice. Also the view of MTL from this high of an elevation is just spectacular!
10 February 2022 13:29
No1 place in Montreal, what a experience this was. The substructure was amazing. Perspective of the sight is eyes pleasing.
27 January 2022 17:26
Très belle vue, en particulier depuis les escaliers pour admirer la ville et les couchers de soleil en été!

il y a une navette depuis le parking pour monter tout en haut, ou alors le faire à pied pour les plus sportifs!
18 January 2022 11:17
Nice place to visit for all. They just keep allowing cars even though the park space is full. Could be monitored a little bit better.
Parking is 5$ donation (all day).
09 January 2022 2:05
Beautiful oratory
The mass was peaceful
Lot of construction going on but still a peaceful place to be.
05 January 2022 19:19
Honnêtement: un des meilleurs points de vue pour les sunsets à Montréal! Entre la vue et l'arrivée des avions au loin, on ne peut pas être deçu.

La montée pour y aller est assez intense mais la satisfaction d'arriver surpasse largement l'effort.

Attention: avec les travaux, l'accès ne fait plus par l'avant mais bien par le Chemin Kingston! (une navette a été mise en place pour la montée si jamais).
30 December 2021 21:38
Beau paronama sur Montréal
l'Oratoire vaut le détour. Son orgue est impressionnant ainsi que la crypte.
Petit bémol, en cette année 2021, des travaux sont en cours pour refaire les escaliers qui amènent à l'Oratoire. Une navette gratuite vous monte jusqu'en haut (peu d'effort à fournir!)
28 December 2021 21:50
It is such a beautiful church. I loved the architecture. They have 6 levels but some levels are not accessible. They also have a panoramic view of the city from the 3rd level. Currently they have some construction going on and getting a parking spot is difficult. They provide shuttle service every 10-15 minutes if parking is not available near the church. They also have a small cafe in case you want to grab a bite.
They request for a $5 donation at the entrance except on Sundays. I visit this place every time I visit Montreal.
19 December 2021 23:57
Beautiful, very interesting how they build it. Really recommended to visit st. Joseph oratory if you are in Montreal, it’s a must see.
18 December 2021 5:42
Wish more of the facility was open, and it seems a little run-down, but it's free and the basilica is beautiful. Check out the little chapel in the parking lot, too. Couldn't understand why the bell recital could only be heard via speakers from the ugly parking lot (or at least that's what I was told).
14 December 2021 9:56
A very grand church, with a lot of amazing pieces of art reflecting religious history of Christianity. We visited on Saturday and it was free to visit. It has a very big souvenirs shop with a very good collection of bibles and other religious books.
26 November 2021 22:21
Under construction. The candles aren't real. I didn't see the big statues that were there in my youth. Was very disappointed.
13 October 2021 14:36
Definitely visit if you are in Montreal. You can see the city from right outside the church. There is enough parking available for most of the time
21 April 2021 12:50
L'endroit est mythique sur tellement de niveaux. Sa copie de la Place St-Pierre de Rome, ses sentiers sinueux entourant l'église, ses marches où tous s'éreintent pour obtenir une faveur du Créateur ainsi que sa chapelle contenant un orgue d'une qualité sonore.
09 April 2021 20:27
Not as stunning as the Notre-Dame Basilica but more imposing and plain. The proportions are gargantuan. Doesn't seem as welcoming either, sorry to say. But I make it a point to visit every time I'm in Montreal. Walking up the stairs is quite an exercise! I run into the locals often, there are many regulars from the area who visit this place.
14 March 2021 8:28
Saint Joseph’s Oratory of Montreal is a powerful sight! It can be see from all over Montreal.it is THAT big! The interior is just as amazing as the exterior! There is so much detail on the inside. I would love to get a guided tour next time! The view from the top looking out over Montreal is worth the walk up!
24 January 2020 13:59
Dispose d'une somme de 900.000 euros ou dollar dont il voudrait faire une donation à une personne de confiance et honnête afin qu'elle en fasse bonne usage et que vous allez utiliser pour aider les orphelins et toute personne en situation difficile en construisant un petit entreprise, ou des centres d'aides afin que les chômeurs  puissent travailler. Tout compte faire, il souhaiterait que son objectif soit accompli quel que soit le pays dans lequel le projet sera établi.
09 October 2019 2:38
Mon amie et moi sommes restées pendant 2 heures 30. NOUS Étions très heureuses d'être présentés à 2 messes. Nous remercions le Seigneur d'avoir fait un beau voyage aux Îles de la madeleine. Très belle visite.
08 October 2019 2:55
First time going. I went by myself it's beautiful and the garden is lovely. You definitely need an hour or two to really explore the place. So far they are doing construction so my picture aren't the best. I will go again sometime before the end of this year. Parking is great 5$before 5pm and free after.
03 October 2019 8:27
Beautiful and beautifully located, visitors must climb more than 280 steps to get to the main entrance. There is escalator to get to the top. Very accessible via bus, 30-40 min walk from downtown Montreal. We walked from Guy Street, and it was fun.
19 September 2019 1:46
I routinely come back three times a year: two sunsets on the longest and shortest day of the year and one Christmas Eve event. It has the best sunset spot in Montreal. Love the place.
18 September 2019 6:15
Great views of Montreal from the top of the Oratory. Quiet place of worship and viewing the architecture! Great historical stories connect this place!
12 September 2019 11:50
Master piece of building, amazing location. Should be a mandatory visit to every architect and photographer student. Very touristic place for everyone who visits the city. Parking is not that expensive and it's the only thing you need to pay for.
Obra maestra de edificio, increible localizacion.
Deberia ser una visita obligatoria para todo estudiante de arquitectura y fotografia. Lugar muy turistico para todo aquel que visite la ciudad. El parqueo no es tan caro y es lo unico que se paga.
31 August 2019 0:53
An amazing church with many different areas to see. I loved the statue of Mary. I couldn't believe they had the heart of brother Andre saved! The views from the front steps were wonderful.
30 August 2019 21:38
Super endroit, la vue est à couper le souffle
Surtout au couché du soleil
Pleins de choses à voir.je conseil d y faire un tour même si on est pas chrétien ou croyants
28 August 2019 14:42
C’est Oratoire domine toute la ville de Montréal, c’est vraiment un beau lieu à visiter l’architecture est sublime et le tout est gratuit. Vous pouvez néanmoins faire une donation en l’honneur du frère André. Il y a également des messe qui se déroule tous les dimanches.
23 August 2019 6:29
A place to visit!
À visiter!
Vous allez connaitre l’histoire et la contribution de frere André et son rôle dans la construction de l’oratoire!
Une vue panoramique sur Montreal!
A beautiful vue on Montreal!
04 August 2019 16:07
Super belle découverte. J'ai adoré voir ce majestueux endroit et en apprendre davantage avec la visite guidée. Cependant, quelques unes de nos questions sont restées sans réponse.
09 February 2019 19:08
Bâtiment religieux très impressionnant! Bâti en hauteur, il offre une vue panoramique très belle, et l'intérieur est vraiment immense.
C'est un endroit à visiter absolument si on est sur Montréal, que cela soit en été ou en hiver!
19 January 2019 10:09
Awesome! The place reminds the sacrificial service of Gods servants did almost a century ago, when there are no facilities that we have today. All Glory to LORD!

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